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Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:
Originally Posted by baseman:

I have a question, why were you not able to campaign in PNC areas on a platform of criticizing the PNC for their sins?  You know clearly, you had to wear the AFC shirt and stick to criticizing the PPP.  One word against the PNC and the bottles and bricks were flying.  

Nonsense.  I attacked the PNC in PNC areas, including Linden.  I also wandered off by myself, just as I did when I campaigned for the PPP, engaging individuals and groups with my message without any issue.  It is these personal experiences that shape my politics.

What attack, the strongest attack of the PNC came from Trotman and it was in Indian areas.  Anyway, you is different as almost everyone would recognize you, so you would not gt the bottle and bricks treatment.  You also know, the not so prominent AFC Indians could not safely venture into PNC strongholds, even in GT.  They were always escorted by Afros and wore very visible AFC shirts.  You also know that many blacks who abandoned the AFC clearly said they ain't voting for no "Coolie".


You can say what you want, the masses of Indians see it differently and it's harming the AFC.


Clearly, you and I witnessed two different campaigns...I moved with many Indian people in PNC areas throughout the country without African "protection".  Moreover, on the campaign trail you would split up to cover more ground.  One time I remember particularly, was when we did house to house in Buxton and one of the teams was my just my wife and I, and even so, we were split up many times as I stayed back for the longer engagements while she went ahead - alone.


Personally, I have never met this blackman wah does eat up Indian people...

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by warrior:

the best thing that could ever happen to guyana is when one day we see the last of the ppp and the pnc,they have to find a way to bury both parties in one hole.then guyanese can breath pure again

Unfortunately, it ain't going to happen.  You see the AFC and Indians got stabbed in the back.  There will be no 3rd party rise in one swipe, and the risk of the PNC gaining power and collating with the GDF raises real doubt that will process will ever be allowed to evolve fully.


This will only come about by major constitutional reform which de-politicizes the GDF and place this institution under independent judicial control which precludes it from playing any role in national elections.  Unfortunately, I don't see the PNC supporting such an initiative,

Here is where you and I differ fundamentally.  I really don't share the same fear, nor am I of the view that "Indians got stabbed in the back".  


The reason I don't share the same fear is that this region (South America/Central America/Caribbean) has come out of its period of despotic rule.  Even the worst leaders do not have a free run anymore.   Just look at Suriname and Nicaragua, both of which would have had fears of a return to Bouterse and Sandinista respectively.  Please don't misinterpret me here - I am not advocating for the PNC, I am just being rational, with my aim being that fear of the PNC and by extension, the blackman, has got to stop guiding us in how we confront the PPP.


And why I don't feel Indians were stabbed in the back is simply because the AFC literally went dormant between 2006 and 2011, especially in our strongest black constituency, Linden and Kwakwani.  Moreover, we did not campaign effectively in those areas either.  If you examine the results, they were in keeping with where we threw our resources.   And that is how it happens all over the world, brother.


Now, I am happy you are back on GNI and I do respect your many of your other views and I do not wish to fight you.  Perhaps we can agree to disagree?  We can certainly re-examine the issue after the next elections in which I hope our strategy will be more national and is built on our activism.  

Gerhard, you are way off on the reservations with this viewpoint, absolutely and totally out of touch with the views, fears and concerns of the Indian masses.


I have a question, why were you not able to campaign in PNC areas on a platform of criticizing the PNC for their sins?  You know clearly, you had to wear the AFC shirt and stick to criticizing the PPP.  One word against the PNC and the bottles and bricks were flying.  Why were non-AFC Indians unable to enter PNC constituencies?  Now, dont blame it on Jagdeo....again, just call a spade a spade.


Don't refer to Surinaam and Nica as references, none have the race politics history of Guyana, so lets get real.


We can dissect and rationalize why the AFC lost out on the Afro votes, well regardless, it was a strategic and fundamental blunder which has re-invoked racial mis-trust in Guyana's politics.  It is what it is.

My point is that times have changed.  Plus you have the internet now.  Given also, how important Guyana is to the ABC countries (America, Britain and Canada), do you think they would stand idly by if we return to rigged elections?

