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Mitwah posted:

What's wrong with wishful thinking? Think of those McCain supporters in the last days of the election. What's there to loose or gain in holding a strong belief that Ralph could pull away some votes from the PPP and the PNC?


They aren't pulling away the hard core PNC bloc.  They will destroy the AFC and will pull away urban Indians who dont like the Anil, Irfaan bloc.


VVP posted:

What type of constitutional reform are they pushing for?  Anyone knows?  Do they have a website?  

They want Guyanese to work together to develop a new constitution. They represent a level of thinking beyond that of your typical Guyanese who is quite happy with a dictatorship.

It isnt for a party to have a constitution reform and then ram it down the throats of people. Burnham did so and Jagdeo as well by refusing to change it.

Guyanese at all levels need to work on a constitution that meets their needs. This should be led by civic society.

caribny posted:
Mitwah posted:

What's wrong with wishful thinking? Think of those McCain supporters in the last days of the election. What's there to loose or gain in holding a strong belief that Ralph could pull away some votes from the PPP and the PNC?


They aren't pulling away the hard core PNC bloc.  They will destroy the AFC and will pull away urban Indians who dont like the Anil, Irfaan bloc.

The PNC have a credibility issue with GT Indians, many of whom supported the AFC in the coalition.  But yes, they are not whole hearted PPP either!

yuji22 posted:

Carib G made an excellent assessment that Blacks stay home when they are dissatisfied with their party. 


That was true before the Judas vote.  With Jagdeo running around, insteqad of selecting a moderate like Anthony to lead the PPP into the elections, its easier now for APNU to rally them.  Its Jagdeo's screaming that got them to vote last time, and this might well happen again.

caribny posted:
yuji22 posted:

Carib G made an excellent assessment that Blacks stay home when they are dissatisfied with their party. 


That was true before the Judas vote.  With Jagdeo running around, insteqad of selecting a moderate like Anthony to lead the PPP into the elections, its easier now for APNU to rally them.  Its Jagdeo's screaming that got them to vote last time, and this might well happen again.

I agree!

Baseman posted:

They aren't pulling away the hard core PNC bloc.  They will destroy the AFC and will pull away urban Indians who dont like the Anil, Irfaan bloc.

The PNC have a credibility issue with GT Indians, many of whom supported the AFC in the coalition.  But yes, they are not whole hearted PPP either!

The PNC never got votes from GT Indians. The AFC did.  They aren't die hard PPP supporters either as even Jagdeo concedes when he described the PPP as a "country coolie" party at his infamous duck curry event in Queens, that was revealed to us by Ramkarran.

What ANUG does is it doesnt make it automatic that the PPP will do well in urban areas.  It confuses the issue.  The PPP will do well where they always do well and that is among rural Indians, who will vote. But this Judas vote might motivate the grass roots African vote and they only vote PNC.  This isnt like 2015 when the PPP called them up and threatened them with losing their house lots or their jobs as they did in 2015.

Last edited by Former Member
caribny posted:
yuji22 posted:

Carib G made an excellent assessment that Blacks stay home when they are dissatisfied with their party. 


That was true before the Judas vote.  With Jagdeo running around, insteqad of selecting a moderate like Anthony to lead the PPP into the elections, its easier now for APNU to rally them.  Its Jagdeo's screaming that got them to vote last time, and this might well happen again.

That's not all he said he will be part of the government if the PPP wins, wondering which Ministry he wants to head.

caribny posted:
Baseman posted:

They aren't pulling away the hard core PNC bloc.  They will destroy the AFC and will pull away urban Indians who dont like the Anil, Irfaan bloc.

The PNC have a credibility issue with GT Indians, many of whom supported the AFC in the coalition.  But yes, they are not whole hearted PPP either!

The PNC never got votes from GT Indians. The AFC did.  The AFC aren't die hard PPP supporters either as even Jagdeo concedes when he described the PPP as a "country coolie" party at his infamous duck curry event in Queens, that was revealed to us by Ramkarran.

