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Woman who jumped off Kaieteur Falls confirmed dead

Roshinee Pagwah posing at the Kaieteur Falls moments before she jumped over to her death [News Source photo) Roshinee Pagwah posing at the Kaieteur Falls moments before she jumped over to her death (News Source photo)


The 21-year old woman, who jumped over the Kaieteur Falls Saturday morning, has been confirmed dead and efforts were being made to retrieve her body, the Ministry of Tourism indicated.


"Updates on the recovery efforts, investigations, and the operation of the Park will continue to be provided as they become available. The Ministry wishes to express their condolences to the family of the passenger," the Ministry said in a statement. "Efforts are underway to locate the body, and gather statements from all witnesses," added the Ministry.

Though the Ministry of Tourism and the Protected Areas Commission have not identified her, other usually reliable sources identified her as Roshinee Pagwah.


Authorities are treating her death as an "apparent suicide" based on an account of the moments leading up to the fateful incident. "Based on early reports, a tour group of nine and two guides (one Kaieteur Ranger and a staff member of Roraima Airways) was about to be taken back to their aircraft, when a female passenger turned, ran towards the Falls, and jumped into the gorge. The tour guides on duty were unsuccessful in intercepting her dash," the ministry said.


Reports indicate that revised tour protocols, including two guides per tour, regular head counts and the reporting of unusual behaviour, were in place and observed at the time of the incident. 


Authorities have since ordered the temporary closure of the Kaieteur National Park to facilitate investigations by the Guyana Police Force.


Two months ago, Gyaneshwarie 'Lalita' Sivanand committed suicide by jumping off the falls into the gorge. The decomposed remains of her body were found days later and recovered by Guyana Defence Force soldiers.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by Cobra:
Why all them pretty, young women taking their lives in style to jump off Guyana waterfall?

Yuh being a Hindu should know about appeasing Ganga Mai. It is known generally as Marine Spirits. Ulyses had to strap his men down on the ship mast not be overwhelm. 


The Minister of Tourism should implement a system to avoid the temptations to jump into the gorge.


In 2009, 23-year-old Aliya Bulkan jumped from Kaieteur Falls to her death.

In September this year, Mrs Laleta Sivanand jumped to her death too.

Today, 21-year-old Roshinee Pagwah has done the same.

The suicide epidemic among the Indo-Guyanese community is getting too dramatic, and it calls for urgent and frank and honest appraisal from members of this community. Something is definitely wrong. Families are hurting with every suicide and the soul-searching should begin at the family level. Happy people don't kill themselves. People don't run away from a good life. Indo-Guyanese families have to begin examining themselves and confront the harsh truth, whatever it is, or else the suicide trend will continue.

My condolence to the family of Roshinee Pagwah.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

In 2009, 23-year-old Aliya Bulkan jumped from Kaieteur Falls to her death.

In September this year, Mrs Laleta Sivanand jumped to her death too.

Today, 21-year-old Roshinee Pagwah has done the same.

The suicide epidemic among the Indo-Guyanese community is getting too dramatic, and it calls for urgent and frank and honest appraisal from members of this community. Something is definitely wrong. Families are hurting with every suicide and the soul-searching should begin at the family level. Happy people don't kill themselves. People don't run away from a good life. Indo-Guyanese families have to begin examining themselves and confront the harsh truth, whatever it is, or else the suicide trend will continue.

My condolence to the family of Roshinee Pagwah.

I suspect the highest rate of suicide comprises the Indo Guyanese based on the names published and also Hindus account for most. I wonder what the Hindu organizations are doing to curb this form of death amongst this close nit community?


Suicide is a serious problem in Guyana as well as in most countries, including the United States.  Before we jump up to speak hoping to score political points or impress our Guyanese friends or foes we should all try to get a proper understanding of why people commit suicide and what can be done to prevent it. It's utterly disgusting to inject any sort of biggotry in this matter. I urge you people who are eager to speak on this matter to do some research first.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally Posted by Cobra:

May be this poor soul see Granger for the first time and decided to say goodbye to the world.




De Phagwa family is

in a state of Shock and mourning...

and look at the nonsense

yuh throwing in de people face.


Dead: Roshinee Pagwah

Roshinee Pagwah, RIP



Quote Billy Ram Balgobin......

Suicide is a serious problem in Guyana as well as in most countries, including the United States.


Before we jump up to speak hoping to score political points or impress our Guyanese friends or foes we should all try to get a proper understanding of why people commit suicide and what can be done to prevent it.


It's utterly disgusting to inject any sort of biggotry in this matter.



I urge you people who are eager to speak on this matter to do some research first.


Quote Django.......

Cobby..put politics aside bro

this is a serious issue

only a few weeks ago

there were two young ones 

who took their lives.


What is wrong with our people,

i wish there are some answers.

Last edited by Former Member

Django, if Jagdeo face can make people commit suicide, Granger can make it worse for young people to take their life. My statement doesn't mean I don't care about the woman and her family. Most of you that pretends to care about this one woman, never said a word on other suicides that happened under Granger watch. I am the most hated person on GNI to call a spade a spade, and I have no apology for anyone. Y'all have to learn to live with a plain speaker with bad manners.

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Suicide is a serious problem in Guyana as well as in most countries, including the United States.  Before we jump up to speak hoping to score political points or impress our Guyanese friends or foes we should all try to get a proper understanding of why people commit suicide and what can be done to prevent it. It's utterly disgusting to inject any sort of biggotry in this matter. I urge you people who are eager to speak on this matter to do some research first.


