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Stupid woman, rights are non hierarchical and are not subjects of other rights. They are balanced against other rights. The cruel PNC and later the PPP made sure that time diminished our rights which pre existed the state. That they are now  treated with a measure of artificiality crafted by the hands of invaders of our lands in  ( acts of theft) the Act of '76 and the 2006 acts is cruel and unjust.


The delay in successive government to meet their obligations to afford native peoples their rights is not subject to some carpetbagger wanting to rape our lands. Why the hell is the Amerind act dated  to 2006 and not at least to 1966? Is that not when these supposed rights of citizenship of a state originated and also were we not owners of our lands before that time or did we just come into being? Why are we the ones holding the stick? Are we the new Palestinians who are to be told what is our rights as others take our homes?


This knuckle headed idiot need to reassess what are the basis of our rights and the reason the delay to meet those obligations by immigrants should mean we are to be subject to constructs of their convenience. I must remind her that everywhere there is internal conflict for land rights it is because perfidious interlopers manufacture laws to install themselves as sovereign.


Again, our rights did not begin in 2006. It pre existed the state. No one should know that better than Ms Sukai since her  grandfather fought to make that real. While he is a patriarch to our peoples she has become a sell soul.


I wonder what this Cretin would say if our numbers were large enough to demand our rights as the figans did? Note these onerous laws are not ours and were they from us we would long ago have 25000 square miles in hand instead of the measly 6000 we now have and are being eroded by slight of hand trickery that we should abide by some rule that further deprives. Ms Ali, it is numbers alone that make the PPP and all immigrants rob us. It is on numbers we will win.






The Amerindians do have rights but these rights are subject to the rights of others

February 3, 2013 | By | Filed Under Letters 

Dear Editor,
Following Justice Insanally’s recent decision that a mines officer of GGMC had not shown cause why an order nisi to quash a cease work order should not be made absolute and that the Isseneru Village Council had not shown cause why the order nisi prohibiting them from exercising any form of control over mining operations of a miner should not be made absolute, the Amerindians, the GHRA and others have sought to use the media to defame the Honourable Judge and bring the administration of justice into disrepute, thereby themselves committing unjustifiable conduct and indefensible contempt of court, which the learned Attorney General should pursue in defence of the Judiciary.


The GHRA showed a preference to defame the Honourable Judge based on “the reported versions of the court judgment …”  and as reported in the media, stated that the judge’s decision was “shocking” and “One can only wonder whether the Judge in question has any idea of the Pandora’s box of mischief she has opened. Unscrupulous miners and mining companies have been handed yet another weapon to undermine Amerindians’ control of their own communities. This judgement flies in the face of justice and decency, to say nothing of common sense.” They concluded, “Nothing in the Amerindian Act supports the basis for the Judge’s decision.”
Ms. Bulkan started her letter to the editor with the words “From the limited press reporting on this case” but was able to conclude that it seems the Judge is “unaware of the laws safeguarding Amerindian rights.” and “The court appears to have been at fault in admitting the civil suit.” and referring to the Amerindian Act 2006, wrote that the Judge gave “a novel interpretation of that Act”.

The above comments are also premature in light of the fact that it was also reported that the Senior Counsel for the mines officer of GGMC indicated to the media that the judge’s written decision was not available. Further, no mention was made to the fact that a previous court had made a similar ruling.
In his celebrated judgment in Ambard v. The Attorney General of Trinidad and Tobago, Lord Atkin said “Justice is not a cloistered virtue: she must be allowed to suffer the scrutiny and respectful even though outspoken comments of ordinary men”, but he warned that “…provided members of the public abstain from imputing improper motives to those taking part in the administration of justice, … and not acting in malice or attempting to impair the administration of justice …”
One wonders whether the above persons are aware of their own duty to comply with the laws, the limits to their right to freedom of expression and their duty to be objective and inform themselves properly.


The Amerindians do have rights but these rights are circumscribed and subject to the rights of others. Have these writers addressed their minds to the rights not only of the Amerindians, but also the rights of miners who have had mining claims as in the present case since 1989? Do the miners have any property rights under the Constitution?



