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APNU must be prepared to act without the AFCPDFPrintE-mail
Written by N. AUGUSTUS   
Sunday, 27 May 2012 21:17
GUYANA faces three stumbling blocks to continued progress---the parties, NGOs and the public.  APNU has to find the courage to make its supporters and the AFC understand their primary responsibility is to do what is best for them and Guyana. That it is better to negotiate with the PPP/C and get half a loaf, than wait for the whole loaf. APNU must be prepared to act without the AFC, if necessary.  Reason, not revenge or resentment or personalities, over good policies must prevail.  The PPP/C, like the other parties, must change its approach to issues, charges and demands, from simply voicing outrage and indignation to providing reasoned and factual responses, while suggesting or offering publicly a willingness to discuss any idea or support at anytime an idea that may have merit or say why it is not do-able.  The NGOs, including unions, must become better informed of the arguments made and be actively involved with the political leaders on the issues that directly affect them.  The same is true of the general public and the parties' supporters, as well as the media at large.  There is too much misinformation or little information for many Guyanese to make informed decisions too many times.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:

And here you have it out of the horses mouth - the PPP prefers to deal with the PNC, rather than the AFC.  Let's hear now, those of you who scream about the atrocities of the PNC daily on this board - while being PPP sycophants. smh

Gerhard, I can assure you simply by looking at the power dynamics that APNU and the PPP are oil and water. You Guys are the only seal to stop the hemorrhaging of reason or those two would be after each others like hounds at a hare's party.



For the country to move forward, all PPPites past and present MUST relinquish their hold on the constituents.


If the AFC is made of sane men and women, then, they must know the country needs a new leader. They cannot pull it off.


Ramotar is smarter than Cheddie, if he should die on the job, he already have his successor.


Do you all really want Ashni Singh as the President. The gentleman permit GOG corporations to default on their financial statements for a whole seven years. What does that tell you AFC boys, the man is not a good manager.


The AFC must be mature enough to know the pulse of the country. If Ramjattan and Nagamootoo lives for another 30 years, rest assure the PPP will continue to be in power. 


Originally Posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:

And here you have it out of the horses mouth - the PPP prefers to deal with the PNC, rather than the AFC.  Let's hear now, those of you who scream about the atrocities of the PNC daily on this board - while being PPP sycophants. smh

That's politics.  If the PPP could find accomodation with the PNC, then they are doing their job.  If the AFC forces the PPP to work with the PNC for compromise and betterment, then the AFC should be happy and take credit.  The PPP are slick and will do what it takes to push their agenda.  This is politics, plain and simple.  The PPP and PNC working together, even if reluctantly, will serve Guyana's interest.


It is great if the AFC could preserve this political dynamic for some time.  However, make no mistake, if the PNC get's power, the AFC will go the way of the UF and within two cycles, we are back to the 1970's.

Originally Posted by warrior:

the best thing that could ever happen to guyana is when one day we see the last of the ppp and the pnc,they have to find a way to bury both parties in one hole.then guyanese can breath pure again

Unfortunately, it ain't going to happen.  You see the AFC and Indians got stabbed in the back.  There will be no 3rd party rise in one swipe, and the risk of the PNC gaining power and collating with the GDF raises real doubt that will process will ever be allowed to evolve fully.


This will only come about by major constitutional reform which de-politicizes the GDF and place this institution under independent judicial control which precludes it from playing any role in national elections.  Unfortunately, I don't see the PNC supporting such an initiative,

Originally Posted by baseman:

. . . This will only come about by major constitutional reform which de-politicizes the GDF and place this institution under independent judicial control which precludes it from playing any role in national elections.

Gibberish!! . . . in service to a [not as opaque as you think] racial hegemonic agenda.

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:

. . . This will only come about by major constitutional reform which de-politicizes the GDF and place this institution under independent judicial control which precludes it from playing any role in national elections.

Gibberish!! . . . in service to a [not as opaque as you think] racial hegemonic agenda.

This is exactly the expected and normal response from PNCites which gives me "0" trust in the PNC's agenda.  FYI, to use your words, the GDF is a "racial hegemonic" instrument of the PNC.  Now go back in a corner and complain.