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:

. . . The reason I don't share the same fear is that this region (South America/Central America/Caribbean) has come out of its period of despotic rule.  Even the worst leaders do not have a free run anymore.   Just look at Suriname and Nicaragua, both of which would have had fears of a return to Bouterse and Sandinista respectively.  Please don't misinterpret me here - I am not advocating for the PNC, I am just being rational, with my aim being that fear of the PNC and by extension, the blackman, has got to stop guiding us in how we confront the PPP.


Gerhard, what you have written here is kryptonite to sundry criminals in the PPP and those fellow travelers who embrace hegemonic race rule as an end in itself.


To them . . . time MUST stand still, it is existential.


What! Burnham dead more than a quarter century? Exhume the dictator; put him on display . . . 1980 forever!


as the 'smart men' in Freedom House nod and smile . . .

Indeed it is kryptonite.  At least baseman admits that while he would like to see improvements in the PPP, he would like it to remain in control.  It is a view shared by many Indians who said they were with us and then voted differently.  As long as there are enough Indians whose position on desired change is conditional, the PPP will continue to get away with murder - literally.  

Originally Posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:

And here you have it out of the horses mouth - the PPP prefers to deal with the PNC, rather than the AFC.  Let's hear now, those of you who scream about the atrocities of the PNC daily on this board - while being PPP sycophants. smh

Good point Gerhard.  The question is does the AFC prefer to work with the PNC instead of the PPP.  Everyone had hoped for the AFC to use their expertise to work with the PPP for the people but we have not seen that since the elections.

Originally Posted by alena06:
Originally Posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:

And here you have it out of the horses mouth - the PPP prefers to deal with the PNC, rather than the AFC.  Let's hear now, those of you who scream about the atrocities of the PNC daily on this board - while being PPP sycophants. smh

Good point Gerhard.  The question is does the AFC prefer to work with the PNC instead of the PPP.  Everyone had hoped for the AFC to use their expertise to work with the PPP for the people but we have not seen that since the elections.

It takes two to clap, alena.  The AFC only needs APNU's support on issues of accountability given the makeup of Parliament.  We had indicated early on we would work with both parties in the interest of Guyana.  I personally, gave AFC's support for Amaila falls on the condition that electricity rates will be lower and that the agreement does not exclude anyone else from contributing to the grid that will further lower the cost of electricity.


Instead, the PPP entered into backroom deals with the PNC.  This exploded in the face of the PNC when their Linden people refused to go along with it, influenced in no small way by the AFC presence in the Linden at the time (a group of us were at the LUSCSL meeting), and the PNC quickly back-pedalled.  The PPP has always been more comfortable working with the PNC.


Need I go over the events leading up to and after the 2006 elections where the PPP and PNC colluded to share scrutineers funds between themselves only (twice, to boot), colluded on the formation of the Regional Councils, colluded on Recall Legislations, colluded on the President's and Opposition Leader's pension, etc etc?


Just take a look at yuji22's responses here - despite describing the PNC in the vilest of terms he sees this as mature politics.  How do you see it, alena?


Hey Gerhard


I will not sit down and take a cheap shot.


Baseman is slowing exposing the AFC's weaknesses while you are in damage control mode today. I am sure that he will respond to your posts.


Listen, the PPP needs to govern Guyana for ALL Guyanese. The president has indicated that he will work will all interested parties and that does not exclude the PNC. The PNC is the main opposition party and not the government. Are you losing your mind ?


I have consistently posted on atrocities committed by the PNC just are reminder for the public to be vigilant in not allowing the PNC to GOVERN Guyana again. This is quite different in engaging in parliament for the people's business. That is the purpose of parliament.


The AFC has consistently chosen to disrupt the business of the people by being disruptive to the political process and the backlash against the AFC by the working class was a sharp reminder and a political lesson for the AFC.


While the AFC was rocked with serious allegations of fraud, corruption and nepotism in their own party, they have yet to provide publicly,  receipts and findings of an investigation. This is double standards.


The AFC will be rightly left in political isolation until they engage in meaningful dialogue in the interest of the people's business in parliament.


I beg to forgive your ignorance of the business of parliament since your party did not see you fit or politically mature to have a seat in parliament and I can now clearly understand why, since your political immaturity shines.


