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Bish Panday resigns as Chairman of NCN

35 mins ago

After having served for just over a year, the Chairman of NCN, Bish Panday has resigned effective December 31st, 2016, sources say.

Panday, an insurance broker was appointed to the post in September 2015.

Sources say that Panday believes that the job requires someone who can dedicate more time to it.

Bish Panday

Over the last year, NCN has faced a number of controversies including its non-use of satellite uplink equipment while paying a private provider for this service; the hiring of the NCN CEO, Lennox Cornette; the writing off of debts to several persons and the removal of an anchor because of her pregnancy.

When he was appointed in 2015, Panday told Stabroek News he would endeavour to ensure that as Chairman of NCN the entity would be self-sufficient. β€œI will try to run it in a cost-effective manner, so that it won’t be a burden on the treasury,” he said.

He contended that the populace would get value for taxes as there would be accountability.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

"Over the last year, NCN has faced a number of controversies including its non-use of satellite uplink equipment while paying a private provider for this service; the hiring of the NCN CEO, Lennox Cornette; the writing off of debts to several persons and the removal of an anchor because of her pregnancy."


This is what i does talk about,

dunno how these fellas becomes manager.

Django posted:

"Over the last year, NCN has faced a number of controversies including its non-use of satellite uplink equipment while paying a private provider for this service; the hiring of the NCN CEO, Lennox Cornette; the writing off of debts to several persons and the removal of an anchor because of her pregnancy."


This is what i does talk about,

dunno how these fellas becomes manager.

Swamp creatures..PNC card carrying members(maybe 2 subjects CXC with grade 5). You don't have to be smart or have any leadership quality.

Django posted:

"Over the last year, NCN has faced a number of controversies including its non-use of satellite uplink equipment while paying a private provider for this service; the hiring of the NCN CEO, Lennox Cornette; the writing off of debts to several persons and the removal of an anchor because of her pregnancy."


This is what i does talk about,

dunno how these fellas becomes manager.

Veteran broadcaster, Ron Robinson sacked from NCN
Jan 08, 2017 News 0 Comments

Veteran broadcaster, Ron Robinson, who had been performing duties as Programme Manager (ag) at

Ron Robinson

the National Communications Network (NCN) has been sacked, and he feels it was an unjust act.
Robinson was hired on May 3, 2016.
According to him, he was placed on probation and he received a letter in September stating that his probation period would be extended until December without any reason.
However, he was given another letter on December 29, which stated that his employment would come to an end last week Friday.
Robinson stated that he was given no reason why his services were terminated.
He said β€œI feel I was unjustly treated by NCN. I believe the CEO has personal issues with me. I have built a relationship with the staff that he envies.”

Django :

Bish is a respectable and successful businessman - 

read the above and read between the lines- 

the CEO was involved in lots of controversial decisions, if you recall the pregnant anchor issues.

Your PNC politicians dude - a country needs to be run like a business and it will be successful. 


Those who are calling Bish names cannot even come close to his small toe.

Bish is an accomplished businessman and a trail blazer in the field of Insurance not only in Guyana but the Carribean.

Bish is also a big name in sports especially cricket, he has served on several board because  of his dedication and commitment towards want g to see people excel.

All you Ppp coolies will remain just that, Ppp coolies. Indo Guyanese like Mr. Bish Panda will continue with his good  work until the end of time.

Imran posted:
Django posted:

"Over the last year, NCN has faced a number of controversies including its non-use of satellite uplink equipment while paying a private provider for this service; the hiring of the NCN CEO, Lennox Cornette; the writing off of debts to several persons and the removal of an anchor because of her pregnancy."


This is what i does talk about,

dunno how these fellas becomes manager.