Originally Posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:

And here you have it out of the horses mouth - the PPP prefers to deal with the PNC, rather than the AFC.  Let's hear now, those of you who scream about the atrocities of the PNC daily on this board - while being PPP sycophants. smh



The AFC lost a great deal of goodwill that was shown toward them by more liberal minded Guyanese. The original role of the AFC was to create a balance in parliament.


The international community saw this as a "win win" situation for Guyana. Bit by bit, the AFC chose to disrupt and derail the democratic process by allowing PPP rejects like Moses and Ramjattan to harm the process by using personal vendetta against the PPP. This created a situation whereby the nation became uneasy as the AFC displayed arrogance rather than dialogue with the PPP.


Scandals within the AFC, led to a situation of mistrust from those who genuinely felt that the AFC was not transparent when investigating corruption and fraud within their own camp. Wild allegations have also become a common agenda for the AFC. The public no longer have an appetite for these types of drama.


This government must be allowed to govern and the opposition must judge this president based on his record as president during the next few years.


The absence of Moses and Ramjattan at the debates showed weaknesses and exposed the AFC even further.


Ramjattan is the AFC's biggest liability. It would serve in the PPP's best interest for Moses and Ramjattan to remain in place. They will continue to send the AFC down the political gutter.


The move by PPP to reposition the party for phase two of the political process indicates political maturity. They are certain that the PNC will remain as the opposition and working relations with the PNC in some form is in the best interest of Guyana and will serve the PPP well.


The AFC will now have to deal with political isolation and now political mistrust directed towards them (AFC). The PPP will govern as it sees fit. Welcome to the world of politics.


D2/Storm, please do not add to my post since it is only direct towards Gerhard. Let us have an open and honest conversation and avoid personal attacks.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by warrior:

the best thing that could ever happen to guyana is when one day we see the last of the ppp and the pnc,they have to find a way to bury both parties in one hole.then guyanese can breath pure again

Unfortunately, it ain't going to happen.  You see the AFC and Indians got stabbed in the back.  There will be no 3rd party rise in one swipe, and the risk of the PNC gaining power and collating with the GDF raises real doubt that will process will ever be allowed to evolve fully.


This will only come about by major constitutional reform which de-politicizes the GDF and place this institution under independent judicial control which precludes it from playing any role in national elections.  Unfortunately, I don't see the PNC supporting such an initiative,

Here is where you and I differ fundamentally.  I really don't share the same fear, nor am I of the view that "Indians got stabbed in the back".  


The reason I don't share the same fear is that this region (South America/Central America/Caribbean) has come out of its period of despotic rule.  Even the worst leaders do not have a free run anymore.   Just look at Suriname and Nicaragua, both of which would have had fears of a return to Bouterse and Sandinista respectively.  Please don't misinterpret me here - I am not advocating for the PNC, I am just being rational, with my aim being that fear of the PNC and by extension, the blackman, has got to stop guiding us in how we confront the PPP.


And why I don't feel Indians were stabbed in the back is simply because the AFC literally went dormant between 2006 and 2011, especially in our strongest black constituency, Linden and Kwakwani.  Moreover, we did not campaign effectively in those areas either.  If you examine the results, they were in keeping with where we threw our resources.   And that is how it happens all over the world, brother.


Now, I am happy you are back on GNI and I do respect your many of your other views and I do not wish to fight you.  Perhaps we can agree to disagree?  We can certainly re-examine the issue after the next elections in which I hope our strategy will be more national and is built on our activism.  

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:

And here you have it out of the horses mouth - the PPP prefers to deal with the PNC, rather than the AFC.  Let's hear now, those of you who scream about the atrocities of the PNC daily on this board - while being PPP sycophants. smh



The AFC lost a great deal of goodwill that was shown toward them by more liberal minded Guyanese. The original role of the AFC was to create a balance in parliament.


The international community saw this as a "win win" situation for Guyana. Bit by bit, the AFC chose to disrupt and derail the democratic process by allowing PPP rejects like Moses and Ramjattan to harm the process by using personal vendetta against the PPP. This created a situation whereby the nation became uneasy as the AFC displayed arrogance rather than dialogue with the PPP.


Scandals within the AFC, led to a situation of mistrust from those who genuinely felt that the AFC was not transparent when investigating corruption and fraud within their own camp. Wild allegations have also become a common agenda for the AFC. The public no longer have an appetite for these types of drama.


This government must be allowed to govern and the opposition must judge this president based on his record as president during the next few years.


