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Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:

A friend who knows Sattaur well said she is a professional.  Lawyer Bond of the  terrorist wing had called for the sacking of GRA Sattaur and Lands Sattaur. He probably thought they were related.  They are not.


If this lady did wrong, she must go.  Govt must say why she gets fired.  


The problem is so far, I have not seen any sensitivity to diversity.

Every guyanese who ever went to that place with a dispute or who lost their property by the pervasive fraud ongoing in property ownership called for her to go.

Originally Posted by Zed:
Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by VishMahabir: idiots are so giddy that this government is so vindictive. Its mostly Indians the coalition are going after. They are showing their true colors. Cheddi Jagan never did this in 1992. Mandela never did this. Where is the change and compassion and the good will that this government brought to the office after May 11th? 

See now, had the PPP hired blacks, they would now be blacks to fire.

Just a reminder that the PPP government hired Olato Sam as CEOs of the ministry of education. There has been no improvement as evidenced by the cxc. Grade 6 results. But he is still there as ceo. Why is he still there?

Plumpy manickchand was there touting the great strides we were making so if Mr Sam was a dead weight why was he not kicked to the curb then? Should he go now because other Indians in ministries or positions attached to a corrupt regime are being prune? The PPP practiced almost total ethnic politics ( not one black represented us overseas as ambassador for example until recently). Because most functionary were nepotistic implants why should the incoming regime keep them?

Originally Posted by VishMahabir:
Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by VishMahabir:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
The PPP has no one to blame but themselves. Likewise Indians have no one to blame for themselves. They are reaping the 23 year decimation of the Indian population.

Now ayuh skont can spend ayuh days cussin out ROAR and Ravi Dev till the cows come home.

I am doing some research on ROAR. They seem to have a good plan for the development of Guyana. People dubbed them racist but ROAR, as far as I can tell from what I am reading, was not about domination of Africans...they were seeking to protect Indians....which is not a bad think in a divided society like ours. Unfortunately, Indians threw them under the bus and voted for the PPP. So I would say Shaitaan, for the first time I agree with you, Indians made another mistake not supporting ROAR. The party won a seat in Parliament.

I told you before, get yourself together with Shaitaain and you guys start up your own CPP (Confused Peoples Party)


Your one liner and insultive remarks reveal your true colors. I dont know you from a hole in the wall but its easy to talk crap when you hide behind a camera and a fake name. I am saying this again slowly for you to understand...the   PPP   was   never   vindictive   when    Cheddi    came    to    power  in   1992. This kind of vindictiveness will not heal the rift between the two major race groups in Guyana. Expose the corruption yes, but do not engage in witch-hunting and vindictiveness. The country needs to heal. I am sure you read the post here by "Dondodda". But I guess, words of wisdom cannot penetrate your brick head.

You are the one in ignorance hold ROAR as your flag bearer. Cain was here arguing with many in their ranks and understands that ROAR do us non indians would be like the American be rejected en toto. It is not about brick head or supporting witch hunting but being astonished that in light of the PPP naked corrupt practices many of you come out of the wood work to complain about their implants being removed. That is to be expected and your idea that the PPP kept the PNC hires is bunk. They kicked all of them to the curb and among them some very good people. Indeed, the APNU will also remove some good people but Mrs Satteur, familiar as she is to many of you, was head of a very problematic agency. The land Registry is broken. It should have been digitized a long time ago and its operations should have been the most transparent of agencies around since it is fundamental leg to the stool that holds up democracy. Every one of you have family that lost property or were defrauded on account of lax regulations in this area so quit yapping that the head of it is being lopped off. She had to go.

Originally Posted by VishMahabir:
Originally Posted by VishMahabir:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by VishMahabir:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by VishMahabir:

I am doing some research on ROAR. They seem to have a good plan for the development of Guyana.

Yes their leader damned Africans as violent savages and often screamed that they had nothing positive to offer Guyana.


Why then would I be surprised at your angst that "ahbe collie not pan tap no more".

More hatred and racist remarks from another knucklehead

Ravi Dev wrote a whole bible on the inherent violence of Afro Guyanese and then you call me the racist.


Now in your simple and racist mind, can you explain what I wrote that was offensive?  Is it that I remind you that Indo domination of Guyana is over that offends you?  Well why should 20% of the population (Indian men) dominate all aspects of life in Guyana?

You need to go back and reread your posts and the language you are using. It is triumphalist. You may want to find a report called the GIFT report. Does Wismar ring a bell to you? I am sure if the PPP had won this elections GT would have been in flames and Regent Street would have been in flames.


No one is saying that the leaders of the PPP is a saint. There is blame to go around on all sides. How far back in history do you want to go?


You seem to forget that 200,000 people, half the country did not vote for this regime. Dont fool yourself, this government is not a "national unity " government. But I guess, in your mind, Blacks now have the right to "kick some Indian asses". Where the hell do you get off saying the Cheddi Jagan was vindictive.? Cheddi was a forgiving man.