Veteran broadcaster, Ron Robinson sacked from NCN
Jan 08, 2017 News 0 Comments

Veteran broadcaster, Ron Robinson, who had been performing duties as Programme Manager (ag) at

Ron Robinson

the National Communications Network (NCN) has been sacked, and he feels it was an unjust act.
Robinson was hired on May 3, 2016.
According to him, he was placed on probation and he received a letter in September stating that his probation period would be extended until December without any reason.
However, he was given another letter on December 29, which stated that his employment would come to an end last week Friday.
Robinson stated that he was given no reason why his services were terminated.
He said β€œI feel I was unjustly treated by NCN. I believe the CEO has personal issues with me. I have built a relationship with the staff that he envies.”

Django :

Bish is a respectable and successful businessman - 

read the above and read between the lines- 

the CEO was involved in lots of controversial decisions, if you recall the pregnant anchor issues.

Your PNC politicians dude - a country needs to be run like a business and it will be successful. 

Totally agreed with you,the politicians in Guyana doesn't seem to want that.

Bish is right to resign the fellas was doing their own thing,let hear what Naga have to say.

Last edited by Django
Chief posted:

Those who are calling Bish names cannot even come close to his small toe.

Bish is an accomplished businessman and a trail blazer in the field of Insurance not only in Guyana but the Carribean.

Bish is also a big name in sports especially cricket, he has served on several board because  of his dedication and commitment towards want g to see people excel.

All you Ppp coolies will remain just that, Ppp coolies. Indo Guyanese like Mr. Bish Panda will continue with his good  work until the end of time.

Hey Chief is it true Bish use to hit your  balls with his bat - them bai say 

Last edited by Former Member

Bish is a very qualified insurance professional , he was in management at GTM insurance Company, I know him personally, we worked together at GTM many, many years ago. He choose to remain and built a successful business in Guyana, while he could have done the same abroad. So for all you key board warriors abroad are just cowards, you cut and run. Bish will be in Toronto in a couple of months, I will show him this article for a laugh .

skeldon_man posted:
Prashad posted:

I knew old man Panday. I will not stand for that family being labelled traitors. They like the Naraine family helped many Indians when Burnham food cuts hit East Indians in Georgetown. 

Maybe Bish sold his soul, unlike his father.

I don't know Bish but I knew his father and his older brothers and I can tell you they cared deeply about the condition of the East Indian people just like others such as the Fung A Fat family, the Naraine family,the Mahase  family and Chabrol family. 

Last edited by Prashad

Another Neemak Gets Kicked to the Curb


(Read slowly Bibi, slow now, reeeeeeaaalll sllooowwwww.)


After having served for just over a year, the Chairman of NCN, Bish Panday has resigned effective December 31st, 2016, sources say.

Panday, an insurance broker was appointed to the post in September 2015.

Sources say that Panday believes that the job requires someone who can dedicate more time to it.

Bibi Haniffa posted:

Cain - I do not need to read slow.  Panday was pushed out of NCN!  And I am not sorry for him.  He was a cut throat to the PPP.  He openly cussed out many good people on Facebook without knowing the truth and he backed Granger as if he was his godfather. He got what the deserved.

Any "Indian" that's not agreement with the current PPP are considered

outcast and are badly whished,luckily bad words are wind and 

have no effect.

Who are the good people in the current crew.??

Last edited by Django
Chief posted:

Those who are calling Bish names cannot even come close to his small toe.

Bish is an accomplished businessman and a trail blazer in the field of Insurance not only in Guyana but the Carribean.

Bish is also a big name in sports especially cricket, he has served on several board because  of his dedication and commitment towards want g to see people excel.

All you Ppp coolies will remain just that, Ppp coolies. Indo Guyanese like Mr. Bish Panda will continue with his good  work until the end of time.

Wah rass you ah talk hey Chief. What is wrong with PPP coolies? Are they like untouchables or something we don't know like sub human beings? Are they like lowland gorillas? Are the PPP coolies then less than human beings? Dr. Jagan was a PPP coolie, so was JudasMottoo. How do you classify them?

Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Cain - I do not need to read slow.  Panday was pushed out of NCN!  And I am not sorry for him.  He was a cut throat to the PPP.  He openly cussed out many good people on Facebook without knowing the truth and he backed Granger as if he was his godfather. He got what the deserved.

