In Corriverton
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Nice, Mr Granger is finally working for his money.
We need to see Mr Granger in a nice tie and suit.
We need to see Mr Granger in a nice tie and suit.
Bannas, We talkin Guyana here not American Con men.
We need to see Mr Granger in a nice tie and suit.
Bannas, We talkin Guyana here not American Con men.
Thanks Buddy Nehru!1
Now I see why President Ramouthar and jAGDEO IS NICELY SUITED UP!!
We need to see Mr Granger in a nice tie and suit.
Bannas, We talkin Guyana here not American Con men.
Thanks Buddy Nehru!1
Now I see why President Ramouthar and jAGDEO IS NICELY SUITED UP!!
YOu saw Pres Ramotar campaigning with a Suit. I want to see dat.
We need to see Mr Granger in a nice tie and suit.
Bannas, We talkin Guyana here not American Con men.
They are cussing the PPPP 'baad' on the campaign trail.
I am still waiting for those J.A.C.K.A.S.S.E.S to say what they will do should the Alliance win the next election. From day 1 they will be fighting for seats. Blacks in the AFC will get ten, Indians two.
The AFC is now a black party.
Campaign or not I am yet to see Mr Granger in a nice suit.
The Donal and Jags ca$h in so much dem boys can dress up.
We need to see Mr Granger in a nice tie and suit.
Bannas, We talkin Guyana here not American Con men.
They are cussing the PPPP 'baad' on the campaign trail.
I am still waiting for those J.A.C.K.A.S.S.E.S to say what they will do should the Alliance win the next election. From day 1 they will be fighting for seats. Blacks in the AFC will get ten, Indians two.
The AFC is now a black party.
Try having coffee instead of XM for breakfast.
We need to see Mr Granger in a nice tie and suit.
He's not living the Cadillac Lifestyle.
We need to see Mr Granger in a nice tie and suit.
He's not living the Cadillac Lifestyle.
The only opposition I see in suit is Moses Neemactoo, he goes to cane cutter protest in suit and tie, What a Fool, he is the poster boy for the PNC.
Nice, Mr Granger is finally working for his money.
Nehru Bhai, 1 or 2 coolie wid grainger don't mean dey guh vote PNC. Guyanese like fuh tek out pitcha and ask peeple how dem look. Dem also like fuh look important.
Picture #3. The guy is from Line Path D. He is retired teacher..he ain't no PNC man. He is a distant relative of mine.
Mr. Granger seemed to have been in Berbice. There is a church building and one of the people I notice is a popular Lutheran pastor on the Corentyne. His endorsement of the Coalition will mean a lot.
I like Mr. Mars poster.
We are tired of the PPP. Can't stand them a minute more. The PPP must go. Time for a change! Time for dignity for the Guyanese working poor. Every race punishing.
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