Furthermore, the nonsense that is going on in Guyana today isonly possible because there is a perception that Indians are docile and of the Ghandian mentality. It is only when they change their attitude and become more militant will they be respected for who they are.


You guys throw your crap on this forum and expect others to swallow everything you say. Worse, you do not even live in the country but pontificate from afar.   

More bullshit from you. A bull in a field shorting and digging up dust is as ominous as a pit bull patrolling the grounds. Indians are no less docile than any. That is the myth of sacred victimization being projected to predicate saints where there are none. Wismar did not happen in a vacuum. Indians were chopping up black people in Tain before that. Now don't let me get off on Gandhi true personality and not they myth.


Presently, Indians run all the drug cartels and hire all the enforcers and on that account created a nasty drug culture that left us populated with junkies everywhere. A junkie is a mad dog and be they Indian or black or Amerind they are walking dead with nothing but thievery and violence in their minds. They are everywhere in guyana. Piracy which has killed dozens is not a black crime trajectory. You will find one of the more violent mass murderer here in the personage of an indian. 


We need to look our problem in the face and it is not about good and bad race but greedy and nasty people on both sides. We are not a people gifted with firm moral groundings. We are all easily given to a culture of bribe or greasing palms to get things done rather than standing in line to complete the task. Everyone speak of "lines" meaning who they know to get a thing done and  not of process.


The PPP were not any better than the PNC. They were kleptocrats of the more prodigious kind. And worse they were bare faced crooks who still defend their crookedness that the world can see as "good" government. And lacking some miracle the APNU-AFC will hardly live up to expectations because it is  the same  rotten and  nasty people in general it has to attempt to govern and they inherited that bloodline.  I also doubt they will fare better than the PPP. We have not heard much on the grating issues that ails us since they came to power and there is not a history of sound analysis in the public domain that came from the minds of any among ther ranks.   We are on track to repeat the past unless Granger is indeed Jesus.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by VishMahabir:


You guys throw your crap on this forum and expect others to swallow everything you say. Worse, you do not even live in the country but pontificate from afar.   

I see that you all expected that the 60% of the population which isn't Indian, would have tolerated Indian racism indefinitely.


Sorry to let you know.  They did NOT!


Now go and wallow in your tears that you can no longer scream "ahbe pan tap" when a group (Indian males) exercised 100% dominance of Guyana in a public/private cabal to ensure their continued control.



I have no interest in your whining and will treat you just as people like you treated Africans when they complained about PPP racism.


1. Look, during the PNC dictatorship, all appointments were political. Even entry into UG. If you did not have a PNC party card, you did not get anywhere. Scholarships. Government contracts, land. 

2. When the PPP came in to office, there were many square pegs in round holes as evidenced by the poor state of the economy, the atrocious state of the physical and social infra-structure, high crime rate, high national debt, etc.

3. Though Cheddie was not vindictive, there were some people who had to be moved because they were deemed to have poor performance. Evaluation reports often did not exist or poorlly done or were politically influenced. Still, the majority of people in government employ were retained even though they were political appointments. If my memory serves me correct, the IMF had demanded a reduction of the public service.

4. Do not tell the Guyanese people having to do business at the lower levels of the public service that these people have no power, or even tell these government officials that they have no power. The same for UG, the police force, etc. Those who argue otherwise have no understanding of power within a bureaucratic structure and maybe have done no business with government in Guyana.

5. some numbers are thrown around here as if they are going out of style. Where did people get 60 percent opposing the PPP "discrimination" when nearly 50 percent voted for the PPP. How did they get the 20 percent if East Indian men controlling the country. What is the source? Not made up, I hope. How have they determined that the great majority of mixed voted for PNC/APNU/coalition? Where is the study that shows that Esast Indians or any other group voted solely on race. How then do you explain the failure of ROAR or Balram Singh Rai to make traction amongst East indians because both of these were more pro-Indian than the PPP.

6. The government or others cannot validly claim a national unity government if it does not have the support of approximately half of the population and if there is the perception by this part that the government is firing people because they are supporters of that party or of a particular ethnic one has answered my question of why retain Olato Sam where there are clear signs that he is ineffective in his job while others are being fired when there are not obvious job performance issues.

Originally Posted by VishMahabir:
Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by VishMahabir:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
The PPP has no one to blame but themselves. Likewise Indians have no one to blame for themselves. They are reaping the 23 year decimation of the Indian population.

Now ayuh skont can spend ayuh days cussin out ROAR and Ravi Dev till the cows come home.

