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Baseman posted:

Fvcking bullies!!

Expect a big showdown coming!  Brace yourself!

These are the scenes which always make me unite behind Indians!  Doesn't matter the shortcoming of the PPP!

Who don't like it, go fvck yourselves!!

Indians will have disagreements, even strong arguments but they never stoop to the level like these people pissing on flags or assaulting others. And sadly their behavior is not limited to just Guyana.

Baseman posted:

Fvcking bullies!!

Expect a big showdown coming!  Brace yourself!

These are the scenes which always make me unite behind Indians!  Doesn't matter the shortcoming of the PPP!

Who don't like it, go fvck yourselves!!

Base on advise from a senior PNC official, we were advised not to proceed on a propose project in GT until after election. 

Anyhow, when you look at the video it reminds us of Africa. These fools have kids with them as they go about their lawless mentality. 

Dave posted:
ksazma posted:

At the risk of being labelled a racist (which I have no problem with) I will ask once again. What is it about black people that cause them to behave like wild animals?

Brother Django can answer this question.

Seems like brother Django is more concerned with posters being childish than innocent people in Guyana having their lives and properties threatened.

ksazma posted:

At the risk of being labelled a racist (which I have no problem with) I will ask once again. What is it about black people that cause them to behave like wild animals?

I can't label all blacks as behaving like wild animals, I've lived in a neighborhood where there are some decent black folks. However, if we're talking about Guyana, the answer is quite simple. The PNC has a propensity for violence. But u already know this.

Sheik101 posted:
ksazma posted:

At the risk of being labelled a racist (which I have no problem with) I will ask once again. What is it about black people that cause them to behave like wild animals?

I can't label all blacks as behaving like wild animals, I've lived in a neighborhood where there are some decent black folks. However, if we're talking about Guyana, the answer is quite simple. The PNC has a propensity for violence. But u already know this.

Bai, I am not saying that all blacks behave like wild animals. What I am saying is that black people have a tendency to behave like wild animals. Which other race behave like this? The answer is none other. Look what happens in Chicago. People can't even attend a memorial without being shot up by others.

ksazma posted:
Dave posted:
ksazma posted:

At the risk of being labelled a racist (which I have no problem with) I will ask once again. What is it about black people that cause them to behave like wild animals?

Brother Django can answer this question.

Seems like brother Django is more concerned with posters being childish than innocent people in Guyana having their lives and properties threatened.

And those innocent people need to make a stand, or they will always be taken advantaged of.

Sheik101 posted:
ksazma posted:
Dave posted:
ksazma posted:

At the risk of being labelled a racist (which I have no problem with) I will ask once again. What is it about black people that cause them to behave like wild animals?

Brother Django can answer this question.

Seems like brother Django is more concerned with posters being childish than innocent people in Guyana having their lives and properties threatened.

And those innocent people need to make a stand, or they will always be taken advantaged of.

Hopefully they do. Then you will hear the moaning and groaning about 400 or 500 or 1000 missing youths.

Baseman posted:

Fvcking bullies!!

Expect a big showdown coming!  Brace yourself!

These are the scenes which always make me unite behind Indians!  Doesn't matter the shortcoming of the PPP!

Who don't like it, go fvck yourselves!!

F the PNC, DJ party of hooligans and thugs. The international community will have to be condemn the PNC. PNC and their supporters are like wild animals !

Indians unite !

Last edited by Former Member
ksazma posted:
Baseman posted:

Fvcking bullies!!

Expect a big showdown coming!  Brace yourself!

These are the scenes which always make me unite behind Indians!  Doesn't matter the shortcoming of the PPP!

Who don't like it, go fvck yourselves!!

Indians will have disagreements, even strong arguments but they never stoop to the level like these people pissing on flags or assaulting others. And sadly their behavior is not limited to just Guyana.

You have to visit Alabama and Mississippi then you will see how quiet and law abiding these people become. They only know to behave bad when they are around people who don't want to disrespect them.

Last edited by Prashad

PPP says activists attacked; writes Police Commissioner


The People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) has called for an urgent investigation into the attack of its activists in Sophia on Thursday afternoon.

The complaint comes as a video began circulating on Facebook of a separate attack in the city in which a PPP vehicle was prevented from going through Laing Avenue, West Ruimveldt, Georgetown.

In a letter to the Commissioner of Police on the Sophia incident, PPP Executive Member Anil Nandlall claimed that at about 16:00hrs on Thursday, the party activists were attacked in while making a public announcement about the party’s Campaign launch set for Sunday at the Kitty Market Square.

He named one activist of the PNC, the largest party in the incumbent administration, as leading the attack on the lorry transporting the PPP personnel.

According to the letter dated January 03, 2020, and posted on Nandlall’s Facebook page, the PNC/APNU activists “blocked the streets and started to hurl missiles at the lorry and its occupants and threatening them with violence were they to continue these announcements within the locality of Sophia.”

A report of the incident was made to the Prashad Nagar Police Outpost.

It is contrary to the criminal law for anyone to issue threats, hurl missiles or block public access on public roadways, the PPP executive noted.

The former Attorney General argued that each political party has a constitutional right to disseminate its message and to campaign for the upcoming elections. He said any attempt to interfere with a party and its supporters right to do so would be “unconstitutional, undemocratic and illegal.”

The party also reported to the Commissioner that known supporters of the Coalition have been removing PPP/C’s party flags and branded paraphernalia from utility poles in Region’s 2, 3, and 5.

He said there are specific provisions in the electoral statutes of our country which protect political parties’ right and freedom to campaign and disseminate messaging and they create criminal offences, if violated.

Nandlall called for urgent investigation to be completed and for criminal charges to be swiftly instituted where appropriate.

The letter was also copied to Commander of ‘A’ Division, Crime Chief, Minister of Public Securiy Khemraj Ramjattan who is also the Leader of the AFC, the Ethnic Relations Commission, Police Complaints Authority and the CEO and Chairman of GECOM.




PPP condemns attack on contingent in South G’town

Reminds supporters of importance of conducting decent campaign
A People’s Progressive Party contingent being attacked by people purported to be APNU/AFC supporters in South Georgetown is receiving wide spread condemnation.
The incident sparked outrage after a video uploaded to social media showed several persons clad in APNU/AFC attire hurling insults and objects at the vehicle of PPP supporters as they passed through Laing Avenue, Georgetown.
The riotous behaviour drew a quick response from the PPP camp with the General Secretary of the Party, Bharrat Jagdeo appealing to its supporters to remain composed and to help conduct a decent campaign as the nation moves closer to the holding of a regional and general elections.
“As, we prepare for our campaign launchâ€Ķ I received a report of APNU-inspired and organised thuggery. We had a vehicle going somewhere in Georgetown and Laing Avenue and they organised a few people to block the road and stop the vehicles from passing.
“I always knew that APNU will become more desperate. As they see power slipping away from their grasp, they are going to resort to age old tactic of thuggery.”
Jagdeo said that the past few days witnessed acts of vandalism and thuggery organised the APNU’s leadership.
The PPP General Secretary nonetheless urged his supporters to remain steadfast as they move closer to the elections.
Jagdeo also called on the Ethnic Relations Commission (ERC), the Guyana Elections Commission, (GECOM), and the international community to condemn these acts perpetrated by the APNU/AFC supporters.
Jagdeo’s appeal comes hours after PPP executive Anil Nandlall wrote to the Commissioner of Police requesting an “urgent” investigation into the alleged attack on activists of the PPP/C while they were driving through Sophia announcing their party’s campaign launch.

Baseman posted:

Fvcking bullies!!

Expect a big showdown coming!  Brace yourself!

These are the scenes which always make me unite behind Indians!  Doesn't matter the shortcoming of the PPP!

Who don't like it, go fvck yourselves!!

