I am not sure who is heading the NYC campaign but whosoever is doing a poor job.
Is there another event tonight?
I am not sure who is heading the NYC campaign but whosoever is doing a poor job.
Is there another event tonight?
I am not sure who is heading the NYC campaign but whosoever is doing a poor job.
Is there another event tonight?
Why, because nobody told The Chief? The meeting last night was publicized. I posted it here a few days ago. Whose fault is it that The Chief never made a note of it.
They have this business meeting today and tomorrow in Queens. I'm not sure what's happening tonight.
Not even on the AFC facebook page was there any mention of last night event.
I cannot make the NJ event today buit tomorrow I will be at Narissa Palace.
Bro I really wanted to be at the Brooklyn event.
NEWS SOURCE, MARCH 21 --- With temperatures failing below freezing, scores of Guyanese braved a cold New York Friday night to meet with the APNU+AFC Presidential and Prime Ministerial Candidates.
The fundraising event was held at the Woodbine Hall in Brooklyn and the Guyanese who gathered there were told by the candidates that âit is time for Guyana to changeâ.
Presidential Candidate David Granger told the gathering that an APNU+AFC government would set up a Department of the Diaspora which would focus on the needs of Guyanese living overseas who still have an interest in Guyana and who still want to return to Guyana and invest or remigrate. That department, according to Mr. Granger, will allow Guyanese who live overseas to be more connected to business back home and to prepare a path for them that would make doing business in Guyana much easier.
He said he understands the concern of many Guyanese who live overseas and want to pay a meaningful contribution but are at times turned off by an inefficient system to cater for them. The APNU+AFC government will change that, Granger said.
Mr. Granger encouraged the fundraising crowd to keep paying attention to what is happening in Guyana and to keep in contact with their families and ensure they encourage them to head out and vote for change.
Granger said a government under his watch would do more to encourage Guyanese to return to Guyana and invest.
The current administration he said, has led the way in encouraging others to take out many of Guyanaâs raw products with little benefits to the country. He spoke about poverty across the Guyana landscape and the absence of basic infrastructure for many Guyanese who are still home.
The PPP, he said, has âdeliberately underdevelopedâ much of Guyana and has left Guyana in the current state it is in.
Mr. Granger told the gathering that the APNU+AFC team offers hope for a new Guyana and he wants that hope to be embraced by Guyanese at home and abroad.
âNorth America, tonight I bring you a message of hope.But I want you to understand that this is a sober decision that we have made. It is good to have fun but the possession of our nation is what is at stake. We want to ensure that every Guyanese child could have that good life to which you aspireâ, Granger said.
He said he gets very emotional about Guyana because the country should not be at the bottom of the ladder of human development, and the country does not have to be crime ridden and poverty stricken. âThese things have been brought about because a few greedy men have been depriving a large number of needy people of a good life. The greedy must not overwhelm the needy and this is what the PPP has been doing for the past 23 years.â
Grangerâs running mate, Prime Ministerial Candidate Moses Nagamootoo told the crowd that Guyana has moved away from the dreams of its fore-parents and it was now time to rescue the nation from the PPP.
According to Nagamootoo, the struggle ahead will be tough but it is one that could be won.
He said the APNU+AFC Coalition is seeking victory for the small man because âindeed we are fighting Goliath who has imbibe in the ass kicking culture because they know that culture well because you can kick if you know to receive kick backs.â
Nagamootoo said the task for Guyana is to move forward and it is time to part to the Guyana sea before it becomes the Guyana dead sea. He said Guyana must be built through cooperation between Guyanese at home and Guyanese in the diaspora. The struggle in Guyana he said is not an easy one and it is not a walk over.
The audience was told that Guyana needs national unity and a system whereby the winner does not take all. That system is what the APNU+AFC has to offer.
The candidates will travel to a number of other communities in the New York and New Jersey area over the weekend as they continue their Unity Campaign.
Kari we going tomorrow, ok!!
We'll see....I got visitors from Sranam just for the weekend.
We'll see....I got visitors from Sranam just for the weekend.
Yo bring the visitors to meet the next President and PM .
Buxton 3/20
Last one ....Sammy Davis tarass.
Brooklyn was a resounding success. Glad to see all those who opposed the coalition there in full force. They have enough sycophants now to take them to 50:50 with Region 9 taking the coalition over the finish line in terms of seats. I think I now need to switch my focus to making sure they govern well.