I am doing some research on ROAR. They seem to have a good plan for the development of Guyana. People dubbed them racist but ROAR, as far as I can tell from what I am reading, was not about domination of Africans...they were seeking to protect Indians....which is not a bad think in a divided society like ours. Unfortunately, Indians threw them under the bus and voted for the PPP. So I would say Shaitaan, for the first time I agree with you, Indians made another mistake not supporting ROAR. The party won a seat in Parliament.

I told you before, get yourself together with Shaitaain and you guys start up your own CPP (Confused Peoples Party)


Your one liner and insultive remarks reveal your true colors. I dont know you from a hole in the wall but its easy to talk crap when you hide behind a camera and a fake name. I am saying this again slowly for you to understand...the   PPP   was   never   vindictive   when    Cheddi    came    to    power  in   1992. This kind of vindictiveness will not heal the rift between the two major race groups in Guyana. Expose the corruption yes, but do not engage in witch-hunting and vindictiveness. The country needs to heal. I am sure you read the post here by "Dondodda". But I guess, words of wisdom cannot penetrate your brick head.

HAHAHA  Bhai, Leave Cainster, the DOPE frig up his head.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:

A friend who knows Sattaur well said she is a professional.  Lawyer Bond of the  terrorist wing had called for the sacking of GRA Sattaur and Lands Sattaur. He probably thought they were related.  They are not.


If this lady did wrong, she must go.  Govt must say why she gets fired.  


The problem is so far, I have not seen any sensitivity to diversity.

Every guyanese who ever went to that place with a dispute or who lost their property by the pervasive fraud ongoing in property ownership called for her to go.

Property disputes should be dealt with in the Land Courts.  

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Dondadda:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by VishMahabir: idiots are so giddy that this government is so vindictive. Its mostly Indians the coalition are going after. They are showing their true colors. Cheddi Jagan never did this in 1992. Mandela never did this. Where is the change and compassion and the good will that this government brought to the office after May 11th? 

The lady was definitely crapola. She got what she deserved. The agency is a mess. This has little to do with what race she but if that is to be considered she got there on account of that and not professionalism.

You don't know Juliet. I do. We were all recruits through the Public Service Commission in 1972. We even worked in the Law Courts together. She earned her position. She took no bribes. On a visit to Guyana recently, I drop by to say hello and this well known PNC lawyer went up to her and tried to bribe her to expedite a matter. She bluntly refused. It's really sad to see this person who gave 43 years of her life to Public Service go like this.

going there to get things done is on slow time. I do not care if you know her and you like her and believe she was professional and also I do not have to know her. I have to get a simple thing done and she is the functionary who is there to facilitate it not to be an pompous bitch with a pole up her backsides to be greased at her discretion. She is suppose to be served not serviced.

If this is your rationale, then everyone in the entire Guyana Public Service, Agencies and Commissions should be fired and sent on leave pending investigations of fraud. Have you gone recently to the NIS - that place is the Bribery Headquarters in Guyana. Why is the head not gone?

Originally Posted by VishMahabir:
Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by VishMahabir:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
The PPP has no one to blame but themselves. Likewise Indians have no one to blame for themselves. They are reaping the 23 year decimation of the Indian population.

Now ayuh skont can spend ayuh days cussin out ROAR and Ravi Dev till the cows come home.

I am doing some research on ROAR. They seem to have a good plan for the development of Guyana. People dubbed them racist but ROAR, as far as I can tell from what I am reading, was not about domination of Africans...they were seeking to protect Indians....which is not a bad think in a divided society like ours. Unfortunately, Indians threw them under the bus and voted for the PPP. So I would say Shaitaan, for the first time I agree with you, Indians made another mistake not supporting ROAR. The party won a seat in Parliament.

I told you before, get yourself together with Shaitaain and you guys start up your own CPP (Confused Peoples Party)


Your one liner and insultive remarks reveal your true colors. I dont know you from a hole in the wall but its easy to talk crap when you hide behind a camera and a fake name. I am saying this again slowly for you to understand...the   PPP   was   never   vindictive   when    Cheddi    came    to    power  in   1992.

Not true, Vish. I've already posted on this BB the names of many Afro-Guyanese who lost their jobs after the PPP got in government in 1992.

Among them were some of my friends including Ronald Austin from Foreign Affairs Ministry, Adam Harris from Chronicle, and Clem David and Ave Brewster from the state-owned radio station.

Regarding Juliet Sattaur, I don't know her but I'm accepting Don's word about her integrity.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Dondadda:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Dondadda:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by VishMahabir: idiots are so giddy that this government is so vindictive. Its mostly Indians the coalition are going after. They are showing their true colors. Cheddi Jagan never did this in 1992. Mandela never did this. Where is the change and compassion and the good will that this government brought to the office after May 11th? 

The lady was definitely crapola. She got what she deserved. The agency is a mess. This has little to do with what race she but if that is to be considered she got there on account of that and not professionalism.