The AFC just chose to have you as their barking yard dog while they fulfill their political ambitions at your expense. You will have more credibility when you are representing the people in parliament.


Until then, your remain a political spectator and an AFC yard dog.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Hey Gerhard


I will not sit down and take a cheap shot.


Baseman is slowing exposing the AFC's weaknesses while you are in damage control mode today. I am sure that he will respond to your posts.


Listen, the PPP needs to govern Guyana for ALL Guyanese. The president has indicated that he will work will all interested parties and that does not exclude the PNC. The PNC is the main opposition party and not the government. Are you losing your mind ?


I have consistently posted on atrocities committed by the PNC just are reminder for the public to be vigilant in not allowing the PNC to GOVERN Guyana again. This is quite different in engaging in parliament for the people's business. That is the purpose of parliament.


The AFC has consistently chosen to disrupt the business of the people by being disruptive to the political process and the backlash against the AFC by the working class was a sharp reminder and a political lesson for the AFC.


While the AFC was rocked with serious allegations of fraud, corruption and nepotism in their own party, they have yet to provide publicly,  receipts and findings of an investigation. This is double standards.


The AFC will be rightly left in political isolation until they engage in meaningful dialogue in the interest of the people's business in parliament.


I beg to forgive your ignorance of the business of parliament since your party did not see you fit or politically mature to have a seat in parliament and I can now clearly understand why, since your political immaturity shines.


The AFC just chose you have you as their barking yard dog while they fulfill their political ambitions at your expense. You will have more credibility when you are representing the people in parliament.


Until then, your remain a political spectator and an AFC yard dog.

Ah, yuji22, trash talk and name calling only reflects on the one making those utterances...not sure if you get that.


Now, can you define this fraud, corruption and nepotism that finds itself in the AFC?  Thanks.


Can you also reflect on NICIL, and the general lack of accountability of the PPP?  What is your opinion of the salaries paid at OP, for example, the $3M for the IT advisor?

Originally Posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Hey Gerhard


I will not sit down and take a cheap shot.


Baseman is slowing exposing the AFC's weaknesses while you are in damage control mode today. I am sure that he will respond to your posts.


Listen, the PPP needs to govern Guyana for ALL Guyanese. The president has indicated that he will work will all interested parties and that does not exclude the PNC. The PNC is the main opposition party and not the government. Are you losing your mind ?


I have consistently posted on atrocities committed by the PNC just are reminder for the public to be vigilant in not allowing the PNC to GOVERN Guyana again. This is quite different in engaging in parliament for the people's business. That is the purpose of parliament.


The AFC has consistently chosen to disrupt the business of the people by being disruptive to the political process and the backlash against the AFC by the working class was a sharp reminder and a political lesson for the AFC.


While the AFC was rocked with serious allegations of fraud, corruption and nepotism in their own party, they have yet to provide publicly,  receipts and findings of an investigation. This is double standards.


The AFC will be rightly left in political isolation until they engage in meaningful dialogue in the interest of the people's business in parliament.


I beg to forgive your ignorance of the business of parliament since your party did not see you fit or politically mature to have a seat in parliament and I can now clearly understand why, since your political immaturity shines.


The AFC just chose you have you as their barking yard dog while they fulfill their political ambitions at your expense. You will have more credibility when you are representing the people in parliament.


Until then, your remain a political spectator and an AFC yard dog.

Ah, yuji22, trash talk and name calling only reflects on the one making those utterances...not sure if you get that.


Now, can you define this fraud, corruption and nepotism that finds itself in the AFC?  Thanks.


Can you also reflect on NICIL, and the general lack of accountability of the PPP?  What is your opinion of the salaries paid at OP, for example, the $3M for the IT advisor?



What trash talk ? You are not representing the AFC in parliament. This is a fact. They did not see you as being fit politically or mature enough to represent the party in parliament. Less qualified members of the AFC are representing them in parliament. 


For your information, "yard dog" means someone who is used by another to do their dirty work without any consideration. 


Yussuf and another ex AFC member went public with alleged facts and numbers that involved millions and yet these matters have been pushed under the carpet of the AFC because they refuse to investigate their own for fear of breaking up the party. Is this accountability ?


