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Bibi Haniffa posted:
Baseman posted:
caribny posted:
yuji22 posted:

Wait and see. You should worry about the next PNC leader and their fight for survival.

The PNC will remain a very strong opposition party.  The demise of the AFC will not favor the PPP as it removes the more moderate element in Guyana politics.  You better hope that these ANUG guys do well.

I agree, the PNC will remain strong.  I don't know yet of ANUG!  Maybe they should offer Charrandas and Atiga something to come in.  But they need someone to attract the AFC urban constituency.  They are up for grabs!  Maybe Ramkarran's son with his Afro wife brings something!

Which one of Ramkarran's Son has an Afro wife?  You are beyond shameless with these nasty lies.

Is it offensive?

Baseman posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Baseman posted:
yuji22 posted:

Bibi knows how I feel about Ramkarran. I did so during the last election campaign. No surprises here. 

This jackass Ramkarran has Zero effect on the PPP. None, nada. He carries zero command with the PPP Base. 

All you stop skinning all you teeth. 

When we dated he wrote a scathing letter against the PPP and BJ.  I was upset with him, and so was she.  I told her he was dangerous to the PPP.  So she knows her kinsman could be the "Charrandas" within the PPP family!

That stupid comment he made on the vote is what Hugh's piggy-backed on and causing confusion.

But leh we see ANUG!!

Stop with your nasty stinking lies.  Even Christmas Day you don't take a break from this shit.  

Relax, don’t blow a fuse babe.  You know what/when I’m referring to.  No offense.  You sent him an email on the point!

Merry Christmas babe!!

Me see dis as ah 'make up' move,  but de hurt mus be jus too great.

Merry Christmas.   

Baseman posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Baseman posted:
caribny posted:
yuji22 posted:

Wait and see. You should worry about the next PNC leader and their fight for survival.

The PNC will remain a very strong opposition party.  The demise of the AFC will not favor the PPP as it removes the more moderate element in Guyana politics.  You better hope that these ANUG guys do well.

I agree, the PNC will remain strong.  I don't know yet of ANUG!  Maybe they should offer Charrandas and Atiga something to come in.  But they need someone to attract the AFC urban constituency.  They are up for grabs!  Maybe Ramkarran's son with his Afro wife brings something!

Which one of Ramkarran's Son has an Afro wife?  You are beyond shameless with these nasty lies.

Is it offensive?

Yes it's offensive when a low life piece of shit like you tell lies about people you don't even know.  Ramkarran has two sons and they both have Indian wives.

Bibi Haniffa
caribny posted:
VVP posted:

What type of constitutional reform are they pushing for?  Anyone knows?  Do they have a website?  

They want Guyanese to work together to develop a new constitution. They represent a level of thinking beyond that of your typical Guyanese who is quite happy with a dictatorship.


It might not be a bad idea to have a minority government in place.  That is, one that secured the most votes but less than 50% of the total votes.  The smaller parties will hold the checks and balances of power under this system.  This should be the main campaign focus point for the smaller parties.

The problem here is the instability that might be created by the no confidence vote.  Guyana might have the most presidents and ministers in the world under the shortest span of time.  Just think about the pension they will have to pay.  LOL whatever. Guyana is one F-ed up country.

They have to dump the parliamentary system and have a constitution that provides for the election of a president and members of "congress" similar to the system in the USA.  It could be one or two houses.  Under this system the President could only be removed by impeachment which should require 2/3 votes in "congress."

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Baseman posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Baseman posted:
caribny posted:
yuji22 posted:

Wait and see. You should worry about the next PNC leader and their fight for survival.

The PNC will remain a very strong opposition party.  The demise of the AFC will not favor the PPP as it removes the more moderate element in Guyana politics.  You better hope that these ANUG guys do well.

I agree, the PNC will remain strong.  I don't know yet of ANUG!  Maybe they should offer Charrandas and Atiga something to come in.  But they need someone to attract the AFC urban constituency.  They are up for grabs!  Maybe Ramkarran's son with his Afro wife brings something!

Which one of Ramkarran's Son has an Afro wife?  You are beyond shameless with these nasty lies.

Is it offensive?