You don't know Juliet. I do. We were all recruits through the Public Service Commission in 1972. We even worked in the Law Courts together. She earned her position. She took no bribes. On a visit to Guyana recently, I drop by to say hello and this well known PNC lawyer went up to her and tried to bribe her to expedite a matter. She bluntly refused. It's really sad to see this person who gave 43 years of her life to Public Service go like this.

going there to get things done is on slow time. I do not care if you know her and you like her and believe she was professional and also I do not have to know her. I have to get a simple thing done and she is the functionary who is there to facilitate it not to be an pompous bitch with a pole up her backsides to be greased at her discretion. She is suppose to be served not serviced.

If this is your rationale, then everyone in the entire Guyana Public Service, Agencies and Commissions should be fired and sent on leave pending investigations of fraud. Have you gone recently to the NIS - that place is the Bribery Headquarters in Guyana. Why is the head not gone?

These FOOLS like to sit here and talk SHIT without knowing anything. Only last week a relative went to get the Certificate to cremate a love one. They paid the FEE and sat for hours, everytime they approach the clerk, they were told to wait, a friend who was with her, told her that when her Uncle died she gave them a "Smallpiece" and she got it right away. So she approached offered 10000 dollars and Wallah, the document was handed over.  You cant even bury yuh friggin dead in peace!!!!!!!!!!!!

Last edited by Nehru
Originally Posted by Dondadda:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:

A friend who knows Sattaur well said she is a professional.  Lawyer Bond of the  terrorist wing had called for the sacking of GRA Sattaur and Lands Sattaur. He probably thought they were related.  They are not.


If this lady did wrong, she must go.  Govt must say why she gets fired.  


The problem is so far, I have not seen any sensitivity to diversity.

Every guyanese who ever went to that place with a dispute or who lost their property by the pervasive fraud ongoing in property ownership called for her to go.

Property disputes should be dealt with in the Land Courts.  

there are disputes in conversions and the PPP never saw fit to sit a land court judge until recently and those are concerned with prescriptive jobs. If the abilitu to make dubious claims for ownership of lands before the Registry then such an epidemic of thievery would not be facilitated.

Originally Posted by Dondadda:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Dondadda:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by VishMahabir: idiots are so giddy that this government is so vindictive. Its mostly Indians the coalition are going after. They are showing their true colors. Cheddi Jagan never did this in 1992. Mandela never did this. Where is the change and compassion and the good will that this government brought to the office after May 11th? 

The lady was definitely crapola. She got what she deserved. The agency is a mess. This has little to do with what race she but if that is to be considered she got there on account of that and not professionalism.

You don't know Juliet. I do. We were all recruits through the Public Service Commission in 1972. We even worked in the Law Courts together. She earned her position. She took no bribes. On a visit to Guyana recently, I drop by to say hello and this well known PNC lawyer went up to her and tried to bribe her to expedite a matter. She bluntly refused. It's really sad to see this person who gave 43 years of her life to Public Service go like this.

going there to get things done is on slow time. I do not care if you know her and you like her and believe she was professional and also I do not have to know her. I have to get a simple thing done and she is the functionary who is there to facilitate it not to be an pompous bitch with a pole up her backsides to be greased at her discretion. She is suppose to be served not serviced.

If this is your rationale, then everyone in the entire Guyana Public Service, Agencies and Commissions should be fired and sent on leave pending investigations of fraud. Have you gone recently to the NIS - that place is the Bribery Headquarters in Guyana. Why is the head not gone?

It is one of my reasons and also if it exists in the culture leaders are necessary to change it not facilitate. Where bribery exists is because of administration and the people.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Dondadda:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Dondadda:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by VishMahabir: idiots are so giddy that this government is so vindictive. Its mostly Indians the coalition are going after. They are showing their true colors. Cheddi Jagan never did this in 1992. Mandela never did this. Where is the change and compassion and the good will that this government brought to the office after May 11th? 

The lady was definitely crapola. She got what she deserved. The agency is a mess. This has little to do with what race she but if that is to be considered she got there on account of that and not professionalism.

You don't know Juliet. I do. We were all recruits through the Public Service Commission in 1972. We even worked in the Law Courts together. She earned her position. She took no bribes. On a visit to Guyana recently, I drop by to say hello and this well known PNC lawyer went up to her and tried to bribe her to expedite a matter. She bluntly refused. It's really sad to see this person who gave 43 years of her life to Public Service go like this.

going there to get things done is on slow time. I do not care if you know her and you like her and believe she was professional and also I do not have to know her. I have to get a simple thing done and she is the functionary who is there to facilitate it not to be an pompous bitch with a pole up her backsides to be greased at her discretion. She is suppose to be served not serviced.

If this is your rationale, then everyone in the entire Guyana Public Service, Agencies and Commissions should be fired and sent on leave pending investigations of fraud. Have you gone recently to the NIS - that place is the Bribery Headquarters in Guyana. Why is the head not gone?