The absence of Moses and Ramjattan at the debates showed weaknesses and exposed the AFC even further.


Ramjattan is the AFC's biggest liability. It would serve in the PPP's best interest for Moses and Ramjattan to remain in place. They will continue to send the AFC down the political gutter.


The move by PPP to reposition the party for phase two of the political process indicates political maturity. They are certain that the PNC will remain as the opposition and working relations with the PNC in some form is in the best interest of Guyana and will serve the PPP well.


The AFC will now have to deal with political isolation and now political mistrust directed towards them (AFC). The PPP will govern as it sees fit. Welcome to the world of politics.


D2/Storm, please do not add to my post since it is only direct towards Gerhard. Let us have an open and honest conversation and avoid personal attacks.



The political mistrust of the AFC is really a figment of your imagination. The scandal within the AFC is just a storm in a teacup. It is really a Ramayya versus Yusuf fight. The AFC should get rid of both of them. It is nothing compared with the blatant corruption of the PPP and its cronies. Should there be election today the PPP will be down to 45 percent and the AFC up to 14%. Do you really believe the liberal minded Guyanese approve of the PPP to just go back and vote for them? Do you see the crisis in the sugar industry? Do you see how the Berbicians are exploited because of the bride toll? 

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:

And here you have it out of the horses mouth - the PPP prefers to deal with the PNC, rather than the AFC.  Let's hear now, those of you who scream about the atrocities of the PNC daily on this board - while being PPP sycophants. smh



The AFC lost a great deal of goodwill that was shown toward them by more liberal minded Guyanese. The original role of the AFC was to create a balance in parliament.


The international community saw this as a "win win" situation for Guyana. Bit by bit, the AFC chose to disrupt and derail the democratic process by allowing PPP rejects like Moses and Ramjattan to harm the process by using personal vendetta against the PPP. This created a situation whereby the nation became uneasy as the AFC displayed arrogance rather than dialogue with the PPP.


Scandals within the AFC, led to a situation of mistrust from those who genuinely felt that the AFC was not transparent when investigating corruption and fraud within their own camp. Wild allegations have also become a common agenda for the AFC. The public no longer have an appetite for these types of drama.


This government must be allowed to govern and the opposition must judge this president based on his record as president during the next few years.


The absence of Moses and Ramjattan at the debates showed weaknesses and exposed the AFC even further.


Ramjattan is the AFC's biggest liability. It would serve in the PPP's best interest for Moses and Ramjattan to remain in place. They will continue to send the AFC down the political gutter.


The move by PPP to reposition the party for phase two of the political process indicates political maturity. They are certain that the PNC will remain as the opposition and working relations with the PNC in some form is in the best interest of Guyana and will serve the PPP well.


The AFC will now have to deal with political isolation and now political mistrust directed towards them (AFC). The PPP will govern as it sees fit. Welcome to the world of politics.


D2/Storm, please do not add to my post since it is only direct towards Gerhard. Let us have an open and honest conversation and avoid personal attacks.

Dealing with the PNC which you describe in the vilest terms when referencing the AFC, is now mature politics?  This is exactly the response I expected.  There is no principle at work here, but self interest for the PPP.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:

. . . This will only come about by major constitutional reform which de-politicizes the GDF and place this institution under independent judicial control which precludes it from playing any role in national elections.

Gibberish!! . . . in service to a [not as opaque as you think] racial hegemonic agenda.

This is exactly the expected and normal response from PNCites which gives me "0" trust in the PNC's agenda.  FYI, to use your words, the GDF is a "racial hegemonic" instrument of the PNC.  Now go back in a corner and complain.

Actually, what you DIDN'T expect was me pointing out the farrago of nonsense you laid out to disguise what you really are all about.


I DARE you to articulate HOW the foolishness you posted [see bold text] makes any bloody sense.


I couldn't care less that you are a bigot and a fraud . . . I'd rather that you stop playing games and come clean.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:

And here you have it out of the horses mouth - the PPP prefers to deal with the PNC, rather than the AFC.  Let's hear now, those of you who scream about the atrocities of the PNC daily on this board - while being PPP sycophants. smh

Gerhard, I can assure you simply by looking at the power dynamics that APNU and the PPP are oil and water. You Guys are the only seal to stop the hemorrhaging of reason or those two would be after each others like hounds at a hare's party.