Quit the hypocrisy.  Your PNC family beating their chest and clapping their hands to see the persecution of coolie in Guyana. Somehow it makes them feel better about themselves.



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Bibi Haniffa
Last edited by Bibi Haniffa
Dave posted:
Django posted:

Ayuh roll until tomorrow ,keep on bringing DJ in the conversation , will decide with others ,about the RACISM spewing in this thread.

WTF . You threatened members now. 

These PNC sympathizers will never condemn PNC bullyism.  They will find an excuse.  Is the PPP 23 years.  During the Lusignan massacre, it was the PPP fault!

Look how pathetic they are.  Cain come with his shit about property and Django come with his shit about racism.  Yet not a single one commented on the PNC animal behavior!

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Baseman posted:

Fvcking bullies!!

Expect a big showdown coming!  Brace yourself!

These are the scenes which always make me unite behind Indians!  Doesn't matter the shortcoming of the PPP!

Who don't like it, go fvck yourselves!!

Quit the hypocrisy.  Your PNC family beating their chest and clapping their hands to see the persecution of coolie in Guyana. Somehow it makes them feel better about themselves.


Woman, STFU!  Wah happened, you upset pnc fire you family!  Dem wuk fuh PNC until recently!

Head of ANUG once blamed BJ for PNC terrorism!  And them was PPP founders!

Baseman posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Baseman posted:

Fvcking bullies!!

Expect a big showdown coming!  Brace yourself!

These are the scenes which always make me unite behind Indians!  Doesn't matter the shortcoming of the PPP!

Who don't like it, go fvck yourselves!!

Quit the hypocrisy.  Your PNC family beating their chest and clapping their hands to see the persecution of coolie in Guyana. Somehow it makes them feel better about themselves.


Woman, STFU!  Wah happened, you upset pnc fire you family!  Dem wuk fuh PNC until recently!

Head of ANUG once blamed BJ for PNC terrorism!  And them was PPP founders!

All of my family are professional people with careers.  We don’t have to sleep with PNC people to get a plate of food. 

Bibi Haniffa
Django posted:

Ayuh roll until tomorrow ,keep on bringing DJ in the conversation , will decide with others ,about the RACISM spewing in this thread.

Bai, this is exactly why yuh name gets mentioned. Yuh hanging on other losers' racism crutch but nowhere in your comment did you comment or condemn the actions of your PNC supporters. Then you claim that you are balance. If you are balance, then Hitler is more virtuous than Jesus.


We have to do to antikoolie like what the Americans did to Libya at the turn of the century. If the Sultan of Libya cannot control his pirates from attacking American ships then America will attack the Sultan.I say go after antikoolie and theIr families on a global scale and drop the hammer. No country outside Guyana should be safe for antikoolie and theIr relatives.

Last edited by Prashad
ksazma posted:
Django posted:

Ayuh roll until tomorrow ,keep on bringing DJ in the conversation , will decide with others ,about the RACISM spewing in this thread.

Bai, this is exactly why yuh name gets mentioned. Yuh hanging on other losers' racism crutch but nowhere in your comment did you comment or condemn the actions of your PNC supporters. Then you claim that you are balance. If you are balance, then Hitler is more virtuous than Jesus.

A wonder if he took the  â€œRacialism discussion “  to Amral, who suggested he bite his tongue.. that’s not how Moderatar function and he actually bite his tongue causing him loose some blood ðŸĐļ .. heh heh

ksazma posted:
Sheik101 posted:
ksazma posted:

At the risk of being labelled a racist (which I have no problem with) I will ask once again. What is it about black people that cause them to behave like wild animals?

I can't label all blacks as behaving like wild animals, I've lived in a neighborhood where there are some decent black folks. However, if we're talking about Guyana, the answer is quite simple. The PNC has a propensity for violence. But u already know this.

Bai, I am not saying that all blacks behave like wild animals. What I am saying is that black people have a tendency to behave like wild animals. Which other race behave like this? The answer is none other. Look what happens in Chicago. People can't even attend a memorial without being shot up by others.

Africa is so rich with natural resources but yet most of them  live in squalor . 

Last edited by Former Member

In the Guyanese experience, the only form of racism came from blacks toward mostly Indians. But blacks didn’t limit their racism to Indians only. They also perpetuated it on the other ethnic groups in Guyana. And they did this by mostly violent threats. That is indisputable and it is an insult to victims of black racism in Guyana when anyone seeks to minimize it or lend relief to it by labeling others as racist. The sympathizers should tell that to the man from that area just before one goes on the Linden Soesdyke highway who could only watch kick down door bandits rape his wife and three teenage daughters. Tell that to all the innocent people who perished during the PNC sponsored Buxton freedom fighters rampage some 15 years ago. Tell that to the ones who will suffer this year because Granger and his PNC goons don’t know how to earn anything the right way. When you are finishing explaining your excuses to those people then you can preach about racism if you still think Indians have to carry blacks crosses.

ksazma posted:

PNC will never change. They behave like uncivilized animals whether they are in government or out of it. They are indeed a scourge on Guyana.

The worse is yet to come. What u saw in the video is nothing. Indians will be targeted. They have to stand up. Campaign peacefully but don't allow themselves to be victims. I'm trying to think of PPP supporters heckling a PNC campaign truck or its supporters but nothing comes to mind.

Sheik101 posted:
ksazma posted:

PNC will never change. They behave like uncivilized animals whether they are in government or out of it. They are indeed a scourge on Guyana.

The worse is yet to come. What u saw in the video is nothing. Indians will be targeted. They have to stand up. Campaign peacefully but don't allow themselves to be victims. I'm trying to think of PPP supporters heckling a PNC campaign truck or its supporters but nothing comes to mind.

Bai, the difference is that Indians does advocate their concerns in the boardrooms and courtrooms. They don’t resort to this kind of street violence, thuggery and hooliganism.

ksazma posted:
Sheik101 posted:
ksazma posted:

PNC will never change. They behave like uncivilized animals whether they are in government or out of it. They are indeed a scourge on Guyana.

The worse is yet to come. What u saw in the video is nothing. Indians will be targeted. They have to stand up. Campaign peacefully but don't allow themselves to be victims. I'm trying to think of PPP supporters heckling a PNC campaign truck or its supporters but nothing comes to mind.

Bai, the difference is that Indians does advocate their concerns in the boardrooms and courtrooms. They don’t resort to this kind of street violence, thuggery and hooliganism.

I totally agree. But what has been the outcome thus far. Nothing. Coolie people needs to grow some balls bai. They need to rise up. Stand up. I am not one to advocate violence, but there cones a time when people have to say enough is enough.

Sheik101 posted:
ksazma posted:
Sheik101 posted:
ksazma posted:

PNC will never change. They behave like uncivilized animals whether they are in government or out of it. They are indeed a scourge on Guyana.

The worse is yet to come. What u saw in the video is nothing. Indians will be targeted. They have to stand up. Campaign peacefully but don't allow themselves to be victims. I'm trying to think of PPP supporters heckling a PNC campaign truck or its supporters but nothing comes to mind.

Bai, the difference is that Indians does advocate their concerns in the boardrooms and courtrooms. They don’t resort to this kind of street violence, thuggery and hooliganism.

I totally agree. But what has been the outcome thus far. Nothing. Coolie people needs to grow some balls bai. They need to rise up. Stand up. I am not one to advocate violence, but there cones a time when people have to say enough is enough.

Brother Sheik, Guyana can erupt in racial violence as a result of acts of harassment and intimidation. The PPP members did the correct thing in light of the situation.

This type of PNC behaviour is coming from the top. 
I am deeply saddened that despite these many years, PNC never changed and insist on not respecting the Democrat will of the Guyanese people. 