These FOOLS like to sit here and talk SHIT without knowing anything. Only last week a relative went to get the Certificate to cremate a love one. They paid the FEE and sat for hours, everytime they approach the clerk, they were told to wait, a friend who was with her, told her that when her Uncle died she gave them a "Smallpiece" and she got it right away. So she approached offered 10000 dollars and Wallah, the document was handed over.  You cant even bury yuh friggin dead in peace!!!!!!!!!!!!

You are quick to call people fools when your indian centered interests are concerned but you spent two decades here supporting and facilitating a corrupt regime and their pillage of assets on account of your "smarts". If a culture of corruoption persists who has had a quarter of a century to make a difference? Have you asked yourself why if the administration were the biggest thieves the small man would be expected to be ethical?

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
intractably entrenched culturally and politically. Under this plan Indians get Berbice and Essequibo and blacks Demerara and amerindians The Rupununi and the matter is solved.

There is this simplistic notion that Demerara is black and Essequibo anhd Berbice are Indian and so a neat territorial division based on race was workable.


I suggest that those people analyze what happened when British India was carved up based on assigning each of the two major religions their own territory. Millions of people were forced to move.


FACT.  1/3 of the African/black population live outside of regions 4 and 10.


FACT.  60% of the Indian population lives in Demerara (regions 3 and 4).


ROAR would have disenfrannchised thousands of people forcing them either to live as second class citizens in ethnically based bantustans, or to flee to bantustans dominated by their own.


FACT.  There is ample evidence that the exploitation of grass roots Africans and Indians by THEIR OWN ethnic elites had been at least as damaging as the ethnically based marginalization which both elites have engaged in, when they have had the opportunity.



I do not know why certain folks champion ROAR, especially after Ravi Dev spread lies about a certain rape on Regent St at 12 noon, and peddled a thesis about the inherent proclivity to violence of the Afro Guyanese, ignoring the fact that Indo Guyanese are also known to engage in violence.


What folks need to understand is that in multi ethnic societies where no ethnicity has numerica dominance, the best interests of each ethnic group are served when the interests of other ethnic groups are considered, and when each ethnic groups feels that their needs are considered, and leaders which they select are allowed to have input.


Those who think that they can focus on the needs of Indians, independent of the needs of the African/mixed, or of Amerindians, fool themselves.  Not every group is monolithic, and no political entity can win an election, based on one ethnic group alone.

Originally Posted by Zed:

1. Look, during the PNC dictatorship, all appointments were political. Even entry into UG. If you did not have a PNC party card, you did not get anywhere. Scholarships. Government contracts, land. 

2. When the PPP came in to office, there were many square pegs in round holes as evidenced by the poor state of the economy, the atrocious state of the physical and social infra-structure, high crime rate, high national debt, etc.

3. Though Cheddie was not vindictive, there were some people who had to be moved because they were deemed to have poor performance. Evaluation reports often did not exist or poorlly done or were politically influenced. Still, the majority of people in government employ were retained even though they were political appointments. If my memory serves me correct, the IMF had demanded a reduction of the public service.

4. Do not tell the Guyanese people having to do business at the lower levels of the public service that these people have no power, or even tell these government officials that they have no power. The same for UG, the police force, etc. Those who argue otherwise have no understanding of power within a bureaucratic structure and maybe have done no business with government in Guyana.

5. some numbers are thrown around here as if they are going out of style. Where did people get 60 percent opposing the PPP "discrimination" when nearly 50 percent voted for the PPP. How did they get the 20 percent if East Indian men controlling the country. What is the source? Not made up, I hope. How have they determined that the great majority of mixed voted for PNC/APNU/coalition? Where is the study that shows that Esast Indians or any other group voted solely on race. How then do you explain the failure of ROAR or Balram Singh Rai to make traction amongst East indians because both of these were more pro-Indian than the PPP.

6. The government or others cannot validly claim a national unity government if it does not have the support of approximately half of the population and if there is the perception by this part that the government is firing people because they are supporters of that party or of a particular ethnic one has answered my question of why retain Olato Sam where there are clear signs that he is ineffective in his job while others are being fired when there are not obvious job performance issues.

1.  I have stated frequently that this past election was about race.  The PPP waved the Indo tribal flag and scared BOTH Indians and the African/mixed to vote race. 


Which is why I know that APNU captured a higher % of the APNu/AFC vote than they did in 2011.  Why do I know this?  Because the AFC does NOT capture a racial panic vote.  The PNC does, and given that the incremental vote in 2015 was heavily motivated by race, BOTH the PPP and the PNC grabbed most of this added vote.


2.  Yes you are correct.  LOWER ranks.  Those at the LOWER ranks only have power to the extent that those in the UPPER ranks allow them to have.  Those same LOWER RANK folks would behave like puppy dogs the minute that some well connected PPP Indo interacted with them, as they feared for their jobs.  They knew full well that as Africans, they were skating on thin ice. 


