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Like I've stated time and again, we are not leaving office unless and until a government is elected into office with VALID votes ONLY. 

PPP/C will NOT be getting into any office with tabulated votes from the recount. It has been a very arduous few weeks for the legal team and APNUAFC supporters, but we shall prevail in the end. 

@Rochelle posted:

Like I've stated time and again, we are not leaving office unless and until a government is elected into office with VALID votes ONLY. 

PPP/C will NOT be getting into any office with tabulated votes from the recount. It has been a very arduous few weeks for the legal team and APNUAFC supporters, but we shall prevail in the end. 

Rochelle dawling, Granger will not be sworn in. PNC lost. Big trouble brewing.  



PRESS STATEMENT The People’s Progressive Party (PPP) notes the latest inane and incredulous ramblings in the form of a public statement, dated July 26, 2020, issued by the APNU+AFC Coalition. This press statement, clearly, cannot be intended for sane, right-thinking Guyanese. It seems written for a ‘captured’ David Granger who needs repeated convincing of the line being pushed by the Coalition’s Joseph Harmon and others and will no doubt be taken to Mr. Granger as ‘evidence’ of the delusion notion of an electoral victory. It rehashes a set of issues that have long been overtaken by events and judicial pronouncements from both the High Court and the Caribbean Court of Justice (CCJ). It continues to recite the ridiculous and unsubstantiated allegations made by APNU+AFC at the recount exercise; it accuses the PPP of rigging; it attacks Order 60 of 2020 and it quotes Justice Brassington Reynolds’ ruling in the Court of Appeal in the Eslyn Davids case, which was set aside by the CCJ. Having regard to known events, subsequent to the national recount exercise, it must be clear to the ordinary reader that the author of this statement is in dire need of psychiatric attention. In the author’s schizophrenic mind, he/she erases the existence of a report produced by David Granger’s most “legitimate interlocutors”, the CARICOM team, who dismissed their allegations of irregularities as erroneous, unsubstantiated and of nuisance value only, while endorsing the recount as credible and transparent and calling for the results of the recount to be used as the basis for the declaration of the final results of the elections. The author of this statement further ignores a 60-page judgement from Guyana’s highest court, the CCJ, which not only set aside Brassington Reynolds’ decision in the Court of Appeal in the Eslyn Davids case, but also vacated Keith Lowenfield’s fraudulent report to the Guyana Elections Commission as well as endorse the recount process as legal, fair and credible. In consequence, the CCJ ruled that the results from the recount process must be used as the basis for the declaration of the final results. Similarly, the statement omits to mention a word of the Chief Justice’s recent ruling in the Missenga Jones case, in which she dismissed a case based upon the identical sentiments expressed in the very statement. Finally, the delusional author of this statement repeats the outrageous allegation of a national and international conspiracy to oust the APNU+AFC from Government. If anything at all, this statement is proof to the world that the rigging cabal has clearly lost their minds and remains a threat of danger to Guyana and its people. July 26, 2020

@Rochelle posted:

Like I've stated time and again, we are not leaving office unless and until a government is elected into office with VALID votes ONLY. 

PPP/C will NOT be getting into any office with tabulated votes from the recount. It has been a very arduous few weeks for the legal team and APNUAFC supporters, but we shall prevail in the end. 

You are singing the same old tune, pity you and the coalition. The courts are going to rule in the favour of the will of the people. The Chairwoman will declare the PPP/C as the new administration. The coalition will not accept the declaration. The ball will be in their court. They will either leave office peacefully or the people with foreign intervention will remove them. The Joint Services will receive a call(s) to act to maintain the will of the people or they will be facing Brazil from the south and ABCE from the north. I personally would not like to see foreign forces in Guyana, however, if this is the only way to rectify the situation, so let it be. Dictatorship must never return to the land of the free.

Long Live Democracy.

Viva La Democracia.

Last edited by Django
@BGMAN posted:

You are singing the same old tune, pity you and the coalition. The courts are going to rule in the favour of the will of the people. The Chairwoman will declare the PPP/C as the new administration. The coalition will not accept the declaration.