Do the miners have any rights where they have expended billions of dollars over the years on their mining claims? Have these persons addressed the law that Amerindians’ right to communal lands do not extend to mineral rights? Or are these writers advocating that the Amerindians have unlimited rights to the exclusion of other citizens of Guyana, the Constitution and other laws of Guyana?


The constitutional and other rights of the indigenous peoples of Guyana do not permit them to contravene the rights of others and there are cases where they are blatantly doing so.


I look forward to hearing from the same critics when they inform themselves of the defaults of the Amerindians and their contraventions of the Amerindian Act 2006 and other laws of Guyana.
Jamela A. Ali,
Attorney at Law 

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by cain:
That thing looks a bit like that banna who sang "Tip toe through the tulips" Tiny Tim.

My dear friend, I like to quote this about people like that:

There is a quality even meaner than outright ugliness or disorder,

and this meaner quality is the dishonest mask of pretended order,

achieved by ignoring or suppressing the real order

that is struggling to exist

and to be served.

Jane Jacobs

Last edited by Former Member

The Amerindians never had the concept of land ownership pre British and Dutch invasion. I don't see what this big hoopla is about land rights and ownership when these folks never secured their land and had no system of assigning ownership to individuals. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

The Amerindians never had the concept of land ownership pre British and Dutch invasion. I don't see what this big hoopla is about land rights and ownership when these folks never secured their land and had no system of assigning ownership to individuals. 

When God sent mankind away from Shinar, He made sure he He gave them prescribed borders. The devil forever uses mankind to impose injustice upon those who have no upright shepherds.


But have no fear, death is temporary. It is the soul that is tormented for ALL UNRIGHTEOUS ACTS. 

Originally Posted by seignet: 

When God sent mankind away from Shinar, He made sure he He gave them prescribed borders. The devil forever uses mankind to impose injustice upon those who have no upright shepherds.


But have no fear, death is temporary. It is the soul that is tormented for ALL UNRIGHTEOUS ACTS. 

deeply troubling that someone like u, A SERIOUSLY DISTURBED RACIST, feels comfortable citing scripture . . .

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

The Amerindians never had the concept of land ownership pre British and Dutch invasion. I don't see what this big hoopla is about land rights and ownership when these folks never secured their land and had no system of assigning ownership to individuals. 

 While you are truly making a stupid claim I would use the same analogy and ask how come dalits, casteless hence of no rights came to have rights? Has the idea that the same source from which your ancestors sourced their humanity and its prerogatives ( it was always there) is the same place native peoples got theirs?

Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

The Amerindians never had the concept of land ownership pre British and Dutch invasion. I don't see what this big hoopla is about land rights and ownership when these folks never secured their land and had no system of assigning ownership to individuals. 

When God sent mankind away from Shinar, He made sure he He gave them prescribed borders. The devil forever uses mankind to impose injustice upon those who have no upright shepherds.


But have no fear, death is temporary. It is the soul that is tormented for ALL UNRIGHTEOUS ACTS. 

I do not want to insult you Lionel but your god and the narrative of a people in Shinar is no different from the narratives our people have of themselves and their Guianahana. 


That there is a god who uses " mankind" ( whatever  you conceive that wort do be) to impose his will on "lost sheep" (whatever the hell again you think that is) don't mean a damn to me and the matter at hand.

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by seignet: 

When God sent mankind away from Shinar, He made sure he He gave them prescribed borders. The devil forever uses mankind to impose injustice upon those who have no upright shepherds.


But have no fear, death is temporary. It is the soul that is tormented for ALL UNRIGHTEOUS ACTS. 

deeply troubling that someone like u, A SERIOUSLY DISTURBED RACIST, feels comfortable citing scripture . . .

And who tell u I am racists?-your disturbed mind.


U have to be on here with another handle.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

The Amerindians never had the concept of land ownership pre British and Dutch invasion. I don't see what this big hoopla is about land rights and ownership when these folks never secured their land and had no system of assigning ownership to individuals. 