What ANUG does is it doesnt make it automatic that the PPP will do well in urban areas.  It confuses the issue.  The PPP will do well where they always do well and that is among rural Indians, who will vote. But this Judas vote might motivate the grass roots African vote and they only vote PNC.  This isnt like 2015 when the PPP called them up and threatened them with losing their house lots or their jobs as they did in 2015.

It was not a Judas vote, it was an enuff is enuff vote!  He saw the rising tide of Afro racist within the Coalition and wanted no part of it!

Django posted:
caribny posted:
yuji22 posted:

Carib G made an excellent assessment that Blacks stay home when they are dissatisfied with their party. 


That was true before the Judas vote.  With Jagdeo running around, insteqad of selecting a moderate like Anthony to lead the PPP into the elections, its easier now for APNU to rally them.  Its Jagdeo's screaming that got them to vote last time, and this might well happen again.

That's not all he said he will be part of the government if the PPP wins, wondering which Ministry he wants to head.

Wait and see. You should worry about the next PNC leader and their fight for survival.

Baseman posted:

It was not a Judas vote, it was an enuff is enuff vote!  He saw the rising tide of Afro racist within the Coalition and wanted no part of it!

APNU AFC was corrupt, incompetent, racially exclusive.  The PPP was corrupt, incompetent and racially exclusive.

It seems to me as if this is the problem Guyanese should just vote for ANUG and give someone else a chance.

caribny posted:
Baseman posted:

It was not a Judas vote, it was an enuff is enuff vote!  He saw the rising tide of Afro racist within the Coalition and wanted no part of it!

APNU AFC was corrupt, incompetent, racially exclusive.  The PPP was corrupt, incompetent and racially exclusive.

It seems to me as if this is the problem Guyanese should just vote for ANUG and give someone else a chance.

No argument deh!

yuji22 posted:

….Instead of Jackass Ramkarran forming a party, he should have headed up a constructional reform committee including Jagdeo and Granger. That jackass stirred up a lot of controversy lately including the no confidence vote. 

      I was just rolling on the floor laughing. Ralphie is messing up the PPP plans as PPP top brass and their GNI sheep rub their hands with glee waiting for Oil money.  

caribny posted:
yuji22 posted:

Wait and see. You should worry about the next PNC leader and their fight for survival.

The PNC will remain a very strong opposition party.  The demise of the AFC will not favor the PPP as it removes the more moderate element in Guyana politics.  You better hope that these ANUG guys do well.

I agree, the PNC will remain strong.  I don't know yet of ANUG!  Maybe they should offer Charrandas and Atiga something to come in.  But they need someone to attract the AFC urban constituency.  They are up for grabs!  Maybe Ramkarran's son with his Afro wife brings something!

Leonora posted:
yuji22 posted:

….Instead of Jackass Ramkarran forming a party, he should have headed up a constructional reform committee including Jagdeo and Granger. That jackass stirred up a lot of controversy lately including the no confidence vote. 

      I was just rolling on the floor laughing. Ralphie is messing up the PPP plans as PPP top brass and their GNI sheep rub their hands with glee waiting for Oil money.  

I missed that comment from Yuji22.  I wonder how Queeny feels about her PPP royalty family being called "Jackass"!


Bibi knows how I feel about Ramkarran. I did so during the last election campaign. No surprises here. 

This jackass Ramkarran has Zero effect on the PPP. None, nada. He carries zero command with the PPP Base. 

He will have an impact on the PNC base because they do listen to him.

All you stop skinning all you teeth. 

Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:

Bibi knows how I feel about Ramkarran. I did so during the last election campaign. No surprises here. 

This jackass Ramkarran has Zero effect on the PPP. None, nada. He carries zero command with the PPP Base. 

All you stop skinning all you teeth. 

When we dated he wrote a scathing letter against the PPP and BJ.  I was upset with him, and so was she.  I told her he was dangerous to the PPP.  So she knows her kinsman could be the "Charrandas" within the PPP family!