Billy, bai you head right...

Suicide in Guyana is not political.


Its a people who was not taught how to handle challenges in life.

Dem Papa rass ah dea rum shop and dem modda  ah try to teach dem how to become adults.  While dem friends teach dem how  to screw-up  dem life.  


In our years in Guyana, the kids who dropped out of school, came into our program and was taught how to handle daily challenges. They returned to school and are now graduating from UG and high schools.

Betta yet, they are becoming teachers at the school they dropped out.

A wonderful mentorship initiative, to other students with similar challenges.


But abee rass ah one lil bai, when it comes to suicide prevention in Guyana.

The government MUST coordinate a national program to be effective in other parts of the country, because individual NGOs are too fragmented in their efforts.


Suicide can be prevented in Guyana by teaching the people how to deal with challenges, instead of grabbing a cutlass or poison, at the first disagreement.


Me rass might be in sling fa dis one: But coolie people need to stop being followers and start thinking fa dem self.  Dis is not a political statement.          

Last edited by Tola
Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

May be this poor soul see Granger for the first time and decided to say goodbye to the world.




De Phagwa family is

in a state of Shock and mourning...

and look at the nonsense

yuh throwing in de people face.


Dead: Roshinee Pagwah

Roshinee Pagwah, RIP



Quote Billy Ram Balgobin......

Suicide is a serious problem in Guyana as well as in most countries, including the United States.


Before we jump up to speak hoping to score political points or impress our Guyanese friends or foes we should all try to get a proper understanding of why people commit suicide and what can be done to prevent it.


It's utterly disgusting to inject any sort of biggotry in this matter.



I urge you people who are eager to speak on this matter to do some research first.


Quote Django.......

Cobby..put politics aside bro

this is a serious issue

only a few weeks ago

there were two young ones 

who took their lives.


What is wrong with our people,

i wish there are some answers.

I don't wish to score political points as I know it's not connected however, for years is was blamed on the PPP, even our resident "expert" alluded to this over the years!


The causes are complex and why is it so prevalent among Hindu Indians?  This is something that needs to be addressed at the community level and make recommendations to the national Govt, should measures be needed there.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

May be this poor soul see Granger for the first time and decided to say goodbye to the world.




De Phagwa family is

in a state of Shock and mourning...

and look at the nonsense

yuh throwing in de people face.


Dead: Roshinee Pagwah

Roshinee Pagwah, RIP



Quote Billy Ram Balgobin......

Suicide is a serious problem in Guyana as well as in most countries, including the United States.


Before we jump up to speak hoping to score political points or impress our Guyanese friends or foes we should all try to get a proper understanding of why people commit suicide and what can be done to prevent it.


It's utterly disgusting to inject any sort of biggotry in this matter.



I urge you people who are eager to speak on this matter to do some research first.


Quote Django.......

Cobby..put politics aside bro

this is a serious issue

only a few weeks ago

there were two young ones 

who took their lives.


What is wrong with our people,

i wish there are some answers.

I don't wish to score political points as I know it's not connected however, for years is was blamed on the PPP, even our resident "expert" alluded to this over the years!


The causes are complex and why is it so prevalent among Hindu Indians?  This is something that needs to be addressed at the community level and make recommendations to the national Govt, should measures be needed there.

Baseman, one less dulahin fuh you.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by KishanB:



Suicide is driven by a mental illness.  Too many people are metally ill in Guyana.

So then South Korea is the 2nd basket mental case to Guyana in the world.  Wow, some intellectual prowess being displayed here!

Yes, the Korean people are all tightly wounded up with stress.

Originally Posted by Django:
Originally Posted by KishanB:



Suicide is driven by a mental illness.  Too many people are metally ill in Guyana.

Kishan..why the alarming level in country with such a

small population,mostly affected are the Indian people,

this issue need to addressed by the people themselves,

some one in the homeland need to make a move.

And most are Hindus. What are the Hindu Sabhas, Pandits, Swaamees and Spiritual leaders doing to curb it?

Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by KishanB:



Suicide is driven by a mental illness.  Too many people are metally ill in Guyana.

So then South Korea is the 2nd basket mental case to Guyana in the world.  Wow, some intellectual prowess being displayed here!

Yes, the Korean people are all tightly wounded up with stress.

Yes, economic deprivation, I guess.  So Guyana Hindu Indians and South Korea are the two most stressed populations on this planet.  Now you should advise the Govt to import stress-relief drugs and hand it out to the Hindu Indian population.  Do you realize what a hero you would become.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Cobra:
Economic depression is causing people to commit suicide. People can't live on the salary they making. Its not mental illness. It's slavery.

I have seen volatile changes in your mood since the PPP/C loss the  election. That is a possible sign of depression.

Ow Mits, that's unfair to my friend Base. What you call "volatile" is what others may call "passion". Dat ent no sign ah depression. Dat is just a peculiarity of personality.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Cobra:
Economic depression is causing people to commit suicide. People can't live on the salary they making. Its not mental illness. It's slavery.

I have seen volatile changes in your mood since the PPP/C loss the  election. That is a possible sign of depression.

Ow Mits, that's unfair to my friend Base. What you call "volatile" is what others may call "passion". Dat ent no sign ah depression. Dat is just a peculiarity of personality.

Ok! But I was speaking to Cobra.

Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by KishanB:



Suicide is driven by a mental illness.  Too many people are metally ill in Guyana.

That girl doan looked troubled, mentally stressed or suicidal. She turned and ran towards her death.

Depression is not only determined from physical appearances. Some actions can be impulsive.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Cobra:
Economic depression is causing people to commit suicide. People can't live on the salary they making. Its not mental illness. It's slavery.

I have seen volatile changes in your mood since the PPP/C loss the  election. That is a possible sign of depression.

Ow Mits, that's unfair to my friend Base. What you call "volatile" is what others may call "passion". Dat ent no sign ah depression. Dat is just a peculiarity of personality.

Ok! But I was speaking to Cobra.

Oh shucks! I withdraw!!

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by KishanB:



Suicide is driven by a mental illness.  Too many people are metally ill in Guyana.

That girl doan looked troubled, mentally stressed or suicidal. She turned and ran towards her death.

Depression is not only determined from physical appearances. Some actions can be impulsive.

Then, I think that is a spirit. Now, doan misinterpret what I am writing. The Bible talks about such spirits. Everything has a spirit-good or bad. Most native cultures attributes many events to spirits. In this modern world we think there is no place for them. Some things baffles the mind.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

May be this poor soul see Granger for the first time and decided to say goodbye to the world.




De Phagwa family is

in a state of Shock and mourning...

and look at the nonsense

yuh throwing in de people face.


Dead: Roshinee Pagwah

Roshinee Pagwah, RIP



Quote Billy Ram Balgobin......

Suicide is a serious problem in Guyana as well as in most countries, including the United States.


Before we jump up to speak hoping to score political points or impress our Guyanese friends or foes we should all try to get a proper understanding of why people commit suicide and what can be done to prevent it.


It's utterly disgusting to inject any sort of biggotry in this matter.



I urge you people who are eager to speak on this matter to do some research first.


Quote Django.......

Cobby..put politics aside bro

this is a serious issue

only a few weeks ago

there were two young ones 

who took their lives.


What is wrong with our people,

i wish there are some answers.

I don't wish to score political points as I know it's not connected however, for years is was blamed on the PPP, even our resident "expert" alluded to this over the years!


The causes are complex and why is it so prevalent among Hindu Indians?  This is something that needs to be addressed at the community level and make recommendations to the national Govt, should measures be needed there.


You don't wish to score political points !!

What you been doing  for years backing Bush, Jagdeo, and now Trump. Me hope he hair na fall and bruk he foot.  


The PPP did absolutely NOTHING  for suicide prevention during their term in office. This was rotten of the PPP,  because the same families  who had suicide victims, also voted for them.  

The national committee under the MOH was  a farce, only for front page news, to make dem look good.  I was with the committee, me know first hand. Dem rass corrupt like Jagdeo.


Understanding some aspects of suicide on Guyana is not complex. The PPP from day one, made Indians followers for their political purpose. Jagdeo was better at converting the people, with his nastiness and vindictiveness and the youth might never recover.


Now the people who were not made to think for themselves, don't have the tools to handle daily challenges, thus high levels of suicide ONLY in Indian communities. They use a cutlass or drink poison, because they don't know how to articulate daily challenges, so they lash out.  

Its the same in rice communities built by the PPP, not enough  recreation facilities  for youth.   


If you are smart as you thing you might be, answer the  following, during the PPP government....


1.  Why regional officers did not accept a letter from the national committee to assist with suicide prevention in Berbice ? 

Instead they told an NGO to f**k-off, because they take instructions only from Jagdeo, who put he wife to sleep outside.


2. Regional officials was asked to cut the three foot grass at school playgrounds that also had snakes.  Why did dem rass only knock it down and two weeks later the grass was back to three feet ?


3. If you go to Mibicuri  and Lesbeholdn  school you gun see basketball hoops, where students uniform gets messy by bouncing the ball on muddy ground. This are was to be paved with concrete by an NGO and the NDC was supposed to fill with dirt. Years later the NGO is still waiting on the NDC, because they say dem waiting fa de rain to stop falling to move the dirt. Dat was five years ago.


3. Why did BBP lost CDN$230,000, because regional officers  did not move their  ass to complete a  new computer room at Mubricuri  school ?


4. Unlike some in the PPP, how may in the present government are demanding a 'fee' for an NGO to operate in their area ?

You want evidence, first provide protection  for local committee members, who are afraid of victimization by those involved.

One clue, they are the most hated PPP members in Berbice.


5. Why did a lawyer with  PPP connection bought a building that was earmarked for a suicide counselling/crisis line  centre ?

Is his family business more important than youth killing themselves ?


6. Trust is a hard thing to find in the  PPP, why did they charge an ECD NGO  for land to build a centre, that they were going to donate ?  


You rass come hea stating that the PPP is better dan  dog s**t, they made conditions  worse for suicide in Guyana.


You said one good thing : Suicide needs to be addressed at the community level. None ah dis GT people try to help, while they stand on a pedestal.


The PPP made Indians so stupidee, dem asking one mo question :

When a dark skin person is cremated, is de smoke mo black ?        



Originally Posted by Tola:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

May be this poor soul see Granger for the first time and decided to say goodbye to the world.




De Phagwa family is

in a state of Shock and mourning...

and look at the nonsense

yuh throwing in de people face.


Dead: Roshinee Pagwah

Roshinee Pagwah, RIP



Quote Billy Ram Balgobin......