Respectfully, I disagree.  The two are much more similar than they are different.  It is only because of the AFC an accommodation was not arrived at earlier.  It is all about the spoils, brother.  The AFC, fortunately, is keeping them honest.  For now.  


Any open marriage between the two will only strengthen the AFC - we are the only party positioned to draw from both traditional support bases from which there will be heavy fallout after the marriage.  Except of course from those like the PPP sycophants on this board.

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:

. . . This will only come about by major constitutional reform which de-politicizes the GDF and place this institution under independent judicial control which precludes it from playing any role in national elections.

Gibberish!! . . . in service to a [not as opaque as you think] racial hegemonic agenda.

This is exactly the expected and normal response from PNCites which gives me "0" trust in the PNC's agenda.  FYI, to use your words, the GDF is a "racial hegemonic" instrument of the PNC.  Now go back in a corner and complain.

Actually, what you DIDN'T expect was me pointing out the farrago of nonsense you posted to disguise what you really are all about.


I DARE you to articulate HOW the foolishness you posted [see bold text] makes any bloody sense.


I couldn't care less that you are a bigot and a fraud . . . I'd rather that you stop playing games and come clean.

Think of this, the PNC not being able to call on the GDF to run elections as they did pre-1992.  Now, does that make sense to you?  I have a question, why are you and other PNCites so incensed whenever anyone refers to the removal of the GDF from the political equation.  Another question, why were all those overseas ex-GDF campaigning for the PNC and telling the people this is the one chance and if it works, the PNC will use the GDF to ensure power to infinity.  This is true, and you know it.

Originally Posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:

baseman, what evidence you have of redux being a PNCite?  I have read nothing he has written on GNI to indicate as such.  If he did, clearly, I missed it.  Please explain.  Thanks.

That's a matter of personal perception, just as you thought the AFC will have a plural vote.  Apply inductive and deductive reasoning and you will realize, what is NOT said is much more important than what IS said.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:

. . . This will only come about by major constitutional reform which de-politicizes the GDF and place this institution under independent judicial control which precludes it from playing any role in national elections.

Gibberish!! . . . in service to a [not as opaque as you think] racial hegemonic agenda.

This is exactly the expected and normal response from PNCites which gives me "0" trust in the PNC's agenda.  FYI, to use your words, the GDF is a "racial hegemonic" instrument of the PNC.  Now go back in a corner and complain.

Actually, what you DIDN'T expect was me pointing out the farrago of nonsense you posted to disguise what you really are all about.


I DARE you to articulate HOW the foolishness you posted [see bold text] makes any bloody sense.


I couldn't care less that you are a bigot and a fraud . . . I'd rather that you stop playing games and come clean.

Think of this, the PNC not being able to call on the GDF to run elections as they did pre-1992.  Now, does that make sense to you?  I have a question, why are you and other PNCites so incensed whenever anyone refers to the removal of the GDF from the political equation.  Another question, why were all those overseas ex-GDF campaigning for the PNC and telling the people this is the one chance and if it works, the PNC will use the GDF to ensure power to infinity.  This is true, and you know it.

I have no time for red herrings.


If this is a plan to create separation from your nonsense I BOLDED above . . . it's not working.


Put UP or Shut UP!!

Originally Posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:

And here you have it out of the horses mouth - the PPP prefers to deal with the PNC, rather than the AFC.  Let's hear now, those of you who scream about the atrocities of the PNC daily on this board - while being PPP sycophants. smh

Gerhard, I can assure you simply by looking at the power dynamics that APNU and the PPP are oil and water. You Guys are the only seal to stop the hemorrhaging of reason or those two would be after each others like hounds at a hare's party.


Respectfully, I disagree.  The two are much more similar than they are different.  It is only because of the AFC an accommodation was not arrived at earlier.  It is all about the spoils, brother.  The AFC, fortunately, is keeping them honest.  For now.  


Any open marriage between the two will only strengthen the AFC - we are the only party positioned to draw from both traditional support bases from which there will be heavy fallout after the marriage.  Except of course from those like the PPP sycophants on this board.


Gerhard, the PPP and PNC are political heavyweights. The AFC lost a golden opportunity to act in the interest of the nation while being the guardian of accountability and honesty.


