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Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Angel:

GT and all along the coastland stinks. Trash is all around and very little is done to clean up the place. An american professional who had to visit often due to her work there, once said that she thought that the smell was due to the fact that the coastland was over 6 feet below sea level and water table was so high and the stink was actually a combination of sewerage and trash and poor sanitation on the ground.I think she is right.


The capital should indeed be moved as early as possible. Brazil and other countries did it successfully.

The construction going on in Georgetown by the private sector shows that people have forgotten about the flood. However in terms of the garbage and smells, moving the capital will not affect the situation, the people have to change their habits of dumping wantonly and police need to enforce the litter laws. I was down there recently and did not experience any of these smells that you or your American friend claim. 

That's due to your bad BO. hahahahahahah.

Or maybe he went straight from the airport and was locked up in a house for the duration. In this case, it would make sense. How you expect him to smell anything. Hahahaha

Originally Posted by Sheik101:
Originally Posted by Angel:
Originally Posted by Sheik101:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Cain, do you think the mud in the canal smells nice. What comes to mind when you see the woman in mud sitting down?

I can tell you right off the bat that those canals smell real bad. You don't want the misfortune of falling into one, especially that one near the museum. However, in your case there will be an en exception. I would gladly dash you in mesself.

GT and all along the coastland stinks. Trash is all around and very little is done to clean up the place. An american professional who had to visit often due to her work there, once said that she thought that the smell was due to the fact that the coastland was over 6 feet below sea level and water table was so high and the stink was actually a combination of sewerage and trash and poor sanitation on the ground.I think she is right.


The capital should indeed be moved as early as possible. Brazil and other countries did it successfully.

Would you agree, with proper drainage and irrigation this situation could be alleviated?

That is a major part of the solution. The People need to stop dumping and start respecting the environment recognising that by doing so they are helping to protect their own health and wellbeing. GT is facing major potential  public health issues due to poor sanitation.


The sea levels are rising and if significant investment is not also made to buttress the sea defences the coastland will be inundated sooner rather than later, and those sand bags that they are busy filling will not hold back the sea.


The so called building boom? Just look at the buildings going up, they are mostly suited to USA but being in a tropical country, all ACed and well insulated, blocking out the stench in the process.  In any event, I just do not understand why they build on the Coast. But then not all persons make prudent choices. Some don't even think logically, just take B_Gurd as an example.


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