Yes it's offensive when a low life piece of shit like you tell lies about people you don't even know.  Ramkarran has two sons and they both have Indian wives.

What anger and vulgarity from a 'lady' on this day, when millions celebrate a very special occasion. 

Me have to remember these words at Phagwa and Diwali.  

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Baseman posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Baseman posted:
caribny posted:


The PNC will remain a very strong opposition party.  The demise of the AFC will not favor the PPP as it removes the more moderate element in Guyana politics.  You better hope that these ANUG guys do well.

I agree, the PNC will remain strong.  I don't know yet of ANUG!  Maybe they should offer Charrandas and Atiga something to come in.  But they need someone to attract the AFC urban constituency.  They are up for grabs!  Maybe Ramkarran's son with his Afro wife brings something!

Which one of Ramkarran's Son has an Afro wife?  You are beyond shameless with these nasty lies.

Is it offensive?

Yes it's offensive when a low life piece of shit like you tell lies about people you don't even know.  Ramkarran has two sons and they both have Indian wives.

Why the anger?   There is a difference between telling lies, as you often do, and making a mistake.  If I did I stand corrected.  

I dont believe that’s what angered you.  There’s something else, but take your meds and calm down. 

Now, how about cuz Ralphie?   I wish him well and hopes he gets a few seats.  

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Baseman posted:
yuji22 posted:

Bibi knows how I feel about Ramkarran. I did so during the last election campaign. No surprises here. 

This jackass Ramkarran has Zero effect on the PPP. None, nada. He carries zero command with the PPP Base. 

All you stop skinning all you teeth. 

When we dated he wrote a scathing letter against the PPP and BJ.  I was upset with him, and so was she.  I told her he was dangerous to the PPP.  So she knows her kinsman could be the "Charrandas" within the PPP family!

That stupid comment he made on the vote is what Hugh's piggy-backed on and causing confusion.

But leh we see ANUG!!

Stop with your nasty stinking lies.  Even Christmas Day you don't take a break from this shit.  

You know it’s very true.  Cuz Ralphie has made statements against the PPP leadership before. So that makes you the liar.  Look it up!

Baseman posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Baseman posted:
yuji22 posted:

Bibi knows how I feel about Ramkarran. I did so during the last election campaign. No surprises here. 

This jackass Ramkarran has Zero effect on the PPP. None, nada. He carries zero command with the PPP Base. 

All you stop skinning all you teeth. 

When we dated he wrote a scathing letter against the PPP and BJ.  I was upset with him, and so was she.  I told her he was dangerous to the PPP.  So she knows her kinsman could be the "Charrandas" within the PPP family!

That stupid comment he made on the vote is what Hugh's piggy-backed on and causing confusion.

But leh we see ANUG!!

Stop with your nasty stinking lies.  Even Christmas Day you don't take a break from this shit.  

You know it’s very true.  Cuz Ralphie has made statements against the PPP leadership before. So that makes you the liar.  Look it up!

For the sake of the PPP and good governance, can you guys kiss and make up until after the election?

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Baseman posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Baseman posted:
caribny posted:
yuji22 posted:

Wait and see. You should worry about the next PNC leader and their fight for survival.

The PNC will remain a very strong opposition party.  The demise of the AFC will not favor the PPP as it removes the more moderate element in Guyana politics.  You better hope that these ANUG guys do well.

I agree, the PNC will remain strong.  I don't know yet of ANUG!  Maybe they should offer Charrandas and Atiga something to come in.  But they need someone to attract the AFC urban constituency.  They are up for grabs!  Maybe Ramkarran's son with his Afro wife brings something!

Which one of Ramkarran's Son has an Afro wife?  You are beyond shameless with these nasty lies.

Is it offensive?

Yes it's offensive when a low life piece of shit like you tell lies about people you don't even know.  Ramkarran has two sons and they both have Indian wives.

Like you missing your meds or you had too much eggnog. 

Mitwah posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Baseman posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Baseman posted:
caribny posted:
yuji22 posted:

Wait and see. You should worry about the next PNC leader and their fight for survival.

The PNC will remain a very strong opposition party.  The demise of the AFC will not favor the PPP as it removes the more moderate element in Guyana politics.  You better hope that these ANUG guys do well.