The ball will be in their court. They will either leave office peacefully or the people with foreign intervention will remove them. The Joint Services will receive a call(s) to act to maintain the will of the people or they will be facing Brazil from the south and ABCE from the north.

I personally would not like to see foreign forces in Guyana, however, if this is the only way to rectify the situation, so let it be.

Dictatorship must never return to the land of the free.

Long Live Democracy.

Viva La Democracia.

Want to bet your prediction will not bear fruit.

Regarding DICTATORSHIP ,surely more exploration is needed .

Last edited by Django
@Django posted:

Want to bet your prediction will not bear fruit.

Regarding DICTATORSHIP ,surely more exploration is needed .

My prediction is either / or. Based on your previous commentaries on this forum, you clearly stated that Dr. Jagdeo and the current PPP/C must never rule Guyana again. Therefore I have no other choice than to conclude they have to be removed. There will be no talks until a PPP/C administration is installed. Currently there is a significant larger than normal presence of Brazilian Military in the bordering town of Bon Fin, which is in the state of Roraima. Both the President of Brazil and the Governor of Roraima have recognized Dr. Ali as the President Elect of Guyana. Brazil’s representative at the OAS was very clear that the will of the people must be respected.

Long Live Democracy.

Last edited by Django
@Django posted:

Want to bet your prediction will not bear fruit.

Regarding DICTATORSHIP ,surely more exploration is needed .

Since pre-NCV none of your predictions have come through. Yes, you said they will be returned to power with a big campaign blitz from January. However, we saw a blitz of attempted electoral fraudS.

You say what to wish to happen but no substance as to how. 

The world will not allow the PNC to make fools of them. The credibility of the entire democratic world is at stake.  The PNC will be ousted one way or another. If you want to accelerate the process, swear in Granger. 

Last edited by Former Member

DJ, Rochelle and the entire PNC cook up crew are blowing smoke. The hammer is about to fall on the PNC backside. 

A small group of wicked and racist Blackman cannot hold an entire nation hostage. Jagdeo will buss their balls if they try to loot or burn. 

They are NOT above the laws, constitution and courts. That was a long time story with Burnham and Hoyte. Dis time na laang time, dis na day before time. 

Last edited by Former Member

It should be obvious by now that for the past 1.5+ years the PPP have been playing chess while the PNC have been playing checkers. You do not have to be a PPP supporter to recognize that beginning with the NCM, they have demonstrated superior strategic acumen. Examples include:

  1. standing their ground on their right to participate in the selection of the Chairperson for GECOM
  2. the selection of Claudette Singh
  3. the voter turnout efforts that yielded a substantial margin of victory leaving the PNC no other choice but to claim an unlikely vast conspiracy
  4. the publishing of the SOPs online
  5. keeping the antics in the Region 4 tabulations front and centre in the press
  6. getting Granger to take ownership of the Recount even though Jagdeo was on record as first proposing it
  7. getting Granger to accept CARICOM’s observation of the Recount, although Granger provided an unsolicited gift when he said that CARICOM was the most “legitimate interlocutors”
  8. rallying the international community

The PNC is now left with the blunt move that they will squat in office and the PPP must negotiate. As I have stated before the PPP have no incentive to negotiate as they are in the absolute position of strength. Unlike what David Hinds said today in Kaieteur News this is no Stalemate. The King is in check and is soon to run out of legal moves.

@BGMAN posted:

My prediction is either / or. Based on your previous commentaries on this forum, you clearly stated that Dr. Jagdeo and the current PPP/C must never rule Guyana again. Therefore I have no other choice than to conclude they have to be removed. There will be no talks until a PPP/C administration is installed.

Currently there is a significant larger than normal presence of Brazilian Military in the bordering town of Bon Fin, which is in the state of Roraima. Both the President of Brazil and the Governor of Roraima have recognized Dr. Ali as the President Elect of Guyana. Brazil’s representative at the OAS was very clear that the will of the people must be respected.

Long Live Democracy.

Let's clear this up, Bharat Jagdeo who is no Dr. should never hold power in Guyana again, he is detrimental to  the Guyanese people and development. That fella thinks Guyana belongs to him.

