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Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:

so, the new dispensation in Guyana is such that wherever/whenever Afro-Guyanese predominate and there is unhappiness with performance or service, some goose-stepping, mediocre arsehole like baseman feels totally comfortable defining the state of affairs as "racial" . . . requiring the Gov't to remedy by "ethnic balancing" [i.e., replace Afros with Indos] 


first it was the army, then police, now CJIA underlings; what next . . . teachers, UG students/faculty, nurses, teachers, underlings in the Gov't ministries, etc., etc., [fill in the blanks] . . . where will this madness end?


Indo-Guyanese preponderance is, of course, exempted from all this . . .


the power intoxicated on this BB really taking the PPP as "Indian" Gov't thing [reality?] to fascist extremes . . . Guyana's shame

I remember in 1980 going with my father who was suffering chest pains to the new emergency wing of GPH on Lamaha Street.  The place had quite a few Afros and Indians waiting, many non-emergency, many for follow-up treatment for fight-related wounds.  The nurse refused to listen and kept calling in the blacks to see the doctor.  The doctor was Indo-Guyanese who happened to be a family of a friend.  We got a message to him and he pulled my father in and checked out.  He told us that very few Indian make it into see him but there is little he could do.  Most Indians end up leaving and going to one of the private hospitals.  This sentiment is alive and well in today's Guyana and Jagdeo is on-point regarding anti-Indian racism among Afros.

this little 'anecdote' penned by a PROVEN LIAR and proud anti-Black racist informs public policy in PPP Guyana much in the same way the short 'stories' about encounters with evil Jewish doctors and evil Jewish lawyers in the pages of Der Giftpilz (The Poisonous Mushroom) groomed an entire generation of young Germans to be compliant Nazis and Jew murderers


somewhere in hell . . . Joseph Goebbels and Julius Streicher are smiling broadly

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:

so, the new dispensation in Guyana is such that wherever/whenever Afro-Guyanese predominate and there is unhappiness with performance or service, some goose-stepping, mediocre arsehole like baseman feels totally comfortable defining the state of affairs as "racial" . . . requiring the Gov't to remedy by "ethnic balancing" [i.e., replace Afros with Indos] 


first it was the army, then police, now CJIA underlings; what next . . . teachers, UG students/faculty, nurses, teachers, underlings in the Gov't ministries, etc., etc., [fill in the blanks] . . . where will this madness end?


Indo-Guyanese preponderance is, of course, exempted from all this . . .


the power intoxicated on this BB really taking the PPP as "Indian" Gov't thing [reality?] to fascist extremes . . . Guyana's shame

I remember in 1980 going with my father who was suffering chest pains to the new emergency wing of GPH on Lamaha Street.  The place had quite a few Afros and Indians waiting, many non-emergency, many for follow-up treatment for fight-related wounds.  The nurse refused to listen and kept calling in the blacks to see the doctor.  The doctor was Indo-Guyanese who happened to be a family of a friend.  We got a message to him and he pulled my father in and checked out.  He told us that very few Indian make it into see him but there is little he could do.  Most Indians end up leaving and going to one of the private hospitals.  This sentiment is alive and well in today's Guyana and Jagdeo is on-point regarding anti-Indian racism among Afros.

I worked in A&E in the '80's. I do not ever recall this happening...

Originally Posted by Prashad:

Absolutely I would check both.  I am a black Asian from the Indian subcontinent born in the Caribbean.  My experiences speak for themselves.

Prashad, if you are not black you are brown. I have said that to my black friends and they respect me for that. The you know what black friend turn around and ask me - you ever heard of " if you white you alright, if you brown stick around, if you yellow you mellow, if you black stay back".

Originally Posted by Sparky:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:

so, the new dispensation in Guyana is such that wherever/whenever Afro-Guyanese predominate and there is unhappiness with performance or service, some goose-stepping, mediocre arsehole like baseman feels totally comfortable defining the state of affairs as "racial" . . . requiring the Gov't to remedy by "ethnic balancing" [i.e., replace Afros with Indos] 


first it was the army, then police, now CJIA underlings; what next . . . teachers, UG students/faculty, nurses, teachers, underlings in the Gov't ministries, etc., etc., [fill in the blanks] . . . where will this madness end?