I agree, the PNC will remain strong.  I don't know yet of ANUG!  Maybe they should offer Charrandas and Atiga something to come in.  But they need someone to attract the AFC urban constituency.  They are up for grabs!  Maybe Ramkarran's son with his Afro wife brings something!

Which one of Ramkarran's Son has an Afro wife?  You are beyond shameless with these nasty lies.

Is it offensive?

Yes it's offensive when a low life piece of shit like you tell lies about people you don't even know.  Ramkarran has two sons and they both have Indian wives.

Like you missing your meds or you had too much eggnog. 

β€˜Twas Christmas, so maybe Santa got stuck up the chimney!

skeldon_man posted:
Baseman posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Baseman posted:
yuji22 posted:

Bibi knows how I feel about Ramkarran. I did so during the last election campaign. No surprises here. 

This jackass Ramkarran has Zero effect on the PPP. None, nada. He carries zero command with the PPP Base. 

All you stop skinning all you teeth. 

When we dated he wrote a scathing letter against the PPP and BJ.  I was upset with him, and so was she.  I told her he was dangerous to the PPP.  So she knows her kinsman could be the "Charrandas" within the PPP family!

That stupid comment he made on the vote is what Hugh's piggy-backed on and causing confusion.

But leh we see ANUG!!

Stop with your nasty stinking lies.  Even Christmas Day you don't take a break from this shit.  

You know it’s very true.  Cuz Ralphie has made statements against the PPP leadership before. So that makes you the liar.  Look it up!

For the sake of the PPP and good governance, can you guys kiss and make up until after the election?

I don't tie bundle with PNC people hiding in PPP clothing.  

Bibi Haniffa
D2 posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

I don't tie bundle with PNC people hiding in PPP clothing.  

Please use the quote feature responsibly. One should not have to scroll through pages to get to your one liner.

@D2. It’s difficult doing it from the IPhone. 

@Bibi - Why you label people because they may not agree with everything you say!   I would believe that even within the PPP people have different viewpoints and disagreements.  Respect for other viewpoints is good for any relationship!

And Bibi, what you think of Cuz Ralph’s move?  He shed the 200 year pedigree which you so valiantly cling to.

Remember his response to you when you sent him that email after he lambasted BJ and the PPP leadership.  He basically said mind your own business.  

And also remember, we were a bundle of joy for a whole year and I supported you even if I did not always agree. 

Last edited by Former Member
Baseman posted:
D2 posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

I don't tie bundle with PNC people hiding in PPP clothing.  

Please use the quote feature responsibly. One should not have to scroll through pages to get to your one liner.

@D2. It’s difficult doing it from the IPhone. 

@Bibi - Why you label people because they may not agree with everything you say!   I would believe that even within the PPP people have different viewpoints and disagreements.  Respect for other viewpoints is good for any relationship!

And Bibi, what you think of Cuz Ralph’s move?  He shed the 200 year pedigree which you so valiantly cling to.

Remember his response to you when you sent him that email after he lambasted BJ and the PPP leadership.  He basically said mind your own business.  

Stop with your nasty stinking lies.

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Baseman posted:
D2 posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

I don't tie bundle with PNC people hiding in PPP clothing.  

Please use the quote feature responsibly. One should not have to scroll through pages to get to your one liner.

@D2. It’s difficult doing it from the IPhone. 

@Bibi - Why you label people because they may not agree with everything you say!   I would believe that even within the PPP people have different viewpoints and disagreements.  Respect for other viewpoints is good for any relationship!

And Bibi, what you think of Cuz Ralph’s move?  He shed the 200 year pedigree which you so valiantly cling to.

Remember his response to you when you sent him that email after he lambasted BJ and the PPP leadership.  He basically said mind your own business.  

Stop with your nasty stinking lies.

Guys, we don't need the infighting.

skeldon_man posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Baseman posted:
D2 posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

I don't tie bundle with PNC people hiding in PPP clothing.  

Please use the quote feature responsibly. One should not have to scroll through pages to get to your one liner.

@D2. It’s difficult doing it from the IPhone. 