I have nothing against the PPP, most here knows my views are for rotational government ,no political party should be anchored in for long periods of rule.

Regarding your take for for Foreign Military intervention to install the PPP ,puppet Presidential  Candidate thru FRAUDULENT ELECTIONS will never happen. The usage of the slogan of "Long Live Democracy"  is FAKE ,there is need to dig deeper the meaning.

Last edited by Django
@Former Member posted:

Since pre-NCV none of your predictions have come through. Yes, you said they will be returned to power with a big campaign blitz from January. However, we saw a blitz of attempted electoral fraudS.

You say what to wish to happen but no substance as to how. 

The world will not allow the PNC to make fools of them. The credibility of the entire democratic world is at stake.  The PNC will be ousted one way or another. If you want to accelerate the process, swear in Granger. 

What happen to the ELECTORAL FRAUD committed by the PPP ? guess it's under the carpet. The last paragraph not worthy of a response.

Last edited by Django

@Rochelle & @Totaram, I've seen your thumbs down to my posting the PPP/C response to the APNU+AFC statement in this thread. It tells me that you're both intolerant of political viewpoints that don't agree with yours.

In principle if I don't agree with a post I state so with reasons. I don't "thumb down" any Forum member because I respect their right to their opinions.

I'm raising this issue in the context of APNU+AFC calling on the PPP/C and other opposition parties for talks on power sharing. If you people here don't respect my posts why should I urge my PPP/C to respond positively to the APNU+AFC call for talks? Definitely I don't think they will respect and honour any agreement with the opposition parties.

@Django posted:

Let's clear this up, Bharat Jagdeo who is no Dr. should never hold power in Guyana again, he is detrimental to  the Guyanese people and development. That fella thinks Guyana belongs to him.

I have nothing against the PPP, most here knows my views are for rotational government ,no political party should be anchored in for long periods of rule.

Regarding your take for for Foreign Military intervention to install the PPP ,puppet Presidential  Candidate thru FRAUDULENT ELECTIONS will never happen. The usage of the slogan of "Long Live Democracy"  is FAKE ,there is need to dig deeper the meaning.

Dr. Jagdeo is smarter than all the coalition put together. He may have made mistakes as a young President, however, Guyana experienced significant development during his tenure.

Guyana belongs to all Guyanese and it is their right to decide which party they want to rule them. Not me, neither you. Only they alone can decide what system of government they wish. Guyanese in the diaspora can make suggestions, and if they have merit, they could be included in a revised constitution.

All the democratic forces in Guyana and the world could not be wrong and only the coalition is right. The elections were not FRAUDULENT, the coalition was caught stealing. They are attempting to bully their way out of the situation.

You and I enjoy the fruits of democracy in our new countries. I personally would never give up my freedom to live in a dictatorship. I lived under Burnham’s dictatorship and I have also travelled to countries living under dictatorship, and for the most part their citizens would like to emigrate if they can. I do not need to dig deeper into the meaning of DEMOCRACY, I have lived under democracy and dictatorship, the choice is easy.

Long Live Democracy.

@Django posted:

What happen to the ELECTORAL FRAUD committed by the PPP ? guess it's under the carpet. The last paragraph not worthy of a response.

You fit perfectly into the PNC information strategy, tell a lie over and over, shallow people actually start believing it's the truth.

How many different numbers have the PNC used to claim victory?

What was their process for adding votes?

What was their process for subtracting votes?

Under how many scenarios does the PNC win?

@BGMAN posted:

Dr. Jagdeo is smarter than all the coalition put together.

He may have made mistakes as a young President, however, Guyana experienced significant development during his tenure.

Guyana belongs to all Guyanese and it is their right to decide which party they want to rule them. Not me, neither you. Only they alone can decide what system of government they wish. Guyanese in the diaspora can make suggestions, and if they have merit, they could be included in a revised constitution.

All the democratic forces in Guyana and the world could not be wrong and only the coalition is right.

The elections were not FRAUDULENT, the coalition was caught stealing. They are attempting to bully their way out of the situation.