Indo-Guyanese preponderance is, of course, exempted from all this . . .


the power intoxicated on this BB really taking the PPP as "Indian" Gov't thing [reality?] to fascist extremes . . . Guyana's shame

I remember in 1980 going with my father who was suffering chest pains to the new emergency wing of GPH on Lamaha Street.  The place had quite a few Afros and Indians waiting, many non-emergency, many for follow-up treatment for fight-related wounds.  The nurse refused to listen and kept calling in the blacks to see the doctor.  The doctor was Indo-Guyanese who happened to be a family of a friend.  We got a message to him and he pulled my father in and checked out.  He told us that very few Indian make it into see him but there is little he could do.  Most Indians end up leaving and going to one of the private hospitals.  This sentiment is alive and well in today's Guyana and Jagdeo is on-point regarding anti-Indian racism among Afros.

I worked in A&E in the '80's. I do not ever recall this happening...

That's you, i saw it, I lived it.

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:

so, the new dispensation in Guyana is such that wherever/whenever Afro-Guyanese predominate and there is unhappiness with performance or service, some goose-stepping, mediocre arsehole like baseman feels totally comfortable defining the state of affairs as "racial" . . . requiring the Gov't to remedy by "ethnic balancing" [i.e., replace Afros with Indos] 


first it was the army, then police, now CJIA underlings; what next . . . teachers, UG students/faculty, nurses, teachers, underlings in the Gov't ministries, etc., etc., [fill in the blanks] . . . where will this madness end?


Indo-Guyanese preponderance is, of course, exempted from all this . . .


the power intoxicated on this BB really taking the PPP as "Indian" Gov't thing [reality?] to fascist extremes . . . Guyana's shame

I remember in 1980 going with my father who was suffering chest pains to the new emergency wing of GPH on Lamaha Street.  The place had quite a few Afros and Indians waiting, many non-emergency, many for follow-up treatment for fight-related wounds.  The nurse refused to listen and kept calling in the blacks to see the doctor.  The doctor was Indo-Guyanese who happened to be a family of a friend.  We got a message to him and he pulled my father in and checked out.  He told us that very few Indian make it into see him but there is little he could do.  Most Indians end up leaving and going to one of the private hospitals.  This sentiment is alive and well in today's Guyana and Jagdeo is on-point regarding anti-Indian racism among Afros.

this little 'anecdote' penned by a PROVEN LIAR and proud anti-Black racist informs public policy in PPP Guyana much in the same way the short 'stories' about encounters with evil Jewish doctors and evil Jewish lawyers in the pages of Der Giftpilz (The Poisonous Mushroom) groomed an entire generation of young Germans to be compliant Nazis and Jew murderers


somewhere in hell . . . Joseph Goebbels and Julius Streicher are smiling broadly

Yes, the truth will be construed as lies by the guilty in denial.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:

so, the new dispensation in Guyana is such that wherever/whenever Afro-Guyanese predominate and there is unhappiness with performance or service, some goose-stepping, mediocre arsehole like baseman feels totally comfortable defining the state of affairs as "racial" . . . requiring the Gov't to remedy by "ethnic balancing" [i.e., replace Afros with Indos] 


first it was the army, then police, now CJIA underlings; what next . . . teachers, UG students/faculty, nurses, teachers, underlings in the Gov't ministries, etc., etc., [fill in the blanks] . . . where will this madness end?


Indo-Guyanese preponderance is, of course, exempted from all this . . .


the power intoxicated on this BB really taking the PPP as "Indian" Gov't thing [reality?] to fascist extremes . . . Guyana's shame

I remember in 1980 going with my father who was suffering chest pains to the new emergency wing of GPH on Lamaha Street.  The place had quite a few Afros and Indians waiting, many non-emergency, many for follow-up treatment for fight-related wounds.  The nurse refused to listen and kept calling in the blacks to see the doctor.  The doctor was Indo-Guyanese who happened to be a family of a friend.  We got a message to him and he pulled my father in and checked out.  He told us that very few Indian make it into see him but there is little he could do.  Most Indians end up leaving and going to one of the private hospitals.  This sentiment is alive and well in today's Guyana and Jagdeo is on-point regarding anti-Indian racism among Afros.