You clearly stated that you support an investigation. The public demands answers.


As for NICIL, the AG will provide an AUDITED, yes AUDITED report. KN admitted the claims cannot verified since the AFC was the one who provided the information. The AFC cannot make wild claims yet hide from the public when an open forum is held to discuss serious claims. Moses and Ramjattan were hiding under their desks when they were supposed to defend their own claim. Yet they chose to leave the editor of the KN to take the heat while they were in hiding. This shameful on the AFC's part.


The AFC makes all types of baseless claims and this is what is making the public angry when they cannot show up to defend these claims. This is not acceptable.


I do not in any way support corruption and fraud. It is not helpful when the AFC choses not to investigate fraud and corruption in their own camp while demanding accountability elsewhere.


I need to remind you again, you are not representing the people in parliament. You are just a political spectator and AFC barking yard dog.

Originally Posted by yuji22:


The AFC lost a great deal of goodwill that was shown toward them by more liberal minded Guyanese. The original role of the AFC was to create a balance in parliament.


The international community saw this as a "win win" situation for Guyana. Bit by bit, the AFC chose to disrupt and derail the democratic process by allowing PPP rejects like Moses and Ramjattan to harm the process by using personal vendetta against the PPP. This created a situation whereby the nation became uneasy as the AFC displayed arrogance rather than dialogue with the PPP.


Scandals within the AFC, led to a situation of mistrust from those who genuinely felt that the AFC was not transparent when investigating corruption and fraud within their own camp. Wild allegations have also become a common agenda for the AFC. The public no longer have an appetite for these types of drama.


This government must be allowed to govern and the opposition must judge this president based on his record as president during the next few years.


The absence of Moses and Ramjattan at the debates showed weaknesses and exposed the AFC even further.


Ramjattan is the AFC's biggest liability. It would serve in the PPP's best interest for Moses and Ramjattan to remain in place. They will continue to send the AFC down the political gutter.


The move by PPP to reposition the party for phase two of the political process indicates political maturity. They are certain that the PNC will remain as the opposition and working relations with the PNC in some form is in the best interest of Guyana and will serve the PPP well.


The AFC will now have to deal with political isolation and now political mistrust directed towards them (AFC). The PPP will govern as it sees fit. Welcome to the world of politics.


D2/Storm, please do not add to my post since it is only direct towards Gerhard. Let us have an open and honest conversation and avoid personal attacks.

If one were to visit the house of intellect and search its rooms inclusive of the basement and broom closets one would not find the likes of you. The above is such moronic absurdity that it can find no place among thinking people except on a forum as this where we must abide by pedestrian bilge  because there is no active moderation to ensure  we have some standard of reasonable argumentation to qualify as useful discourse. You begin with a series of generalization and build on that to to a maddening crescendo of nonsense that exceeds by many measures your usual lunatic rants


For the sake of the long suffering readers of this site I am obliged to respond.  It is not "liberal minded Guyanese" that voted for the AFC. That presupposes  you have the mental grasp that an illiberal majority ( meaning preference for the illusion of democracy) votes for the PPP and the PNC. That would be deductive argumentation on a genius level and that you  are not equipped for such is the tragedy of your existence.


The AFC never participated in the elections to produce "balance" but on a promise of "change" to the way things are being done. Their aim was to win as well. They stated as much and had a detailed platform dedicated to that end. To assume they played for a balancing role implies they played for an intermediary role and that the state of the Guyanese political ethos can be rescued by mere  tweaking. To the contrary, the Guyanese political reality has to be radically transformed and that demands revolutionary change; a complete makeover to be precise. Democracy is does not function in Guyana and the PPP are as anti democratic as the PNC ever were.


Also, on what authority do you purport to "know" the pulse rate of the international community? This blossoming of idiocy on your party knows no limits! Instead of looking to the decayed and corrupt ridden landscape that is the reality of the PPP rule, you chose to focus on an errant claim that a member of the ACF padded his accounts! Nary a squawk about NICIL, Skeldon plant, contract workers in lieu of building strong institutions on a permanent  professional public servants culture; mismanagement, nepotism and racism! On one incident the AFC are tainted forever!. But the PPP must be given a chance to govern so they can get it right! Tell that tale to any who thinks if they  wait long enough, the thieves who burglarized their home will suddenly feel inclined to return their property.