New Jersey Business Meeting
AH tell yuh to remind meh
Dem bais need to provide stream from Narissa
Post a reminder on SUnday morning about that event at Narissa Palace
I heard it sold out already.
Nehru Gee we are at #4
AH tell yuh to remind meh
And I did in a thread starting with the word REMINDER.
Yuh ent see it yet?
Naresa Palace, Queens NY
Jam Packed. People standing 4 and 5 deep.
Jam Packed. People standing 4 and 5 deep.
And this was in the PPP heartland of Queens.
PPP is having a serious diarrhea outbreak in Guyana right now!
Cobra, yuji, DG, etc. You can revise your forecast now down to 48% instead of 54%. You can also explain that the PPP doesn't mind being in the opposition because they admit that it is rather selfish of them to be in power indefinitely.
Cobra + Nehru look at the crowd place jam packed.
all them people a sell out.
Nice...Real Nice!
So bottom line is that they are going to check that list and stop PPP plan A to rig.
Nice talk by Granger & Moses
Rass..Moses even talk about the name *****mootoo
APNU/AFC riding high!
Hope CHief give us a report soon...he must be hanging wid de big guns!
Mars aka Freaky, can you please remove the pic of the lady looks bad on the coalition.
Mars aka Freaky, can you please remove the pic of the lady looks bad on the coalition.
Where in your stupid head do you think that I'm aka Freaky?
Mars aka Freaky, can you please remove the pic of the lady looks bad on the coalition.
Where in your stupid head do you think that I'm aka Freaky?
Oops sawry..
Mars aka Freaky, can you please remove the pic of the lady looks bad on the coalition.
Where in your stupid head do you think that I'm aka Freaky?
Now you sound like Freak!!
Nice talk by Granger & Moses
Riff, what was so good about Granger and Moses talk? This was a marketing ploy by the APNU/AFC. No diffrent than when the PPP do their con job. All they want is the US $ money to campaign or full their pockets. Did the APNU/AFC say what plans they have to end crime and develop the country etc? Granger said that "you looking at the man that will end crime". There is an old saying that "the man who causes crime know how to end it".
I am still waiting to hear the new name of the Party because the AFC no longer exist after that agreement was signed. I am also waitng for their manifesto which should not only explain what they will do but how and when they plan to do it,if elected.
Mars aka Freaky, can you please remove the pic of the lady looks bad on the coalition.
You covering up for the coalition nah. Leave the lady to sleep. She is for real. She either bored with studpiness or tired.
Mars aka Freaky, can you please remove the pic of the lady looks bad on the coalition.
You covering up for the coalition nah. Leave the lady to sleep. She is for real. She either bored with studpiness or tired.
It's obvious you don't really know alena
Dem a ask for $50US nothing under that. The high class beggars are telling people how much they want, nah how much you can afford to give.
Mars aka Freaky, can you please remove the pic of the lady looks bad on the coalition.
You covering up for the coalition nah. Leave the lady to sleep. She is for real. She either bored with studpiness or tired.
She probably got paid to show up.
The APNU+AFC train rolls into Whim on Sunday March 29th 5pm.
We need to roll into every village, house by house!!
Dem a ask for $50US nothing under that. The high class beggars are telling people how much they want, nah how much you can afford to give.
Unfortunately, they don't have the Guyana treasury at their disposal
Mars aka Freaky, can you please remove the pic of the lady looks bad on the coalition.
Mars is not Freaky!!!!
Mars aka Freaky, can you please remove the pic of the lady looks bad on the coalition.
One woman sleeping. She might be a nurse who worked double shift, but rather than going home to sleep, as she should, went to the meeting.
I knew that one of the PPP frauds would make a deal of that, but ignore the rest of the crowd.
You do know that you just delivered a huge ton load of votes to the coalition, even as you thought that you were helping the PPP.
Driven into fear by crime they would certainly support the man who "causes crime and who can end it".....because the PPP is clearly unable to do this.
The more the PPP screams the more people abandon them!
XGDF Association Of NY Fundraiser
The APNU+AFC train rolls into Whim on Sunday March 29th 5pm.
SHould be interesting to see if Nagas can deliver 10 - 15% of PPP voters to the coalition
Jam Packed. People standing 4 and 5 deep.
One woman sleeping, she was that impressed.
boy...the lady tired, but she still showed up
Mars aka Freaky, can you please remove the pic of the lady looks bad on the coalition.
Where in your stupid head do you think that I'm aka Freaky?