When God sent mankind away from Shinar, He made sure he He gave them prescribed borders. The devil forever uses mankind to impose injustice upon those who have no upright shepherds.


But have no fear, death is temporary. It is the soul that is tormented for ALL UNRIGHTEOUS ACTS. 

I do not want to insult you Lionel but your god and the narrative of a people in Shinar is no different from the narratives our people have of themselves and their Guianahana. 


That there is a god who uses " mankind" ( whatever  you conceive that wort do be) to impose his will on "lost sheep" (whatever the hell again you think that is) don't mean a damn to me and the matter at hand.

My comment was not intended for u. It was for the other guy.


I am well aware that God doan exist in your mind. Suh I doan expect ur words of pain and suffering for ur brothers to reach God's ears.  

Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

The Amerindians never had the concept of land ownership pre British and Dutch invasion. I don't see what this big hoopla is about land rights and ownership when these folks never secured their land and had no system of assigning ownership to individuals. 

When God sent mankind away from Shinar, He made sure he He gave them prescribed borders. The devil forever uses mankind to impose injustice upon those who have no upright shepherds.


But have no fear, death is temporary. It is the soul that is tormented for ALL UNRIGHTEOUS ACTS. 

Let me humor you with a response to your rambling foray into religion. Lets assume that these people were indeed one of the tribes scattered from Shinar by "god".  They have since turned to heathen practices as you will note that even D2 the resident buck claims to be a atheist, indulging in mumbo jumbo nonsensical practices.  


The Amerindians of Guyana did not believe in your God or even any God at all. Their men were cruel to the women folk,it was common practice for them to throw back in hummocks relaxing while pregnant women worked the fields in the hot sun. They wouldn't lift a finger with housework except to hunt and fish. They had no concept of land ownership, if another tribe came and drove them off their land, they moved aside willingly and set up abode elsewhere accepting their fate. 


So please cut the religious crap out and get a dose of reality. 

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

The Amerindians never had the concept of land ownership pre British and Dutch invasion. I don't see what this big hoopla is about land rights and ownership when these folks never secured their land and had no system of assigning ownership to individuals. 

 While you are truly making a stupid claim I would use the same analogy and ask how come dalits, casteless hence of no rights came to have rights? Has the idea that the same source from which your ancestors sourced their humanity and its prerogatives ( it was always there) is the same place native peoples got theirs?

They came to have right but were not gifted free land without having to pay like the rest of us. Even the African slaves in Guyana had to pay for land. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

The Amerindians never had the concept of land ownership pre British and Dutch invasion. I don't see what this big hoopla is about land rights and ownership when these folks never secured their land and had no system of assigning ownership to individuals. 

When God sent mankind away from Shinar, He made sure he He gave them prescribed borders. The devil forever uses mankind to impose injustice upon those who have no upright shepherds.


But have no fear, death is temporary. It is the soul that is tormented for ALL UNRIGHTEOUS ACTS. 

Let me humor you with a response to your rambling foray into religion. Lets assume that these people were indeed one of the tribes scattered from Shinar by "god".  They have since turned to heathen practices as you will note that even D2 the resident buck claims to be a atheist, indulging in mumbo jumbo nonsensical practices.  


The Amerindians of Guyana did not believe in your God or even any God at all. Their men were cruel to the women folk,it was common practice for them to throw back in hummocks relaxing while pregnant women worked the fields in the hot sun. They wouldn't lift a finger with housework except to hunt and fish. They had no concept of land ownership, if another tribe came and drove them off their land, they moved aside willingly and set up abode elsewhere accepting their fate. 


So please cut the religious crap out and get a dose of reality. 

 Ignorant man, not because your conception of god is your newly adopted Episcopalianism means that others must conform to that same. Amerinds are animists no less than Brahmanism that sees the universe as one and god in everything. Being a dummy you do not know that. 


As for the cruel part, most native Guyanese tribes are matrilineal  meaning identity and the center of life was circumscribed by the women. Take a hike you pitiful dunce.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

The Amerindians never had the concept of land ownership pre British and Dutch invasion. I don't see what this big hoopla is about land rights and ownership when these folks never secured their land and had no system of assigning ownership to individuals. 

