A most heart-warming shot, TK. When I first saw it lots of kind feelings passed my way. Guyana will soon be governed by strong and loving arms.
It seems like only Guyanese showing up to PNC/AFC meetings. The same faces all the time.
Okay, could someone explain this.
Is like, who else comes out to Guyanese meetings...Jamaicans?
Friday 4/17 Stabroek Market in the rain
Friday night New Amsterdam
APNU+AFC Women's Rally at Merriman's Mall
Sandra Granger and Sita Nagamootoo at APNU+AFC Women's Rally tonight.
Enrico Woolford - "Happening now. Granger and Nagamootoo addressing a breakfast meeting of professionals and business people in Toronto Canada."
Toronto business meeting
More pics from today's professional and business breakfast in Brampton, Ontario. [Artie Ricknauth's FB]
Hope they made big donations to the election fund.
APNU+AFC meeting today in Orealla, Region 6. [Mark Ross pic]
I agree with Joey there should be a government of national unity.
I agree with Joey there should be a government of national unity.
Now you're talking, Wally! Welcome aboard!!
APNU+AFC candidates at Elite Banquet Hall, Toronto, today. [Enrico Woolford pics]
Kurukururu market place
APNU+AFC youth rally in Bartica tonight. Vanessa Kissoon told the youths: "we ain't voting corrupt so we ain't fuh'cup."
I agree with Joey there should be a government of national unity.
Now you're talking, Wally! Welcome aboard!!