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On Sunday June 23,2013, Zaman Mohamed Amin was viciously attacked and gay bashed, while trying to separate a fight. A photo of Zaman with blood pouring out of his head and on his face and clothes has been released on the Internet. 
We will be organizing a rally for Peace in support of Zaman which follows a spate of other attacks against men and women in our community.
The Violence needs to STOP!!!! 
Bring the Peace On!!!!!
Please share and support!
Our Children NEED to Come home ....not go to the morgue!
On Sunday June 23,2013, @[1535365380:2048:Zaman Mohamed Amin] was viciously attacked and gay bashed, while trying to separate a fight. A photo of Zaman with blood pouring out of his head and on his face and clothes has been released on the Internet. We will be organizing a rally for Peace in support of Zaman which follows a spate of other attacks against men and women in our community. The Violence needs to STOP!!!! Bring the Peace On!!!!! Please share and support! Our Children NEED to Come home ....not go to the morgue!

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by Cobra:

Sheik, are you going to the gay parade in support of Zaman Mohamed. Afterall, that's your favorite spot.  Nehru said he may attend to get first hand information of the proud and gay family.

Hay dummy, why is is a "gay parade" if one supports the assault to the person of another human being? You have the sensitivity and empathy  of a gnat!


Originally Posted by Cobra:

Sensitivity for antiman? You got to be kidding! I watch you and your comrades gay bashed Kwame Mccoy and president Jagdeo and bluntly calling them *****s, and you want to tell me about sensitivity. 

May I remind you that I spoke to a gnat.  I would like to add liar to that. I never assailed Kwame on account of his sexual preference or likewise jagdeo. I said, jagdeo is a crook and a liar and a brutalizer of woman and Kwane is informed by him and act likewise with the added perfidy of an affection for under-aged boys.

Originally Posted by Cobra:

Sheik, are you going to the gay parade in support of Zaman Mohamed. Afterall, that's your favorite spot.  Nehru said he may attend to get first hand information of the proud and gay family.

I leave such antimanism for you and your kind. No time to play around now, too busy at work. Unlike you who got all the time in the world to sit down on GNI and baylay roti.. See if you could grab Nehru and allyuh two go a support the guy.


"Afterall, that's your favorite spot"

Let me clear the air quickly before I resume hotel functions. I know you like to play de ass sometimes but don't attach this gay stigma to the establishment. Like every Restaurant and bar, it caters for everybody. So don't blame Players, but moreso, the circumstances which resulted in this guy getting a beatings.


I was at the rally on Thu night and heard the story that the victim had instigated the assault. It was related that after looking at the surveillance tape recording it was determined that this was not gay bashing.


Whatever the case no one should break a bottle over another human being's head.


The cops were out in force for the rally.

Originally Posted by Chief:

So Kari when will Zaman be charged and when will he apologize to the tASSA BAND.

The police should visit his facebook page because that is where he publicly stated that he was beaten because he is Gay.


Now we are hearing on GNI that he started the fight. What is new ? Typical anti man runnings.

Show what a fool you are..."his" facebook page is gospel!  There needs to be an objective investigation.  Why you think the "guy" could not have started the fight.  Look how Redux and other GNI anti-man like to start fights here and run when it get's too hot to handle!

Originally Posted by Kari:

I was at the rally on Thu night and heard the story that the victim had instigated the assault. It was related that after looking at the surveillance tape recording it was determined that this was not gay bashing.


Whatever the case no one should break a bottle over another human being's head.


The cops were out in force for the rally.

Kari you keep calling zaman the VICTIM he is not the Victim he is the Perpetrator the VICTIM should now file charges against him. Dem antimen like to  claim discrimination.

Originally Posted by Pointblank:
Originally Posted by Kari:

I was at the rally on Thu night and heard the story that the victim had instigated the assault. It was related that after looking at the surveillance tape recording it was determined that this was not gay bashing.


Whatever the case no one should break a bottle over another human being's head.


The cops were out in force for the rally.