@Bibi - Why you label people because they may not agree with everything you say!   I would believe that even within the PPP people have different viewpoints and disagreements.  Respect for other viewpoints is good for any relationship!

And Bibi, what you think of Cuz Ralph’s move?  He shed the 200 year pedigree which you so valiantly cling to.

Remember his response to you when you sent him that email after he lambasted BJ and the PPP leadership.  He basically said mind your own business.  

Stop with your nasty stinking lies.

Guys, we don't need the infighting.

What infighting?  Don't be fooled by PNC thugs wearing PPP clothing.

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Baseman posted:
D2 posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

I don't tie bundle with PNC people hiding in PPP clothing.  

Please use the quote feature responsibly. One should not have to scroll through pages to get to your one liner.

@D2. It’s difficult doing it from the IPhone. 

@Bibi - Why you label people because they may not agree with everything you say!   I would believe that even within the PPP people have different viewpoints and disagreements.  Respect for other viewpoints is good for any relationship!

And Bibi, what you think of Cuz Ralph’s move?  He shed the 200 year pedigree which you so valiantly cling to.

Remember his response to you when you sent him that email after he lambasted BJ and the PPP leadership.  He basically said mind your own business.  

Stop with your nasty stinking lies.

Check your email history.  You called me at work to tell me.   He said he will do as he sees fit!

Ok.  What you think of his latest move!

Bibi Haniffa posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Baseman posted:
D2 posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

I don't tie bundle with PNC people hiding in PPP clothing.  

Please use the quote feature responsibly. One should not have to scroll through pages to get to your one liner.

@D2. It’s difficult doing it from the IPhone. 

@Bibi - Why you label people because they may not agree with everything you say!   I would believe that even within the PPP people have different viewpoints and disagreements.  Respect for other viewpoints is good for any relationship!

And Bibi, what you think of Cuz Ralph’s move?  He shed the 200 year pedigree which you so valiantly cling to.

Remember his response to you when you sent him that email after he lambasted BJ and the PPP leadership.  He basically said mind your own business.  

Stop with your nasty stinking lies.

Guys, we don't need the infighting.

What infighting?  Don't be fooled by PNC thugs wearing PPP clothing.

Bibi.  You seem very unstable today!

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Leonora posted:

Oh my, what have we here?    

We have you colluding with Baseman and his nasty lies to undermine other posters on this site.

Ugli commented that he used an Xt computer among others things. Was he poking Ugli also? You cannot call the kettle black. For your own sakes you need to keep your fights private and avoid undermining each other publicly. It is not only unseemly but straight up ghetto.

Last edited by Former Member
Leonora posted:
Gilbakka posted:

I am concerned that in effect all these mushrooms will skive off critical PPP votes. ANUG, Shuman, Artiga-Charrandas (?).

So that's why she told you she keeping an eye on you, getting flashbacks of 2015, etc. Aha, now I get it. 

Took you a long time to connect the dots.  Let me tell you something. Jeffrey was Jagdeo's Minister of Education.  Ramkarran father was one of the founders of the PPP party.  Connect those dots and tell me if 33 is not more than 32.

Bibi Haniffa
Last edited by Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Baseman posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Baseman posted:
D2 posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

I don't tie bundle with PNC people hiding in PPP clothing.  

Please use the quote feature responsibly. One should not have to scroll through pages to get to your one liner.

@D2. It’s difficult doing it from the IPhone. 

@Bibi - Why you label people because they may not agree with everything you say!   I would believe that even within the PPP people have different viewpoints and disagreements.  Respect for other viewpoints is good for any relationship!

And Bibi, what you think of Cuz Ralph’s move?  He shed the 200 year pedigree which you so valiantly cling to.

Remember his response to you when you sent him that email after he lambasted BJ and the PPP leadership.  He basically said mind your own business.  

Stop with your nasty stinking lies.

Check your email history.  You called me at work to tell me.   He said he will do as he sees fit!

Ok.  What you think of his latest move!

What work?  You are an unemployed blood sucking leach living off every freeness you can get your hand on.  You even showed up at Nehru's house when you heard he had Jagdeo's credit card and he was giving free food and drinks.  Nehru didn't give you a crumb.  His wife had a good laugh at you.