Suicide is a serious problem in Guyana as well as in most countries, including the United States.


Before we jump up to speak hoping to score political points or impress our Guyanese friends or foes we should all try to get a proper understanding of why people commit suicide and what can be done to prevent it.


It's utterly disgusting to inject any sort of biggotry in this matter.



I urge you people who are eager to speak on this matter to do some research first.


Quote Django.......

Cobby..put politics aside bro

this is a serious issue

only a few weeks ago

there were two young ones 

who took their lives.


What is wrong with our people,

i wish there are some answers.

I don't wish to score political points as I know it's not connected however, for years is was blamed on the PPP, even our resident "expert" alluded to this over the years!


The causes are complex and why is it so prevalent among Hindu Indians?  This is something that needs to be addressed at the community level and make recommendations to the national Govt, should measures be needed there.


You don't wish to score political points !!

What you been doing  for years backing Bush, Jagdeo, and now Trump. Me hope he hair na fall and bruk he foot.  




You lost it somewhere.  The political point related with the unfortunate incident and the overall Guyana situation.  Unlike you and other who try to link it to politics.

Originally Posted by Tola:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

May be this poor soul see Granger for the first time and decided to say goodbye to the world.




De Phagwa family is

in a state of Shock and mourning...

and look at the nonsense

yuh throwing in de people face.


Dead: Roshinee Pagwah

Roshinee Pagwah, RIP



Quote Billy Ram Balgobin......

Suicide is a serious problem in Guyana as well as in most countries, including the United States.


Before we jump up to speak hoping to score political points or impress our Guyanese friends or foes we should all try to get a proper understanding of why people commit suicide and what can be done to prevent it.


It's utterly disgusting to inject any sort of biggotry in this matter.



I urge you people who are eager to speak on this matter to do some research first.


Quote Django.......

Cobby..put politics aside bro

this is a serious issue

only a few weeks ago

there were two young ones 

who took their lives.


What is wrong with our people,

i wish there are some answers.

I don't wish to score political points as I know it's not connected however, for years is was blamed on the PPP, even our resident "expert" alluded to this over the years!


The causes are complex and why is it so prevalent among Hindu Indians?  This is something that needs to be addressed at the community level and make recommendations to the national Govt, should measures be needed there.


You don't wish to score political points !!

What you been doing  for years backing Bush, Jagdeo, and now Trump. Me hope he hair na fall and bruk he foot.  


The PPP did absolutely NOTHING  for suicide prevention during their term in office. This was rotten of the PPP,  because the same families  who had suicide victims, also voted for them.  

The national committee under the MOH was  a farce, only for front page news, to make dem look good.  I was with the committee, me know first hand. Dem rass corrupt like Jagdeo.


Understanding some aspects of suicide on Guyana is not complex. The PPP from day one, made Indians followers for their political purpose. Jagdeo was better at converting the people, with his nastiness and vindictiveness and the youth might never recover.


Now the people who were not made to think for themselves, don't have the tools to handle daily challenges, thus high levels of suicide ONLY in Indian communities. They use a cutlass or drink poison, because they don't know how to articulate daily challenges, so they lash out.  

Its the same in rice communities built by the PPP, not enough  recreation facilities  for youth.   


If you are smart as you thing you might be, answer the  following, during the PPP government....


1.  Why regional officers did not accept a letter from the national committee to assist with suicide prevention in Berbice ? 

Instead they told an NGO to f**k-off, because they take instructions only from Jagdeo, who put he wife to sleep outside.


2. Regional officials was asked to cut the three foot grass at school playgrounds that also had snakes.  Why did dem rass only knock it down and two weeks later the grass was back to three feet ?


3. If you go to Mibicuri  and Lesbeholdn  school you gun see basketball hoops, where students uniform gets messy by bouncing the ball on muddy ground. This are was to be paved with concrete by an NGO and the NDC was supposed to fill with dirt. Years later the NGO is still waiting on the NDC, because they say dem waiting fa de rain to stop falling to move the dirt. Dat was five years ago.


3. Why did BBP lost CDN$230,000, because regional officers  did not move their  ass to complete a  new computer room at Mubricuri  school ?


4. Unlike some in the PPP, how may in the present government are demanding a 'fee' for an NGO to operate in their area ?

You want evidence, first provide protection  for local committee members, who are afraid of victimization by those involved.

One clue, they are the most hated PPP members in Berbice.


5. Why did a lawyer with  PPP connection bought a building that was earmarked for a suicide counselling/crisis line  centre ?

Is his family business more important than youth killing themselves ?


6. Trust is a hard thing to find in the  PPP, why did they charge an ECD NGO  for land to build a centre, that they were going to donate ?  


You rass come hea stating that the PPP is better dan  dog s**t, they made conditions  worse for suicide in Guyana.


You said one good thing : Suicide needs to be addressed at the community level. None ah dis GT people try to help, while they stand on a pedestal.


The PPP made Indians so stupidee, dem asking one mo question :

When a dark skin person is cremated, is de smoke mo black ?        



Don't derail this post, put your intelligence to the test.   

Originally Posted by Tola:
Originally Posted by Tola:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

May be this poor soul see Granger for the first time and decided to say goodbye to the world.




De Phagwa family is

in a state of Shock and mourning...

and look at the nonsense

yuh throwing in de people face.


Dead: Roshinee Pagwah

Roshinee Pagwah, RIP



Quote Billy Ram Balgobin......

