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APNU+AFC wants irregularities removed or election scrapped; PPP says GECOM has no legal power to do so


Aubrey Norton

The incumbent A Partnership for National Unity+Alliance For Change (APNU+AFC) wants the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) to validate some ballots or scrap the election altogether, but the People’s Progressive Party (PPP) on Friday insisted that that and other suggestions are not possible under the constitutional and law.

“GECOM has the authority to investigate and to deal with the irregularities, either remove the irregularities and have a declaration or declare, in keeping with the order, that these elections are null and void because they are not credible,” said People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR) executive member, Aubrey Norton, on Prime Time Caribbean.  The PNCR is the largest of the coalition partners.

But PPP General Secretary , Bharrat Jagdeo, in maintaining that the only route an aggrieved political party has is filing an election petition in court, said GECOM could not function as a court of law. There is no provision in the Constitution or in our laws to say that GECOM can constitute itself into a court of law to hear complaints by contesting parties,” he said. Jagdeo restated that the election results could be challenged through an elections petition.

Further, the former President and later Opposition Leader, said GECOM could not declare an election null and void.

“There is no provision in our constitution to say that GECOM has any authority to void an election, annul it or to call for fresh elections,” Jagdeo said on his PPP Facebook page. Jagdeo also said the Constitution or the law does not allow for the Chancellor of the Judiciary to intervene and impose a power-sharing arrangement at this stage.

Opposition Leader, Bharrat Jagdeo

The Recount Order provides for the seven-member GECOM, which is almost evenly split along party lines, to first decide whether the recount data should be used by the Chief Elections Officer, Keith Lowenfield to formulate a report for the said commission to certify and declare the final results of the March 2, 2020 elections.

Of the 460,352 valid votes cast, the incumbent A Partnership for National Unity+Alliance For Change (APNU+AFC) has won 217,920 and the People’s Progressive Party 233,336. The three ‘joinder’ parties- A New and United Guyana (ANUG), Liberty and Justice Party (LJP) and The New Movement (TNM) got a total of 5,214‬ votes.

The APNU+AFC has said the data from GECOM’s observation reports show that there were 7,929 instances of irregularities “which directly affect the validity of 257,173 votes.  The coalition cites substitute voting in the names of deceased and people overseas, missing poll books, extra ballots, rejected ballots and other documents that are required to reconcile ballots with votes.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Hey hey hey...when dem army bais gat yuh back yuh can mek any ridiculous claim. Hey hey hey...Cheddi seh nothing na wrong wid de burnham law. Jagdoe seh is de bess constitution. Hey hey hey 

@Django posted:

Jagdeo ,quoting the Constitution today what GECOM can do and can't do. He need some advice on Gazetted Recount Order.

He looks worried ,still believes the recount is counting the ballots.

Yea...meh see de man turn constitution skalla like abie ole time souptunist Shahabudeen...wait till he get lil powah. 

@Former Member posted:

Yea...meh see de man turn constitution skalla like abie ole time souptunist Shahabudeen...wait till he get lil powah. 

Hey hey hey Labba --- though he was much much much older than me, Mohamed Shahabuddeen is my cousin. hey hey hey

@Former Member posted:

Hey hey hey Labba --- though he was much much much older than me, Mohamed Shahabuddeen is my cousin. hey hey hey

Met Shahab a few times ,used to go his home to fix the electronics ,he was a customer of the company i worked for.

@Django posted:

Met Shahab a few times ,used to go his home to fix the electronics ,he was a customer of the company i worked for.

Small world indeed, Django.

When he was the Solicitor General and I was working at the Ministry of Works and Hydraulics he would wait for me; going to or returning from work; and we would chat almost daily in-front of his office.


APNU wants GECOM to throw the rules book out the window and declare the election Null and void.   They are creating an atmosphere  of distrust. The fact is nobody can trust them.  They are trying again for GECOM to delay  the  announcement again.    They should take the matter up with the courts  an not threatened the commission.


