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kp posted:
Django posted:
Prashad posted:
seignet posted:
Dave posted:

Regarding this Madrass thing, I recall a group of people will visit our village and collect donations, these people were very dark skin and wears a pinkish, marve colour sari and they will carry a cane, the older folks will warn us not to go close if you are wearing any leather materials. Eventually, they  stop coming. 

Kali-mai poojah ppl. The whipping happens only at their festivities.

Burnham had a Kali Mai pandit that was working to protect his health. A man pointed him out to me in Georgetown. His name was Pandit Sammy. The man said that Pandit Sammy was very wealthy. Any of you fellas know Pandit Sammy? 

He had a store in Lombard Street ,not far from Auto Supplies. He and others protect East Indians during Burnham rule. Also there was another Pandit on the WCD .

Pundit Tiwarie from MMZ

The one i am talking about is from Ruimzeight.

Is the pandit from MMZ lived opposite Bhim shop ? if it is then he is Haro father .

Last edited by Django
Django posted:
ksazma posted:

You will one day own this joint and you will have every right to run it your way. But until then you should study how ASJ, Ray by whichever name he chooses, Sunil and Amral conducted themselves as moderators. They didn’t come off like a PNC dictators.

Check the archives ,ASJ was blasting the PPP.

My point was that they were not threatening posters and coming off heavy handed like PNC folks.

kp posted:
Django posted:
Prashad posted:
seignet posted:
Dave posted:

Regarding this Madrass thing, I recall a group of people will visit our village and collect donations, these people were very dark skin and wears a pinkish, marve colour sari and they will carry a cane, the older folks will warn us not to go close if you are wearing any leather materials. Eventually, they  stop coming. 

Kali-mai poojah ppl. The whipping happens only at their festivities.

Burnham had a Kali Mai pandit that was working to protect his health. A man pointed him out to me in Georgetown. His name was Pandit Sammy. The man said that Pandit Sammy was very wealthy. Any of you fellas know Pandit Sammy? 

He had a store in Lombard Street ,not far from Auto Supplies. He and others protect East Indians during Burnham rule. Also there was another Pandit on the WCD .

Pundit Tiwarie from MMZ

I heard Burnham had an oldtimer Pandit also. Was he Pandit Tiwarie?

ksazma posted:
Django posted:
ksazma posted:

You will one day own this joint and you will have every right to run it your way. But until then you should study how ASJ, Ray by whichever name he chooses, Sunil and Amral conducted themselves as moderators. They didn’t come off like a PNC dictators.

Check the archives ,ASJ was blasting the PPP.

My point was that they were not threatening posters and coming off heavy handed like PNC folks.

What are the threats ? please list . Special thread can be created for discussions.

This is my final post regarding the fabrication by a few members.

Last edited by Django

Kenneth Denny piss off Burnham over some matter when he was Minister of Labour. Burnham fired him and replaced him with another of his Pandits. A Pandit name Pandit Sharma. I don't know what the Jagans did to Pandit Sharma but I have never seen a more anti Jagan Pandit in my life than Pandit Sharma.

Last edited by Prashad
Prashad posted:
kp posted:
Django posted:
Prashad posted:
seignet posted:
Dave posted:

Regarding this Madrass thing, I recall a group of people will visit our village and collect donations, these people were very dark skin and wears a pinkish, marve colour sari and they will carry a cane, the older folks will warn us not to go close if you are wearing any leather materials. Eventually, they  stop coming. 

Kali-mai poojah ppl. The whipping happens only at their festivities.

Burnham had a Kali Mai pandit that was working to protect his health. A man pointed him out to me in Georgetown. His name was Pandit Sammy. The man said that Pandit Sammy was very wealthy. Any of you fellas know Pandit Sammy? 

He had a store in Lombard Street ,not far from Auto Supplies. He and others protect East Indians during Burnham rule. Also there was another Pandit on the WCD .

Pundit Tiwarie from MMZ

I heard Burnham had an oldtimer Pandit also. Was he Pandit Tiwarie?

My understanding was the Pandit from Ruimzeight .

Prashad posted:

Kenneth Denny piss off Burnham over some matter when he was Minister of Labour. Burnham fired him and replaced him with another of his Pandits. A Pandit name Pandit Sharma.