Suicide is a serious problem in Guyana as well as in most countries, including the United States.


Before we jump up to speak hoping to score political points or impress our Guyanese friends or foes we should all try to get a proper understanding of why people commit suicide and what can be done to prevent it.


It's utterly disgusting to inject any sort of biggotry in this matter.



I urge you people who are eager to speak on this matter to do some research first.


Quote Django.......

Cobby..put politics aside bro

this is a serious issue

only a few weeks ago

there were two young ones 

who took their lives.


What is wrong with our people,

i wish there are some answers.

I don't wish to score political points as I know it's not connected however, for years is was blamed on the PPP, even our resident "expert" alluded to this over the years!


The causes are complex and why is it so prevalent among Hindu Indians?  This is something that needs to be addressed at the community level and make recommendations to the national Govt, should measures be needed there.


You don't wish to score political points !!

What you been doing  for years backing Bush, Jagdeo, and now Trump. Me hope he hair na fall and bruk he foot.  


The PPP did absolutely NOTHING  for suicide prevention during their term in office. This was rotten of the PPP,  because the same families  who had suicide victims, also voted for them.  

The national committee under the MOH was  a farce, only for front page news, to make dem look good.  I was with the committee, me know first hand. Dem rass corrupt like Jagdeo.


Understanding some aspects of suicide on Guyana is not complex. The PPP from day one, made Indians followers for their political purpose. Jagdeo was better at converting the people, with his nastiness and vindictiveness and the youth might never recover.


Now the people who were not made to think for themselves, don't have the tools to handle daily challenges, thus high levels of suicide ONLY in Indian communities. They use a cutlass or drink poison, because they don't know how to articulate daily challenges, so they lash out.  

Its the same in rice communities built by the PPP, not enough  recreation facilities  for youth.   


If you are smart as you thing you might be, answer the  following, during the PPP government....


1.  Why regional officers did not accept a letter from the national committee to assist with suicide prevention in Berbice ? 

Instead they told an NGO to f**k-off, because they take instructions only from Jagdeo, who put he wife to sleep outside.


2. Regional officials was asked to cut the three foot grass at school playgrounds that also had snakes.  Why did dem rass only knock it down and two weeks later the grass was back to three feet ?


3. If you go to Mibicuri  and Lesbeholdn  school you gun see basketball hoops, where students uniform gets messy by bouncing the ball on muddy ground. This are was to be paved with concrete by an NGO and the NDC was supposed to fill with dirt. Years later the NGO is still waiting on the NDC, because they say dem waiting fa de rain to stop falling to move the dirt. Dat was five years ago.


3. Why did BBP lost CDN$230,000, because regional officers  did not move their  ass to complete a  new computer room at Mubricuri  school ?


4. Unlike some in the PPP, how may in the present government are demanding a 'fee' for an NGO to operate in their area ?

You want evidence, first provide protection  for local committee members, who are afraid of victimization by those involved.

One clue, they are the most hated PPP members in Berbice.


5. Why did a lawyer with  PPP connection bought a building that was earmarked for a suicide counselling/crisis line  centre ?

Is his family business more important than youth killing themselves ?


6. Trust is a hard thing to find in the  PPP, why did they charge an ECD NGO  for land to build a centre, that they were going to donate ?  


You rass come hea stating that the PPP is better dan  dog s**t, they made conditions  worse for suicide in Guyana.


You said one good thing : Suicide needs to be addressed at the community level. None ah dis GT people try to help, while they stand on a pedestal.


The PPP made Indians so stupidee, dem asking one mo question :

When a dark skin person is cremated, is de smoke mo black ?        



Don't derail this post, put your intelligence to the test.   

You started on the wrong rail.  Go reflect!

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Tola:
Originally Posted by Tola:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

May be this poor soul see Granger for the first time and decided to say goodbye to the world.




De Phagwa family is

in a state of Shock and mourning...

and look at the nonsense

yuh throwing in de people face.


Dead: Roshinee Pagwah

Roshinee Pagwah, RIP



Quote Billy Ram Balgobin......

Suicide is a serious problem in Guyana as well as in most countries, including the United States.


Before we jump up to speak hoping to score political points or impress our Guyanese friends or foes we should all try to get a proper understanding of why people commit suicide and what can be done to prevent it.


It's utterly disgusting to inject any sort of biggotry in this matter.



I urge you people who are eager to speak on this matter to do some research first.


Quote Django.......

Cobby..put politics aside bro

this is a serious issue

only a few weeks ago

there were two young ones 

who took their lives.


What is wrong with our people,

i wish there are some answers.

I don't wish to score political points as I know it's not connected however, for years is was blamed on the PPP, even our resident "expert" alluded to this over the years!


The causes are complex and why is it so prevalent among Hindu Indians?  This is something that needs to be addressed at the community level and make recommendations to the national Govt, should measures be needed there.


You don't wish to score political points !!

What you been doing  for years backing Bush, Jagdeo, and now Trump. Me hope he hair na fall and bruk he foot.  


The PPP did absolutely NOTHING  for suicide prevention during their term in office. This was rotten of the PPP,  because the same families  who had suicide victims, also voted for them.  

The national committee under the MOH was  a farce, only for front page news, to make dem look good.  I was with the committee, me know first hand. Dem rass corrupt like Jagdeo.