You and I enjoy the fruits of democracy in our new countries. I personally would never give up my freedom to live in a dictatorship. I lived under Burnham’s dictatorship and I have also travelled to countries living under dictatorship, and for the most part their citizens would like to emigrate if they can. I do not need to dig deeper into the meaning of DEMOCRACY, I have lived under democracy and dictatorship, the choice is easy.

Long Live Democracy.

There is an agreement knows to pilfer and fatten the cronies without being caught . There are lots of wasted money on development that was never successful, he had his tenure coming thru the backdoor . That's enough for the Guyanese people ,the country don't need a Putinisque.

There is no doubt the people who lives there have to make their choice ,Elections should be FREE ,FAIR and CREDIBLE  ,not by committing acts of ELECTORAL FRAUD. By the way when help is needed the politicians and the people of Guyana seek people in the diaspora ,we are still depended on are we not ?

The PPP blocked every move to sanitize the voters list ,so they could carry out the FRAUD in their strongholds ,guess it's fine for some folks. By the way who are all the Democratic Forces in Guyana ?

Last edited by Django
@Former Member posted:

You fit perfectly into the PNC information strategy, tell a lie over and over, shallow people actually start believing it's the truth.

How many different numbers have the PNC used to claim victory?

What was their process for adding votes?

What was their process for subtracting votes?

Under how many scenarios does the PNC win?

The first paragraph belongs to the PPP ,they are good at that.

The CEO  and GECOM have to come up with the numbers to weed out the FRAUD ,if it can't be done ,new Elections with a clean voters list.

@Former Member posted:

@Rochelle & @Totaram, I've seen your thumbs down to my posting the PPP/C response to the APNU+AFC statement in this thread. It tells me that you're both intolerant of political viewpoints that don't agree with yours.

In principle if I don't agree with a post I state so with reasons. I don't "thumb down" any Forum member because I respect their right to their opinions.

I'm raising this issue in the context of APNU+AFC calling on the PPP/C and other opposition parties for talks on power sharing. If you people here don't respect my posts why should I urge my PPP/C to respond positively to the APNU+AFC call for talks? Definitely I don't think they will respect and honour any agreement with the opposition parties.

My thumbs down is aimed at the PPP statement not you posting it.  

@Django posted:

There is an agreement knows to pilfer and fatten the cronies without being caught . There are lots of wasted money on development that was never successful, he had his tenure coming thru the backdoor . That's enough for the Guyanese people ,the country don't need a Putinisque.

There is no doubt the people who lives there have to make their choice ,Elections should be FREE ,FAIR and CREDIBLE  ,not by committing acts of ELECTORAL FRAUD. By the way when help is needed the politicians and the people of Guyana seek people in the diaspora ,we are still depended on are we not ?

The PPP blocked every move to sanitize the voters list ,so they could carry out the FRAUD in their strongholds ,guess it's fine for some folks. By the way who are all the Democratic Forces in Guyana ?

You are behaving like Vladimir Putin on this forum. Only your thoughts and suggestions are valid, everyone else’s does not matter. The coalition had five years to prove there was mass corruption during the PPP/C tenure in office. What did they do, they went on a corruption journey which they are still on.

Ayatollah once, I Ayatollah twice, Khomeini times must I tell you, the elections were free, fair and credible. Even Danger Granger said that. I rest my case on this subject.

Patterson’s attempt for a new list was to disenfranchise voters. The Chief Justice said no, no, no.

The democratic forces in Guyana are the ones who believe in the sovereign will of the people which is protected in the constitution , and they include all ethnic groups, even supporters of the coalition.

Long Live Democracy.



GECOM has already decided that the declaration will only be made using the results of the national recount. They aren't going to change that decision. The Chairperson's attorney was crystal clear that the Coalition is seeking to commit elections fraud and implored the COA to not become an instrument to that fraud. There is no fraud uncovered during the recount nor did the recount identify any fraud by the PPP/C. The recount did provide clear evidence of Mingo's fraud. Funny that the Coalition insist on using Mingo's fraud yet argues that no declaration can be made using fraudulent votes. The PPP/C is on point to state that the person who wrote that release is insane.