The AFC now has to deal with political isolation. It appears the the PNC took Ramjattan for a ride and now the knife and fork politics of the PNC takes shape as the AFC becomes one of it's first victim.


The PPP will now rightfully isolate the AFC as it moves to the second phase of their presidential term in office.


It would be wise to remove Ramjattan from the deputy leadership of the AFC sooner than later. It is a role that you should consider to prevent the AFC from sliding into political oblivion.

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:

. . . This will only come about by major constitutional reform which de-politicizes the GDF and place this institution under independent judicial control which precludes it from playing any role in national elections.

Gibberish!! . . . in service to a [not as opaque as you think] racial hegemonic agenda.

This is exactly the expected and normal response from PNCites which gives me "0" trust in the PNC's agenda.  FYI, to use your words, the GDF is a "racial hegemonic" instrument of the PNC.  Now go back in a corner and complain.

Actually, what you DIDN'T expect was me pointing out the farrago of nonsense you posted to disguise what you really are all about.


I DARE you to articulate HOW the foolishness you posted [see bold text] makes any bloody sense.


I couldn't care less that you are a bigot and a fraud . . . I'd rather that you stop playing games and come clean.

Think of this, the PNC not being able to call on the GDF to run elections as they did pre-1992.  Now, does that make sense to you?  I have a question, why are you and other PNCites so incensed whenever anyone refers to the removal of the GDF from the political equation.  Another question, why were all those overseas ex-GDF campaigning for the PNC and telling the people this is the one chance and if it works, the PNC will use the GDF to ensure power to infinity.  This is true, and you know it.

I have no time for red herrings.


If this is a plan to create separation from your nonsense I BOLDED above . . . it's not working.


Put UP or Shut UP!!

My question does not require indepth analysis, just plain and simple answers.  What I lay out was a concept, an end game.  The ways and means of getting there cannot be articulated in a blog, as such the term "constitutional reform". Now run off and lick your wounds.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:

baseman, what evidence you have of redux being a PNCite?  I have read nothing he has written on GNI to indicate as such.  If he did, clearly, I missed it.  Please explain.  Thanks.

That's a matter of personal perception, just as you thought the AFC will have a plural vote.  Apply inductive and deductive reasoning and you will realize, what is NOT said is much more important than what IS said.

baseman, while the result is not what I expected, the AFC did receive a plural vote.  Or are you saying the vast majority of our votes came from Indians?  Are you forgetting we won Region 8?  Hope you don't forget too, that Berbice is not all Indian.


I am not saying that the PNC did not employ a strategy as you described, but how can you measure the effectiveness of that strategy when our campaign was so flawed?  We literally allowed it to happen.  We need to accept responsibility for own actions, or lack thereof, before we blame the people.


And in retrospect, I do take some responsibility for not advocating your concerns more than I did during the campaign.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:

. . . This will only come about by major constitutional reform which de-politicizes the GDF and place this institution under independent judicial control which precludes it from playing any role in national elections.

Gibberish!! . . . in service to a [not as opaque as you think] racial hegemonic agenda.

This is exactly the expected and normal response from PNCites which gives me "0" trust in the PNC's agenda.  FYI, to use your words, the GDF is a "racial hegemonic" instrument of the PNC.  Now go back in a corner and complain.

Actually, what you DIDN'T expect was me pointing out the farrago of nonsense you posted to disguise what you really are all about.


I DARE you to articulate HOW the foolishness you posted [see bold text] makes any bloody sense.


I couldn't care less that you are a bigot and a fraud . . . I'd rather that you stop playing games and come clean.

Think of this, the PNC not being able to call on the GDF to run elections as they did pre-1992.  Now, does that make sense to you?  I have a question, why are you and other PNCites so incensed whenever anyone refers to the removal of the GDF from the political equation.  Another question, why were all those overseas ex-GDF campaigning for the PNC and telling the people this is the one chance and if it works, the PNC will use the GDF to ensure power to infinity.  This is true, and you know it.

I have no time for red herrings.


If this is a plan to create separation from your nonsense I BOLDED above . . . it's not working.


Put UP or Shut UP!!

My question does not require indepth analysis, just plain and simple answers.  What I lay out was a concept, an end game.  The ways and means of getting there cannot be articulated in a blog, as such the term "constitutional reform". Now run off and lick your wounds.

Just as I thought . . . empty NONSENSE!