Understanding some aspects of suicide on Guyana is not complex. The PPP from day one, made Indians followers for their political purpose. Jagdeo was better at converting the people, with his nastiness and vindictiveness and the youth might never recover.


Now the people who were not made to think for themselves, don't have the tools to handle daily challenges, thus high levels of suicide ONLY in Indian communities. They use a cutlass or drink poison, because they don't know how to articulate daily challenges, so they lash out.  

Its the same in rice communities built by the PPP, not enough  recreation facilities  for youth.   


If you are smart as you thing you might be, answer the  following, during the PPP government....


1.  Why regional officers did not accept a letter from the national committee to assist with suicide prevention in Berbice ? 

Instead they told an NGO to f**k-off, because they take instructions only from Jagdeo, who put he wife to sleep outside.


2. Regional officials was asked to cut the three foot grass at school playgrounds that also had snakes.  Why did dem rass only knock it down and two weeks later the grass was back to three feet ?


3. If you go to Mibicuri  and Lesbeholdn  school you gun see basketball hoops, where students uniform gets messy by bouncing the ball on muddy ground. This are was to be paved with concrete by an NGO and the NDC was supposed to fill with dirt. Years later the NGO is still waiting on the NDC, because they say dem waiting fa de rain to stop falling to move the dirt. Dat was five years ago.


3. Why did BBP lost CDN$230,000, because regional officers  did not move their  ass to complete a  new computer room at Mubricuri  school ?


4. Unlike some in the PPP, how may in the present government are demanding a 'fee' for an NGO to operate in their area ?

You want evidence, first provide protection  for local committee members, who are afraid of victimization by those involved.

One clue, they are the most hated PPP members in Berbice.


5. Why did a lawyer with  PPP connection bought a building that was earmarked for a suicide counselling/crisis line  centre ?

Is his family business more important than youth killing themselves ?


6. Trust is a hard thing to find in the  PPP, why did they charge an ECD NGO  for land to build a centre, that they were going to donate ?  


You rass come hea stating that the PPP is better dan  dog s**t, they made conditions  worse for suicide in Guyana.


You said one good thing : Suicide needs to be addressed at the community level. None ah dis GT people try to help, while they stand on a pedestal.


The PPP made Indians so stupidee, dem asking one mo question :

When a dark skin person is cremated, is de smoke mo black ?        



Don't derail this post, put your intelligence to the test.   

You started on the wrong rail.  Go reflect!

You rass like de PPP, when confronted, you find excuses to hide.

Ignore to conquer a PPP slogan.  No wonder so many Indians are committing suicide, they ignore them well.   

Originally Posted by Tola:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Tola:
Originally Posted by Tola:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

May be this poor soul see Granger for the first time and decided to say goodbye to the world.




De Phagwa family is

in a state of Shock and mourning...

and look at the nonsense

yuh throwing in de people face.


Dead: Roshinee Pagwah

Roshinee Pagwah, RIP



Quote Billy Ram Balgobin......

Suicide is a serious problem in Guyana as well as in most countries, including the United States.


Before we jump up to speak hoping to score political points or impress our Guyanese friends or foes we should all try to get a proper understanding of why people commit suicide and what can be done to prevent it.


It's utterly disgusting to inject any sort of biggotry in this matter.



I urge you people who are eager to speak on this matter to do some research first.


Quote Django.......

Cobby..put politics aside bro

this is a serious issue

only a few weeks ago

there were two young ones 

who took their lives.


What is wrong with our people,

i wish there are some answers.

I don't wish to score political points as I know it's not connected however, for years is was blamed on the PPP, even our resident "expert" alluded to this over the years!


The causes are complex and why is it so prevalent among Hindu Indians?  This is something that needs to be addressed at the community level and make recommendations to the national Govt, should measures be needed there.


You don't wish to score political points !!

What you been doing  for years backing Bush, Jagdeo, and now Trump. Me hope he hair na fall and bruk he foot.  


The PPP did absolutely NOTHING  for suicide prevention during their term in office. This was rotten of the PPP,  because the same families  who had suicide victims, also voted for them.  

The national committee under the MOH was  a farce, only for front page news, to make dem look good.  I was with the committee, me know first hand. Dem rass corrupt like Jagdeo.


Understanding some aspects of suicide on Guyana is not complex. The PPP from day one, made Indians followers for their political purpose. Jagdeo was better at converting the people, with his nastiness and vindictiveness and the youth might never recover.


Now the people who were not made to think for themselves, don't have the tools to handle daily challenges, thus high levels of suicide ONLY in Indian communities. They use a cutlass or drink poison, because they don't know how to articulate daily challenges, so they lash out.  

Its the same in rice communities built by the PPP, not enough  recreation facilities  for youth.   


If you are smart as you thing you might be, answer the  following, during the PPP government....


1.  Why regional officers did not accept a letter from the national committee to assist with suicide prevention in Berbice ? 

Instead they told an NGO to f**k-off, because they take instructions only from Jagdeo, who put he wife to sleep outside.


2. Regional officials was asked to cut the three foot grass at school playgrounds that also had snakes.  Why did dem rass only knock it down and two weeks later the grass was back to three feet ?


3. If you go to Mibicuri  and Lesbeholdn  school you gun see basketball hoops, where students uniform gets messy by bouncing the ball on muddy ground. This are was to be paved with concrete by an NGO and the NDC was supposed to fill with dirt. Years later the NGO is still waiting on the NDC, because they say dem waiting fa de rain to stop falling to move the dirt. Dat was five years ago.