Any "Indian" that's not agreement with the current PPP are considered

outcast and are badly whished,luckily bad words are wind and 

have no effect.

Who are the good people in the current crew.??

You don't see niggroes backstabbing niggroes, do you? Why should we not call them out? Haven't coolies been Judas to coolies long enough? Is it divide and conquer your intentions?

skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Cain - I do not need to read slow.  Panday was pushed out of NCN!  And I am not sorry for him.  He was a cut throat to the PPP.  He openly cussed out many good people on Facebook without knowing the truth and he backed Granger as if he was his godfather. He got what the deserved.

Any "Indian" that's not agreement with the current PPP are considered

outcast and are badly whished,luckily bad words are wind and 

have no effect.

Who are the good people in the current crew.??

You don't seeniggroes backstabbing niggroes, do you? Why should we not call them out? Haven't coolies been Judas to coolies long enough? Is it divide and conquer your intentions?

How many have you observed ??

Indos in the homeland have been led by divisionist for too long,

I grew up in a mixed society where if you disagree you are not deemed an out cast,maybe the good ones settled in my home town,other villages should take note.

By the way divide and conquer is not my forte.

Last edited by Django
Bibi Haniffa posted:

No one in the PPP wished him bad.  His new found PNC friends gave him his karma.

Bibi Haniffa posted:

Cain - I do not need to read slow.  Panday was pushed out of NCN!  And I am not sorry for him.  He was a cut throat to the PPP.  He openly cussed out many good people on Facebook without knowing the truth and he backed Granger as if he was his godfather. He got what the deserved.

That is news to me. I did not know Bish backed that Anti-koolie Jranjer.

Django posted:

How many have you observed ??

Indos in the homeland have been led by divisionist for too long,

I grew up in a mixed society where if you disagree you are not deemed an out cast,maybe the good ones settled in my home town,other villages should take note.

By the way divide and conquer is not my forte.

I also grew up in a mixed community. What I remember is that the Blacks are nice people as long as you don`t disagree with their leaders. The moment that opinions differ from that of their leaders, they flock together to bash you down.

Prashad posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

No one in the PPP wished him bad.  His new found PNC friends gave him his karma.

Bibi Haniffa posted:

Cain - I do not need to read slow.  Panday was pushed out of NCN!  And I am not sorry for him.  He was a cut throat to the PPP.  He openly cussed out many good people on Facebook without knowing the truth and he backed Granger as if he was his godfather. He got what the deserved.

That is news to me. I did not know Bish backed that Anti-koolie Jranjer.

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news.  My understanding is that he comes from decent and respectable family, but at some point he overdosed on the Ramjattan kool-aid and turned on his own friends and family in a nasty way to take the coalition to victory.

Too bad his best friend Ramjattan couldn't save his job.

Bibi Haniffa
Prashad posted:

The Panday family don't need to full their pockets with political corruption money they were alway rich from their business and they never rob anyone.

That is according to you. In one year the fellow done ready for retirement.  But this is emblematic of the PNC crooks in office, scramble all you can and run for the hills. 

Drugb posted:
Prashad posted:

The Panday family don't need to full their pockets with political corruption money they were alway rich from their business and they never rob anyone.

That is according to you. In one year the fellow done ready for retirement.  But this is emblematic of the PNC crooks in office, scramble all you can and run for the hills. 

Ironkoolie listen here. Those people were always well off.  They don't need to take money from the anti-koolie squad or from anti-koolie in chief Jranjer.

Last edited by Prashad
Bibi Haniffa posted:

So why was he kissing Granger's ass and finagling his way into the top spot at NCN?  Just for lil fun?  I don't trust Bish Panday's shadow.  He is right up there with Ramjattan and Moses as far as I am concerned.  

I don't think Bish realized he was dealing with anti-koolie. He probably was thinking he was supporting Moses and Kemraj. Not knowing these two fools are powerless around the racist anti-koolie squad.


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