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“hungry belly black dawgs” will never subject themselves to Jagdeo’s rule again!

June 1 2020


“we gun poison alya food” they say, “blackman cant run no country”, “blackman can’t run no business”, “we in control”; they say. Again these people are not mindful of history. Africans in Guyana have been feeding theselves and building this country for 200 years before the first east indian labourer hit the shores of Guyana.

What the racist PPP supporters don’t understand however, is that we Afro-Guyanese are generally a good natured and kind people. Maybe it is because of how much we suffered historically, but we are consumed by this notion of fairness, which shackles us. We have no real loyalty to race, we will shop from people of any race. We care for sick of any race. We teach the children of any race. We investigate crimes and protect the homes of people of any race. Unfortunately, those attributes are not respected by the racist, power hungry PPP cabal and their brainwashed minions.

Jagdeo has miscalculated however. The ABC blind mice have also miscalculated. The ambitious ‘small fries’ party leaders have also miscalculated. So strong is their collective avarice and lust for power, that they are missing the little things. One little thing is that Africans will NEVER again be ruled or influenced by any government that includes the racist, maniacal Bharrat Jagdeo. Never!

Replies sorted oldest to newest

@Former Member posted:

How do you know blacks have not set up fake profiles and making such statements?  Many are in FB under Fake profiles.

How do you know Indos not set up fake profiles ,pretending to be Black supporting PPP ? GildaSmith comes to mind,you have a past picture of the profile.

Last edited by Django

This is all obvious to Granger, he himself is also a racist. Maybe he is a racist from the comments of the letter writer or he is a racist because he feels that Indians have no right to govern.

Jagdeo has the country in limbo. And he is seen more and more as the REAL PRESIDENT for the PPP.

I doan think the real real black ppl likes him at all. But, considerations not given at all for the number of Blacks that voted PPP or the ones in the PPP or the ones that can tolerate Jagdeo. Jagdeo and Irfaan left a bad taste in some black ppl mouth. And they speaking it out, like the writer.

@Former Member posted:

How do you know blacks have not set up fake profiles and making such statements?  Many are in FB under Fake profiles.

You do know of an Indo settingup  fake profiles. Gebu Antonnete whose picture you are using as your profile  is from a fake FB account. 


Racist expressions by both Indos and Afros are unacceptable. Whatever those people say on or off social media, the recount shows that the PPP/C won the March 2 elections and we must accept that fact. President-elect Irfaan Ali stated clearly that his administration will govern for all Guyana.

@Mitwah posted:

Did you not say that Blackman can't run a cake shop.

But they ate a lot of cakes on $700k a day. Now they guh lose lil weight.😜

Last edited by Former Member
@seignet posted:

This is all obvious to Granger, he himself is also a racist. Maybe he is a racist from the comments of the letter writer or he is a racist because he feels that Indians have no right to govern.

Jagdeo has the country in limbo. And he is seen more and more as the REAL PRESIDENT for the PPP.

I doan think the real real black ppl likes him at all. But, considerations not given at all for the number of Blacks that voted PPP or the ones in the PPP or the ones that can tolerate Jagdeo. Jagdeo and Irfaan left a bad taste in some black ppl mouth. And they speaking it out, like the writer.

The PPP has to be more sensitive to perceptions.  Blacks see thing differently, have different expectations and need different solutions to a similar set of circumstances. It would serve them well to involve more Afros in coming up with solutions for the Afro community.

This is why I support Volda for minister of social justice under the PPP.

@Former Member posted:

The PPP has to be more sensitive to perceptions.  Blacks see thing differently, have different expectations and need different solutions to a similar set of circumstances. It would serve them well to involve more Afros in coming up with solutions for the Afro community.

This is why I support Volda for minister of social justice under the PPP.

Think for yourself ,you have said lots of bad things about Afro Guyanese . They have intelligent people to think for them.

Trying to sugar coat.

@Django posted:

“hungry belly black dawgs” will never subject themselves to Jagdeo’s rule again!

June 1 2020


“we gun poison alya food” they say, “blackman cant run no country”, “blackman can’t run no business”, “we in control”; they say. Again these people are not mindful of history. Africans in Guyana have been feeding theselves and building this country for 200 years before the first east indian labourer hit the shores of Guyana.