I am sure lunatics like you are not even farm raised by the PPP. You have to be a product of your mothers womb. Sometime during the period of gestation and birth you were apparently deprived of oxygen. Nothing can make a man so amoral he argues for the restoration and perpetuation of a culture of thieves.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by yuji22:


The AFC lost a great deal of goodwill that was shown toward them by more liberal minded Guyanese. The original role of the AFC was to create a balance in parliament.


The international community saw this as a "win win" situation for Guyana. Bit by bit, the AFC chose to disrupt and derail the democratic process by allowing PPP rejects like Moses and Ramjattan to harm the process by using personal vendetta against the PPP. This created a situation whereby the nation became uneasy as the AFC displayed arrogance rather than dialogue with the PPP.


Scandals within the AFC, led to a situation of mistrust from those who genuinely felt that the AFC was not transparent when investigating corruption and fraud within their own camp. Wild allegations have also become a common agenda for the AFC. The public no longer have an appetite for these types of drama.


This government must be allowed to govern and the opposition must judge this president based on his record as president during the next few years.


The absence of Moses and Ramjattan at the debates showed weaknesses and exposed the AFC even further.


Ramjattan is the AFC's biggest liability. It would serve in the PPP's best interest for Moses and Ramjattan to remain in place. They will continue to send the AFC down the political gutter.


The move by PPP to reposition the party for phase two of the political process indicates political maturity. They are certain that the PNC will remain as the opposition and working relations with the PNC in some form is in the best interest of Guyana and will serve the PPP well.


The AFC will now have to deal with political isolation and now political mistrust directed towards them (AFC). The PPP will govern as it sees fit. Welcome to the world of politics.


D2/Storm, please do not add to my post since it is only direct towards Gerhard. Let us have an open and honest conversation and avoid personal attacks.

If one were to visit the house of intellect and search its rooms inclusive of the basement and broom closets one would not find the likes of you. The above is such moronic absurdity that it can find no place among thinking people except on a forum as this where we must abide by pedestrian bilge  because there is not active moderation to ensure some standard or reasonable argumentation to qualify as useful discourse. You begin with a series of generalization and build on that to to a maddening crescendo of nonsense that exceeds by many measures your usual lunatic rants


For the sake of the long suffering readers of this site I am obliged to respond.  It is not "liberal minded Guyanese" that voted for the AFC. That presupposes  you have the mental grasp that an illiberal majority ( meaning preference for the illusion of democracy) votes for the PPP and the PNC. That would deductive argumentation on a genius level and that your are not equipped for that is exactly the tragedy of your existence.


The AFC never participated in the elections to produce "balance" but on a promise of "change" to the way things are being done. Their aim was to win as well. They stated as much and had a detailed platform dedicated to that end. To assume they played for a balancing role implies they played for an intermediary role and that the state of the Guyanese political ethos can be rescued by mere  tweaking. To the contrary, the Guyanese political reality has to be radically transformed and that demands revolutionary change; a complete makeover to be precise. Democracy is does not function in Guyana and the PPP are as anti democratic as the PNC ever were.


Also, on what authority do you purport to "know" the pulse rate of the international community? This blossoming of idiocy on your party knows no limits! Instead of looking to the decayed and corrupt ridden landscape that is the reality of the PPP rule, you chose to focus on an errant claim that a member of the ACF padded his accounts! Nary a squawk about NICIL, Skeldon plant, contract workers in lieu of building strong institutions on a permanent  professional public servants culture; mismanagement, nepotism and racism! On one incident the AFC are tainted forever!. But the PPP must be given a chance to govern so they can get it right! Tell that tale to any who thinks if they  wait long enough, the thieves who burglarized their home will suddenly feel inclined to return their property.


I am sure lunatics like you are not even farm raised by the PPP. You have to be a product of your mothers womb. Sometime during the period of gestation and birth you were apparently deprived of oxygen. Nothing can make a man so amoral he argues for the restoration and perpetuation of a culture of thieves.