 While you are truly making a stupid claim I would use the same analogy and ask how come dalits, casteless hence of no rights came to have rights? Has the idea that the same source from which your ancestors sourced their humanity and its prerogatives ( it was always there) is the same place native peoples got theirs?

They came to have right but were not gifted free land without having to pay like the rest of us. Even the African slaves in Guyana had to pay for land. 

Amerindians came into rights by their mere existence in a place and that preceded everyone else. Indians were for the most part abandoned in Guyana by the British. Most were accommodated in what were and remains of the geographical space that the British claimed as their own hence  all within are subject to the  legal legacy of that historical unfolding.


That included the native peoples who were long recognized as inhabitants and owners of lands within the territories and further acknowledged by the Dutch from whom the British acquired it. Those are the very instances in history that Guyana presents to the world as its valid legal legacy and right to land as a nation state. You are a confused dunce if you think your right or any prevailing right discounts native peoples.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:

Another knuckle head Guyanese ...


This knuckle headed idiot need to reassess ...


I wonder what this Cretin ...

==> Usual ramblings about himself.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

Another knuckle head Guyanese ...


This knuckle headed idiot need to reassess ...


I wonder what this Cretin ...

==> Usual ramblings about himself.

 and you are speaking to the crowd in your head

Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

They were talking how Jagdeo abused woman and look how Cain and Stornman are abusing the poor woman. They have no respect for our Guyanese women. Shame on both of them.

Calling her stupid is not abusing her. She is the one who titled her article with the onerous wording that our rights are subject to others when she could have easily said our rights are to be adjudicated per the the law and the law did not begin in 2006. Further, it is standing principle that if native rights are trampled on due to the negligence of the government to be prompt in their demarcation those squatting on it are asked to leave. That came from the mouths of those duplicitous crooks in the PPP. It is becoming clearer that the have a hard time keeping their words.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

Another knuckle head Guyanese ...


This knuckle headed idiot need to reassess ...


I wonder what this Cretin ...

==> Usual ramblings about himself.

 and you are speaking to the crowd in your head

.. and also in your wandering mind. 

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

Another knuckle head Guyanese ...


This knuckle headed idiot need to reassess ...


I wonder what this Cretin ...

==> Usual ramblings about himself.

 and you are speaking to the crowd in your head

.. and also in your wandering mind. 

Indeed my mind wanders...into the realm of possibility and speculation on the refinement of reasoned analysis. I am sure before your mind stagnated and retrogressed into the state of utter confusion and nonsensical utterings,  it once understood what that means.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:


As for the cruel part, most native Guyanese tribes are matrilineal  meaning identity and the center of life was circumscribed by the women. Take a hike you pitiful dunce.

Nonsense, even today Amerindian fathers sell their daughters into bondage to bar owners, perpetuating human trafficking. The Amerindians were not a matricidal at all, you a white man would not know this, you only know about bucks what you read on the internet. In fact the Amerindians treat their women worse than dogs. Its a crying shame that you readings on the internet did not reveal this.  

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

Another knuckle head Guyanese ...


This knuckle headed idiot need to reassess ...


I wonder what this Cretin ...

==> Usual ramblings about himself.

 and you are speaking to the crowd in your head

.. and also in your wandering mind. 

Indeed my mind wanders...into the realm of possibility and speculation on the refinement of reasoned analysis. I am sure before your mind stagnated and retrogressed into the state of utter confusion and nonsensical utterings,  it once understood what that means.

.. indeed, your mind wanders into wayward daydreaming and away from realities. 

Originally Posted by Stormborn:

Amerindians came into rights by their mere existence in a place and that preceded everyone else. Indians were for the most part abandoned in Guyana by the British. Most were accommodated in what were and remains of the geographical space that the British claimed as their own hence  all within are subject to the  legal legacy of that historical unfolding.