These acts demonstrate weakness and fear in the PNC camp. They are uncertain about victory hence they have started third acts of violence and intimidation. 
My biggest fear is post election violence in the case of a PNC loss. 
Well, Granger raped the constitution and disrespected the CCJ, their supporters now feel that lawlessness is the way forward. 

Those pro PNC folks at GNI hang on a race crutch and shamelessly defend the actions of these AFC PNC thugs.

DJ’s claim of racism towards posters who spoke out And then threatening to discuss it others here at GNI demonstrates his lack of fairness and balance. What was Amral thinking when he announced this fella an Admin ? 

The founder of this website must be turning in his grave. He wanted to give all Guyanese a voice and not oppress them like the PNC. 

Last edited by Former Member
Django posted:

Ayuh roll until tomorrow ,keep on bringing DJ in the conversation , will decide with others ,about the RACISM spewing in this thread.

Bai, you cannot threaten posters who take sides. I bet if Gwana, Redux/Ronan was saying this stuff, you would not call it racism but constructive criticism. What is wrong with posters calling it as they see it. I personally watched this as a boy growing up and know the fear of coolies who know what negroes are capable of doing. Coolies have no protection from the police who behave as coolies have no rights in Guyana. Did you ever experience displaying this neanderthal behavior?
Racism in Guyana is on both sides. Indians are fighting for their survival as a majority of the population.

Prashad posted:

We have to do to antikoolie like what the Americans did to Libya at the turn of the century. If the Sultan of Libya cannot control his pirates from attacking American ships then America will attack the Sultan.I say go after antikoolie and theIr families on a global scale and drop the hammer. No country outside Guyana should be safe for antikoolie and theIr relatives.

Jagdeo has experience how to deal with crime, he must have expected this to happen. I hope he is prepared otherwise he is useless. But, I think he is prepared.

ksazma posted:

In the Guyanese experience, the only form of racism came from blacks toward mostly Indians. But blacks didn’t limit their racism to Indians only. They also perpetuated it on the other ethnic groups in Guyana. And they did this by mostly violent threats. That is indisputable and it is an insult to victims of black racism in Guyana when anyone seeks to minimize it or lend relief to it by labeling others as racist. The sympathizers should tell that to the man from that area just before one goes on the Linden Soesdyke highway who could only watch kick down door bandits rape his wife and three teenage daughters. Tell that to all the innocent people who perished during the PNC sponsored Buxton freedom fighters rampage some 15 years ago. Tell that to the ones who will suffer this year because Granger and his PNC goons don’t know how to earn anything the right way. When you are finishing explaining your excuses to those people then you can preach about racism if you still think Indians have to carry blacks crosses.

On the truck it appears to be Black ppl working for the PPP/C. The driver might have been an Indian. You see the Black fella who tied up his face with his T-shirt and headed over to the driver's cab? He definitely was intent on during some bodily harm.

seignet posted:
ksazma posted:

In the Guyanese experience, the only form of racism came from blacks toward mostly Indians. But blacks didn’t limit their racism to Indians only. They also perpetuated it on the other ethnic groups in Guyana. And they did this by mostly violent threats. That is indisputable and it is an insult to victims of black racism in Guyana when anyone seeks to minimize it or lend relief to it by labeling others as racist. The sympathizers should tell that to the man from that area just before one goes on the Linden Soesdyke highway who could only watch kick down door bandits rape his wife and three teenage daughters. Tell that to all the innocent people who perished during the PNC sponsored Buxton freedom fighters rampage some 15 years ago. Tell that to the ones who will suffer this year because Granger and his PNC goons don’t know how to earn anything the right way. When you are finishing explaining your excuses to those people then you can preach about racism if you still think Indians have to carry blacks crosses.

On the truck it appears to be Black ppl working for the PPP/C. The driver might have been an Indian. You see the Black fella who tied up his face with his T-shirt and headed over to the driver's cab? He definitely was intent on during some bodily harm.

This might not surprise you. There are some coolies who from far look like black people. I am telling you what I know.

skeldon_man posted:
seignet posted:
ksazma posted:

In the Guyanese experience, the only form of racism came from blacks toward mostly Indians. But blacks didn’t limit their racism to Indians only. They also perpetuated it on the other ethnic groups in Guyana. And they did this by mostly violent threats. That is indisputable and it is an insult to victims of black racism in Guyana when anyone seeks to minimize it or lend relief to it by labeling others as racist. The sympathizers should tell that to the man from that area just before one goes on the Linden Soesdyke highway who could only watch kick down door bandits rape his wife and three teenage daughters. Tell that to all the innocent people who perished during the PNC sponsored Buxton freedom fighters rampage some 15 years ago. Tell that to the ones who will suffer this year because Granger and his PNC goons don’t know how to earn anything the right way. When you are finishing explaining your excuses to those people then you can preach about racism if you still think Indians have to carry blacks crosses.

On the truck it appears to be Black ppl working for the PPP/C. The driver might have been an Indian. You see the Black fella who tied up his face with his T-shirt and headed over to the driver's cab? He definitely was intent on during some bodily harm.

This might not surprise you. There are some coolies who from far look like black people. I am telling you what I know.

Far? Man wha wrang wod yuh. . dem is madrass people bai.

Sheik101 posted:
skeldon_man posted:
seignet posted:
ksazma posted:

In the Guyanese experience, the only form of racism came from blacks toward mostly Indians. But blacks didn’t limit their racism to Indians only. They also perpetuated it on the other ethnic groups in Guyana. And they did this by mostly violent threats. That is indisputable and it is an insult to victims of black racism in Guyana when anyone seeks to minimize it or lend relief to it by labeling others as racist. The sympathizers should tell that to the man from that area just before one goes on the Linden Soesdyke highway who could only watch kick down door bandits rape his wife and three teenage daughters. Tell that to all the innocent people who perished during the PNC sponsored Buxton freedom fighters rampage some 15 years ago. Tell that to the ones who will suffer this year because Granger and his PNC goons don’t know how to earn anything the right way. When you are finishing explaining your excuses to those people then you can preach about racism if you still think Indians have to carry blacks crosses.

On the truck it appears to be Black ppl working for the PPP/C. The driver might have been an Indian. You see the Black fella who tied up his face with his T-shirt and headed over to the driver's cab? He definitely was intent on during some bodily harm.

This might not surprise you. There are some coolies who from far look like black people. I am telling you what I know.

Far? Man wha wrang wod yuh. . dem is madrass people bai.

So you think there might have been some Madrassi on the truck heh? I have a couple of Madrassi uncles. When they put coconut oil on their skin you could see your face on them. Some Madrassis have very curly hair too.

Dave posted:
ksazma posted:
Django posted:

Ayuh roll until tomorrow ,keep on bringing DJ in the conversation , will decide with others ,about the RACISM spewing in this thread.

Bai, this is exactly why yuh name gets mentioned. Yuh hanging on other losers' racism crutch but nowhere in your comment did you comment or condemn the actions of your PNC supporters. Then you claim that you are balance. If you are balance, then Hitler is more virtuous than Jesus.

A wonder if he took the  â€œRacialism discussion “  to Amral, who suggested he bite his tongue.. that’s not how Moderatar function and he actually bite his tongue causing him loose some blood ðŸĐļ .. heh heh

Sometimes it's good to stay quiet ,the play field have rules.