Oops sawry..
HAHAHA Leave him to Uncle Nehru.
XGDF Association Of NY Fundraiser
All good. Guyanese people will be taking the country back from these thieves called the PPP.Its about time.
All them big houses will be vacant soon.
Glasgow Village Berbice
WE do not trust the PPP because of their current history. They stole as if there is no tomorrow. "PPP: Every new day, a new scandal."
So not trusting the PNC of Burnham who died 30 years ago is an irrational fear, when the PNC has behaved well in Parliament and played the part of a vibrant opposition to the ills of the PPP Jagdeoites.
Moses and Cathy Hughes at Bachelor's Adventure
APNU+AFC delegation yesterday briefed the Diplomatic Community on the historic Cummingsburg Accord. The team was lead by Prime Ministerial Candidate Moses Nagamootoo.
To the Indians , Moses is a traitor , he can only campaign in the Black neighbor hood. Look for action in Whim this weekend, the people will whip Moses.
Indians are fed up with all you thieving.
To the Indians , Moses is a traitor , he can only campaign in the Black neighbor hood. Look for action in Whim this weekend, the people will whip Moses.
That you presume to call him a traitor assumes the state is the domain of Indians. So is the PPP averse to black people and do they not belong in the state with equal right as any Indian? Actually, Moses knows Indians as blacks have equal right in the state and so he is a patriot to all peoples.
Keep the momentum going. Time for national unity. PPP only wants to unite with its rich, parasitic friends, and to hell with the working poor. Every Race Punishing. Help is on the way! Support the Coalition.
Tucville Youth Rally
PPP cork duck. The youths are rising and they outnumber the dinosaurs who resurrect Burnham.
"They that be for us are more than they that are against us."
Long live national unity! Long live Moses and Granger.
To the Indians , Moses is a traitor , he can only campaign in the Black neighbor hood. Look for action in Whim this weekend, the people will whip Moses.
The term "free and fair elections" means that political parties must have free and fair right to campaign anywhere within Guyana' borders, including Whim. Your statement points to possible PPP-orchestrated violence against Nagamootoo in Whim which, to you, is action. Most strange, seeing that you PPPites are the ones harping and carping about PNC elections violence.
To the Indians , Moses is a traitor , he can only campaign in the Black neighbor hood. Look for action in Whim this weekend, the people will whip Moses.
That you presume to call him a traitor assumes the state is the domain of Indians. So is the PPP averse to black people and do they not belong in the state with equal right as any Indian? Actually, Moses knows Indians as blacks have equal right in the state and so he is a patriot to all peoples.
Would you still heap your praises on Moses if he was still with the PPP?
Why was Moses not this vocal and spoke out against the evils of the PPP. Ya tink he bin friken he nah guh get wan paychek? Hmmmm!
Isn't it true that if there is a large black turnout and many Indians stay at home, the PPP will lose?
That might happen.
Mars, you're doing a great job posting these pics but you haven't named the location of some gatherings, the last set for example. Please do.
Mars, you're doing a great job posting these pics but you haven't named the location of some gatherings, the last set for example. Please do.
Tucville Youth Rally. It's a continuation of the set above it.
Sorry if I wasn't more explicit.
Isn't it true that if there is a large black turnout and many Indians stay at home, the PPP will lose?
That might happen.
PPP will pull a Netyanhu. It's all it fair or not. It's getting out your vote.
Mars, you're doing a great job posting these pics but you haven't named the location of some gatherings, the last set for example. Please do.
Tucville Youth Rally. It's a continuation of the set above it.
Sorry if I wasn't more explicit.
Thanks, Mars.
Mars, you're doing a great job posting these pics but you haven't named the location of some gatherings, the last set for example. Please do.
Tucville Youth Rally. It's a continuation of the set above it.
Sorry if I wasn't more explicit.
Your pics show large attendance in mainly PNC strongholds, and decent turn out in the interior locations.
What's happening in the PPP strongholds? This is where the election will be decided.
PPP will pull a Netyanhu. It's all it fair or not. It's getting out your vote.
1. PPP is terrifying Indians by playing the same racist game that Netanyahu did with Jews.
2. Unlike Israel only 3 parties in Guyana win significant levels of votes, 2 of which are in coalition. So the PPP will lose if they don't attract more than 50%.
Mars, you're doing a great job posting these pics but you haven't named the location of some gatherings, the last set for example. Please do.
Tucville Youth Rally. It's a continuation of the set above it.