Look up "red herring" in the dictionary . . . educate yourself

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:

baseman, what evidence you have of redux being a PNCite?  I have read nothing he has written on GNI to indicate as such.  If he did, clearly, I missed it.  Please explain.  Thanks.

That's a matter of personal perception, just as you thought the AFC will have a plural vote.  Apply inductive and deductive reasoning and you will realize, what is NOT said is much more important than what IS said.

I believe your perception of redux is entirely off, and you are being judgemental.  Of course, you are entitled to your perception.  But labels certainly do not help any discourse, now do they?

Originally Posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by warrior:

the best thing that could ever happen to guyana is when one day we see the last of the ppp and the pnc,they have to find a way to bury both parties in one hole.then guyanese can breath pure again

Unfortunately, it ain't going to happen.  You see the AFC and Indians got stabbed in the back.  There will be no 3rd party rise in one swipe, and the risk of the PNC gaining power and collating with the GDF raises real doubt that will process will ever be allowed to evolve fully.


This will only come about by major constitutional reform which de-politicizes the GDF and place this institution under independent judicial control which precludes it from playing any role in national elections.  Unfortunately, I don't see the PNC supporting such an initiative,

Here is where you and I differ fundamentally.  I really don't share the same fear, nor am I of the view that "Indians got stabbed in the back".  


The reason I don't share the same fear is that this region (South America/Central America/Caribbean) has come out of its period of despotic rule.  Even the worst leaders do not have a free run anymore.   Just look at Suriname and Nicaragua, both of which would have had fears of a return to Bouterse and Sandinista respectively.  Please don't misinterpret me here - I am not advocating for the PNC, I am just being rational, with my aim being that fear of the PNC and by extension, the blackman, has got to stop guiding us in how we confront the PPP.


And why I don't feel Indians were stabbed in the back is simply because the AFC literally went dormant between 2006 and 2011, especially in our strongest black constituency, Linden and Kwakwani.  Moreover, we did not campaign effectively in those areas either.  If you examine the results, they were in keeping with where we threw our resources.   And that is how it happens all over the world, brother.


Now, I am happy you are back on GNI and I do respect your many of your other views and I do not wish to fight you.  Perhaps we can agree to disagree?  We can certainly re-examine the issue after the next elections in which I hope our strategy will be more national and is built on our activism.  

Gerhard, you are way off on the reservations with this viewpoint, absolutely and totally out of touch with the views, fears and concerns of the Indian masses.


I have a question, why were you not able to campaign in PNC areas on a platform of criticizing the PNC for their sins?  You know clearly, you had to wear the AFC shirt and stick to criticizing the PPP.  One word against the PNC and the bottles and bricks were flying.  Why were non-AFC Indians unable to enter PNC constituencies?  Now, dont blame it on Jagdeo....again, just call a spade a spade.


Don't refer to Surinaam and Nica as references, none have the race politics history of Guyana, so lets get real.


We can dissect and rationalize why the AFC lost out on the Afro votes, well regardless, it was a strategic and fundamental blunder which has re-invoked racial mis-trust in Guyana's politics.  It is what it is.

Originally Posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:

baseman, what evidence you have of redux being a PNCite?  I have read nothing he has written on GNI to indicate as such.  If he did, clearly, I missed it.  Please explain.  Thanks.

That's a matter of personal perception, just as you thought the AFC will have a plural vote.  Apply inductive and deductive reasoning and you will realize, what is NOT said is much more important than what IS said.

I believe your perception of redux is entirely off, and you are being judgemental.  Of course, you are entitled to your perception.  But labels certainly do not help any discourse, now do they?

It is what it is, you can trust him and the PNC, I don't.  Why are you defending him anyway?

Originally Posted by baseman:

I have a question, why were you not able to campaign in PNC areas on a platform of criticizing the PNC for their sins?  You know clearly, you had to wear the AFC shirt and stick to criticizing the PPP.  One word against the PNC and the bottles and bricks were flying.  

Nonsense.  I attacked the PNC in PNC areas, including Linden.  I also wandered off by myself, just as I did when I campaigned for the PPP, engaging individuals and groups with my message without any issue.  It is these personal experiences that shape my politics.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:

baseman, what evidence you have of redux being a PNCite?  I have read nothing he has written on GNI to indicate as such.  If he did, clearly, I missed it.  Please explain.  Thanks.