Please look up the functions of a Moderator on "Discussion Forums" pay attention to the last word.

skeldon_man posted:
seignet posted:
ksazma posted:

In the Guyanese experience, the only form of racism came from blacks toward mostly Indians. But blacks didn’t limit their racism to Indians only. They also perpetuated it on the other ethnic groups in Guyana. And they did this by mostly violent threats. That is indisputable and it is an insult to victims of black racism in Guyana when anyone seeks to minimize it or lend relief to it by labeling others as racist. The sympathizers should tell that to the man from that area just before one goes on the Linden Soesdyke highway who could only watch kick down door bandits rape his wife and three teenage daughters. Tell that to all the innocent people who perished during the PNC sponsored Buxton freedom fighters rampage some 15 years ago. Tell that to the ones who will suffer this year because Granger and his PNC goons don’t know how to earn anything the right way. When you are finishing explaining your excuses to those people then you can preach about racism if you still think Indians have to carry blacks crosses.

On the truck it appears to be Black ppl working for the PPP/C. The driver might have been an Indian. You see the Black fella who tied up his face with his T-shirt and headed over to the driver's cab? He definitely was intent on during some bodily harm.

This might not surprise you. There are some coolies who from far look like black people. I am telling you what I know.

The PPP mostly have black ppl playing music for their campaigns. Those boom boxes definitely is a black ppl thing. The conclusion could be, it was anti-PPP attack and not against indians in this particular case. However, we know, eventually Indians in general will pay for the PPP. Blacks view Indians as PPP, it was that way since 1955. 


So Django threatens members after claiming to have some shitty discussion today. This is why some members had concern about their privacy. 
Bhai Django, I man fears NO ONE, have stand up to them and did what I had to do. You knows me, I gonna tell you this, if any of my family members are harm in anyway or property is target, I knows how to find YOU ... my people provide me with  enough info.   

seignet posted:
skeldon_man posted:
seignet posted:
ksazma posted:

In the Guyanese experience, the only form of racism came from blacks toward mostly Indians. But blacks didn’t limit their racism to Indians only. They also perpetuated it on the other ethnic groups in Guyana. And they did this by mostly violent threats. That is indisputable and it is an insult to victims of black racism in Guyana when anyone seeks to minimize it or lend relief to it by labeling others as racist. The sympathizers should tell that to the man from that area just before one goes on the Linden Soesdyke highway who could only watch kick down door bandits rape his wife and three teenage daughters. Tell that to all the innocent people who perished during the PNC sponsored Buxton freedom fighters rampage some 15 years ago. Tell that to the ones who will suffer this year because Granger and his PNC goons don’t know how to earn anything the right way. When you are finishing explaining your excuses to those people then you can preach about racism if you still think Indians have to carry blacks crosses.

On the truck it appears to be Black ppl working for the PPP/C. The driver might have been an Indian. You see the Black fella who tied up his face with his T-shirt and headed over to the driver's cab? He definitely was intent on during some bodily harm.

This might not surprise you. There are some coolies who from far look like black people. I am telling you what I know.

The PPP mostly have black ppl playing music for their campaigns. Those boom boxes definitely is a black ppl thing. The conclusion could be, it was anti-PPP attack and not against indians in this particular case. However, we know, eventually Indians in general will pay for the PPP. Blacks view Indians as PPP, it was that way since 1955. 

Probably but not likely. The fact that is was a PPP(coolie) event, the neanderthals came out in droves to cause mayhem.

seignet posted:
skeldon_man posted:
seignet posted:
ksazma posted:

In the Guyanese experience, the only form of racism came from blacks toward mostly Indians. But blacks didn’t limit their racism to Indians only. They also perpetuated it on the other ethnic groups in Guyana. And they did this by mostly violent threats. That is indisputable and it is an insult to victims of black racism in Guyana when anyone seeks to minimize it or lend relief to it by labeling others as racist. The sympathizers should tell that to the man from that area just before one goes on the Linden Soesdyke highway who could only watch kick down door bandits rape his wife and three teenage daughters. Tell that to all the innocent people who perished during the PNC sponsored Buxton freedom fighters rampage some 15 years ago. Tell that to the ones who will suffer this year because Granger and his PNC goons don’t know how to earn anything the right way. When you are finishing explaining your excuses to those people then you can preach about racism if you still think Indians have to carry blacks crosses.

On the truck it appears to be Black ppl working for the PPP/C. The driver might have been an Indian. You see the Black fella who tied up his face with his T-shirt and headed over to the driver's cab? He definitely was intent on during some bodily harm.

This might not surprise you. There are some coolies who from far look like black people. I am telling you what I know.

The PPP mostly have black ppl playing music for their campaigns. Those boom boxes definitely is a black ppl thing. The conclusion could be, it was anti-PPP attack and not against indians in this particular case. However, we know, eventually Indians in general will pay for the PPP. Blacks view Indians as PPP, it was that way since 1955. 

That Boombox thing is not black peoples thing anymore, Ayo don’t underrate what some Indians are doing. Some try to our do blacks. Same with the robbery. 

skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:

Ayuh roll until tomorrow ,keep on bringing DJ in the conversation , will decide with others ,about the RACISM spewing in this thread.

Bai, you cannot threaten posters who take sides.

I bet if Gwana, Redux/Ronan was saying this stuff, you would not call it racism but constructive criticism. What is wrong with posters calling it as they see it. I personally watched this as a boy growing up and know the fear of coolies who know what negroes are capable of doing. Coolies have no protection from the police who behave as coolies have no rights in Guyana. Did you ever experience displaying this neanderthal behavior?
Racism in Guyana is on both sides. Indians are fighting for their survival as a majority of the population.

Skelly ,quit the rotten limb of threaten. The problems of Ethnic strife in Guyana, during election season ,need to be looked at with a level head ,adding fuel to the fire doesn't solve the problem.

This Forum is read widely ,what will readers think if "Racism" is allowed to be propagated ?

Also any member on the Forum ,can answer the last question.

Dave posted:

So Django threatens members after claiming to have some shitty discussion today. This is why some members had concern about their privacy. 
Bhai Django, I man fears NO ONE, have stand up to them and did what I had to do. You knows me, I gonna tell you this, if any of my family members are harm in anyway or property is target, I knows how to find YOU ... my people provide me with  enough info.   

Take it easy there brother Dave. I don't think Django ever meant to harm anyone. We as mature Guyanese don't think that way. We are far better people to let things go. I bet if you met Django face to face, you will shake his hand and give him a hug. I will do that to our GNI prince(ss) too. No hard feelings.

Last edited by Former Member
Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:

Ayuh roll until tomorrow ,keep on bringing DJ in the conversation , will decide with others ,about the RACISM spewing in this thread.

Bai, you cannot threaten posters who take sides.

I bet if Gwana, Redux/Ronan was saying this stuff, you would not call it racism but constructive criticism. What is wrong with posters calling it as they see it. I personally watched this as a boy growing up and know the fear of coolies who know what negroes are capable of doing. Coolies have no protection from the police who behave as coolies have no rights in Guyana. Did you ever experience displaying this neanderthal behavior?
Racism in Guyana is on both sides. Indians are fighting for their survival as a majority of the population.

Skelly ,quit the rotten limb of threaten. The problems of Ethnic strife in Guyana, during election season ,need to be looked at with a level head ,adding fuel to the fire doesn't solve the problem.

This Forum is read widely ,what will readers think if "Racism" is allowed to be propagated ?

Also any member on the Forum ,can answer the last question.

Arite bai. I have other things to do.

Last edited by Former Member
skeldon_man posted:
Sheik101 posted:
skeldon_man posted:
seignet posted:
ksazma posted:

In the Guyanese experience, the only form of racism came from blacks toward mostly Indians. But blacks didn’t limit their racism to Indians only. They also perpetuated it on the other ethnic groups in Guyana. And they did this by mostly violent threats. That is indisputable and it is an insult to victims of black racism in Guyana when anyone seeks to minimize it or lend relief to it by labeling others as racist. The sympathizers should tell that to the man from that area just before one goes on the Linden Soesdyke highway who could only watch kick down door bandits rape his wife and three teenage daughters. Tell that to all the innocent people who perished during the PNC sponsored Buxton freedom fighters rampage some 15 years ago. Tell that to the ones who will suffer this year because Granger and his PNC goons don’t know how to earn anything the right way. When you are finishing explaining your excuses to those people then you can preach about racism if you still think Indians have to carry blacks crosses.