this little 'anecdote' penned by a PROVEN LIAR and proud anti-Black racist informs public policy in PPP Guyana much in the same way the short 'stories' about encounters with evil Jewish doctors and evil Jewish lawyers in the pages of Der Giftpilz (The Poisonous Mushroom) groomed an entire generation of young Germans to be compliant Nazis and Jew murderers


somewhere in hell . . . Joseph Goebbels and Julius Streicher are smiling broadly

Yes, the truth will be construed as lies by the guilty in denial.

we know all about your "truth(s)" and "guilty" blackman dude


the pages of Der Sturmer is your open source template

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by baseman:

These places need more Indian staffing.  As Jagdeo pointed out, there is a racists under-current among the Afros in Guyana and they will let Indians die if it's their choice.  You can expect this 100 fold if the PNC ever takes power in Guyana.

The AFC/PNC will holler racism but the truth must be spoken.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by baseman:

These places need more Indian staffing.  As Jagdeo pointed out, there is a racists under-current among the Afros in Guyana and they will let Indians die if it's their choice.  You can expect this 100 fold if the PNC ever takes power in Guyana.

The AFC/PNC will holler racism but the truth must be spoken.

hapless yugee looking for a new pimp . . .

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by baseman:

These places need more Indian staffing.  As Jagdeo pointed out, there is a racists under-current among the Afros in Guyana and they will let Indians die if it's their choice.  You can expect this 100 fold if the PNC ever takes power in Guyana.

The AFC/PNC will holler racism but the truth must be spoken.

The inconvenient truth is always a bitter pill, but it is.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by baseman:

These places need more Indian staffing.  As Jagdeo pointed out, there is a racists under-current among the Afros in Guyana and they will let Indians die if it's their choice.  You can expect this 100 fold if the PNC ever takes power in Guyana.

The AFC/PNC will holler racism but the truth must be spoken.

The inconvenient truth is always a bitter pill, but it is.

we know all about your "inconvenient truth(s)" and "guilty" blackman . . .


the pages of Der Sturmer is your open source template

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by raymond:
Originally Posted by baseman:

These places need more Indian staffing.  As Jagdeo pointed out, there is a racists under-current among the Afros in Guyana and they will let Indians die if it's their choice.  You can expect this 100 fold if the PNC ever takes power in Guyana.

racist comments from a certified racist

Ray, Do you believe that the Civil Service Employees are good examples of competent and courteous Service?  I understand the strong sentiments of Baseman does sound harsh but we must NOT just brush Guyana's RACISM under the Rug. Have you ever seek the Services of the GPF, Customs Officers etc?????

coming from a bigot like baseman, I don't view this as a commentary on racial equity in the civil service

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by baseman:

These places need more Indian staffing.  As Jagdeo pointed out, there is a racists under-current among the Afros in Guyana and they will let Indians die if it's their choice.  You can expect this 100 fold if the PNC ever takes power in Guyana.

The AFC/PNC will holler racism but the truth must be spoken.

hapless yugee looking for a new pimp . . .

wha happen to the old got too hot for him on GNI

Originally Posted by raymond:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by baseman:

These places need more Indian staffing.  As Jagdeo pointed out, there is a racists under-current among the Afros in Guyana and they will let Indians die if it's their choice.  You can expect this 100 fold if the PNC ever takes power in Guyana.

The AFC/PNC will holler racism but the truth must be spoken.

hapless yugee looking for a new pimp . . .

wha happen to the old got too hot for him on GNI

Or he's looking for another 'logical fallacy' ..