That included the native peoples who were long recognized as inhabitants and owners of lands within the territories and further acknowledged by the Dutch from whom the British acquired it. Those are the very instances in history that Guyana presents to the world as its valid legal legacy and right to land as a nation state. You are a confused dunce if you think your right or any prevailing right discounts native peoples.

This is not the way the world works, you don't come in to rights by existing, you maintain rights by fighting for it and setting up governments and law enforcement. The Amerindians were too primitive in their development to grasp this concept. In fact some may even say they were savages, killing each other at the least conflict. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

Amerindians came into rights by their mere existence in a place and that preceded everyone else. Indians were for the most part abandoned in Guyana by the British. Most were accommodated in what were and remains of the geographical space that the British claimed as their own hence  all within are subject to the  legal legacy of that historical unfolding.


That included the native peoples who were long recognized as inhabitants and owners of lands within the territories and further acknowledged by the Dutch from whom the British acquired it. Those are the very instances in history that Guyana presents to the world as its valid legal legacy and right to land as a nation state. You are a confused dunce if you think your right or any prevailing right discounts native peoples.

This is not the way the world works, you don't come in to rights by existing, you maintain rights by fighting for it and setting up governments and law enforcement. The Amerindians were too primitive in their development to grasp this concept. In fact some may even say they were savages, killing each other at the least conflict. 

I am sure you are other worldly. Being born into the real world immediately confers on the individual all rights and privileges of the state. Yes, to be human is to be possessed of rights.


Again, you take the lordly step to presume yourself civilized when you know definitively that was not your lot or considered your lot until your ancestors came here but that is another story.


Amerindians on the other hand are a forest people, living very closely to what the father of western constitutionalism considered the to be the ground of rights, the state of nature.  Please avail yourself to Locke's second treatise on government. It will be a civilizing exercise.

Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

They were talking how Jagdeo abused woman and look how Cain and Stornman are abusing the poor woman. They have no respect for our Guyanese women. Shame on both of them.

You must dream of me, don't ya?

Again you show how asinine you are with another dumb ass post.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:

I am sure you are other worldly. Being born into the real world immediately confers on the individual all rights and privileges of the state. Yes, to be human is to be possessed of rights.


Again, you take the lordly step to presume yourself civilized when you know definitively that was not your lot or considered your lot until your ancestors came here but that is another story.


Amerindians on the other hand are a forest people, living very closely to what the father of western constitutionalism considered the to be the ground of rights, the state of nature.  Please avail yourself to Locke's second treatise on government. It will be a civilizing exercise.

Nonsense, a lot of meaningless ramblings again without saying anything. The bottom line is that these folks did not own any land nor did they have a concept of land ownership. They didn't have a system of governance nor a stem of land ownership or inheritance of such land on to successive generations. Their mere existence in the jungle does not translate into land ownership. Animals live in the jungle but they don't own it. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

I am sure you are other worldly. Being born into the real world immediately confers on the individual all rights and privileges of the state. Yes, to be human is to be possessed of rights.


Again, you take the lordly step to presume yourself civilized when you know definitively that was not your lot or considered your lot until your ancestors came here but that is another story.


Amerindians on the other hand are a forest people, living very closely to what the father of western constitutionalism considered the to be the ground of rights, the state of nature.  Please avail yourself to Locke's second treatise on government. It will be a civilizing exercise.

Nonsense, a lot of meaningless ramblings again without saying anything. The bottom line is that these folks did not own any land nor did they have a concept of land ownership. They didn't have a system of governance nor a stem of land ownership or inheritance of such land on to successive generations. Their mere existence in the jungle does not translate into land ownership. Animals live in the jungle but they don't own it. 

 Fool, they may not have had the system of recording "ownership" etc but they knew where they life, the region in which they are safe and others new and maintained that boundary in order to stay safe themselves. Yes, mere existing in a place confers on it the quality of a homeland. Find any other definition for any other people living and you may develop a new concept of ownership. It is clear that many of the conflicts on the planet is over homeland and historical claims of ownership on no more than historical precedence of habituation in the region.