Kari you keep calling zaman the VICTIM he is not the Victim he is the Perpetrator the VICTIM should now file charges against him. Dem antimen like to  claim discrimination.

I agree...if they can cry discrimination they must also take responsibility for their actions. The gay status is become like bitter women who would falsify their story to get attention. Players should ban him from going there again.  

Originally Posted by Sheik101:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Sheik, are you going to the gay parade in support of Zaman Mohamed. Afterall, that's your favorite spot.  Nehru said he may attend to get first hand information of the proud and gay family.

I leave such antimanism for you and your kind. No time to play around now, too busy at work. Unlike you who got all the time in the world to sit down on GNI and baylay roti.. See if you could grab Nehru and allyuh two go a support the guy.

You should know better to ask for support before you know the truth of the story. This idiot put everyone who were out there in his support in an ackward position. 

Originally Posted by Chief:

The real idiots are the ones who released a statement before knowing the facts. Also we have some trigger happy so called "community leaders' who love a spotlight.


Now it back fired on them.


Every story has three sides with anti men it's more like five sides..

Ask vish how he was dissed at Masjid Al Abidin last week. When he keep insisting to speak to the executive board and he was told to get out. 


Unfortunately the Guyanese Community do not have anyone who has any credibility to be a leader

Originally Posted by Pointblank:
Originally Posted by Kari:

I was at the rally on Thu night and heard the story that the victim had instigated the assault. It was related that after looking at the surveillance tape recording it was determined that this was not gay bashing.


Whatever the case no one should break a bottle over another human being's head.


The cops were out in force for the rally.

Kari you keep calling zaman the VICTIM he is not the Victim he is the Perpetrator the VICTIM should now file charges against him. Dem antimen like to  claim discrimination.

I forgot to put the double quotation marks - "victim"

Originally Posted by Pointblank:
Originally Posted by Chief:

The real idiots are the ones who released a statement before knowing the facts. Also we have some trigger happy so called "community leaders' who love a spotlight.


Now it back fired on them.


Every story has three sides with anti men it's more like five sides..

Ask vish how he was dissed at Masjid Al Abidin last week. When he keep insisting to speak to the executive board and he was told to get out. 


Unfortunately the Guyanese Community do not have anyone who has any credibility to be a leader

Why all you treat Vish like that? 


Cobra/Chief, let me be clear.....the protest rally would be commended by both of you for what it was - a call for any crime of this nature not to happen in our backyards.


Leave your biases against homosexuals out of the rally.


Understand also that the rally organizers were artists and not the myriad of names you both ascribe.


Geez....get off it. You guys have much more self-respect than that. Why go to the gutter?


Kari stop the nonsense.

This rally would have never taken place had it not been for the antiman starting a fight and then lied that he was beaten up because he is gay,


Facts are that when the organizers realized that the antiman story did not hold water they switched the tone

 of the rally.

 THE real gutter storyis the antiman lied which could have caused the  bussiness owneand thye tassa band r real loss in terms of $$$ and reputation. GNIers were already calling for boycott of the man's business and the tassa band. and the organisers of the rally had originally planned a picket rally infront of the business place.







To establish a business cost money and people take thier hard earned cash to invest in such ventures. 


Comming here and trying to justify the rally that it was meant to prevent violence is all bull crap. Antiman Zaman facebook page and the organizers flyers were screaming a different message. Their intent was to hun

milate the business owner.





Originally Posted by Kari:

Cobra/Chief, let me be clear.....the protest rally would be commended by both of you for what it was - a call for any crime of this nature not to happen in our backyards.


Leave your biases against homosexuals out of the rally.


Understand also that the rally organizers were artists and not the myriad of names you both ascribe.


Geez....get off it. You guys have much more self-respect than that. Why go to the gutter?

Not talking about Cobra, but you seeing Chief for what he is worth.  He brought the gutter over with him.


He is a "champion" of rights talking about prejudice against muslims yet he ranting against gays.