Originally Posted by raymond:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by raymond:
Originally Posted by baseman:

These places need more Indian staffing.  As Jagdeo pointed out, there is a racists under-current among the Afros in Guyana and they will let Indians die if it's their choice.  You can expect this 100 fold if the PNC ever takes power in Guyana.

racist comments from a certified racist

Ray, Do you believe that the Civil Service Employees are good examples of competent and courteous Service?  I understand the strong sentiments of Baseman does sound harsh but we must NOT just brush Guyana's RACISM under the Rug. Have you ever seek the Services of the GPF, Customs Officers etc?????

coming from a bigot like baseman, I don't view this as a commentary on racial equity in the civil service

Another PNC Indian Raymond comes to the rescue of their PNC racist friends.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by raymond:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by raymond:
Originally Posted by baseman:

These places need more Indian staffing.  As Jagdeo pointed out, there is a racists under-current among the Afros in Guyana and they will let Indians die if it's their choice.  You can expect this 100 fold if the PNC ever takes power in Guyana.

racist comments from a certified racist

Ray, Do you believe that the Civil Service Employees are good examples of competent and courteous Service?  I understand the strong sentiments of Baseman does sound harsh but we must NOT just brush Guyana's RACISM under the Rug. Have you ever seek the Services of the GPF, Customs Officers etc?????

coming from a bigot like baseman, I don't view this as a commentary on racial equity in the civil service

Another PNC Indian Raymond comes to the rescue of their PNC racist friends.

did baseman and Nehru convert to PNC....???

Originally Posted by baseman:

These places need more Indian staffing.  As Jagdeo pointed out, there is a racists under-current among the Afros in Guyana and they will let Indians die if it's their choice.  You can expect this 100 fold if the PNC ever takes power in Guyana.

Baseman is administration who run CBJIA Africans. I do belive that almost every top admin slot is held by an Indian. 


As in the colonial era the Africans do the work in govt offices, and now its the Indians, and not the whites, who crack the whip.


I mean look at the namke of the airport.  Cheddi Bharat Jagan International Airport.  You know that black people have a panic attack every time they think of who that airport is named after.  And now who is in charge of it.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:

These places need more Indian staffing.  As Jagdeo pointed out, there is a racists under-current among the Afros in Guyana and they will let Indians die if it's their choice.  You can expect this 100 fold if the PNC ever takes power in Guyana.

Baseman is administration who run CBJIA Africans. I do belive that almost every top admin slot is held by an Indian. 


As in the colonial era the Africans do the work in govt offices, and now its the Indians, and not the whites, who crack the whip.

You forgot the days of the PNC. Every post had 2 or 3 negroes as managers with 4 or 5 negroes doing one job.

Originally Posted by Prashad:

was snow white and it would be war if someone refers to her as black.


That is one of the racial tendencies that some of these Caribbean Africans have for us Caribbean indians.  Denial of our blackness

1.  How many IndoCaribbean people identify as "black"?


2.  How many IndoCaribbean people do not have the same racist attitudes towards AfroCaribbean people that whites have?


3.  Until Guyanese Indians arrived in the USA and the Indians froim India shunned them, how many identified themselves as a Caribbean people?


4.  How many IndoCaribbean people even acknowledge that by virtue of living in the Caribbean for over 150 years their culture is no longer fully Indian, but has undergone transformation, the result of living under colonial rule, living alongside non Indians (most significant Africans) and being outside of India, and therefore not being oart of the cultural transformations of that nation.



Chat with yourself before you criticize people who do not include you because they are tired of the games that many Caribbean Indians play.


Recall if you please that in the Black Power rebellion of the early 70s when black militants sought to include rural Indians as they attempte dto make Trinidad a more nclusive society the Indians rejected them with the retort  that "we are not black".  That militant heard those comments loud and clear.


At the end of the day the only Caribbean people who place their Caribbean identity at the center of who they are are those of African descent.  You know full well that this is not true of most Caribbean Indians, until they get kivcked in the teeth by people from India.

Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by raymond:
Originally Posted by baseman:

These places need more Indian staffing.  As Jagdeo pointed out, there is a racists under-current among the Afros in Guyana and they will let Indians die if it's their choice.  You can expect this 100 fold if the PNC ever takes power in Guyana.

racist comments from a certified racist

Raymond, how can someone make a statement of balancing the work force with blacks and Indians at CJIA without being racist? Can you please give us an example?

OK let us diversify the LOW level positions held by blacks at CBJIA if you diversify the management slots held by Indians.

Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by raymond:
Originally Posted by baseman:

These places need more Indian staffing.  As Jagdeo pointed out, there is a racists under-current among the Afros in Guyana and they will let Indians die if it's their choice.  You can expect this 100 fold if the PNC ever takes power in Guyana.

racist comments from a certified racist

Raymond, how can someone make a statement of balancing the work force with blacks and Indians at CJIA without being racist? Can you please give us an example?

Of the 9 board members of CBJIA, 7 are INDIAN!  I do not know whether the remaining 2 are blacks either.


I agree that there should be balancing.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:

These places need more Indian staffing.  As Jagdeo pointed out, there is a racists under-current among the Afros in Guyana and they will let Indians die if it's their choice.  You can expect this 100 fold if the PNC ever takes power in Guyana.

Baseman is administration who run CBJIA Africans. I do belive that almost every top admin slot is held by an Indian. 


As in the colonial era the Africans do the work in govt offices, and now its the Indians, and not the whites, who crack the whip.

You forgot the days of the PNC. Every post had 2 or 3 negroes as managers with 4 or 5 negroes doing one job.

So true. The AFC/PNC are fighting to the return of the "good old days" of the PNC.

Originally Posted by Prashad:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Prashad:

Ask them, don't ask me.  To deny that an indian is black when his skin is black and the world aka Whites and chinese see him as black and treats him in a horrible way because they see him as blacl.  It is a form of racialism performed against indians..

are you a Black man?

That is the way some whites and orientals see me.  They would not hesitate to discriminate against me or even hurt me physically because in their minds they see me as black.  So for some Caribbean Africans to say that I am not black is a form of racism against me because of my indianess. This I believe is a product of British colonialism.

And when Indian dominated govts like Kamla Persad and Ramotar strip out as many blacks from EFFECTIVE leadership slots a sthey can what say you?


When the Chronicle, owned by an Indo Nazi govt, p-rints an EDITORIAL, lambasting AfroGuyanese as criminals who have done nothing positiove for Guyana, and whos eonly intent is to rape and rob Indians...and most importantly, when NO INDIAN PPP OFFICIAL comments on this what say you?


As I see it Indians are just as ready to discriminate against blacks as the white man used to do.  In fcat a study of hiring practises in Tdad claimed that Indians managers were MORE racist towards Africans than the white Trinidadians are.  And in Guyana it does appear as if it is easier for an African to be employed and promoted into a top position in foreigned owned than in Indian owned companies, where they see blacks as laborers, security guards, and sales clerks.


Quit pretending as if Indians havent been as guilty about bigotry towards blacks as the whites have been.

Originally Posted by seignet:

how does all of this play with the Infran Ally's drive on tourism?

Tell you what.  A tour operator ha stours set up in Barbados for European tourists who wish a different experienc to what they can get staying on that island, given that mnay vacation for two weeks.  Offered eco tours to Guyana and to Venezuela.  The Guyana tours were scrapped as none of the toursits were interested.  Now one would think that English speaking Guyana would have been preferred given that the German, Dutch and Scandinavian tourists are more likely to be fluent in English than in Spanish.



So the PPP can scream as much as they wish.  The only people who visit Guyana for leisure purposes are overseas Guyanese, and Islanders coming to watch cricket or lime with Guyanese friends.  They can show us pics of teh 20 or so foreigners, but the reality is that any one in Guyana relying on foreign Eco tourists would have died long ago.

Originally Posted by Prashad:

You tell that nonsense to those racist whites in North America/Eastern Europe and the racist chinese in Singapour.


Redux you live in a dream world.  Don't forget to come out of your apartment and take a stroll in the real world once in a while.

And what about Indo racists like rev and yuji whose opinions of blacks is way more edxtreme that most whites are...and they are PROUD of it, and I believe their opinions are probably close to the norm among South Asians and IndoCaribbeans, who are just more silent about it.

Originally Posted by baseman:

I remember in 1980 going with my father who was suffering chest pains to the new emergency wing of GPH on Lamaha Street.  The place had quite a few Afros and Indians waiting, many non-emergency, many for follow-up treatment for fight-related wounds.  The nurse refused to listen and kept calling in the blacks to see the doctor.  The doctor was Indo-Guyanese who happened to be a family of a friend.  We got a message to him and he pulled my father in and checked out.  He told us that very few Indian make it into see him but there is little he could do.  Most Indians end up leaving and going to one of the private hospitals.  This sentiment is alive and well in today's Guyana and Jagdeo is on-point regarding anti-Indian racism among Afros.