On the truck it appears to be Black ppl working for the PPP/C. The driver might have been an Indian. You see the Black fella who tied up his face with his T-shirt and headed over to the driver's cab? He definitely was intent on during some bodily harm.

This might not surprise you. There are some coolies who from far look like black people. I am telling you what I know.. 

Far? Man wha wrang wod yuh. . dem is madrass people bai.

So you think there might have been some Madrassi on the truck heh? I have a couple of Madrassi uncles. When they put coconut oil on their skin you could see your face on them. Some Madrassis have very curly hair too.

Highly intelligent ppl. Nagamootoo puzzles me, I think CBJ fvcked his thinking. He never recovered, still remained a jackass. I wonder if there is any redemption in him.

I always suspected CBJ to be anti-madrassi. In the Activist I stated that as experienced from family in the early days of the PPP. 

Dave posted:

So Django threatens members after claiming to have some shitty discussion today.This is why some members had concern about their privacy. 

Bhai Django, I man fears NO ONE, have stand up to them and did what I had to do.You knows me, I gonna tell you this, if any of my family members are harm in anyway or property is target,

I knows how to find YOU ... my people provide me with  enough info.  

Quit the threaten nonsense and privacy issues, read this

On your last paragraph ,that's a treat to Django ,which will not be taken lightly. You seem to think you have a lot of power ,and can say what you feel ,insulting ,fabricating..etc.. looks like a lot of arrogance.You will have a lot to prove.

I live in USA ,regarding Guyana , my interest is to UNITE the people in the country not dividing.

Last edited by Django
skeldon_man posted:
Sheik101 posted:
skeldon_man posted:
seignet posted:
ksazma posted:

In the Guyanese experience, the only form of racism came from blacks toward mostly Indians. But blacks didn’t limit their racism to Indians only. They also perpetuated it on the other ethnic groups in Guyana. And they did this by mostly violent threats. That is indisputable and it is an insult to victims of black racism in Guyana when anyone seeks to minimize it or lend relief to it by labeling others as racist. The sympathizers should tell that to the man from that area just before one goes on the Linden Soesdyke highway who could only watch kick down door bandits rape his wife and three teenage daughters. Tell that to all the innocent people who perished during the PNC sponsored Buxton freedom fighters rampage some 15 years ago. Tell that to the ones who will suffer this year because Granger and his PNC goons don’t know how to earn anything the right way. When you are finishing explaining your excuses to those people then you can preach about racism if you still think Indians have to carry blacks crosses.

On the truck it appears to be Black ppl working for the PPP/C. The driver might have been an Indian. You see the Black fella who tied up his face with his T-shirt and headed over to the driver's cab? He definitely was intent on during some bodily harm.

This might not surprise you. There are some coolies who from far look like black people. I am telling you what I know.

Far? Man wha wrang wod yuh. . dem is madrass people bai.

So you think there might have been some Madrassi on the truck heh? I have a couple of Madrassi uncles. When they put coconut oil on their skin you could see your face on them. Some Madrassis have very curly hair too.

My mother is madrass. Lol

Django posted:
Dave posted:

So Django threatens members after claiming to have some shitty discussion today. This is why some members had concern about their privacy. 

Bhai Django, I man fears NO ONE, have stand up to them and did what I had to do.You knows me, I gonna tell you this, if any of my family members are harm in anyway or property is target, I knows how to find YOU ... my people provide me with  enough info.   

Quit the threaten nonsense and privacy issues,

read this

On your last paragraph ,that's a treat to Django ,which will not be taken lightly.

Jackass it’s not a threat, it’s a response to your threat. 

Dave posted:
Django posted:
Dave posted:

So Django threatens members after claiming to have some shitty discussion today. This is why some members had concern about their privacy. 

Bhai Django, I man fears NO ONE, have stand up to them and did what I had to do.You knows me, I gonna tell you this, if any of my family members are harm in anyway or property is target, I knows how to find YOU ... my people provide me with  enough info.   

Quit the threaten nonsense and privacy issues,

read this

On your last paragraph ,that's a treat to Django ,which will not be taken lightly.

Jackass it’s not a threat, it’s a response to your threat. 

What threat did i make ? please provide the severity. Who you calling  Jackass ?

Dave posted:
Django posted:

Ayuh roll until tomorrow ,keep on bringing DJ in the conversation , will decide with others ,about the RACISM spewing in this thread

No one knows the intent of such comments, it may be you and it can be by the “ others” in discussion. You should have think twice before posting. 

You seem to have limited comprehension .

Django posted:
Dave posted:
Django posted:
Dave posted:

So Django threatens members after claiming to have some shitty discussion today. This is why some members had concern about their privacy. 

Bhai Django, I man fears NO ONE, have stand up to them and did what I had to do.You knows me, I gonna tell you this, if any of my family members are harm in anyway or property is target, I knows how to find YOU ... my people provide me with  enough info.   

Quit the threaten nonsense and privacy issues,

read this

On your last paragraph ,that's a treat to Django ,which will not be taken lightly.

Jackass it’s not a threat, it’s a response to your threat. 

What threat did i make ? please provide the severity. Who you calling  Jackass ?

LOL  why are you concerned about that? 

Regarding your question about what threat you made, see my post above. 

Django posted:
Dave posted:
Django posted:

Ayuh roll until tomorrow ,keep on bringing DJ in the conversation , will decide with others ,about the RACISM spewing in this thread

No one knows the intent of such comments, it may be you and it can be by the “ others” in discussion. You should have think twice before posting. 

You seem to have limited comprehension .

You are the last person to question anyone about comprehension. LMFAO . 
Now don’t derail this thread in asking stupid questions. 

Do you have any comments about the attack on PPP campaigners? 

skeldon_man posted:
seignet posted:

Half Madrassie myself. Paternal side, immigrated 1915 from Cooch Bihar, British Indian. Maternal side was in British Guiana a long time back. 

My uncle's father remigrated back to Madras in 1956 and left my uncle with my mother. He was living with my mother since he was 2 years old.

I remember that ship coming to British Guiana, the last ship.

Sewji, an old Indian man from the village left behind his two sons and businesses to return. He died on the journey, the villagers was told. Also Pookski went back too.

Children of Indian nationals in BG were frantic that period. Some old ppl suddenly just disappeared. The words got out about the ship setting sail with Indians who wanted to return back to India. The children rushed to the ship before sailing off to find parents and families setting to sail. Some old men were convinced to remain with their families in BG. Some never disembarked, they sailed on.

Dave posted:
Django posted:
Dave posted:
Django posted:
Dave posted:

So Django threatens members after claiming to have some shitty discussion today. This is why some members had concern about their privacy. 

Bhai Django, I man fears NO ONE, have stand up to them and did what I had to do.You knows me, I gonna tell you this, if any of my family members are harm in anyway or property is target, I knows how to find YOU ... my people provide me with  enough info.   

Quit the threaten nonsense and privacy issues,

read this

On your last paragraph ,that's a treat to Django ,which will not be taken lightly.

Jackass it’s not a threat, it’s a response to your threat. 

What threat did i make ? please provide the severity. Who you calling  Jackass ?

LOL  why are you concerned about that? 

Regarding your question about what threat you made, see my post above. 

There is none !!! 

Read again ,as mentioned there seems to be limitation in comprehension.

Django posted:

Ayuh roll until tomorrow ,keep on bringing DJ in the conversation , will decide with others ,about the RACISM spewing in this thread.