That stupid comment he made on the vote is what Hugh's piggy-backed on and causing confusion.

But leh we see ANUG!!

Django posted:
caribny posted:
yuji22 posted:

Carib G made an excellent assessment that Blacks stay home when they are dissatisfied with their party. 


That was true before the Judas vote.  With Jagdeo running around, insteqad of selecting a moderate like Anthony to lead the PPP into the elections, its easier now for APNU to rally them.  Its Jagdeo's screaming that got them to vote last time, and this might well happen again.

That's not all he said he will be part of the government if the PPP wins, wondering which Ministry he wants to head.

Finance I guess!!  and he has all right to be in any PPP government position except President.

Read what Nigel say about Jagdeo. 

Leonora posted:
yuji22 posted:

….Instead of Jackass Ramkarran forming a party, he should have headed up a constructional reform committee including Jagdeo and Granger. That jackass stirred up a lot of controversy lately including the no confidence vote. 

      I was just rolling on the floor laughing. Ralphie is messing up the PPP plans as PPP top brass and their GNI sheep rub their hands with glee waiting for Oil money.  

Instead of Jackass Ramkarran forming a party, he should have headed up a constructional reform committee including Jagdeo and Granger.

That bhai getting bassody.

Baseman posted:
yuji22 posted:

Bibi knows how I feel about Ramkarran. I did so during the last election campaign. No surprises here. 

This jackass Ramkarran has Zero effect on the PPP. None, nada. He carries zero command with the PPP Base. 

All you stop skinning all you teeth. 

When we dated he wrote a scathing letter against the PPP and BJ.  I was upset with him, and so was she.  I told her he was dangerous to the PPP.  So she knows her kinsman could be the "Charrandas" within the PPP family!

That stupid comment he made on the vote is what Hugh's piggy-backed on and causing confusion.

But leh we see ANUG!!

Oh my, what have we here? Family with 200 years PPP service now showing dysfunction, treachery, etc.   

Dave posted:
Django posted:
caribny posted:
yuji22 posted:

Carib G made an excellent assessment that Blacks stay home when they are dissatisfied with their party. 


That was true before the Judas vote.  With Jagdeo running around, insteqad of selecting a moderate like Anthony to lead the PPP into the elections, its easier now for APNU to rally them.  Its Jagdeo's screaming that got them to vote last time, and this might well happen again.

That's not all he said he will be part of the government if the PPP wins, wondering which Ministry he wants to head.

Finance I guess!!  and he has all right to be in any PPP government position except President.

Read what Nigel say about Jagdeo. 

That's his problem, seems odd Former President will come back as Minister, is there a shortage of talent in Guyana ? Me thinks it's more than that, let wait and see, it will fall into place.

Django posted:
yuji22 posted:

A dollar to late. These clown promised constutional reform within three months of taking office. They did not even set up a committee three years later.

Bai, give your head a shake.

Banna, you talking fraff, there is a Parliamentary Constitution Reform Committee.

How often did it meet? When last did it meet? Why is it slothful?

Baseman posted:
yuji22 posted:

Bibi knows how I feel about Ramkarran. I did so during the last election campaign. No surprises here. 

This jackass Ramkarran has Zero effect on the PPP. None, nada. He carries zero command with the PPP Base. 

All you stop skinning all you teeth. 

When we dated he wrote a scathing letter against the PPP and BJ.  I was upset with him, and so was she.  I told her he was dangerous to the PPP.  So she knows her kinsman could be the "Charrandas" within the PPP family!

That stupid comment he made on the vote is what Hugh's piggy-backed on and causing confusion.

But leh we see ANUG!!

Stop with your nasty stinking lies.  Even Christmas Day you don't take a break from this shit.  

Bibi Haniffa
Leonora posted:
Baseman posted:
yuji22 posted:

Bibi knows how I feel about Ramkarran. I did so during the last election campaign. No surprises here. 