@Rochelle posted:

Like I've stated time and again, we are not leaving office unless and until a government is elected into office with VALID votes ONLY. 

PPP/C will NOT be getting into any office with tabulated votes from the recount. It has been a very arduous few weeks for the legal team and APNUAFC supporters, but we shall prevail in the end. 

You mean until the PNC controlled coalition is elected.   All votes cast on March 02, 2020, are valid. What was the purpose of the recount?

@Former Member posted:

GECOM has already decided that the declaration will only be made using the results of the national recount. They aren't going to change that decision. The Chairperson's attorney was crystal clear that the Coalition is seeking to commit elections fraud and implored the COA to not become an instrument to that fraud. There is no fraud uncovered during the recount nor did the recount identify any fraud by the PPP/C. The recount did provide clear evidence of Mingo's fraud. Funny that the Coalition insist on using Mingo's fraud yet argues that no declaration can be made using fraudulent votes. The PPP/C is on point to state that the person who wrote that release is insane.

My sources tell me big surprise in the works. Let’s see!


This will likely be heading to the CCJ, which is in recess from Aug 3 through October 2. 

They will have to afford us the same access and privileges they did the PPP by preventing a declaration.

By the time any declaration would be made there would be a new US government in power, the same government we have considerably more connections with.

Those US ambassadors and Senators that were bought with the help of Mercury will be of little effect.

Keep dreaming, PPP/C.

@Rochelle posted:

This will likely be heading to the CCJ, which is in recess from Aug 3 through October 2. 

They will have to afford us the same access and privileges they did the PPP by preventing a declaration.

By the time any declaration would be made there would be a new US government in power, the same government we have considerably more connections with.

Those US ambassadors and Senators that were bought with the help of Mercury will be of little effect.

Keep dreaming, PPP/C.

The PPP/C is not dreaming, you are.   The Chief Justice will swear in Ali as the next Prime Minister of Guyana just as soon as the declaration is made.  There will be a 2-1 vote in favor of the PPP.

The CCJ will not be served with another petition because the Coalition has no new evidence.  You are a lawyer, you shouldn't pretend to be as dumb as Toraram.


By the time any declaration would be made there would be a new US government in power, the same government we have considerably more connections with.

Those US ambassadors and Senators that were bought with the help of Mercury will be of little effect.

Rochelle, the US of A don't tolerate frauds and election riggers, if you think the Dems will be of help, just fooling yourself. This will resolve before November, the US will intervene. Let democracy prevail.

@Ramakant-P posted:

The PPP/C is not dreaming, you are.   The Chief Justice will swear in Ali as the next Prime Minister of Guyana just as soon as the declaration is made.  There will be a 2-1 vote in favor of the PPP.

The CCJ will not be served with another petition because the Coalition has no new evidence.  You are a lawyer, you shouldn't pretend to be as dumb as Toraram.

Chupid man Rama in action. 

@Rochelle posted:

This will likely be heading to the CCJ, which is in recess from Aug 3 through October 2. 

They will have to afford us the same access and privileges they did the PPP by preventing a declaration.

By the time any declaration would be made there would be a new US government in power, the same government we have considerably more connections with.

Those US ambassadors and Senators that were bought with the help of Mercury will be of little effect.

Keep dreaming, PPP/C.

So the PNC will be going back to supporting foreign interference then? Will they then be abandoning their sovereignty cries?

This isn't going back to the CCJ. I can't see the other two COA judges going down that road of ridicule with Gregory-Barnes if she decides to put forth another argument as her 34+32=65.

@Rochelle posted:

This will likely be heading to the CCJ, which is in recess from Aug 3 through October 2. 

They will have to afford us the same access and privileges they did the PPP by preventing a declaration.

By the time any declaration would be made there would be a new US government in power, the same government we have considerably more connections with.

Those US ambassadors and Senators that were bought with the help of Mercury will be of little effect.

Keep dreaming, PPP/C.

How you know so much?  The PNC game is very clear. Why you think everyone wil just keep running with them. Swear in granger let’s see. 


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