Baseman believes gay is not a matter of choice, but a biological condition of both sexes causing some to straddle the boundaries of sexuality.  Let me explain, take a look at the "male" type, there are the type "A" extremes to the average and the type "A" opposites who are more feminine with gay tendencies.


We know that the determination of male/female is not simply a matter of XY chromosomes but a combination of other biological factors not yet fully understood.  Humans have a host of congenial issues, why do we believe our sexuality is not exposed to that risk?  We must remember, the human template is common to both sexes but develop into one or the other sometime after conception, this we still don't fully understand.


I meet gay people in the normal course of living and clearly, they are not in control of their emotions.


Chief is a selfish bastard, he loves LFSB, he want the PNC to rule Guyana, he cozy up with Brooklyn Jews who are the architects or modern Zionism against the powerless Palestinians, all in the name of his business interest.  Now he justify gay bashing as a some passage from the holy books.  Well, Chief, the bible also justifies "slavery".


Gays should be allowed to live their lives without prejudice and prosecution from the rest of society.


I believe Chief has gay tendencies which he is fighting/resisting and justifying his fight as "sanctioned" by god.


Baseman, every thing above is nonsense.


Chief does not "like" Burnham. His commentary on LFSB are contextual and are meant to highlight differences and similarities with Cheddie and his successors.

He is not advocating to have PNC-type rule in Guyana.

He is fiercely anti-homosexuality on religious grounds. Meet him there and do not label him as homophobic.

Religion has many things worth querying and Chief is not dogmatic about these. HE is open to discussion on them.

Chief does not reside in the gutter. I used a metaphor to describe the emotion rather than the intellect of a raging question in a dying circle - that is religious acceptance of what 90% of the world has come to live with - homosexuality as a human condition.

Originally Posted by Chief:

Kari dam well knew that these same artiste that he is f

referring to made public statements claiming that Zaman was attacked because he is Gay. Now they showed up at the rally speaking something else.


They need to apologise to the owner of the Tassa Band abnd the owner of the bar. 

Chief has a point here. The Rally started out as a place or event in which they would criticise gay bashing, but someone saw the tape and told them that the tassa man was physically attacked first and then the whole tone changed. Did Lakshmee from the TV see the tape before she organised or supported the rally?  If not then this was highly misguided on her part.

    Also young people lost their lives in clubs within the last 2 months but no anti-violence rally was called. Wonder why. And at the rally who spoke up for the tassa guy? Did Lakshmee mention his name or the fact that he too was attacked?  

Originally Posted by Kari:

Baseman, every thing above is nonsense.


Chief does not "like" Burnham. His commentary on LFSB are contextual and are meant to highlight differences and similarities with Cheddie and his successors.

He is not advocating to have PNC-type rule in Guyana.

He is fiercely anti-homosexuality on religious grounds. Meet him there and do not label him as homophobic.

Religion has many things worth querying and Chief is not dogmatic about these. HE is open to discussion on them.

Chief does not reside in the gutter. I used a metaphor to describe the emotion rather than the intellect of a raging question in a dying circle - that is religious acceptance of what 90% of the world has come to live with - homosexuality as a human condition.

You are a contortionist who would side with the devil if it suits you  Chief himself stated LFSB is his hero.  Some religious books also justified slavery and some use the religious books to justify the caste system.  Chief and you would sleep with the enemy for a dollar.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Kari:

Cobra/Chief, let me be clear.....the protest rally would be commended by both of you for what it was - a call for any crime of this nature not to happen in our backyards.


Leave your biases against homosexuals out of the rally.


Understand also that the rally organizers were artists and not the myriad of names you both ascribe.


Geez....get off it. You guys have much more self-respect than that. Why go to the gutter?

Not talking about Cobra, but you seeing Chief for what he is worth.  He brought the gutter over with him.


He is a "champion" of rights talking about prejudice against muslims yet he ranting against gays.


Baseman believes gay is not a matter of choice, but a biological condition of both sexes causing some to straddle the boundaries of sexuality.  Let me explain, take a look at the "male" type, there are the type "A" extremes to the average and the type "A" opposites who are more feminine with gay tendencies.