Last edited by Django
Django posted:
Dave posted:
Django posted:
Dave posted:
Django posted:
Dave posted:

So Django threatens members after claiming to have some shitty discussion today. This is why some members had concern about their privacy. 

Bhai Django, I man fears NO ONE, have stand up to them and did what I had to do.You knows me, I gonna tell you this, if any of my family members are harm in anyway or property is target, I knows how to find YOU ... my people provide me with  enough info.   

Quit the threaten nonsense and privacy issues,

read this

On your last paragraph ,that's a treat to Django ,which will not be taken lightly.

Jackass it’s not a threat, it’s a response to your threat. 

What threat did i make ? please provide the severity. Who you calling  Jackass ?

LOL  why are you concerned about that? 

Regarding your question about what threat you made, see my post above. 

There is none !!! 

Read again ,as mentioned there seems to be limitation in comprehension.

Django posted:

Ayuh roll until tomorrow ,keep on bringing DJ in the conversation , will decide with others ,about the RACISM spewing in this thread.

Banna, get some help about it. I stand to be corrected and will apologize to you if I am wrong . Let members comment about it. 

will decide with others ,about the RACISM spewing in this thread.

Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:

Ayuh roll until tomorrow ,keep on bringing DJ in the conversation , will decide with others ,about the RACISM spewing in this thre

Bai, you cannot threaten posters who take sides.

I bet if Gwana, Redux/Ronan was saying this stuff, you would not call it racism but constructive criticism. What is wrong with posters calling it as they see it. I personally watched this as a boy growing up and know the fear of coolies who know what negroes are capable of doing. Coolies have no protection from the police who behave as coolies have no rights in Guyana. Did you ever experience displaying this neanderthal behavior?
Racism in Guyana is on both sides. Indians are fighting for their survival as a majority of the population.

Skelly ,quit the rotten limb of threaten. The problems of Ethnic strife in Guyana, during election season ,need to be looked at with a level head ,adding fuel to the fire doesn't solve the problem.

This Forum is read widely ,what will readers think if "Racism" is allowed to be propagated ?

Also any member on the Forum ,can answer the last question.

Stop being convenient and disingenuous.  Why did you not act when a certain poster made up stories of being harassed by PNC dunce “baboons” and the place looks like Africa?  You put yuh tail between yuh legs and seh, ah dem rattling yuh cage.

That was racism.  This thread is a reaction to a PNC inspired race-based event we saw on camera.  It was not made up.

Django posted:

Skelly ,quit the rotten limb of threaten. The problems of Ethnic strife in Guyana, during election season ,need to be looked at with a level head ,adding fuel to the fire doesn't solve the problem.

This Forum is read widely ,what will readers think if "Racism" is allowed to be propagated ?

Also any member on the Forum ,can answer the last question.

Bai, you spent a lot of time yesterday berating some supposedly PPP supporters for photoshopping and now you preaching about level head? Weren’t you the first GNI poster to start addressing PPP supporters as sheeple? Lately you have been posting attacks on the PPP but after all these hours you are yet to condemn the behavior of those people on that video.

Regarding what readers who choose not to register or post think is irrelevant. Their rights don’t supersede ours who took the time to register.

Lastly, racism is not what is written here. It is what took place in that video which you are still condoning.

You will one day own this joint and you will have every right to run it your way. But until then you should study how ASJ, Ray by whichever name he chooses, Sunil and Amral conducted themselves as moderators. They didn’t come off like a PNC dictators.


Regarding this Madrass thing, I recall a group of people will visit our village and collect donations, these people were very dark skin and wears a pinkish, marve colour sari and they will carry a cane, the older folks will warn us not to go close if you are wearing any leather materials. Eventually, they  stop coming. 

Last edited by Former Member
Dave posted:

Regarding this Madrass thing, I recall a group of people will visit our village and collect donations, these people were very dark skin and wears a pinkish, marve colour sari and they will carry a cane, the older folks will warn us not to go close if you are wearing any leather materials. Eventually, they  stop coming. 

Kali-mai poojah ppl. The whipping happens only at their festivities.

seignet posted:
Dave posted:

Regarding this Madrass thing, I recall a group of people will visit our village and collect donations, these people were very dark skin and wears a pinkish, marve colour sari and they will carry a cane, the older folks will warn us not to go close if you are wearing any leather materials. Eventually, they  stop coming. 

Kali-mai poojah ppl. The whipping happens only at their festivities.

I visited one of these places in the late 80s.  When dem get going and start “playing”, me rass get away.  Was sheer lash flying!

Baseman posted:
Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:

Ayuh roll until tomorrow ,keep on bringing DJ in the conversation , will decide with others ,about the RACISM spewing in this thre

Bai, you cannot threaten posters who take sides.

I bet if Gwana, Redux/Ronan was saying this stuff, you would not call it racism but constructive criticism. What is wrong with posters calling it as they see it. I personally watched this as a boy growing up and know the fear of coolies who know what negroes are capable of doing. Coolies have no protection from the police who behave as coolies have no rights in Guyana. Did you ever experience displaying this neanderthal behavior?
Racism in Guyana is on both sides. Indians are fighting for their survival as a majority of the population.

Skelly ,quit the rotten limb of threaten. The problems of Ethnic strife in Guyana, during election season ,need to be looked at with a level head ,adding fuel to the fire doesn't solve the problem.

This Forum is read widely ,what will readers think if "Racism" is allowed to be propagated ?

Also any member on the Forum ,can answer the last question.

Stop being convenient and disingenuous.  Why did you not act when a certain poster made up stories of being harassed by PNC dunce “baboons” and the place looks like Africa?  You put yuh tail between yuh legs and seh, ah dem rattling yuh cage.

That was racism.  This thread is a reaction to a PNC inspired race-based event we saw on camera.  It was not made up.

If you care to look at the thread , you will observe derogatory remarks was gone.

seignet posted:
Dave posted:

Regarding this Madrass thing, I recall a group of people will visit our village and collect donations, these people were very dark skin and wears a pinkish, marve colour sari and they will carry a cane, the older folks will warn us not to go close if you are wearing any leather materials. Eventually, they  stop coming. 

Kali-mai poojah ppl. The whipping happens only at their festivities.

They have a temple in Toronto on a rd call Albion Rd, it’s run by Berbicians. 

Baseman posted:
seignet posted:
Dave posted:

Regarding this Madrass thing, I recall a group of people will visit our village and collect donations, these people were very dark skin and wears a pinkish, marve colour sari and they will carry a cane, the older folks will warn us not to go close if you are wearing any leather materials. Eventually, they  stop coming. 

Kali-mai poojah ppl. The whipping happens only at their festivities.

I visited one of these places in the late 80s.  When dem get going and start “playing”, me rass get away.  Was sheer lash flying!

Seen too many of those. My uncle was the high priest 

Baseman posted:
seignet posted:
Dave posted:

Regarding this Madrass thing, I recall a group of people will visit our village and collect donations, these people were very dark skin and wears a pinkish, marve colour sari and they will carry a cane, the older folks will warn us not to go close if you are wearing any leather materials. Eventually, they  stop coming. 

Kali-mai poojah ppl. The whipping happens only at their festivities.

I visited one of these places in the late 80s.  When dem get going and start “playing”, me rass get away.  Was sheer lash flying!

They beat u bai? Yuh geh licks with dat big rope? 

seignet posted:
Prashad posted:

We have to do to antikoolie like what the Americans did to Libya at the turn of the century. If the Sultan of Libya cannot control his pirates from attacking American ships then America will attack the Sultan.I say go after antikoolie and theIr families on a global scale and drop the hammer. No country outside Guyana should be safe for antikoolie and theIr relatives.

Jagdeo has experience how to deal with crime, he must have expected this to happen. I hope he is prepared otherwise he is useless. But, I think he is prepared.