What the racist PPP supporters don’t understand however, is that we Afro-Guyanese are generally a good natured and kind people. Maybe it is because of how much we suffered historically, but we are consumed by this notion of fairness, which shackles us. We have no real loyalty to race, we will shop from people of any race. We care for sick of any race. We teach the children of any race. We investigate crimes and protect the homes of people of any race. Unfortunately, those attributes are not respected by the racist, power hungry PPP cabal and their brainwashed minions.

Jagdeo has miscalculated however. The ABC blind mice have also miscalculated. The ambitious ‘small fries’ party leaders have also miscalculated. So strong is their collective avarice and lust for power, that they are missing the little things. One little thing is that Africans will NEVER again be ruled or influenced by any government that includes the racist, maniacal Bharrat Jagdeo. Never!

This is where the PPP will face its biggest challenge. There are those of you like Gilbakka who believe its simply OK to preach "all awe a wan" and "trust the PPP, we gon do good by all". The hatred against Jagdeo (well loved by Indians) and the PPP by Afros runs deep and wide. It is not a handful of Afros who feel this way. Indians, in general, and the leaders of the PPP, simply do not understand how Afros think and if the PPP believe they are going to buy off Afros and pluck out fake leaders from the Afro community to show inclusivity, they are in for a big surprise.

This is why we are seeing the calm before the storm...its not over yet.

So these comments are real. Its a reflection of not a handful of misdirected people, it is how most Afros feel....another thing the PPP does not understand. 

Do the leaders of the PPP understand this?...this is what will determine their ability to govern.

@Former Member posted:

Racist expressions by both Indos and Afros are unacceptable. Whatever those people say on or off social media, the recount shows that the PPP/C won the March 2 elections and we must accept that fact. President-elect Irfaan Ali stated clearly that his administration will govern for all Guyana.

This again speaks to the naivite of the Indos in Guyana.

"WE must accept that fact"....who is WE? And how do you get the we to accept that fact when they are now calling all the shots...and they still will not accept Irfan as the President? 

"President-elect Irfaan Ali stated clearly that his administration will govern for all Guyana" that good enough to get the other side to bow down to the new leader? Granger also promised a lot of things in 2014. 

Right now...the PPP is impotent, had it not been for the ABCEU to help them get into office....

@Former Member posted:

Racist expressions by both Indos and Afros are unacceptable. Whatever those people say on or off social media, the recount shows that the PPP/C won the March 2 elections and we must accept that fact. President-elect Irfaan Ali stated clearly that his administration will govern for all Guyana.

Don't  be surprised if the Irfaan doan get the job. The election or election victory is not the solution to Guyana's problems. Whether it is ACDA/PNC, it is the only and last chance for Afro-Guyanese to negotiate a pact to ensure their importance to any government in formation. 

Dey know they have their core base, but can never form a government again, never.

Perhaps, that is foremost on their minds. I do not think Granger is giving up that easy. Doan forget, ppl sey he is a historian, even though a biased one at that.  

@Django posted:

How do you know Indos not set up fake profiles ,pretending to be Black supporting PPP ? GildaSmith comes to mind,you have a past picture of the profile.

It goes both ways, chap. There are blacks on facebook who post some vile shit too regarding indians. This is not a one way street.

@Django posted:

Think for yourself ,you have said lots of bad things about Afro Guyanese . They have intelligent people to think for them.

Trying to sugar coat.

I don’t need any bottom ladder thinkers to tell me to think!


Is Django spreading Racism?

These are  all lies"

That the racist PPP supporters don’t understand however, is that we Afro-Guyanese are generally a good natured and kind people. Maybe it is because of how much we suffered historically, but we are consumed by this notion of fairness, which shackles us. We have no real loyalty to race, we will shop from people of any race. We care for sick of any race. We teach the children of any race. We investigate crimes and protect the homes of people of any race. Unfortunately, those attributes are not respected by the racist, power hungry PPP cabal and their brainwashed minions.

Last edited by Ramakant-P
@Sheik101 posted:

It goes both ways, chap. There are blacks on facebook who post some vile shit too regarding indians. This is not a one way street.

Shows a divided country. 

Outside of my FB friends and family ,I usually follow Political Parties FB pages and few Decent FB Groups.

@Former Member posted:

When you learn to structure a coherent sentence, then you can lecture on thoughts.

That all you can you come up ,bhai you been trying for years even tag teemed ,joined posse. Django miles ahead of you ,try to catch up if you can.


Django, today is the 10th June, it took you TEN days to dig up this Racist Shit to post on your Racist Forum. You have achieved the PNC objective to have a Racist peddling site.

