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Originally Posted by raymond:

Not sure what to make of it

You started doing the right things by living right and exercising. If you followed your intense protocol you would be ripped by now. I was at sea for a couple of weeks and gained 10 lbs. I am working it off now. I ride about a 900 miles and walk/run another 100 each month. And this is slowed down pace. 


I also spin 3 times a week and work with weights on alternate days. You have to create a lifestyle of it to compensate for what is essentially a sedentary life in the US.


An 50 year old man, went to the doctor to get a physical. 
A few days later,  he was seen  walking down the street with a gorgeous young woman on his arm. 
A couple of days later, the doctor spoke to him and said, "You're really doing great, aren't you?" 
He replied, "Just doing what you said, Doc: 'Get a hot mamma and be cheerful.'" 
The doctor said, "I didn't say that. I said, 'You've got a heart murmur; be careful."

Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by raymond:

Not sure what to make of it

You started doing the right things by living right and exercising. If you followed your intense protocol you would be ripped by now. I was at sea for a couple of weeks and gained 10 lbs. I am working it off now. I ride about a 900 miles and walk/run another 100 each month. And this is slowed down pace. 


I also spin 3 times a week and work with weights on alternate days. You have to create a lifestyle of it to compensate for what is essentially a sedentary life in the US.

not ripped...yet


what is spin?

Originally Posted by raymond:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by raymond:

Not sure what to make of it

You started doing the right things by living right and exercising. If you followed your intense protocol you would be ripped by now. I was at sea for a couple of weeks and gained 10 lbs. I am working it off now. I ride about a 900 miles and walk/run another 100 each month. And this is slowed down pace. 


I also spin 3 times a week and work with weights on alternate days. You have to create a lifestyle of it to compensate for what is essentially a sedentary life in the US.

not ripped...yet


what is spin?

It is exercising on a weighted stationary bike where an instructor can take you through climbs and sprints and jumps etc with music.  It is a good aerobic way to warm up and burn off some 800 calories in 60 mins. I spin every other morning at 515 and Saturdays then hit the weights alternating between upper and lower body. You need to be persistent for at least 30 days and after that the changes to your looks will immediately encourage you to continue.

Originally Posted by raymond:

Not sure what to make of it

you will worry before it happens

but the very day after you are 50 you won't even notice a single difference


plus....once the grandkids start feel like you have a new lease on life!!


speaking from experience!!


i was more worried and down when i turned 30 than when i turned 50!!

Originally Posted by Villagebelle:
Originally Posted by raymond:

Not sure what to make of it

you will worry before it happens

but the very day after you are 50 you won't even notice a single difference


plus....once the grandkids start feel like you have a new lease on life!!


speaking from experience!!


i was more worried and down when i turned 30 than when i turned 50!!

VB, I can relate to this. This aint a joke, I never thought that I'd live past 30 with the lifestyle I lead, so these...ahem...extra 15 years are a bonus.

Originally Posted by raymond:

Not sure what to make of it

What's there to make of it? I'm with Cain on this - just thank God that you get to be 50. You'll have 50 years of love, life, experience, tears etc. Just keep marching - sorry, limping or shuffling or whatever it is that 50 year old's do - along!


Best wishes.

Originally Posted by Jungle Girl:
Originally Posted by raymond:

Not sure what to make of it

What's there to make of it? I'm with Cain on this - just thank God that you get to be 50. You'll have 50 years of love, life, experience, tears etc. Just keep marching - sorry, limping or shuffling or whatever it is that 50 year old's do - along!


Best wishes.

I luv the part "I'm with Cain" just LUUUUVVVVV it.


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