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Chami, I am still at the same place. My entire family had the Covid.  We all had various degrees of symptoms. Myself, mom and dad had the brunt of it.

We are grateful to make itπŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

Indi, thank God that you all got over this crazy virus. Is everyone back to β€˜normal’?  Please share how the illness affected you all, what symptoms you had.  Some folks still say β€œ it’s just a flu”.

5 of my relatives in UK got it last yr April and one is still having breathing issues.

about that scampma…. Moon a run β€˜till day ketch um!


Chami, this virus is very strange. I have seen multiple family members dying from it.  Some people are in denial that it exists despite the mortality rate, some people said it is man made, so much controversy. The test results all came back positive.

I can only speak from my family experience.  Whatever it was, we had varying symptoms and no except my husband who had his first shot at that time were vaccinated.

My older son did not have any symptoms at all; my younger son lost his smelll and taste for about a week, hubby I cannot remember but he was not that sick.  My dad, mom and myself had lots of aches and pain like the flu, some breathing problems, oxygen below 95 a lot of times. It lasted for almost two weeks.  Thank god we fully recovered.

We drank lots of fluids, gatorade, soups, ginger concoction, coconut water, zinc supplements and prayers seemed to have helped.

Indira Sookdeo
@Wildflower posted:

Agreed Indi…

in 1992 a fellow from east coast borrowed $250k Guyana from my brother. He paid back 25k in 1993. Sadly my brother passed away by accident in nov 1993. Few mths later my parents, my uncle and my cousin went to the borrower’s  house to make arrangements to collect the money. That man told my parents that β€œ Danny dead, me don’t you me bin owe him and he dead so me don’t owe nobody”

not long after he had an accident and lost his vision ( he lives in Toronto and plays the drums at mandirs )

in 1995 someone called my home looking for donations to help him with eye surgery etc…the moment I heard his name my blood pressure went up so I said, tell him to take the money he robbed Danny’s parents and buy his sightπŸ™


He has two sons. Always remember what falls from your head lands on your shoulders.

Last edited by Afeena

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