And many Indian teachers chase the black kids out of the class in Berbice, so how come you didnt mention that? It took a letter in the KN from a former PPP supporter who admited that the PPP had shown violence towqards Indos who didnt support them in the 70s. 


Even Ravi dev had to complain of similar treatment in 2001 when Janet screamed at him that he is "splitting" the vote.  Notable that she didnt accuse Hoyte of that.  So it is clear that she defined her votes ALONG RACIAL lines, and demanded ethnic loyalty from Indians.


 Indeed there was a well publicized case of a black woman at the Berbice UG dorms who was accused of being a thief, when there was no proof, and it turned out that the man running the facility just didnt want any blacks in there.


There is enough racism on BOTH sides, yet your focus is only on Afr racism.


I will not debate about whather your story is true or not.  I knew of enough arrogant PNC types who viewed Indians as being "PPP", therefore "antigovt", therefore not deserving of any respect.  In 2013 we see tehy SAME thing except the victimizers are now Indians and the victimized are now blacks.


You know if you stated that yes Indo racism does exist and it is naked revenge for racism directed against them in the 70s and 80s you might get sympathy from me.  Where you lose me is when you pretend that racism against blacks in today's Guyana is a feature of Afro paranoia and not a reality.  


I knew enough Indians in the Burnham era to know that their lives were definitely more difficult, just a stoday Africans now face similar treatment.  So if I can be honest about this, you ought to try it too!

Originally Posted by caribny:

Tell you what.  A tour operator ha stours set up in Barbados for European tourists who wish a different experienc to what they can get staying on that island, given that mnay vacation for two weeks.  Offered eco tours to Guyana and to Venezuela.  The Guyana tours were scrapped as none of the toursits were interested.  Now one would think that English speaking Guyana would have been preferred given that the German, Dutch and Scandinavian tourists are more likely to be fluent in English than in Spanish.



So the PPP can scream as much as they wish.  The only people who visit Guyana for leisure purposes are overseas Guyanese, and Islanders coming to watch cricket or lime with Guyanese friends.  They can show us pics of teh 20 or so foreigners, but the reality is that any one in Guyana relying on foreign Eco tourists would have died long ago.

I was there when this transpired. The tour operator asked the tourist if they wanted to visit Guyana, the tourist said what is there to do there? The tourist operator said, oh pnc burning and killing and by the way they have a great water falls called Kaiteur. The tourist replied, how do I avoid "pnc burning and killing" in order to reach Kaiteir falls. The tourist operator replied, it is luck and chance. Then he got into the details of cost, 400US return to Guyana from Barbados then 200US to get to Kaiteur falls + danger of loss of life and limb due to pnc mo fiah and linden riots. The tourist thought for a while and said, damn that is too much money for me, my wife and two kids, 2,400USD just to see a water falls and no blue water and white sand beach! 


You need to catch a dose of reality and stop selling your nancy stories. 

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:

These places need more Indian staffing.  As Jagdeo pointed out, there is a racists under-current among the Afros in Guyana and they will let Indians die if it's their choice.  You can expect this 100 fold if the PNC ever takes power in Guyana.

Baseman is administration who run CBJIA Africans. I do belive that almost every top admin slot is held by an Indian. 


As in the colonial era the Africans do the work in govt offices, and now its the Indians, and not the whites, who crack the whip.


I mean look at the namke of the airport.  Cheddi Bharat Jagan International Airport.  You know that black people have a panic attack every time they think of who that airport is named after.  And now who is in charge of it.

The airport should never have been renamed.  In fact Baseman still refers to it as Timehri.  To even out, the national cultural center should be renamed the LFS home of performance arts.  Baseman believe LFSB deserves even treatment tough I did not support him.  Baseman is fair, honest and non-racists.  LFSB was an impact leader good and bad but regardless he was the first post-independence leader.