3. Why did BBP lost CDN$230,000, because regional officers  did not move their  ass to complete a  new computer room at Mubricuri  school ?


4. Unlike some in the PPP, how may in the present government are demanding a 'fee' for an NGO to operate in their area ?

You want evidence, first provide protection  for local committee members, who are afraid of victimization by those involved.

One clue, they are the most hated PPP members in Berbice.


5. Why did a lawyer with  PPP connection bought a building that was earmarked for a suicide counselling/crisis line  centre ?

Is his family business more important than youth killing themselves ?


6. Trust is a hard thing to find in the  PPP, why did they charge an ECD NGO  for land to build a centre, that they were going to donate ?  


You rass come hea stating that the PPP is better dan  dog s**t, they made conditions  worse for suicide in Guyana.


You said one good thing : Suicide needs to be addressed at the community level. None ah dis GT people try to help, while they stand on a pedestal.


The PPP made Indians so stupidee, dem asking one mo question :

When a dark skin person is cremated, is de smoke mo black ?        



Don't derail this post, put your intelligence to the test.   

You started on the wrong rail.  Go reflect!

You rass like de PPP, when confronted, you find excuses to hide.

Ignore to conquer a PPP slogan.  No wonder so many Indians are committing suicide, they ignore them well.   

This is what I meant, for you it's all about politics.  The fact that after some 10 years of your active involvement you see no progress, blame it on you, not the PPP or PNC.  It seems you actually thrive on these tragedies without which, your political cussing will have lost it's calling.  Now you have your PNC, go stop these tragedies and stop belching hot air.  No one is interested!

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Tola:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Tola:
Originally Posted by Tola:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

May be this poor soul see Granger for the first time and decided to say goodbye to the world.




De Phagwa family is

in a state of Shock and mourning...

and look at the nonsense

yuh throwing in de people face.


Dead: Roshinee Pagwah

Roshinee Pagwah, RIP



Quote Billy Ram Balgobin......

Suicide is a serious problem in Guyana as well as in most countries, including the United States.


Before we jump up to speak hoping to score political points or impress our Guyanese friends or foes we should all try to get a proper understanding of why people commit suicide and what can be done to prevent it.


It's utterly disgusting to inject any sort of biggotry in this matter.



I urge you people who are eager to speak on this matter to do some research first.


Quote Django.......

Cobby..put politics aside bro

this is a serious issue

only a few weeks ago

there were two young ones 

who took their lives.


What is wrong with our people,

i wish there are some answers.

I don't wish to score political points as I know it's not connected however, for years is was blamed on the PPP, even our resident "expert" alluded to this over the years!


The causes are complex and why is it so prevalent among Hindu Indians?  This is something that needs to be addressed at the community level and make recommendations to the national Govt, should measures be needed there.


You don't wish to score political points !!

What you been doing  for years backing Bush, Jagdeo, and now Trump. Me hope he hair na fall and bruk he foot.  


The PPP did absolutely NOTHING  for suicide prevention during their term in office. This was rotten of the PPP,  because the same families  who had suicide victims, also voted for them.  

The national committee under the MOH was  a farce, only for front page news, to make dem look good.  I was with the committee, me know first hand. Dem rass corrupt like Jagdeo.


Understanding some aspects of suicide on Guyana is not complex. The PPP from day one, made Indians followers for their political purpose. Jagdeo was better at converting the people, with his nastiness and vindictiveness and the youth might never recover.


Now the people who were not made to think for themselves, don't have the tools to handle daily challenges, thus high levels of suicide ONLY in Indian communities. They use a cutlass or drink poison, because they don't know how to articulate daily challenges, so they lash out.  

Its the same in rice communities built by the PPP, not enough  recreation facilities  for youth.   


If you are smart as you thing you might be, answer the  following, during the PPP government....


1.  Why regional officers did not accept a letter from the national committee to assist with suicide prevention in Berbice ? 

Instead they told an NGO to f**k-off, because they take instructions only from Jagdeo, who put he wife to sleep outside.


2. Regional officials was asked to cut the three foot grass at school playgrounds that also had snakes.  Why did dem rass only knock it down and two weeks later the grass was back to three feet ?


3. If you go to Mibicuri  and Lesbeholdn  school you gun see basketball hoops, where students uniform gets messy by bouncing the ball on muddy ground. This are was to be paved with concrete by an NGO and the NDC was supposed to fill with dirt. Years later the NGO is still waiting on the NDC, because they say dem waiting fa de rain to stop falling to move the dirt. Dat was five years ago.


3. Why did BBP lost CDN$230,000, because regional officers  did not move their  ass to complete a  new computer room at Mubricuri  school ?


4. Unlike some in the PPP, how may in the present government are demanding a 'fee' for an NGO to operate in their area ?

You want evidence, first provide protection  for local committee members, who are afraid of victimization by those involved.

One clue, they are the most hated PPP members in Berbice.


5. Why did a lawyer with  PPP connection bought a building that was earmarked for a suicide counselling/crisis line  centre ?

Is his family business more important than youth killing themselves ?


6. Trust is a hard thing to find in the  PPP, why did they charge an ECD NGO  for land to build a centre, that they were going to donate ?  


You rass come hea stating that the PPP is better dan  dog s**t, they made conditions  worse for suicide in Guyana.


You said one good thing : Suicide needs to be addressed at the community level. None ah dis GT people try to help, while they stand on a pedestal.