The move is in Jagdeo's side of the tennis court, Granger waiting for him to say, "well sir, what can WE do to govern together.

It doesn't matter whatever or whoever says in the ENTIRE WORLD, the PNC knows this is their last attempt to completely dominate Guyana's politic. They know, this is the time to forge a deal for posterity. 

Jagan tried to forge a deal with Forbes, but Forbes had the upper hand. Same thing here again, Granger has the upper hand, he has the army, the police and the government and he must be waiting for Jagdeo to come asking.

They will not be moved by sanctions. 

Imagine, their slaved forefathers on Granger's mind and he has to be sure that they do not end up as second class citizens.

Victory is never absolute, it all has to do with the government of the day, Today, it is Granger.


The politicians on the government side sees Jagdeo as an opportunist ,they have stated that openly ,they don't trust him , he wants power that's all ,if he gets power again there will be no cleansing of the voters list ,no constitutional reform , he will be the new Burnham ,fix the elections to win.They will sink him watch and see .

That doesn't mean the PPP will fade away ,under new leadership ,the party will still be a force.

Last edited by Django
@Django posted:

The politicians on the government side sees Jagdeo as an opportunist ,they have stated that openly ,they don't trust him , he wants power that's all ,if he gets power again there will be no cleansing of the voters list ,no constitutional reform , he will be the new Burnham ,fix the elections to win.They will sink him watch and see .

That doesn't mean the PPP will fade away ,under new leadership ,the party will still be a force.

You are not making no sense, the president and PM slot is already named so how is Jagdeo gona  obtain this power?

Last edited by Django
@sachin_05 posted:

You are not making no sense, the president and PM slot is already named so how is Jagdeo gona  obtain this power?

Sachin ,he said will be part of the government ,what position no one knows. Any one who believes he will not pull the strings ,I have Brooklyn bridge to sell.

Last edited by Django

Who rigged to stay in power for over two decades?

Who lost in 2015 and left office peacefully?

Who tried to change the 2020 votes to change the outcome?

Anyone knows? I just arrived from Mars.

Last edited by Former Member
@Former Member posted:

Who rigged to stay in power for over two decades?

Who lost in 2015 and left office peacefully?

Who tried to change the 2020 votes to change the outcome?

Anyone knows? I just arrived from Mars.

Go back to Mars!

@Former Member posted:

Who rigged to stay in power for over two decades?

Who lost in 2015 and left office peacefully?

Who tried to change the 2020 votes to change the outcome?

Anyone knows? I just arrived from Mars.

Could be they too DUMB to know!!!!!

@Django posted:

Sachin ,he said will be part of the government ,what position no one knows. Any one who believes he will not pull the strings ,I have Brooklyn bridge to sell.

So far there is no evidence that Jagdeo will be part of the government except your word bro .. Unlike Ramoutar, Ifart is a lot more cunning and savvy politician plus a fullaman as well. I don’t think the Jagabaath gona manage to ‘pull his string’ very easily...

@Former Member posted:

Who rigged to stay in power for over two decades? The PPP

Who lost in 2015 and left office peacefully? The PPP

Who tried to change the 2020 votes to change the outcome? The PPP

Anyone knows? I just arrived from Mars. Welcome! 

Why do you ask questions for which you know the answers? Like you going stir crazy. 

@sachin_05 posted:

So far there is no evidence that Jagdeo will be part of the government except your word bro .. Unlike Ramoutar, Ifart is a lot more cunning and savvy politician plus a fullaman as well. I don’t think the Jagabaath gona manage to ‘pull his string’ very easily...

Jagdeo giving nuff people shittings!

@sachin_05 posted:

So far there is no evidence that Jagdeo will be part of the government except your word bro .. Unlike Ramoutar, Ifart is a lot more cunning and savvy politician plus a fullaman as well. I don’t think the Jagabaath gona manage to ‘pull his string’ very easily...

Sachin, I hate to disagree with u here. But if the PPP manage to get in office, Jagdeo will be calling tbe shots. Irfan was handpicked by Jagdeo himself. His strings are already being pulled. I cannot say which lens you're looking at Irfan through, but savvy is not one of his traits. He's just an arrogant lil prick. So says this fullaman.