Originally Posted by Stormborn:

 Fool, they may not have had the system of recording "ownership" etc but they knew where they life, the region in which they are safe and others new and maintained that boundary in order to stay safe themselves. Yes, mere existing in a place confers on it the quality of a homeland. Find any other definition for any other people living and you may develop a new concept of ownership. It is clear that many of the conflicts on the planet is over homeland and historical claims of ownership on no more than historical precedence of habituation in the region.


Regardless, these folks don't own the land or never did, they merely occupied that space and failed to hold on to it when the British and Dutch came. If you are to take the high moral ground then go wag your finger at the US who put the Indians on reservations and robbed their "land". Read the history of the US and see how they broke treaty after treaty with the American Indians, the same story goes for Canada. These two countries you hold up as paragons of virtue, but they were not virtuous when dealing with the red man. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

 Fool, they may not have had the system of recording "ownership" etc but they knew where they life, the region in which they are safe and others new and maintained that boundary in order to stay safe themselves. Yes, mere existing in a place confers on it the quality of a homeland. Find any other definition for any other people living and you may develop a new concept of ownership. It is clear that many of the conflicts on the planet is over homeland and historical claims of ownership on no more than historical precedence of habituation in the region.


Regardless, these folks don't own the land or never did, they merely occupied that space and failed to hold on to it when the British and Dutch came. If you are to take the high moral ground then go wag your finger at the US who put the Indians on reservations and robbed their "land". Read the history of the US and see how they broke treaty after treaty with the American Indians, the same story goes for Canada. These two countries you hold up as paragons of virtue, but they were not virtuous when dealing with the red man. 

You do not get to say that with these peculiar reasoning. The fact is that the nation accepts what I say ie there are places termed Amerind land. To date the titled claims accrue to some 6 thousand sq miles. Tat is all tat matters.


If the US break treaties what has that to do with the fact the found it necessary to make one in the first place?

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
You do not get to say that with these peculiar reasoning. The fact is that the nation accepts what I say ie there are places termed Amerind land. To date the titled claims accrue to some 6 thousand sq miles. Tat is all tat matters.


If the US break treaties what has that to do with the fact the found it necessary to make one in the first place?


Get off your high moral horse and take care of issue in your own country before wagging your fingers at Guyana. Which nations accepts what you say? You are just a blow horse, many times I urged you to take real action and take activism to Guyana on behalf of your alleged people. But you always came up with an excuse, but the real reason is that you would be revealed as a white man pretending to be buck. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
You do not get to say that with these peculiar reasoning. The fact is that the nation accepts what I say ie there are places termed Amerind land. To date the titled claims accrue to some 6 thousand sq miles. Tat is all tat matters.


If the US break treaties what has that to do with the fact the found it necessary to make one in the first place?


Get off your high moral horse and take care of issue in your own country before wagging your fingers at Guyana. Which nations accepts what you say? You are just a blow horse, many times I urged you to take real action and take activism to Guyana on behalf of your alleged people. But you always came up with an excuse, but the real reason is that you would be revealed as a white man pretending to be buck. 

 Guyana is my country, by my ancestor being its original inhabitants and by citizenship.  Every nation on the planet inclusive of Guyana looks to a legacy of having its people having a legacy of living in a place historically as the primacy of their origin. For ordinary immigrants that is about 20u years for native people that is 15 to 20 thousand years.


This is  why most people have their identity linked to and located in place names. Hindus are  because it is a name for peoples across the Indus. Hinduism was not the name for a monotheistic creed but a place name. Brahmanism is the real name of the religion.


Guyanese are those of Guyana. Most immigrants have two place names, thir original homes then their adopted homes. We are the ones who give the place its name and one does not simply name a place for the naming sake. One names it because it is relevant to ones life.


That I am white is as stupid as your claims that native people are born dispossessed in their own lands simply because they did not draw a line around it. What an ass!

Originally Posted by cain:

Why do even bother with that Brainless Buthead, Storm?

This conversation is beyond your intellect. I am having a conversation with one of my student who now feel he knows more than the master. Keep quiet and stay in a corner if yo have nothing constructive to contribute. 