 SHM, and you want to make things better!!!

@Former Member posted:

Racist expressions by both Indos and Afros are unacceptable. Whatever those people say on or off social media, the recount shows that the PPP/C won the March 2 elections and we must accept that fact. President-elect Irfaan Ali stated clearly that his administration will govern for all Guyana.

I do not wish to rain on your Parade kind sir, but this is the promise all Political parties make when they are trying to be elected. It's when they get into office that we see their true colors. Now that the PPP is poise to govern, we call only hope that they practice what they preach. I would be exceptionally happy for the needs of every guyanese to be attended to and the country as a whole. There's new found wealth off our shoes. Make it happen.

@Ramakant-P posted:

Is Django spreading Racism?

These are  all lies"

That the racist PPP supporters don’t understand however, is that we Afro-Guyanese are generally a good natured and kind people. Maybe it is because of how much we suffered historically, but we are consumed by this notion of fairness, which shackles us. We have no real loyalty to race, we will shop from people of any race. We care for sick of any race. We teach the children of any race. We investigate crimes and protect the homes of people of any race. Unfortunately, those attributes are not respected by the racist, power hungry PPP cabal and their brainwashed minions.

Which majority of Guyanese works in the hospitals ,education ,police department,civil service ..etc ?

Which majority of Guyanese owns businesses and other services ?

When the questions are answered ,you will figure the spreading of Racism.

@Django posted:

Which majority of Guyanese works in the hospitals ,education ,police department,civil service ..etc ?

Which majority of Guyanese owns businesses and other services ?

When the questions are answered ,you will figure the spreading of Racism.

You did a good job spreading your brand of racism.   You are the kind of person who quote the scriptures to try and prove a point, but you did not answer the question>

Are you a racist?

Last edited by Ramakant-P
@kp posted:

Django, today is the 10th June, it took you TEN days to dig up this Racist Shit to post on your Racist Forum. You have achieved the PNC objective to have a Racist peddling site.

 SHM, and you want to make things better!!!

What's Racist about the article ? are there any truths ? worst than that was posted here ,perhaps you forget.

@Django posted:

Which majority of Guyanese works in the hospitals ,education ,police department,civil service ..etc ?

Which majority of Guyanese owns businesses and other services ?

When the questions are answered ,you will figure the spreading of Racism.

@Ramakant-P posted:

You did a good job spreading your brand of racism.   You are the kind of person who quote the scriptures to try and prove a point, but you did not answer the question>

Are you a racist?

Answer the questions ,don't deflect .

There are all ethnicity in my family ,how can that be.

Last edited by Django
@Django posted:

Which majority of Guyanese works in the hospitals ,education ,police department,civil service ..etc ?

Which majority of Guyanese owns businesses and other services ?

When the questions are answered ,you will figure the spreading of Racism.

The preponderance of one race in a certain group of professions and occupations and another race in a separate group of professions and occupations is the result of over a century of historical development in Guyana.

That situation predates both the formation of the PPP and PNC. There's nothing consciously racist about one's choice of work in Guyana. 

This is not to deny that the PPP and the PNC have used political power to discriminate in the public service and/or joint services.

@Django posted:

What's Racist about the article ? are there any truths ? worst than that was posted here ,perhaps you forget.

In all fairness Jango, why don't u post an Article where Afro Guyanese are hurling racist rants towards Indos.  There are so many. u seem to be selective in your presentation on Racism, highlighting the plight of one race but neglecting to  show the other side of the coin.
I'm not on the bandwagon against u, just pointing out an issue. 

@Django posted:

Which majority of Guyanese works in the hospitals ,education ,police department,civil service ..etc ?

Which majority of Guyanese owns businesses and other services ?

When the questions are answered ,you will figure the spreading of Racism.

People are free to choose whatever they want to do...what's racist about that?


“hungry belly black dawgs” will never subject themselves to Jagdeo’s rule again!

How about hungry belly coolie will not subject themselves to Granger rule again?

People speak their mind for good reasons. 


I gonna get a buncha we Portuguese people and just walk in and take over that place because is like yall who were taken advantage of by the whiteman doan seem to want peace with each other. When we come we bringing some nice strong whips because is like yall rass miss dem days


@cain posted:

I gonna get a buncha we Portuguese people and just walk in and take over that place because is like yall who were taken advantage of by the whiteman doan seem to want peace with each other. When we come we bringing some nice strong whips because is like yall rass miss dem days


I would not object.


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