Those who had a little title knew fully well that some Indian was in waiting to be given their job, so engaged in tactics to cater to the Indo elites for self preservation.  That does not look like power.  The fact that they might have been abusive to those with few connections is because the kleptocratic PPP did not care the slightest about those folks.


Just today in KN some one was talking about how the police behave.  A granny is forced to scale the fence.  Cops not interested, unless they are embarrassed into acting (the victims had to take them to where some of the suspects lived).  Yet a noisy party held next door to a PPP big wig, prior to May  10th, would generate a huge police response.


Pretending that starving clerks and cops had power is really silly.


3.  I suggest that you look at the ethnicity and the gender of those who had the power to make decisions in Guyana.  Few non Indians and few females prior to May 11th. All this ranting, raving, and screams of Indo Holocaust are because, having enjoyed monopoly power for 23 years, these male Indo elites no longer do, and now fear that others will now have more domain over them.  They can no longer run righshod over others without consequences. They fear that a bribe mightnt be enough to safeguard their illgotten gains as they fear ethnic retribution.


4.  Yes the PNC under Burnham was political, was vicious, was vindictive and engaged in the ethnic marginalization of non Africans. 


But you will claim that the PPP wasnt equally bad. You will have a break down and scream racism when it is pointed out that they were no better and that the only difference is that it was Indian males in a room, rather than African men, who held monopoly power, and that it was Africans, rather than Indians, who this elite sought to exclude.


5.  When the PPP was screaming "national unity" did you remind them that they couldnt make this claim as 50% of the country was against them, including the vast majority of those who were not Indian?


Suddenly the cries of "ahbe pan tap, black man time DONE" have stopped while some folks worry that this new regime will engage in the same pattern of ethnic exclusion, cronyism, and vindictiveness, as was the hall mark of the PPP, starting in 1992.  Rather than admit to their ethnic exclusion, and seek to rectify their sordid reputation, the PPP continues to beat the Indo tribal drum.  Sadly many grass roots Indos will rally to their side, even as they benefitted little from PPP largesse.

Originally Posted by Dondadda:

If this is your rationale, then everyone in the entire Guyana Public Service, Agencies and Commissions should be fired ?

No just who led these entities. FACT.  Most of those folks are Indians,k so why the shock that its mainly Indians being sent home.


In fact several blacks are also being threatened.  Look at the head of the GGMC.  Similar treatment, given the massive corruption which also occurred their.  Burrowes was forced to tender his resignation.


SO BOTH Africans, the only blacks heading state corporations/committees/commissions, were sent home.


But you didnt notice that in your Indo centric rant.


The APNU/PNC is on a course of Ethnic Cleansing , getting rid of all Indos CEO's and replace them with Negros, be it unqualified. This situation reminds me the time when  Burnham nationalize the sugar industry and booth out the English men, some were given 48 hours to leave the country, and the black PNC card holders were given the management posts. "Square Pegs In Round Circles" and everybody knows what happen there after, sugar went on the decline, production dropped, I know, I was there!!

Originally Posted by kp:

The APNU/PNC is on a course of Ethnic Cleansing , getting rid of all Indos CEO's and replace them with Negros, be it unqualified. This situation reminds me the time when  Burnham nationalize the sugar industry and booth out the English men, some were given 48 hours to leave the country, and the black PNC card holders were given the management posts. "Square Pegs In Round Circles" and everybody knows what happen there after, sugar went on the decline, production dropped, I know, I was there!!

They are doing exactly what the Indians did. It is our curse. People only trust their kin. The PPP did nothing to mediate power and include Africans. I am not hopeful Granger would do that either. Both sides love their ethnic showcase leadership. It is not fair to complain about what the other side does. It becomes fair only when the whole system is addressed.


The PPP did not have any black person in sugar and hardly any of them any place. It is not that they could not find qualified ones. I am sure there is abundance of black intellectuals everywhere. Your presumption that the replacement will be with ignorant unqualified black people is to be seen. We know sugar had Raj Singh, Geeta Singh...and others of dubious intellectual claim.

Originally Posted by kp:

The APNU/PNC is on a course of Ethnic Cleansing , getting rid of all Indos CEO's and replace them with Negros, be it unqualified. This situation reminds me the time when Burnham nationalize the sugar industry and booth out the English men, some were given 48 hours to leave the country, and the black PNC card holders were given the management posts. "Square Pegs In Round Circles" and everybody knows what happen there after, sugar went on the decline, production dropped, I know, I was there!!

In time, they will continue with a more viscous approach.


Zed is correct.


Carib loves the current Afro domination and thinks that's how it should be.


You can't blame Olato Sam for education mess. Too many ineffective Ministers under PPP and the squarest peg in PPP govt was Manick.