This jackass Ramkarran has Zero effect on the PPP. None, nada. He carries zero command with the PPP Base. 

All you stop skinning all you teeth. 

When we dated he wrote a scathing letter against the PPP and BJ.  I was upset with him, and so was she.  I told her he was dangerous to the PPP.  So she knows her kinsman could be the "Charrandas" within the PPP family!

That stupid comment he made on the vote is what Hugh's piggy-backed on and causing confusion.

But leh we see ANUG!!

Oh my, what have we here? Family with 200 years PPP service now showing dysfunction, treachery, etc.   

Volda are you done counting the money in Charrandas suitcase?  

Bibi Haniffa
Gilbakka posted:
Django posted:
yuji22 posted:

A dollar to late. These clown promised constutional reform within three months of taking office. They did not even set up a committee three years later.

Bai, give your head a shake.

Banna, you talking fraff, there is a Parliamentary Constitution Reform Committee.

How often did it meet? When last did it meet? Why is it slothful?

Ask them bhais at Freedom House who stalling.

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Baseman posted:
yuji22 posted:

Bibi knows how I feel about Ramkarran. I did so during the last election campaign. No surprises here. 

This jackass Ramkarran has Zero effect on the PPP. None, nada. He carries zero command with the PPP Base. 

All you stop skinning all you teeth. 

When we dated he wrote a scathing letter against the PPP and BJ.  I was upset with him, and so was she.  I told her he was dangerous to the PPP.  So she knows her kinsman could be the "Charrandas" within the PPP family!

That stupid comment he made on the vote is what Hugh's piggy-backed on and causing confusion.

But leh we see ANUG!!

Stop with your nasty stinking lies.  Even Christmas Day you don't take a break from this shit.  

Relax, don’t blow a fuse babe.  You know what/when I’m referring to.  No offense.  You sent him an email on the point!

Merry Christmas babe!!

Django posted:
Gilbakka posted:
Django posted:
yuji22 posted:

A dollar to late. These clown promised constutional reform within three months of taking office. They did not even set up a committee three years later.

Bai, give your head a shake.

Banna, you talking fraff, there is a Parliamentary Constitution Reform Committee.

How often did it meet? When last did it meet? Why is it slothful?

Ask them bhais at Freedom House who stalling. 

Since when PNC move to Freedom House.

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Leonora posted:
Baseman posted:
yuji22 posted:

Bibi knows how I feel about Ramkarran. I did so during the last election campaign. No surprises here. 

This jackass Ramkarran has Zero effect on the PPP. None, nada. He carries zero command with the PPP Base. 

All you stop skinning all you teeth. 

When we dated he wrote a scathing letter against the PPP and BJ.  I was upset with him, and so was she.  I told her he was dangerous to the PPP.  So she knows her kinsman could be the "Charrandas" within the PPP family!

That stupid comment he made on the vote is what Hugh's piggy-backed on and causing confusion.

But leh we see ANUG!!

Oh my, what have we here? Family with 200 years PPP service now showing dysfunction, treachery, etc.   

Volda are you done counting the money in Charrandas suitcase?  

Bibi dawling, control yourself babe.  PPP won the vote.  

Baseman posted:
caribny posted:
yuji22 posted:

Wait and see. You should worry about the next PNC leader and their fight for survival.

The PNC will remain a very strong opposition party.  The demise of the AFC will not favor the PPP as it removes the more moderate element in Guyana politics.  You better hope that these ANUG guys do well.

I agree, the PNC will remain strong.  I don't know yet of ANUG!  Maybe they should offer Charrandas and Atiga something to come in.  But they need someone to attract the AFC urban constituency.  They are up for grabs!  Maybe Ramkarran's son with his Afro wife brings something!

Which one of Ramkarran's Son has an Afro wife?  You are beyond shameless with these nasty lies.

Bibi Haniffa
Last edited by Bibi Haniffa
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