On the other hand, if the airport was re-named Bharrat Jagdeo International Airport, blacks would get shittings at the sight.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by caribny:

Tell you what.  A tour operator ha stours set up in Barbados for European tourists who wish a different experienc to what they can get staying on that island, given that mnay vacation for two weeks.  Offered eco tours to Guyana and to Venezuela.  The Guyana tours were scrapped as none of the toursits were interested.  Now one would think that English speaking Guyana would have been preferred given that the German, Dutch and Scandinavian tourists are more likely to be fluent in English than in Spanish.



So the PPP can scream as much as they wish.  The only people who visit Guyana for leisure purposes are overseas Guyanese, and Islanders coming to watch cricket or lime with Guyanese friends.  They can show us pics of teh 20 or so foreigners, but the reality is that any one in Guyana relying on foreign Eco tourists would have died long ago.

I was there when this transpired. The tour operator asked the tourist if they wanted to visit Guyana, the tourist said what is there to do there? The tourist operator said, oh pnc burning and killing and by the way they have a great water falls called Kaiteur. The tourist replied, how do I avoid "pnc burning and killing" in order to reach Kaiteir falls. The tourist operator replied, it is luck and chance. Then he got into the details of cost, 400US return to Guyana from Barbados then 200US to get to Kaiteur falls + danger of loss of life and limb due to pnc mo fiah and linden riots. The tourist thought for a while and said, damn that is too much money for me, my wife and two kids, 2,400USD just to see a water falls and no blue water and white sand beach! 


You need to catch a dose of reality and stop selling your nancy stories. 

And the tourists were Mr& Mrs Goads and Kids.  Were they going to charge you extra for that 100 pound goadee?
I always wonder how people who live in section 8 housing can afford to bring an entire family to Guyana.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Prashad:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Prashad:

Ask them, don't ask me.  To deny that an indian is black when his skin is black and the world aka Whites and chinese see him as black and treats him in a horrible way because they see him as blacl.  It is a form of racialism performed against indians..

are you a Black man?

That is the way some whites and orientals see me.  They would not hesitate to discriminate against me or even hurt me physically because in their minds they see me as black.  So for some Caribbean Africans to say that I am not black is a form of racism against me because of my indianess. This I believe is a product of British colonialism.

And when Indian dominated govts like Kamla Persad and Ramotar strip out as many blacks from EFFECTIVE leadership slots a sthey can what say you?


When the Chronicle, owned by an Indo Nazi govt, p-rints an EDITORIAL, lambasting AfroGuyanese as criminals who have done nothing positiove for Guyana, and whos eonly intent is to rape and rob Indians...and most importantly, when NO INDIAN PPP OFFICIAL comments on this what say you?


As I see it Indians are just as ready to discriminate against blacks as the white man used to do.  In fcat a study of hiring practises in Tdad claimed that Indians managers were MORE racist towards Africans than the white Trinidadians are.  And in Guyana it does appear as if it is easier for an African to be employed and promoted into a top position in foreigned owned than in Indian owned companies, where they see blacks as laborers, security guards, and sales clerks.


Quit pretending as if Indians havent been as guilty about bigotry towards blacks as the whites have been.

My question to you is this.  Do you CaribNY see the East Indian as an inferior sub human to you?

Originally Posted by Dondadda:
Originally Posted by Prashad:

Absolutely I would check both.  I am a black Asian from the Indian subcontinent born in the Caribbean.  My experiences speak for themselves.

Prashad, if you are not black you are brown. I have said that to my black friends and they respect me for that. The you know what black friend turn around and ask me - you ever heard of " if you white you alright, if you brown stick around, if you yellow you mellow, if you black stay back".

You tell that nonsense to the racist whites and orientals who discriminate against East Indians because they are black and are out to hurt East Indians because they are seen as black people.  These racists would laugh you out of town.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by caribny:

Tell you what.  A tour operator ha stours set up in Barbados for European tourists who wish a different experienc to what they can get staying on that island, given that mnay vacation for two weeks.  Offered eco tours to Guyana and to Venezuela.  The Guyana tours were scrapped as none of the toursits were interested.  Now one would think that English speaking Guyana would have been preferred given that the German, Dutch and Scandinavian tourists are more likely to be fluent in English than in Spanish.