Originally Posted by Stormborn:

 Guyana is my country, by my ancestor being its original inhabitants and by citizenship.  Every nation on the planet inclusive of Guyana looks to a legacy of having its people having a legacy of living in a place historically as the primacy of their origin. For ordinary immigrants that is about 20u years for native people that is 15 to 20 thousand years.


Guyanese are those of Guyana. Most immigrants have two place names, thir original homes then their adopted homes. We are the ones who give the place its name and one does not simply name a place for the naming sake. One names it because it is relevant to ones life.


That I am white is as stupid as your claims that native people are born dispossessed in their own lands simply because they did not draw a line around it. What an ass!


If you are not a white man then post your picture and stop hiding behind the shadows of doubt. If you feel so strong about "your people" how come all these years you still live in the US and avoid calls to go back and fight for their rights. Instead you keep criticizing their leadership calling them stooges. 


The issue is not about a line but rather a system, they had no system in place to protect what you allege to be theirs. Merely existing in a place does not translate to ownership. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

 Guyana is my country, by my ancestor being its original inhabitants and by citizenship.  Every nation on the planet inclusive of Guyana looks to a legacy of having its people having a legacy of living in a place historically as the primacy of their origin. For ordinary immigrants that is about 20u years for native people that is 15 to 20 thousand years.


Guyanese are those of Guyana. Most immigrants have two place names, thir original homes then their adopted homes. We are the ones who give the place its name and one does not simply name a place for the naming sake. One names it because it is relevant to ones life.


That I am white is as stupid as your claims that native people are born dispossessed in their own lands simply because they did not draw a line around it. What an ass!


If you are not a white man then post your picture and stop hiding behind the shadows of doubt. If you feel so strong about "your people" how come all these years you still live in the US and avoid calls to go back and fight for their rights. Instead you keep criticizing their leadership calling them stooges. 


The issue is not about a line but rather a system, they had no system in place to protect what you allege to be theirs. Merely existing in a place does not translate to ownership. 

Why should I post my picture here? Satisfying your curiosity or allaying your suspicions are never a concern of min. Again, where I live has no bearing to my creed, or culture or ethnicity and even national identity. I have never criticized any in our leadership. I criticized the PPP stooges implanted to project the PPP's voice as ours.


Living and being alive in a place and having it, mapped in ones head as where one is located and others around you knowing the same is enough of a claim of belonging. There is no other sense of ownership that one belongs somewhere. If you have an understanding that  anther group uses and other respect as the primary reason to claim a place, please let me know. To this point you have just been plumbing your ignorance.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

The Amerindians never had the concept of land ownership pre British and Dutch invasion. I don't see what this big hoopla is about land rights and ownership when these folks never secured their land and had no system of assigning ownership to individuals. 

When God sent mankind away from Shinar, He made sure he He gave them prescribed borders. The devil forever uses mankind to impose injustice upon those who have no upright shepherds.


But have no fear, death is temporary. It is the soul that is tormented for ALL UNRIGHTEOUS ACTS. 

Let me humor you with a response to your rambling foray into religion. Lets assume that these people were indeed one of the tribes scattered from Shinar by "god".  They have since turned to heathen practices as you will note that even D2 the resident buck claims to be a atheist, indulging in mumbo jumbo nonsensical practices.  


The Amerindians of Guyana did not believe in your God or even any God at all. Their men were cruel to the women folk,it was common practice for them to throw back in hummocks relaxing while pregnant women worked the fields in the hot sun. They wouldn't lift a finger with housework except to hunt and fish. They had no concept of land ownership, if another tribe came and drove them off their land, they moved aside willingly and set up abode elsewhere accepting their fate. 


So please cut the religious crap out and get a dose of reality. 

 Ignorant man, not because your conception of god is your newly adopted Episcopalianism means that others must conform to that same. Amerinds are animists no less than Brahmanism that sees the universe as one and god in everything. Being a dummy you do not know that. 


As for the cruel part, most native Guyanese tribes are matrilineal  meaning identity and the center of life was circumscribed by the women. Take a hike you pitiful dunce.

Mek up u mind. U have claimed god doan exist.


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