There are people out there who are willing to drop the hammering on these overseas base people who are directly promoting antikoolie hate in Guyana. In my humble opinion cells should operate with no direct link to any upper leadership.

seignet posted:
Dave posted:

Regarding this Madrass thing, I recall a group of people will visit our village and collect donations, these people were very dark skin and wears a pinkish, marve colour sari and they will carry a cane, the older folks will warn us not to go close if you are wearing any leather materials. Eventually, they  stop coming. 

Kali-mai poojah ppl. The whipping happens only at their festivities.

Burnham had a Kali Mai pandit that was working to protect his health. A man pointed him out to me in Georgetown. His name was Pandit Sammy. The man said that Pandit Sammy was very wealthy. Any of you fellas know Pandit Sammy? 

Last edited by Prashad
Prashad posted:
seignet posted:
Dave posted:

Regarding this Madrass thing, I recall a group of people will visit our village and collect donations, these people were very dark skin and wears a pinkish, marve colour sari and they will carry a cane, the older folks will warn us not to go close if you are wearing any leather materials. Eventually, they  stop coming. 

Kali-mai poojah ppl. The whipping happens only at their festivities.

Burnham had a Kali Mai pandit that was working to protect his health. A man pointed him out to me in Georgetown. His name was Pandit Sammy. The man said that Pandit Sammy was very wealthy. Any of you fellas know Pandit Sammy? 

He had a store in Lombard Street ,not far from Auto Supplies. He and others protect East Indians during Burnham rule. Also there was another Pandit on the WCD .

Last edited by Django
Django posted:
Prashad posted:
seignet posted:
Dave posted:

Regarding this Madrass thing, I recall a group of people will visit our village and collect donations, these people were very dark skin and wears a pinkish, marve colour sari and they will carry a cane, the older folks will warn us not to go close if you are wearing any leather materials. Eventually, they  stop coming. 

Kali-mai poojah ppl. The whipping happens only at their festivities.

Burnham had a Kali Mai pandit that was working to protect his health. A man pointed him out to me in Georgetown. His name was Pandit Sammy. The man said that Pandit Sammy was very wealthy. Any of you fellas know Pandit Sammy? 

He had a store in Lombard Street ,not far from Auto Supplies. He and others protect East Indians during Burnham rule. Also there was another Pandit on the WCD .

Pundit Tiwarie from MMZ

kp posted:
Django posted:
Prashad posted:
seignet posted:
Dave posted:

Regarding this Madrass thing, I recall a group of people will visit our village and collect donations, these people were very dark skin and wears a pinkish, marve colour sari and they will carry a cane, the older folks will warn us not to go close if you are wearing any leather materials. Eventually, they  stop coming. 

Kali-mai poojah ppl. The whipping happens only at their festivities.

Burnham had a Kali Mai pandit that was working to protect his health. A man pointed him out to me in Georgetown. His name was Pandit Sammy. The man said that Pandit Sammy was very wealthy. Any of you fellas know Pandit Sammy? 

He had a store in Lombard Street ,not far from Auto Supplies. He and others protect East Indians during Burnham rule. Also there was another Pandit on the WCD .

Pundit Tiwarie from MMZ

The one i am talking about is from Ruimzeight.

Is the pandit from MMZ lived opposite Bhim shop ? if it is then he is Haro father .

Last edited by Django
Django posted:
ksazma posted:

You will one day own this joint and you will have every right to run it your way. But until then you should study how ASJ, Ray by whichever name he chooses, Sunil and Amral conducted themselves as moderators. They didn’t come off like a PNC dictators.

Check the archives ,ASJ was blasting the PPP.

My point was that they were not threatening posters and coming off heavy handed like PNC folks.

kp posted:
Django posted:
Prashad posted:
seignet posted:
Dave posted:

Regarding this Madrass thing, I recall a group of people will visit our village and collect donations, these people were very dark skin and wears a pinkish, marve colour sari and they will carry a cane, the older folks will warn us not to go close if you are wearing any leather materials. Eventually, they  stop coming. 

Kali-mai poojah ppl. The whipping happens only at their festivities.

Burnham had a Kali Mai pandit that was working to protect his health. A man pointed him out to me in Georgetown. His name was Pandit Sammy. The man said that Pandit Sammy was very wealthy. Any of you fellas know Pandit Sammy? 

He had a store in Lombard Street ,not far from Auto Supplies. He and others protect East Indians during Burnham rule. Also there was another Pandit on the WCD .

Pundit Tiwarie from MMZ

I heard Burnham had an oldtimer Pandit also. Was he Pandit Tiwarie?

ksazma posted:
Django posted:
ksazma posted:

You will one day own this joint and you will have every right to run it your way. But until then you should study how ASJ, Ray by whichever name he chooses, Sunil and Amral conducted themselves as moderators. They didn’t come off like a PNC dictators.

Check the archives ,ASJ was blasting the PPP.

My point was that they were not threatening posters and coming off heavy handed like PNC folks.

What are the threats ? please list . Special thread can be created for discussions.

This is my final post regarding the fabrication by a few members.

Last edited by Django

Kenneth Denny piss off Burnham over some matter when he was Minister of Labour. Burnham fired him and replaced him with another of his Pandits. A Pandit name Pandit Sharma. I don't know what the Jagans did to Pandit Sharma but I have never seen a more anti Jagan Pandit in my life than Pandit Sharma.

Last edited by Prashad
Prashad posted:
kp posted:
Django posted:
Prashad posted:
seignet posted:
Dave posted:

Regarding this Madrass thing, I recall a group of people will visit our village and collect donations, these people were very dark skin and wears a pinkish, marve colour sari and they will carry a cane, the older folks will warn us not to go close if you are wearing any leather materials. Eventually, they  stop coming. 

Kali-mai poojah ppl. The whipping happens only at their festivities.

Burnham had a Kali Mai pandit that was working to protect his health. A man pointed him out to me in Georgetown. His name was Pandit Sammy. The man said that Pandit Sammy was very wealthy. Any of you fellas know Pandit Sammy? 

He had a store in Lombard Street ,not far from Auto Supplies. He and others protect East Indians during Burnham rule. Also there was another Pandit on the WCD .

Pundit Tiwarie from MMZ

I heard Burnham had an oldtimer Pandit also. Was he Pandit Tiwarie?

My understanding was the Pandit from Ruimzeight .

Prashad posted:

Kenneth Denny piss off Burnham over some matter when he was Minister of Labour. Burnham fired him and replaced him with another of his Pandits. A Pandit name Pandit Sharma.

Burnham wanted to attract more East Indians.

When i get my website running ,will post some documents of interviews from  US Diplomats stationed in Guyana.

Last edited by Django

A truck with PPP election workers entering..backing up in what seems a predominantly black neighbourhood, obviously broadcasting to bring the people out to hear their message.  One idiot jumped on the truck and tugged at the speakers, maybe as Kaz said, he shoulda fallen off and maybe bounce e head and would serve his ass right.

In a black hood what do we expect to see in the streets, lots of whites?

Django posted:
Baseman posted:
Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:

Bai, you cannot threaten posters who take sides.

I bet if Gwana, Redux/Ronan was saying this stuff, you would not call it racism but constructive criticism. What is wrong with posters calling it as they see it. I personally watched this as a boy growing up and know the fear of coolies who know what negroes are capable of doing. Coolies have no protection from the police who behave as coolies have no rights in Guyana. Did you ever experience displaying this neanderthal behavior?
Racism in Guyana is on both sides. Indians are fighting for their survival as a majority of the population.

Skelly ,quit the rotten limb of threaten. The problems of Ethnic strife in Guyana, during election season ,need to be looked at with a level head ,adding fuel to the fire doesn't solve the problem.

This Forum is read widely ,what will readers think if "Racism" is allowed to be propagated ?