Roopnarine retired a long time ago from UG and does not know anything about Grade K-12 education which is the biggest part of the education plan.  Higher ed has changed since Roopnarine was at UG.  


They need to bring in foreign help from the Diaspora.  Roopnarine needs an education advisor.  All the statements he has made so far does not address the core problems and solutions. He is just fishing for topics to get some press. The smartest one they have there now is Olato.

Originally Posted by VVP:
Caribny, where is the Sun Chapman investigation report?  Some PPPite told me it was Hammie that foolishly put the dynamite in the engine room.  I need the report to tear their ass apart.

That lie was the PPPs excuse.  The PYO planted a bomb to kill black people.


The notion that explosives would have been taken to McKenzie is quite silly when such items were easily available in that town, given the massive amount of blasting that occurs in the bauxite industry.  That is like taking cane from Linden to Rose Hall.


The PYO was as blood thirsty a group as was the YSM so please don't be so obvious in showing your racist anti black fangs.





Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:

Zed is correct.


Carib loves the current Afro domination and thinks that's how it should be.


Jay its obvious that you have a deep seated hatred for blacks.



Of the 15 cabinet members and the three major figures in the Ministry of the Presidency (Granger, Harmon and Trotman) NINE are not black.  Nagamootoo, Ramjattan, Bulkan, Ally, Roopnarine, Norton, Holder, Allicock and Gaskin.



You can run around and scream and wail as much as you wish but the fact that you rant like a racist lunatic that a govt where only 50% of its leaders are blacks shows how racist you are.


50% is too much and you wail "too many ni99ers in here for me."



Bharrat you wish to avoid discussion of this issue because you know full well that a PNC dominated gov't where only 50% of its leaders are blacks is a MAJOR concession to diversity.





We have seen your racist card Jay.  Its a real pity that you have such deep rooted hatred of blacks that you think that a SIX blacks (out of 15, plus 3 additional blacks (9 out of 18) is too many black people.


So e

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by VVP:
Caribny, where is the Sun Chapman investigation report?  Some PPPite told me it was Hammie that foolishly put the dynamite in the engine room.  I need the report to tear their ass apart.

That lie was the PPPs excuse.  The PYO planted a bomb to kill black people.


The notion that explosives would have been taken to McKenzie is quite silly when such items were easily available in that town, given the massive amount of blasting that occurs in the bauxite industry.  That is like taking cane from Linden to Rose Hall.


The PYO was as blood thirsty a group as was the YSM so please don't be so obvious in showing your racist anti black fangs.





Bai yuh had to say dat.  You really hurt my feelings 

Originally Posted by caribny:

Jay if the PNC is so evil, why did you and Moses join a PNC dominated government?

Moses is one of the few non corrupted individual with credibility who join the PNC to take down the corrupted PPP. He realize a long time ago when he leave the PPP that that they are up to no good. He also knows that without Indians support it was virtually impossible to oust the PPP.  Joining the PNC he sees as the only way to take down the PPP - its like fight evil with evil.

Whether the PNC use this as an opportunity to get even or for national unity remains to be seen...

Originally Posted by sachin_05:

Whether the PNC use this as an opportunity to get even or for national unity remains to be seen...

I will suggest that unless people like you admit, acknowledge and speak to the attempts of the PPP to exclude Afro Guyanese, you will continue to see a paranoid Afro Guyanese population which will force Granger to engage in ethnic retribution for the past 23 years.


People like Jay screaming that "there are too many blacks" even as 50% of the 18 leaders within the coalition ARE NOT BLACK, just feeds into the fears that blacks have of Indians that they aren't to be trusted and that they are fundamentally racist.


The onus is as much on the Indian population as it is on the African to ensure that an atmosphere of national unity develops,  Screaming about Wismar, but pretending that the Sun Chapman wasn't the result of PYO savagery isn't the way to foster this.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Zed:
Just a reminder that the PPP government hired Olato Sam as CEOs of the ministry of education. There has been no improvement as evidenced by the cxc. Grade 6 results. But he is still there as ceo. Why is he still there?

Jay Bharrat thinks he is the best thing since sliced bread . . . guh argue with him


but i digress . . . tell me, exactly what does all this have to do with the Land Registry honcho being sent home on leave to facilitate an investigation . . . eh?

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by sachin_05:

Whether the PNC use this as an opportunity to get even or for national unity remains to be seen...

I will suggest that unless people like you admit, acknowledge and speak to the attempts of the PPP to exclude Afro Guyanese, you will continue to see a paranoid Afro Guyanese population which will force Granger to engage in ethnic retribution for the past 23 years.


People like Hay screaming that "there are too many blacks" even as 50% of the 18 leaders within the coalition ARE NOT BLACK, just feeds into the fears that blacks have of Indians that they aren't to be trusted and that they are fundamentally racist.