That's a matter of personal perception, just as you thought the AFC will have a plural vote.  Apply inductive and deductive reasoning and you will realize, what is NOT said is much more important than what IS said.

I believe your perception of redux is entirely off, and you are being judgemental.  Of course, you are entitled to your perception.  But labels certainly do not help any discourse, now do they?

It is what it is, you can trust him and the PNC, I don't.  Why are you defending him anyway?

I am not defending him.  It's just that what I know of you, I figured you'd have a tangible reason and I genuinely wondered if I missed anything.  I know realise that I didn't miss anything, and my estimation of redux remains.  Thanks.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:

baseman, what evidence you have of redux being a PNCite?  I have read nothing he has written on GNI to indicate as such.  If he did, clearly, I missed it.  Please explain.  Thanks.

That's a matter of personal perception, just as you thought the AFC will have a plural vote.  Apply inductive and deductive reasoning and you will realize, what is NOT said is much more important than what IS said.

I believe your perception of redux is entirely off, and you are being judgemental.  Of course, you are entitled to your perception.  But labels certainly do not help any discourse, now do they?

It is what it is, you can trust him and the PNC, I don't.  Why are you defending him anyway?


Originally Posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:
Originally Posted by baseman:

I have a question, why were you not able to campaign in PNC areas on a platform of criticizing the PNC for their sins?  You know clearly, you had to wear the AFC shirt and stick to criticizing the PPP.  One word against the PNC and the bottles and bricks were flying.  

Nonsense.  I attacked the PNC in PNC areas, including Linden.  I also wandered off by myself, just as I did when I campaigned for the PPP, engaging individuals and groups with my message without any issue.  It is these personal experiences that shape my politics.


Originally Posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:

. . . The reason I don't share the same fear is that this region (South America/Central America/Caribbean) has come out of its period of despotic rule.  Even the worst leaders do not have a free run anymore.   Just look at Suriname and Nicaragua, both of which would have had fears of a return to Bouterse and Sandinista respectively.  Please don't misinterpret me here - I am not advocating for the PNC, I am just being rational, with my aim being that fear of the PNC and by extension, the blackman, has got to stop guiding us in how we confront the PPP.


Gerhard, what you have written here is kryptonite to sundry criminals in the PPP and those fellow travelers who embrace hegemonic race rule as an end in itself.


To them . . . time MUST stand still, it is existential.


What! Burnham dead more than a quarter century? Exhume the dictator; put him on display . . . 1980 forever!


as the 'smart men' in Freedom House nod and smile . . .



Looks like we have an AFC infighting tonight.


Baseman's questioning of Gerhard's loyalty towards the PNC is reasonable since Gerhard's attack toward the PPP has been vicious and I have not seen the same directed towards the PNC.

Now that there is willingness of the PNC to work with the PPP, Gerhards seems to changing his position like a typical AFC member just trying to please his party


Look, it is in the best interest of ALL political parties to work in the interest of Guyana. Only then we can see real progress.


Until then, the ordinary and poor in Guyana will suffer as a result to the politician's big fat egos. I hope that they can engage in more debates like these so that we can see their true colors and truly judge those who have the people of Guyana at heart.


We may eventually see Gerhard's defection towards the PNC ? Just a question............

OR is there an infighting in the AFC that is about to explode ? 

Time will tell.


Originally Posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:
Originally Posted by baseman:

I have a question, why were you not able to campaign in PNC areas on a platform of criticizing the PNC for their sins?  You know clearly, you had to wear the AFC shirt and stick to criticizing the PPP.  One word against the PNC and the bottles and bricks were flying.  

Nonsense.  I attacked the PNC in PNC areas, including Linden.  I also wandered off by myself, just as I did when I campaigned for the PPP, engaging individuals and groups with my message without any issue.  It is these personal experiences that shape my politics.

What attack, the strongest attack of the PNC came from Trotman and it was in Indian areas.  Anyway, you is different as almost everyone would recognize you, so you would not gt the bottle and bricks treatment.  You also know, the not so prominent AFC Indians could not safely venture into PNC strongholds, even in GT.  They were always escorted by Afros and wore very visible AFC shirts.  You also know that many blacks who abandoned the AFC clearly said they ain't voting for no "Coolie".