So the PPP can scream as much as they wish.  The only people who visit Guyana for leisure purposes are overseas Guyanese, and Islanders coming to watch cricket or lime with Guyanese friends.  They can show us pics of teh 20 or so foreigners, but the reality is that any one in Guyana relying on foreign Eco tourists would have died long ago.

I was there when this transpired. The tour operator asked the tourist if they wanted to visit Guyana, the tourist said what is there to do there? The tourist operator said, oh pnc burning and killing and by the way they have a great water falls called Kaiteur. The tourist replied, how do I avoid "pnc burning and killing" in order to reach Kaiteir falls. The tourist operator replied, it is luck and chance. Then he got into the details of cost, 400US return to Guyana from Barbados then 200US to get to Kaiteur falls + danger of loss of life and limb due to pnc mo fiah and linden riots. The tourist thought for a while and said, damn that is too much money for me, my wife and two kids, 2,400USD just to see a water falls and no blue water and white sand beach! 


You need to catch a dose of reality and stop selling your nancy stories. 

And the tourists were Mr& Mrs Goads and Kids.  Were they going to charge you extra for that 100 pound goadee?
I always wonder how people who live in section 8 housing can afford to bring an entire family to Guyana.

And the tourist operator was Mr Mitwanda and his underaged lover boy toy, when he bend the boy over and shove his member up him, the little boy screamed for justice. The tourist take his 100 pound goadee and lash the pedophile Mr Mitwanda over the head and rescued the underaged boy from life of sodomy at the hand of this evil villain. Capt Gouveia was so touched by this story that he gave the tourist and his family a free trip to Kaieteur, saving him 2400US.  But before the tourist could go on plane to Kaieteur, a complementary surgery via the GPH was performed on the tourist to free him of his 100 pound goadie. All's well that ends well. ahahhahaha

Originally Posted by Prashad:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Prashad:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Prashad:

Ask them, don't ask me.  To deny that an indian is black when his skin is black and the world aka Whites and chinese see him as black and treats him in a horrible way because they see him as blacl.  It is a form of racialism performed against indians..

are you a Black man?

That is the way some whites and orientals see me.  They would not hesitate to discriminate against me or even hurt me physically because in their minds they see me as black.  So for some Caribbean Africans to say that I am not black is a form of racism against me because of my indianess. This I believe is a product of British colonialism.

And when Indian dominated govts like Kamla Persad and Ramotar strip out as many blacks from EFFECTIVE leadership slots a sthey can what say you?


When the Chronicle, owned by an Indo Nazi govt, p-rints an EDITORIAL, lambasting AfroGuyanese as criminals who have done nothing positiove for Guyana, and whos eonly intent is to rape and rob Indians...and most importantly, when NO INDIAN PPP OFFICIAL comments on this what say you?


As I see it Indians are just as ready to discriminate against blacks as the white man used to do.  In fcat a study of hiring practises in Tdad claimed that Indians managers were MORE racist towards Africans than the white Trinidadians are.  And in Guyana it does appear as if it is easier for an African to be employed and promoted into a top position in foreigned owned than in Indian owned companies, where they see blacks as laborers, security guards, and sales clerks.


Quit pretending as if Indians havent been as guilty about bigotry towards blacks as the whites have been.

My question to you is this.  Do you CaribNY see the East Indian as an inferior sub human to you?

where in his response(s) did he imply or say such a thing?


it seems that the red herring 'question' is your clever idea of an escape route from [your own] poor argumentation?


You listen up here.  CaribNY is no dunce or fool.  He may know that most Guyanese East Indians are black in the eyes of racist whites and orientals.  He may be just be playing the fool on the board here for your sick entertainment.

Originally Posted by Prashad:

You listen up here.  CaribNY is no dunce or fool.  He may know that most Guyanese East Indians are black in the eyes of racist whites and orientals.  He may be just be playing the fool on the board here for your entertainment.

huh . . .?!


what strange voices in your head are u having this 'conversation' with?

Originally Posted by Prashad:

Feel sorry for your self.  Which one of the personalities in your head answering there?

Stop embarrassing yourself Prashad. You are a Brown clown.


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