Burnham wanted to attract more East Indians.

When i get my website running ,will post some documents of interviews from  US Diplomats stationed in Guyana.

Last edited by Django

A truck with PPP election workers entering..backing up in what seems a predominantly black neighbourhood, obviously broadcasting to bring the people out to hear their message.  One idiot jumped on the truck and tugged at the speakers, maybe as Kaz said, he shoulda fallen off and maybe bounce e head and would serve his ass right.

In a black hood what do we expect to see in the streets, lots of whites?


I think one of the reasons why these Pandits went over to Burnham was because of the Jagans support for Pandit Reep. I was told that Pandit Reep was not much of a law abiding citizen when he was married to a Chinese woman before he became a pandit. These Pandits may have known him before he became a pandit.

Django posted:
Baseman posted:
Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:

Bai, you cannot threaten posters who take sides.

I bet if Gwana, Redux/Ronan was saying this stuff, you would not call it racism but constructive criticism. What is wrong with posters calling it as they see it. I personally watched this as a boy growing up and know the fear of coolies who know what negroes are capable of doing. Coolies have no protection from the police who behave as coolies have no rights in Guyana. Did you ever experience displaying this neanderthal behavior?
Racism in Guyana is on both sides. Indians are fighting for their survival as a majority of the population.

Skelly ,quit the rotten limb of threaten. The problems of Ethnic strife in Guyana, during election season ,need to be looked at with a level head ,adding fuel to the fire doesn't solve the problem.

This Forum is read widely ,what will readers think if "Racism" is allowed to be propagated ?

Also any member on the Forum ,can answer the last question.

Stop being convenient and disingenuous.  Why did you not act when a certain poster made up stories of being harassed by PNC dunce “baboons” and the place looks like Africa?  You put yuh tail between yuh legs and seh, ah dem rattling yuh cage.

That was racism.  This thread is a reaction to a PNC inspired race-based event we saw on camera.  It was not made up.

If you care to look at the thread , you will observe derogatory remarks was gone.

This again reflects how disingenuous and selective you are being.  Posts here was a reaction to an actual event.  The posts about people working at CJIA as “baboons” and invoking Africa was unsolicited, unprovoked and outright racist. And you hid under a pot rock.

cain posted:

A truck with PPP election workers entering..backing up in what seems a predominantly black neighbourhood, obviously broadcasting to bring the people out to hear their message.  One idiot jumped on the truck and tugged at the speakers, maybe as Kaz said, he shoulda fallen off and maybe bounce e head and would serve his ass right.

In a black hood what do we expect to see in the streets, lots of whites?

It's wrong to prevent Political Parties from sending their messages,by presence in all the neighborhoods across Guyana.

Knowing about the ethnic conflict during Elections , what will be the reaction to ANPNU-AFC  presence in all neighborhoods across Guyana ?

cain posted:

A truck with PPP election workers entering..backing up in what seems a predominantly black neighbourhood, obviously broadcasting to bring the people out to hear their message.  One idiot jumped on the truck and tugged at the speakers, maybe as Kaz said, he shoulda fallen off and maybe bounce e head and would serve his ass right.

In a black hood what do we expect to see in the streets, lots of whites?

Cain, Guyana is not Jamaica where gun men loyal to the JlP shoot out with PNP supporters and gun men. There must be freedom to campaign in all areas.  That area is a known Harmone and Greene area where their supporters are based. Nevertheless there must be freedom to campaign.

Baseman posted:
Django posted:
Baseman posted:
Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:

Bai, you cannot threaten posters who take sides.

I bet if Gwana, Redux/Ronan was saying this stuff, you would not call it racism but constructive criticism. What is wrong with posters calling it as they see it. I personally watched this as a boy growing up and know the fear of coolies who know what negroes are capable of doing. Coolies have no protection from the police who behave as coolies have no rights in Guyana. Did you ever experience displaying this neanderthal behavior?
Racism in Guyana is on both sides. Indians are fighting for their survival as a majority of the population.

Skelly ,quit the rotten limb of threaten. The problems of Ethnic strife in Guyana, during election season ,need to be looked at with a level head ,adding fuel to the fire doesn't solve the problem.