You can say what you want, the masses of Indians see it differently and it's harming the AFC.


Originally Posted by yuji22:


Looks like we have an AFC infighting tonight.


Baseman's questioning of Gerhard's loyalty towards the PNC is reasonable since Gerhard's attack toward the PPP has been vicious and I have not seen the same directed towards the PNC.

...We may eventually see Gerhard's defection towards the PNC ? Just a question............

OR is there an infighting in the AFC that is about to explode ? 

Time will tell.


Yuji22, I'm not AFC so no infighting, I am, always been an Independent minded person and will remain so.  I do believe a better working relation with the PNC is in everyone's interest however, only with the PPP at the helm.  Furthermore, my criticism of the PPP has more to do with corruption but also know what is happening in Guyana is happening in many developing nations.  I am not willing to sacrifice them due to corruption for the PNC, but rather see them take action to stop/reduce it.  I also want to see them become less "Indo-centric" as Afros have a place and important role in the leadership and governance of Guyana.  This is good for all.


REdux is a good example of what's in store if the PNC comes to power.


Thanks for clearing up your position.


I agree that a better working relation between that PNC and PPP can lead to a better Guyana. Gerhard's defense of Redux's militant position indicates a shift of the AFC's new and dangerous position by appealing to the military elements in the PNC and this is very very dangerous.


This is borderline treason as the AFC's preoccupation might now be to stir up discontent to allow for a possible overthrow of a democratically elected government. This is a genuine assumption since Gerhard's position has indicated that by his own defense of PNC military elements.


I agree that corruption must be wiped out and that the PPP must be held accountable. The AFC wild claims and allegations have created an atmosphere of anger from a large segment of Guyanese who still want to see their country move forward but the AFC seems to be holding this government hostage.


Let this president govern and then judge him based on his record and the performance of his ministers. Let us drag out corrupt politicians when we see corruption occurring. The AFC wants to kill the sherif before he arrives in town and this is the central issue.


The president has indicated that he is willing to work with interested parties and we must allow for this to happen. This is what the international community called win win for Guyana after the announcement of the election results. But the AFC has blundered this opportunity by not engaging in meaningful working relations with the government.


As for appointments, I saw more women and Afro Guyanese appointed to foreign appointments. This is a step in the right direction. I support a balanced public service sector reflective of the ethnic make up of Guyana. I also support a more balanced police force and Army. 


Let us call a spade a spade.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by yuji22:


Looks like we have an AFC infighting tonight.


Baseman's questioning of Gerhard's loyalty towards the PNC is reasonable since Gerhard's attack toward the PPP has been vicious and I have not seen the same directed towards the PNC.

...We may eventually see Gerhard's defection towards the PNC ? Just a question............

OR is there an infighting in the AFC that is about to explode ? 

Time will tell.


Yuji22, I'm not AFC so no infighting, I am, always been an Independent minded person and will remain so.  I do believe a better working relation with the PNC is in everyone's interest however, only with the PPP at the helm.  Furthermore, my criticism of the PPP has more to do with corruption but also know what is happening in Guyana is happening in many developing nations.  I am not willing to sacrifice them due to corruption for the PNC, but rather see them take action to stop/reduce it.  I also want to see them become less "Indo-centric" as Afros have a place and important role in the leadership and governance of Guyana.  This is good for all.


REdux is a good example of what's in store if the PNC comes to power.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:
Originally Posted by baseman:

I have a question, why were you not able to campaign in PNC areas on a platform of criticizing the PNC for their sins?  You know clearly, you had to wear the AFC shirt and stick to criticizing the PPP.  One word against the PNC and the bottles and bricks were flying.  

Nonsense.  I attacked the PNC in PNC areas, including Linden.  I also wandered off by myself, just as I did when I campaigned for the PPP, engaging individuals and groups with my message without any issue.  It is these personal experiences that shape my politics.

What attack, the strongest attack of the PNC came from Trotman and it was in Indian areas.  Anyway, you is different as almost everyone would recognize you, so you would not gt the bottle and bricks treatment.  You also know, the not so prominent AFC Indians could not safely venture into PNC strongholds, even in GT.  They were always escorted by Afros and wore very visible AFC shirts.  You also know that many blacks who abandoned the AFC clearly said they ain't voting for no "Coolie".


You can say what you want, the masses of Indians see it differently and it's harming the AFC.



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