@Django posted:

Jagdeo ,quoting the Constitution today what GECOM can do and can't do. He need some advice on Gazetted Recount Order.

He looks worried ,still believes the recount is counting the ballots.

It is so ironic that the PNc wanted to swear in Granger based on Mingo's numbers without raising objections about any dead, out of jurisdiction voters, missing documents(Ask Mingo for them), and a host of shitty allegations. Now that the real numbers are out, all "kine ah ginkak bring ram goat story now". Granja needs to go. He is the architect of decades of fraud and he still wants to be a bully and stay in power. The people have spoken, more than 50% said, "you are fired".


Desperation: They tried waking up Kabaka/Odo and that did not work. Mingo failed, Meyers failed, the recount exposed them so now they are left with no other option. Ayo watch story hay.

@Django posted:

The politicians on the government side sees Jagdeo as an opportunist ,they have stated that openly ,they don't trust him , he wants power that's all ,if he gets power again there will be no cleansing of the voters list ,no constitutional reform , he will be the new Burnham ,fix the elections to win.They will sink him watch and see .

That doesn't mean the PPP will fade away ,under new leadership ,the party will still be a force.

Which politician isn't an opportunist?   I will be advocating for  the cleansing of the voters list. I want all Migrants' names to be deleted and the dead removed. I am pretty sure that you will agree with me.

That does not mean the PNC will win.   You said that the PPP  will still be a force and I think you mean in the opposition so I am asking you what is constitutional reform and why should the PPP do it to let the PNC win.  The PNC will not do that for the PPP.  They had five years to do it but failed because they were only interested in getting rod of the PPP.

Once the coolies are making children, the PPP will always be on top. They always come home to roost.   They will always support their families they left behind.  



You people behaving as though the PPP is in power and running the government already. First we have to prepare for the Riots , burning, looting, raping, robbing and total madness to come. Which one of you church boy think that the PNC would walk  away peacefully, History has taught us better of the facts.

Keep focused, is not Jagdeo won, is the PPP won, let's wait and see who will be what. Jango does say ,wait for the declaration of the results, so may I remind jango , wait till the PPP assume office and we shall see.


@Sheik101 posted:

Sachin, I hate to disagree with u here. But if the PPP manage to get in office, Jagdeo will be calling tbe shots. Irfan was handpicked by Jagdeo himself. His strings are already being pulled. I cannot say which lens you're looking at Irfan through, but savvy is not one of his traits. He's just an arrogant lil prick. So says this fullaman.

Jagdeo already proved this when he selected Ramotar. Instead, why don't Jagdeo pick guys like Nandlall or Robert Persaud, who can challenge him as President ? 

@Tola posted:

Jagdeo already proved this when he selected Ramotar. Instead, why don't Jagdeo pick guys like Nandlall or Robert Persaud, who can challenge him as President ? 

We cannot dictate who the PPP should pick. It was done without the PNC_Orderlythreat of force. If we were that concerned why this when the PNC threatened their folks?


Images (1)
  • PNC_Orderly
@Tola posted:

Jagdeo already proved this when he selected Ramotar. Instead, why don't Jagdeo pick guys like Nandlall or Robert Persaud, who can challenge him as President ? 

Jagdeo is not stupid. He gets who or what he wants within the PPP.  And u don't challenge him.

Jagdeo is the PPP. 

@Former Member posted:


I do not have any evidence to support this. But my gut feelings tells me that this could very well be true.

Guyana is at a very sensitive junction rite now. Things could go either here or there.


Who is calling the shots in the coalition gov't.?  Why the AFC had to go along with everything the PNC dictated?

What choice does they AFC have. They were used. Then sidelined. They have no say. All they can do now is go with the flow and hope for the best. And Even if by hook or crook or some foul means in the book the APNU emerge victorious, the AFC will still not have a voice. They never did. Ask Khemraj. 😃


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