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Apple Inc has announced that the company's co-founder Steve Jobs has died. He was 56 years old.

In a statement, the company said: "We are deeply saddened to announce that Steve Jobs passed away today.

"Steve's brilliance, passion and energy were the source of countless innovations that enrich and improve all of our lives. The world is immeasurably better because of Steve.

"His greatest love was for his wife, Laurene, and his family. Our hearts go out to them and to all who were touched by his extraordinary gifts."

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Originally posted by amral:
suppose it was Bill Gates who had died, wonder what will be the response.
without bill gates, computing would be a rich man's toy for us as it is for the poor of India since Apple never licensed anything. My first Mac was the fat Mac and it cost almost 3k. My AT computer was built for 1k. While I admire and think Jobs is an incomparable genus I also think he was secondly a hard nosed businessman. Many will say he destroyed the music industry and is now doing the same to publishing books. He did not give advances on production and building an artist or a great writer means they must be paid for their uniqueness and not be bilked for their talent with most of the money going to others. Apple propriety music format, its domination of the market through itunes means it has a strangle hold on sales no less than Ticketron had on live shows in the 60's 70's through the 90's until their monopoly was broken in their new incarnation they are less predatory. If no music format and competitive outlet to itunes develop, musicians will continue to suffer and we will get the likes of Justain Bieber over a Joss Stone. Raw talent will have no A&R person out there. It is like baseball and football without scouts.
Originally posted by D2:
Originally posted by amral:
suppose it was Bill Gates who had died, wonder what will be the response.
without bill gates, computing would be a rich man's toy for us as it is for the poor of India since Apple never licensed anything. My first Mac was the fat Mac and it cost almost 3k. My AT computer was built for 1k. While I admire and think Jobs is an incomparable genus I also think he was secondly a hard nosed businessman. Many will say he destroyed the music industry and is now doing the same to publishing books. He did not give advances on production and building an artist or a great writer means they must be paid for their uniqueness and not be bilked for their talent with most of the money going to others. Apple propriety music format, its domination of the market through itunes means it has a strangle hold on sales no less than Ticketron had on live shows in the 60's 70's through the 90's until their monopoly was broken in their new incarnation they are less predatory. If no music format and competitive outlet to itunes develop, musicians will continue to suffer and we will get the likes of Justain Bieber over a Joss Stone. Raw talent will have no A&R person out there. It is like baseball and football without scouts.

Apple would have dominated the PC world had not Jobs resisted the licensing of clones. Sony has also found out the hard way of their use of proprietary batteries, memory stick etc.
Originally posted by Sunil:
Originally posted by D2:
Originally posted by amral:
suppose it was Bill Gates who had died, wonder what will be the response.
without bill gates, computing would be a rich man's toy for us as it is for the poor of India since Apple never licensed anything. My first Mac was the fat Mac and it cost almost 3k. My AT computer was built for 1k. While I admire and think Jobs is an incomparable genus I also think he was secondly a hard nosed businessman. Many will say he destroyed the music industry and is now doing the same to publishing books. He did not give advances on production and building an artist or a great writer means they must be paid for their uniqueness and not be bilked for their talent with most of the money going to others. Apple propriety music format, its domination of the market through itunes means it has a strangle hold on sales no less than Ticketron had on live shows in the 60's 70's through the 90's until their monopoly was broken in their new incarnation they are less predatory. If no music format and competitive outlet to itunes develop, musicians will continue to suffer and we will get the likes of Justain Bieber over a Joss Stone. Raw talent will have no A&R person out there. It is like baseball and football without scouts.

Apple would have dominated the PC world had not Jobs resisted the licensing of clones. Sony has also found out the hard way of their use of proprietary batteries, memory stick etc.
Macs were cool. Prior to windows only New Wave from HP surpassed it in functionality as an interface. OS2 was better as well but it suffered from proprietary stuff as well. I worked for an Air Cargo firm costing out air routes and OS2 was the only thing robust enough to run huge data sets reliably without taking a year or crashing. Then there was Geos. I wonder what happened to that.

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