Sorry if I wasn't more explicit.
Your pics show large attendance in mainly PNC strongholds, and decent turn out in the interior locations.
What's happening in the PPP strongholds? This is where the election will be decided.
We will get the answer tomorrow. They are heading to Berbice.
Isn't it true that if there is a large black turnout and many Indians stay at home, the PPP will lose?
That might happen.
If this happens the AFC is in trouble, because there will be elements in the PNC which will question why the AFC gets 40% of cabinet if they didn't pull in at least 20% of the coalition votes.
Why are you badmouthing elements within the PNC? Those folks are not as small minded as you.
Why are you badmouthing elements within the PNC? Those folks are not as small minded as you.
We will see about that. Nagamootoo isn't as confident as you are though, based on his remarks last weekend, when he said that if the marriage doesn't work out he has his 12 seats.
I think Granger is an honorable man who will keep his word.
This is a test run for trust, honesty and transparency. If this Coalition does not work, Guyana's future is doomed for national unity. PPP not interested in that.
I think Granger is an honorable man who will keep his word.
Granger isn't the issue. The issue is that if the AFC doesn't win at least 20% of the votes obtained by the coalition, and APNU MPs have to give up seats for AFC MPs, who didn't pull their weight in bringing in votes, there will be a feeling within APNU that the AFC got more than they deserve.
So it is up to the AFC to prove themselves by ensuring that at least 15-20% of the coalition votes come out of PPP strongholds. They would have then earned their keep.
A coalition implies that BOTH entities pull their weight. Not one pulling in the votes while the other just shows up to govern.
I think Granger is an honorable man who will keep his word.
Granger isn't the issue. The issue is that if the AFC doesn't win at least 20% of the votes obtained by the coalition, and APNU MPs have to give up seats for AFC MPs, who didn't pull their weight in bringing in votes, there will be a feeling within APNU that the AFC got more than they deserve.
So it is up to the AFC to prove themselves by ensuring that at least 15-20% of the coalition votes come out of PPP strongholds. They would have then earned their keep.
A coalition implies that BOTH entities pull their weight.
Not one pulling in the votes while the other just shows up to govern.
Isn't it Retarded to tell AFC & APNC that winning 51% of the Votes should not be their only focus and target on May 11th?
Even a Retard should agree ....they would have gone over in detail what they together can bring to the table on May11th ...before signing this alliance
CaribJ the AFC-APNU Alliance has said all their Leadership & supporters are 100% Behind their approach to remove the Corrupt PPP from office.
They also say...they are a few racist from the Outside..... who will raise all types of issues to breakup the alliance.....they expect them to keep Drooling and going over irrelevant Goat Shit Issues which the parties have already dealt with and moved on.
J..... I will get the two spokesmen for the Parties...Mr Trotman & Mr Harmond answer your Concern that AFC & APNU are not happy with the agreement .....
and APNU is not happy with AFC's Performance
in Indian Areas.....
AFC & APNU have Keep focusing all their attention
on Removing PPP from the day they announced their agreement......
But CaribJ keep saying the Black people have Issues
with Nagamootoo, Ramjattan & AFC...
J needs some attention.
J what is the Difference between Drooling & Dribbling?
Den Amstel
Good going.
PPP Kleptos going down.
At Whim
March to Whim Rally
Big crowd at Whim!
Long live the Coalition!
Need more pictures. PPP is streaming their meeting now - I am listening to the Klepto in Chief right now; why can't Coalition do the same?
Big crowd at Whim!
Long live the Coalition!
Need more pictures. PPP is streaming their meeting now - I am listening to the Klepto in Chief right now; why can't Coalition do the same?
The streaming has not started yet. Check back in a few.
Live updates Whim and Kitty Rallies: At Whim Drunk man says "When they (PPP) hear dem drum da dem get diarrhea"
I think Granger is an honorable man who will keep his word.
Granger isn't the issue. The issue is that if the AFC doesn't win at least 20% of the votes obtained by the coalition, and APNU MPs have to give up seats for AFC MPs, who didn't pull their weight in bringing in votes, there will be a feeling within APNU that the AFC got more than they deserve.
So it is up to the AFC to prove themselves by ensuring that at least 15-20% of the coalition votes come out of PPP strongholds. They would have then earned their keep.
A coalition implies that BOTH entities pull their weight. Not one pulling in the votes while the other just shows up to govern.
Was the hilited in the deal?
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