We need to take notice of his nasty attack. These are shameless AFC thugs who resort to engaging in the nastiest of attacks.

These attacks will in no way intimidate me, first you threaten me now you resort to personal attacks. I will never be intimidated by AFC thugs like yourself. 


I need not say more since your post is reflective of who you are.  I will not stoop to your level.

I hope that admin takes note of this personal attack. This is a political discussion forum.

Originally Posted by yuji22:


We need to take notice of his nasty attack. These are shameless AFC thugs who resort to engaging in the nastiest of attacks.

These attacks will in no way intimidate me, first you threaten me now you resort to personal attacks. I will never be intimidated by AFC thugs like yourself. 


I need not say more since your post is reflective of who you are.  I will not stoop to your level.

I hope that admin takes note of this personal attack. This is a political discussion forum.

Are you asking for pity? I am speculating on your mental incapacity since it is of little use to this point and does not seem remediation is ever possible.


I do not intend to intimidate you. Fools are never fearful. A man best work occurs because he is afraid of something and that something is most often the fear of loss of his integrity and moral footing. 


You alas have no fear because you are as that grunt at the head of the charge on a machine gun's nest armed with a pitchfork because some coward behind a berm  tells you that you can make it across before it is fired.


I would like the Admin to pretend they can admonish me for my misuse of you. Then I can misuse them amply as well for letting you post your nonsense unquestioned.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by yuji22:


I am sure that admin will respond since it appears that you are now either drunk or on drugs.

 Wanna bet? I doubt the Admin is as stupid as you are.


Well admin once posted that the word "fool" should not be used in describing members.


I hope now that you are drunk and using the word stupid in addition to the most vile personal attack mentioning my mother warrants a response from admin.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by yuji22:


I am sure that admin will respond since it appears that you are now either drunk or on drugs.

 Wanna bet? I doubt the Admin is as stupid as you are.


Well admin once posted that the word "fool" should not be used in describing members.


I hope now that you are drunk and using the word stupid in addition to the most vile personal attack mentioning my mother warrants a response from admin.

 One cannot help when the label is apt.  I suggest you read. I said nothing of your mother but of you as a possible explanation of your moronic ramblings.

Originally Posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:

yuji22, there comes a time when even I stop trying to nail jello to the wall.  I believe though, my points are made.


Well Gerhard, we have to agree to disagree. Let the political debates continue.

I also made my point and I hope that Baseman adds to his post.

I am not like (AFC supporter) Storm to attack anyone's mother.

Last edited by Former Member



I politics the term "yard dog" refers to someone who is used by others for political attack without any consideration. 


I did not personally call you a dog. There is a difference. It may now appear that your are coming to the defense of your AFC friend for attacking my mother.


I hope that someone picks this up an posts it on Facebook in the wider public domain for a larger segment of the public to judge you, me and the AFC.

Originally Posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:
Originally Posted by redux:


Gerhard, what you have written here is kryptonite to sundry criminals in the PPP and those fellow travelers who embrace hegemonic race rule as an end in itself.


To them . . . time MUST stand still, it is existential.


What! Burnham dead more than a quarter century? Exhume the dictator; put him on display . . . 1980 forever!


as the 'smart men' in Freedom House nod and smile . . .

Indeed it is kryptonite.  At least baseman admits that while he would like to see improvements in the PPP, he would like it to remain in control.  It is a view shared by many Indians who said they were with us and then voted differently.  As long as there are enough Indians whose position on desired change is conditional, the PPP will continue to get away with murder - literally.  

That was not the totality of my comment, in full context.  If it means the PNC back in power solidly backed by the GDF, then we work on the PPP.  Just like the old days, they will use a few Indians as fronts (like we had Cammie Ramsaroop, Chandrika Sukul, etc), where the vast majority will be left to contend with boots, guns, chain gangs, fist in the face and bludgeoned into submission.  Ignoring this reality is politically irresponsible and callous and playing Russian roulette with the faith of the Indian masses.