Girl, what is this Nehru thingy.  This was 2003 I believe.  Visiting from Swiss, passed around, had a beer and went back to my kids.  I don’t know what credit card.  It was a short sto over. 

Now, I dated you a whole year and took you all over, including Europe and gave you a trip to Portugal, all at my expense.  Didn’t I?

Why you lie so much?  Please look in the mirror!

Baseman posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Baseman posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Baseman posted:
D2 posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

I don't tie bundle with PNC people hiding in PPP clothing.  

Please use the quote feature responsibly. One should not have to scroll through pages to get to your one liner.

@D2. It’s difficult doing it from the IPhone. 

@Bibi - Why you label people because they may not agree with everything you say!   I would believe that even within the PPP people have different viewpoints and disagreements.  Respect for other viewpoints is good for any relationship!

And Bibi, what you think of Cuz Ralph’s move?  He shed the 200 year pedigree which you so valiantly cling to.

Remember his response to you when you sent him that email after he lambasted BJ and the PPP leadership.  He basically said mind your own business.  

Stop with your nasty stinking lies.

Check your email history.  You called me at work to tell me.   He said he will do as he sees fit!

Ok.  What you think of his latest move!

What work?  You are an unemployed blood sucking leach living off every freeness you can get your hand on.  You even showed up at Nehru's house when you heard he had Jagdeo's credit card and he was giving free food and drinks.  Nehru didn't give you a crumb.  His wife had a good laugh at you.

Girl, what is this Nehru thingy.  This was 2003 I believe.  Visiting from Swiss, passed around, had a beer and went back to my kids.  I don’t know what credit card.  It was a short sto over. 

Now, I dated you a whole year and took you all over, including Europe and gave you a trip to Portugal, all at my expense.  Didn’t I?

Why you lie so much?  Please look in the mirror!

You are blocked from my Facebook page so no more stalking my family pics and posting shit here on GNI.

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Leonora posted:
Gilbakka posted:

I am concerned that in effect all these mushrooms will skive off critical PPP votes. ANUG, Shuman, Artiga-Charrandas (?).

So that's why she told you she keeping an eye on you, getting flashbacks of 2015, etc. Aha, now I get it. 

Took you a long time to connect the dots.  Let me tell you something. Jeffrey was Jagdeo's Minister of Education.  Ramkarran father was one of the founders of the PPP party.  Connect those dots and tell me if 33 is not more than 32.

Why you seem so angry today, well since last night.  Did Santa not been nice?

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Baseman posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Baseman posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Baseman posted:
D2 posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

I don't tie bundle with PNC people hiding in PPP clothing.  

Please use the quote feature responsibly. One should not have to scroll through pages to get to your one liner.

@D2. It’s difficult doing it from the IPhone. 

@Bibi - Why you label people because they may not agree with everything you say!   I would believe that even within the PPP people have different viewpoints and disagreements.  Respect for other viewpoints is good for any relationship!

And Bibi, what you think of Cuz Ralph’s move?  He shed the 200 year pedigree which you so valiantly cling to.

Remember his response to you when you sent him that email after he lambasted BJ and the PPP leadership.  He basically said mind your own business.  

Stop with your nasty stinking lies.

Check your email history.  You called me at work to tell me.   He said he will do as he sees fit!

Ok.  What you think of his latest move!

What work?  You are an unemployed blood sucking leach living off every freeness you can get your hand on.  You even showed up at Nehru's house when you heard he had Jagdeo's credit card and he was giving free food and drinks.  Nehru didn't give you a crumb.  His wife had a good laugh at you.

Girl, what is this Nehru thingy.  This was 2003 I believe.  Visiting from Swiss, passed around, had a beer and went back to my kids.  I don’t know what credit card.  It was a short sto over. 

Now, I dated you a whole year and took you all over, including Europe and gave you a trip to Portugal, all at my expense.  Didn’t I?

Why you lie so much?  Please look in the mirror!

You are blocked from my Facebook page so no more stalking my family pics and posting shit here on GNI.

Nothing I posted was from FB.  Why you bringi that’.  All those trips were for real!!  Not so?

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