We know that the determination of male/female is not simply a matter of XY chromosomes but a combination of other biological factors not yet fully understood.  Humans have a host of congenial issues, why do we believe our sexuality is not exposed to that risk?  We must remember, the human template is common to both sexes but develop into one or the other sometime after conception, this we still don't fully understand.


I meet gay people in the normal course of living and clearly, they are not in control of their emotions.


Chief is a selfish bastard, he loves LFSB, he want the PNC to rule Guyana, he cozy up with Brooklyn Jews who are the architects or modern Zionism against the powerless Palestinians, all in the name of his business interest.  Now he justify gay bashing as a some passage from the holy books.  Well, Chief, the bible also justifies "slavery".


Gays should be allowed to live their lives without prejudice and prosecution from the rest of society.


I believe Chief has gay tendencies which he is fighting/resisting and justifying his fight as "sanctioned" by god.

Cobra is a snake, and snake and mongoose always fight. That's the case with me and Chief, but very seldom we might agree on something. That doesn't mean I hate gays; I just don't want to accept that it's becoming open in our community. After all the fact, Zaman still get the limelight, where as, children and the elderly took a back seat in the Guyanese community. Folks, public outcry on gays and violence is becoming popular and community organization will jump on it to get their 15 seconds of fame. The Lefferts Blvd elevator is still going through red tape for the elderly. I would like to see organizations flex their muscles on this item that's long overdue. Just my two cents.

Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Kari:

Cobra/Chief, let me be clear.....the protest rally would be commended by both of you for what it was - a call for any crime of this nature not to happen in our backyards.


Leave your biases against homosexuals out of the rally.


Understand also that the rally organizers were artists and not the myriad of names you both ascribe.


Geez....get off it. You guys have much more self-respect than that. Why go to the gutter?

Not talking about Cobra, but you seeing Chief for what he is worth.  He brought the gutter over with him.


He is a "champion" of rights talking about prejudice against muslims yet he ranting against gays.


Baseman believes gay is not a matter of choice, but a biological condition of both sexes causing some to straddle the boundaries of sexuality.  Let me explain, take a look at the "male" type, there are the type "A" extremes to the average and the type "A" opposites who are more feminine with gay tendencies.


We know that the determination of male/female is not simply a matter of XY chromosomes but a combination of other biological factors not yet fully understood.  Humans have a host of congenial issues, why do we believe our sexuality is not exposed to that risk?  We must remember, the human template is common to both sexes but develop into one or the other sometime after conception, this we still don't fully understand.


I meet gay people in the normal course of living and clearly, they are not in control of their emotions.


Chief is a selfish bastard, he loves LFSB, he want the PNC to rule Guyana, he cozy up with Brooklyn Jews who are the architects or modern Zionism against the powerless Palestinians, all in the name of his business interest.  Now he justify gay bashing as a some passage from the holy books.  Well, Chief, the bible also justifies "slavery".


Gays should be allowed to live their lives without prejudice and prosecution from the rest of society.


I believe Chief has gay tendencies which he is fighting/resisting and justifying his fight as "sanctioned" by god.

Cobra is a snake, and snake and mongoose always fight. That's the case with me and Chief, but very seldom we might agree on something. That doesn't mean I hate gays; I just don't want to accept that it's becoming open in our community. After all the fact, Zaman still get the limelight, where as, children and the elderly took a back seat in the Guyanese community. Folks, public outcry on gays and violence is becoming popular and community organization will jump on it to get their 15 seconds of fame. The Lefferts Blvd elevator is still going through red tape for the elderly. I would like to see organizations flex their muscles on this item that's long overdue. Just my two cents.

Yet you openly entertain Redux on GNI forum.


Cobra, many did not/still do not accept blacks in and other minority into their neighborhoods, many did not accept blacks in some restaurants, etc.


Guyana gat nuff antiman, so get used to it.  Obama has endorsed the lifestyle, so wake up and smell the coffee.


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