So let me make it clear and plain for you, baseman's position, as long as the GDF remains the backbone of PNC strategy, then we are better off with the PPP.  The AFC will not achieve critical mass to take power, so the best solution, short of the GDF being removed from the political equation, is a more accountable PPP.


FYI, I thought many Afros were coming to AFC side, what happened there?  Talk about that.  Talk about the race campaign of the APNU/PNC.  The Indians were cautious and "smelled a rat" especially on the Nomination Day happenings.  I can tell you, several AFC insiders raised eyebrows that day.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The AFC is anti-working class, and does not have the citizens at heart, they are an angry bunch of super ego centric individuals, who may hurt Guyana if given a chance

Now, go tell that to all those poverty stricken people living out of sight in the back dams, no schooling, teen pregnancy, abuse and exploitation.  Just because of the wickedness of the PNC, you can also get away with your own form of wickedness.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The AFC is anti-working class, and does not have the citizens at heart, they are an angry bunch of super ego centric individuals, who may hurt Guyana if given a chance

Fella, this is a serious conversation going on. There is a political savvy man on this topic and a kid still wet behind the ears on political matters and yuh sah is the PPP clown.


Now, I had confidence in the AFC during the last election and I earnestly prayed for their success. They did have a break through and we have an accountable PPP, but under much screaming and hollering.


However, for them to form the government, it is not going happen with Ramjattan and Nagamootoo. The politics of Guyana has changed considerably and many here and outside of here call for the burial of the PPP and PNC.


To bury those organization means that every PPPite must surrender their politican aspirations. We see many go back and forth between the PPP and PNC. Obviously, those individuals are opportunists.



Originally Posted by raymond:

Hello...this is the ADMIN speaking...I will be on summer vacation starting May 29 until Sept 10. Please forward all complaints to Stormborn while I am gone. If you are not happy with response, please don't post agin until I return...I will be in a better frame of mind by then. toddle dooo



Hahahaha!  ray you is a real egg yuh know budday 

Originally Posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:
Originally Posted by raymond:

Hello...this is the ADMIN speaking...I will be on summer vacation starting May 29 until Sept 10. Please forward all complaints to Stormborn while I am gone. If you are not happy with response, please don't post agin until I return...I will be in a better frame of mind by then. toddle dooo



Hahahaha!  ray you is a real egg yuh know budday 


I hope Ray did not cause Yuji22 to leave. I thought Yuji was a bad man who can dish out. 


Stormborn is posting crap as usual. Yuji is asking for accountability in the AFC re Yusuf's allegations.He is also saying that Gerard was not chosen to be in Parliament and he is being used by the AFC. What's wrang with that. Ramayya came here in Berbice and tried to make nice and nobody believed him. The AFC is a Party that is being used by the PNC to destroy Guyana.  

Originally Posted by PRK:
Originally Posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:
Originally Posted by raymond:

Hello...this is the ADMIN speaking...I will be on summer vacation starting May 29 until Sept 10. Please forward all complaints to Stormborn while I am gone. If you are not happy with response, please don't post agin until I return...I will be in a better frame of mind by then. toddle dooo



Hahahaha!  ray you is a real egg yuh know budday 


I hope Ray did not cause Yuji22 to leave. I thought Yuji was a bad man who can dish out. 

A certified wimp. He can dish it out good but when he get it back, he run like a sissy to the Admin.

Originally Posted by God:
Originally Posted by PRK:
Originally Posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:
Originally Posted by raymond:

Hello...this is the ADMIN speaking...I will be on summer vacation starting May 29 until Sept 10. Please forward all complaints to Stormborn while I am gone. If you are not happy with response, please don't post agin until I return...I will be in a better frame of mind by then. toddle dooo



Hahahaha!  ray you is a real egg yuh know budday 


I hope Ray did not cause Yuji22 to leave. I thought Yuji was a bad man who can dish out. 

A certified wimp. He can dish it out good but when he get it back, he run like a lil sissy to the Admin.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The AFC has no plans for the development for, they are a bunch of self-centered super ego-centric individuals who are totally anti-working class

 I bet the sartorial price does not matter style of the newly rich in the PPP are redolent of the new working class taste! I bet it is hard work stealing form the treasury and pillaging our national assets a la carte Brassington style !


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