Also any member on the Forum ,can answer the last question.

Stop being convenient and disingenuous.  Why did you not act when a certain poster made up stories of being harassed by PNC dunce “baboons” and the place looks like Africa?  You put yuh tail between yuh legs and seh, ah dem rattling yuh cage.

That was racism.  This thread is a reaction to a PNC inspired race-based event we saw on camera.  It was not made up.

If you care to look at the thread , you will observe derogatory remarks was gone.

This again reflects how disingenuous and selective you are being.  Posts here was a reaction to an actual event.  The posts about people working at CJIA as “baboons” and invoking Africa was unsolicited, unprovoked and outright racist. And you hid under a pot rock.

cain posted:

A truck with PPP election workers entering..backing up in what seems a predominantly black neighbourhood, obviously broadcasting to bring the people out to hear their message.  One idiot jumped on the truck and tugged at the speakers, maybe as Kaz said, he shoulda fallen off and maybe bounce e head and would serve his ass right.

In a black hood what do we expect to see in the streets, lots of whites?

It's wrong to prevent Political Parties from sending their messages,by presence in all the neighborhoods across Guyana.

Knowing about the ethnic conflict during Elections , what will be the reaction to ANPNU-AFC  presence in all neighborhoods across Guyana ?

cain posted:

A truck with PPP election workers entering..backing up in what seems a predominantly black neighbourhood, obviously broadcasting to bring the people out to hear their message.  One idiot jumped on the truck and tugged at the speakers, maybe as Kaz said, he shoulda fallen off and maybe bounce e head and would serve his ass right.

In a black hood what do we expect to see in the streets, lots of whites?

Cain, Guyana is not Jamaica where gun men loyal to the JlP shoot out with PNP supporters and gun men. There must be freedom to campaign in all areas.  That area is a known Harmone and Greene area where their supporters are based. Nevertheless there must be freedom to campaign.

Baseman posted:
Django posted:
Baseman posted:
Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:

Bai, you cannot threaten posters who take sides.

I bet if Gwana, Redux/Ronan was saying this stuff, you would not call it racism but constructive criticism. What is wrong with posters calling it as they see it. I personally watched this as a boy growing up and know the fear of coolies who know what negroes are capable of doing. Coolies have no protection from the police who behave as coolies have no rights in Guyana. Did you ever experience displaying this neanderthal behavior?
Racism in Guyana is on both sides. Indians are fighting for their survival as a majority of the population.

Skelly ,quit the rotten limb of threaten. The problems of Ethnic strife in Guyana, during election season ,need to be looked at with a level head ,adding fuel to the fire doesn't solve the problem.

This Forum is read widely ,what will readers think if "Racism" is allowed to be propagated ?

Also any member on the Forum ,can answer the last question.

Stop being convenient and disingenuous.  Why did you not act when a certain poster made up stories of being harassed by PNC dunce “baboons” and the place looks like Africa?  You put yuh tail between yuh legs and seh, ah dem rattling yuh cage.

That was racism.  This thread is a reaction to a PNC inspired race-based event we saw on camera.  It was not made up.

If you care to look at the thread , you will observe derogatory remarks was gone.

This again reflects how disingenuous and selective you are being

Posts here was a reaction to an actual event.  

The posts about people working at CJIA as “baboons” and invoking Africa was unsolicited, unprovoked and outright racist. And you hid under a pot rock.

Nope .

Do the reaction have to descend to derogatory description of the people involved ?

Django posted:
Baseman posted:
Django posted:
Baseman posted:
Django posted

Skelly ,quit the rotten limb of threaten. The problems of Ethnic strife in Guyana, during election season ,need to be looked at with a level head ,adding fuel to the fire doesn't solve the problem.

This Forum is read widely ,what will readers think if "Racism" is allowed to be propagated ?

Also any member on the Forum ,can answer the last question.

Stop being convenient and disingenuous.  Why did you not act when a certain poster made up stories of being harassed by PNC dunce “baboons” and the place looks like Africa?  You put yuh tail between yuh legs and seh, ah dem rattling yuh cage.

That was racism.  This thread is a reaction to a PNC inspired race-based event we saw on camera.  It was not made up.

If you care to look at the thread , you will observe derogatory remarks was gone.

This again reflects how disingenuous and selective you are being

Posts here was a reaction to an actual event.  

The posts about people working at CJIA as “baboons” and invoking Africa was unsolicited, unprovoked and outright racist. And you hid under a pot rock.

Nope .

Do the reaction have to descend to derogatory description of the people involved ?

Banna, you are fake!

Why did you not react to Blacks being referred to as “baboons?

Ok, so why don’t you condemn the “baboons” attacking the PPP campaigners?  Why you scared to speak up!

Last edited by Former Member
Prashad posted:
kp posted:
Django posted:
Prashad posted:
seignet posted:
Dave posted:

Regarding this Madrass thing, I recall a group of people will visit our village and collect donations, these people were very dark skin and wears a pinkish, marve colour sari and they will carry a cane, the older folks will warn us not to go close if you are wearing any leather materials. Eventually, they  stop coming. 

Kali-mai poojah ppl. The whipping happens only at their festivities.

Burnham had a Kali Mai pandit that was working to protect his health. A man pointed him out to me in Georgetown. His name was Pandit Sammy. The man said that Pandit Sammy was very wealthy. Any of you fellas know Pandit Sammy? 

He had a store in Lombard Street ,not far from Auto Supplies. He and others protect East Indians during Burnham rule. Also there was another Pandit on the WCD .

Pundit Tiwarie from MMZ

I heard Burnham had an oldtimer Pandit also. Was he Pandit Tiwarie?

Forbes knew alot pandits. Is the pandits he asked about Nehru's words to CBJ. He said, he copied what Nehru was seying and when he returned to BG he asked the pandits. Back in 1953, Forbes started to build his case against Jaganite's PPP. The Split was way before 1955.

Django posted:
cain posted:

A truck with PPP election workers entering..backing up in what seems a predominantly black neighbourhood, obviously broadcasting to bring the people out to hear their message.  One idiot jumped on the truck and tugged at the speakers, maybe as Kaz said, he shoulda fallen off and maybe bounce e head and would serve his ass right.

In a black hood what do we expect to see in the streets, lots of whites?

It's wrong to prevent Political Parties from sending their messages,by presence in all the neighborhoods across Guyana.

Knowing about the ethnic conflict during Elections , what will be the reaction to ANPNU-AFC  presence in all neighborhoods across Guyana ?

Liar.  You excuse maker!  The APNU fkag flying over where the PPP holding their rally.  

You always looking for an excuse for ”baboon” behavior!


One of you Fellas who are technology minded please copy these videos on Mr. Jeffery Facebook site so that they can be used as future evidence. One afro woman made the comment in the video "this is black people area so don't come in here".  White people do not believe when we respond that many of these people are deep anti-East Indian racists because white people see most of us East Indian people as being dark also so Hinduism untouchables philosophy come to their minds.  These Guyanese Afros usually paint themselves as victims of Guyanese East Indian racism against the black man and woman.  In the past I was stopped at a party by a Romanian student with Afro Guyanese friends he asked me why are you East Indians of Guyana so racist towards blacks.  So please fellas copy those videos as evidence so that they can be shown in the future.

Last edited by Prashad

Dem like play victim but they are as guilty as hell of racism and the shithole Guyana is.

Several years ago, one came to Switzerland ridiculing Indians of Guyana.  He knew the Swiss were sensitive to environmental issues.  So he sold them a story Indians are plundering the natural resources and shipping it out to the US where we will go.  He made it sound that Indians are not from Guyana but are transient and just taking what we could and exploiting Blacks in the process.  I was out of town, or he would have heard from me!

Last edited by Former Member

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