The onus is as much on the Indian population as it is on the African to ensure that an atmosphere of national unity develops,  Screaming about Wismar, but pretending that the Sun Chapman wasn't the result of PYO savagery isn't the way to foster this.

Even though you cuss me ah still asking what was the result of the Sun Chapman investigation?  The wismar report is available.  I have never seen the Sun Chapman report.  Where is it?

Originally Posted by VVP:

Even though you cuss me ah still asking what was the result of the Sun Chapman investigation?  The wismar report is available.  I have never seen the Sun Chapman report.  Where is it?

PPP savages put a bomb on the boat to slaughter black people.  I have no interest in any fake report which Janet the White Witch concocted.  This evil female was extremely hateful to black people in that era.


Unless you tell me that it makes sense to carry sugar cane from Linden to Rose Hall, the notion that any one would bring explosives from G/town to McKenzie is ridiculous.  I would sooner believe if people were smuggling explosives FROM McKenzie, but then the boat was headed TO McKenzie.


I suggest that you throw away your PPP lies that you have been told since birth about how only Indians got attacked during the 60s, despite expressing love and understanding for their African "brothers and sisters".  Such nonsense is pure foolishness for those of us who were alive in that era.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by VVP:

Even though you cuss me ah still asking what was the result of the Sun Chapman investigation?  The wismar report is available.  I have never seen the Sun Chapman report.  Where is it?

PPP savages put a bomb on the boat to slaughter black people.  I have no interest in any fake report which Janet the White Witch concocted.  This evil female was extremely hateful to black people in that era.


Unless you tell me that it makes sense to carry sugar cane from Linden to Rose Hall, the notion that any one would bring explosives from G/town to McKenzie is ridiculous.  I would sooner believe if people were smuggling explosives FROM McKenzie, but then the boat was headed TO McKenzie.


I suggest that you throw away your PPP lies that you have been told since birth about how only Indians got attacked during the 60s, despite expressing love and understanding for their African "brothers and sisters".  Such nonsense is pure foolishness for those of us who were alive in that era.

Bai is white people owned the explosives in Linden.  Hammie was the one who had the access to dynamite in GT...that's what I was told by the PPPites.  You know 5 Indians got murdered in Mackenzie hours after Sun Chapman right?  Do they cater for these people during the wreath laying every year?

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

There were no such incidents at MacKenzie.


The incidents regarding the Sun Chapman took place at Wismar.

Here just for you lazy rass excerpts from the report:


But despite the presence of British troops in the area, a state of violence broke out again on the evening of 6 July 1964 when a passenger launch, the Sun Chapman, travelling on the Demerara River from Georgetown to Mackenzie was completely destroyed by a huge explosion not far from its destination. More than 36 persons, all Africans, died in this mishap. When the news of this incident reached Mackenzie, many Africans there, assuming that the launch was bombed by Indians, became highly enraged, and in acts of reprisal, they brutally attacked Indians in the town. Five of them died as a result while many others were suffered injuries.


On the 6th July, 1964, an explosion occurred at Booradia on a launch named "Sun Chapman" which was taking goods and passengers, the majority of them Africans, from Georgetown to Wismar. About thirty-eight (38) persons perished in this disaster. The echo of the Sun Chapman disaster was immediately felt at Mackenzie when five East Indians were murdered and seven seriously injured. Before the official report of the Sun Chapman tragedy reached the Police and British army, Africans were on the rampage and in the space of two hours, 5.00 to 7.00 p.m., more people were killed than on the whole day of the 25th May, 1964.


Throughout the whole of the 25th of May only two East Indians were murdered out of an East Indian population of 3,000; one was killed on the next day. Yet after the Sun Chapman disaster on the 6th of July, within the short space of two hours, five East Indians were murdered out of the remaining East Indian population of 300.


Following the Sun Chapman disaster the bodies of 35 persons were taken to Mackenzie and 12 others were listed as missing or unidentified. All of these were Africans. The Sun Chapman incident resulted in five East Indians being murdered at Mackenzie.


Last edited by Former Member

Yet again, they were not murdered at MacKenzie ... it took place at Wismar.


Of note, four of the innocent individuals who were killed by the mobs are my relatives.


The fifth individual was of Afro-Guyanese origin, who was looting numerous places and was eventually killed by the police officers.


The victims were taken across the river to the MacKenzie hospital, hence the reference of that location.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

Yet again, they were not murdered at MacKenzie ... it took place at Wismar.


Of note, four of the innocent individuals who were killed by the mobs are my relatives.


The fifth individual was of Afro-Guyanese origin, who was looting numerous places and was eventually killed by the police officers.


The victims were taken across the river to the MacKenzie hospital, hence the reference of that location.

Banna you hard ears?  There were TWO (2) different incidents.  The first incident in May couple Africans were killed also.


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