This Forum is read widely ,what will readers think if "Racism" is allowed to be propagated ?

Also any member on the Forum ,can answer the last question.

Stop being convenient and disingenuous.  Why did you not act when a certain poster made up stories of being harassed by PNC dunce “baboons” and the place looks like Africa?  You put yuh tail between yuh legs and seh, ah dem rattling yuh cage.

That was racism.  This thread is a reaction to a PNC inspired race-based event we saw on camera.  It was not made up.

If you care to look at the thread , you will observe derogatory remarks was gone.

This again reflects how disingenuous and selective you are being

Posts here was a reaction to an actual event.  

The posts about people working at CJIA as “baboons” and invoking Africa was unsolicited, unprovoked and outright racist. And you hid under a pot rock.

Nope .

Do the reaction have to descend to derogatory description of the people involved ?


I think those pandits were on Burnham’s side only because he controlled the little soup still left. Lots of Muslim leaders did the same thing. People are easily willing to sacrifice their souls for lil soup.

Django posted:
Baseman posted:
Django posted:
Baseman posted:
Django posted

Skelly ,quit the rotten limb of threaten. The problems of Ethnic strife in Guyana, during election season ,need to be looked at with a level head ,adding fuel to the fire doesn't solve the problem.

This Forum is read widely ,what will readers think if "Racism" is allowed to be propagated ?

Also any member on the Forum ,can answer the last question.

Stop being convenient and disingenuous.  Why did you not act when a certain poster made up stories of being harassed by PNC dunce “baboons” and the place looks like Africa?  You put yuh tail between yuh legs and seh, ah dem rattling yuh cage.

That was racism.  This thread is a reaction to a PNC inspired race-based event we saw on camera.  It was not made up.

If you care to look at the thread , you will observe derogatory remarks was gone.

This again reflects how disingenuous and selective you are being

Posts here was a reaction to an actual event.  

The posts about people working at CJIA as “baboons” and invoking Africa was unsolicited, unprovoked and outright racist. And you hid under a pot rock.

Nope .

Do the reaction have to descend to derogatory description of the people involved ?

Banna, you are fake!

Why did you not react to Blacks being referred to as “baboons?

Ok, so why don’t you condemn the “baboons” attacking the PPP campaigners?  Why you scared to speak up!

Last edited by Former Member
Prashad posted:
kp posted:
Django posted:
Prashad posted:
seignet posted:
Dave posted:

Regarding this Madrass thing, I recall a group of people will visit our village and collect donations, these people were very dark skin and wears a pinkish, marve colour sari and they will carry a cane, the older folks will warn us not to go close if you are wearing any leather materials. Eventually, they  stop coming. 

Kali-mai poojah ppl. The whipping happens only at their festivities.

Burnham had a Kali Mai pandit that was working to protect his health. A man pointed him out to me in Georgetown. His name was Pandit Sammy. The man said that Pandit Sammy was very wealthy. Any of you fellas know Pandit Sammy? 

He had a store in Lombard Street ,not far from Auto Supplies. He and others protect East Indians during Burnham rule. Also there was another Pandit on the WCD .

Pundit Tiwarie from MMZ

I heard Burnham had an oldtimer Pandit also. Was he Pandit Tiwarie?

Forbes knew alot pandits. Is the pandits he asked about Nehru's words to CBJ. He said, he copied what Nehru was seying and when he returned to BG he asked the pandits. Back in 1953, Forbes started to build his case against Jaganite's PPP. The Split was way before 1955.

Django posted:
cain posted:

A truck with PPP election workers entering..backing up in what seems a predominantly black neighbourhood, obviously broadcasting to bring the people out to hear their message.  One idiot jumped on the truck and tugged at the speakers, maybe as Kaz said, he shoulda fallen off and maybe bounce e head and would serve his ass right.

In a black hood what do we expect to see in the streets, lots of whites?

It's wrong to prevent Political Parties from sending their messages,by presence in all the neighborhoods across Guyana.

Knowing about the ethnic conflict during Elections , what will be the reaction to ANPNU-AFC  presence in all neighborhoods across Guyana ?

Liar.  You excuse maker!  The APNU fkag flying over where the PPP holding their rally.  

You always looking for an excuse for ”baboon” behavior!


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