The PPP made Indians so stupidee, dem asking one mo question :

When a dark skin person is cremated, is de smoke mo black ?        



Don't derail this post, put your intelligence to the test.   

You started on the wrong rail.  Go reflect!

You rass like de PPP, when confronted, you find excuses to hide.

Ignore to conquer a PPP slogan.  No wonder so many Indians are committing suicide, they ignore them well.   

This is what I meant, for you it's all about politics.  The fact that after some 10 years of your active involvement you see no progress, blame it on you, not the PPP or PNC.  It seems you actually thrive on these tragedies without which, your political cussing will have lost it's calling.  Now you have your PNC, go stop these tragedies and stop belching hot air.  No one is interested!

Why don't you tell us what has the PPP/C done during their 23 years in power to curb the suicides in their strongholds?

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Tola:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Tola:
Originally Posted by Tola:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

May be this poor soul see Granger for the first time and decided to say goodbye to the world.




De Phagwa family is

in a state of Shock and mourning...

and look at the nonsense

yuh throwing in de people face.


Dead: Roshinee Pagwah

Roshinee Pagwah, RIP



Quote Billy Ram Balgobin......

Suicide is a serious problem in Guyana as well as in most countries, including the United States.


Before we jump up to speak hoping to score political points or impress our Guyanese friends or foes we should all try to get a proper understanding of why people commit suicide and what can be done to prevent it.


It's utterly disgusting to inject any sort of biggotry in this matter.



I urge you people who are eager to speak on this matter to do some research first.


Quote Django.......

Cobby..put politics aside bro

this is a serious issue

only a few weeks ago

there were two young ones 

who took their lives.


What is wrong with our people,

i wish there are some answers.

I don't wish to score political points as I know it's not connected however, for years is was blamed on the PPP, even our resident "expert" alluded to this over the years!


The causes are complex and why is it so prevalent among Hindu Indians?  This is something that needs to be addressed at the community level and make recommendations to the national Govt, should measures be needed there.


You don't wish to score political points !!

What you been doing  for years backing Bush, Jagdeo, and now Trump. Me hope he hair na fall and bruk he foot.  


The PPP did absolutely NOTHING  for suicide prevention during their term in office. This was rotten of the PPP,  because the same families  who had suicide victims, also voted for them.  

The national committee under the MOH was  a farce, only for front page news, to make dem look good.  I was with the committee, me know first hand. Dem rass corrupt like Jagdeo.


Understanding some aspects of suicide on Guyana is not complex. The PPP from day one, made Indians followers for their political purpose. Jagdeo was better at converting the people, with his nastiness and vindictiveness and the youth might never recover.


Now the people who were not made to think for themselves, don't have the tools to handle daily challenges, thus high levels of suicide ONLY in Indian communities. They use a cutlass or drink poison, because they don't know how to articulate daily challenges, so they lash out.  

Its the same in rice communities built by the PPP, not enough  recreation facilities  for youth.   


If you are smart as you thing you might be, answer the  following, during the PPP government....


1.  Why regional officers did not accept a letter from the national committee to assist with suicide prevention in Berbice ? 

Instead they told an NGO to f**k-off, because they take instructions only from Jagdeo, who put he wife to sleep outside.


2. Regional officials was asked to cut the three foot grass at school playgrounds that also had snakes.  Why did dem rass only knock it down and two weeks later the grass was back to three feet ?


3. If you go to Mibicuri  and Lesbeholdn  school you gun see basketball hoops, where students uniform gets messy by bouncing the ball on muddy ground. This are was to be paved with concrete by an NGO and the NDC was supposed to fill with dirt. Years later the NGO is still waiting on the NDC, because they say dem waiting fa de rain to stop falling to move the dirt. Dat was five years ago.


3. Why did BBP lost CDN$230,000, because regional officers  did not move their  ass to complete a  new computer room at Mubricuri  school ?


4. Unlike some in the PPP, how may in the present government are demanding a 'fee' for an NGO to operate in their area ?

You want evidence, first provide protection  for local committee members, who are afraid of victimization by those involved.

One clue, they are the most hated PPP members in Berbice.


5. Why did a lawyer with  PPP connection bought a building that was earmarked for a suicide counselling/crisis line  centre ?

Is his family business more important than youth killing themselves ?


6. Trust is a hard thing to find in the  PPP, why did they charge an ECD NGO  for land to build a centre, that they were going to donate ?  


You rass come hea stating that the PPP is better dan  dog s**t, they made conditions  worse for suicide in Guyana.


You said one good thing : Suicide needs to be addressed at the community level. None ah dis GT people try to help, while they stand on a pedestal.


The PPP made Indians so stupidee, dem asking one mo question :

When a dark skin person is cremated, is de smoke mo black ?        



Don't derail this post, put your intelligence to the test.   

You started on the wrong rail.  Go reflect!

You rass like de PPP, when confronted, you find excuses to hide.

Ignore to conquer a PPP slogan.  No wonder so many Indians are committing suicide, they ignore them well.   

This is what I meant, for you it's all about politics.  The fact that after some 10 years of your active involvement you see no progress, blame it on you, not the PPP or PNC.  It seems you actually thrive on these tragedies without which, your political cussing will have lost it's calling.  Now you have your PNC, go stop these tragedies and stop belching hot air.  No one is interested!

A typical PPP response 'No one is interested', while they are busy building mansions.


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