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I don't know if this was already discussed and tossed aside but I've only been back on the air for a few days now.

My area was hit hard,I lost my phone and tv for a few days no trees of mine came down except for some huge branches broken off and had to be dragged from the street. The neighbour across the street from me had a 30 foot pine tree topple over and blocked a roadway, brought down her electritic cable, no power. Cainsta had to do his civic duty and kept the woman supplied with hot water lil food and so on.
Trees barely missing homes but it seems as though it was only a few areas that got the brunt of the storm.
We had hail the size of huge marbles coming down and one of my co workers was caught in it, she's got some nice looking black and blue marks from the downpour.

So any of y'all got nailed with this?

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