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Coalition supporter moves to High Court seeking to block declaration of recount results

Despite multiple court rulings, including by the Caribbean Court of Justice (CCJ), that matters regarding elections can only be attempted through an elections petition and that the business of GECOM cannot be inquired into by a court, a supporter of the Coalition has moved to the High Court seeking to block a declaration of the results of the national vote recount.

The filing of the case, for which no judge has been assigned, comes conveniently before the 2 p.m. deadline by which the Chief Elections Officer Keith Lowenfield, is slated to comply with a directive he has been given to produce a report based on the results of the national vote recount.

Justice (rt’d) Claudette Singh, Chair of GECOM had on Monday set aside all declarations made before the national vote recount started. It means the only valid figures on the record are those from the recount.

Accordingly, GECOM Chairman instructed Lowenfield for the third time to submit a report which will be used to declare the results.

However, someone named Misenga Jones, in an application filed by attorney Mayo Robertson has moved to the court seeking a declaration that the Chairman and the Commission have not complied with the constitutionally stated process as outlined in Article 177(2)(b) of the Constitution.

That part of the Constitution says the party with more votes wins the elections and that the chair of the GECOM will declare the results based on the advice of the Chief Elections Officer.

The applicant said the Chair has failed to declare the results of the elections in accordance with the advice given by Lowenfield. In the two reports he submitted so far, Lowenfield acted unlawfully, the CCJ found, by dumping 115,000 votes.

The CCJ also said the only results that are valid at this time are those from the recount. But in his second report, Lowenfield did not use those recount figures and instead used figures which included the exact figures from a March 13 declaration in District Four that was largely dismissed as being fraudulent.

Jones is contending that GECOM has no authority to declare any person as President except in accordance with the advice of the Chief Election Officer tended in his report pursuant to Section 96(1) of the Representation Act.

Attorney Mayo Robertson


Thieves have gone to the High Court to complain that they are not being allowed to thief.

I hope APNU-AFC knows that no judge will grant them any order so no more timewasting.

Last edited by Ramakant-P
@Rochelle posted:

I will tell you again if you haven't already realized this: PPP/C is NOT getting into power.

Oh! Really.  That is your assumption and your conclusion.  You already stated that they are not going to be allowed to rule and you have insinuated that there is going to be war. The PNC already started to burn down Guyana. Just like the PNC criminals. 

@Former Member posted:

Coalition supporter moves to High Court seeking to block declaration of recount results

However, someone named Misenga Jones, in an application filed by attorney Mayo Robertson has moved to the court seeking a declaration that the Chairman and the Commission have not complied with the constitutionally stated process as outlined in Article 177(2)(b) of the Constitution.

That part of the Constitution says the party with more votes wins the elections and that the chair of the GECOM will declare the results based on the advice of the Chief Elections Officer.

The applicant said the Chair has failed to declare the results of the elections in accordance with the advice given by Lowenfield. In the two reports he submitted so far, Lowenfield acted unlawfully, the CCJ found, by dumping 115,000 votes.

Keith Lowenfield's advice must confirm with the process  -- declaration of the election results based on the Statement of Recount - SORs.

The votes were recounted in public, political representatives appended their signatures to each document, official documents were delivered to GECOM, political representatives obtained their individual copy plus the election results were published at each polling station.

Information from the statement of Recount - SORs - is what Keith Lowenfield must provide to GECOM Chairman, as stipulated in the Constitution.

@Rochelle posted:

I will tell you again if you haven't already realized this: PPP/C is NOT getting into power.

The Chief Justice will hear this case tomorrow and she will rule on the side of the constitution.

The PPP/C has won the election and the will of the people will prevail. You can continue backing the rigging cabal, however, the PPP/C will be leading the next government.

Long Live Democracy.

@BGMAN posted:

The Chief Justice will hear this case tomorrow and she will rule on the side of the constitution.

The PPP/C has won the election and the will of the people will prevail. You can continue backing the rigging cabal, however, the PPP/C will be leading the next government.

Long Live Democracy.

She is very dogmatic. 


Chief Justice to hold first hearing of case seeking to block declaration of recount results

Chief Justice (ag) Roxane George will Wednesday at 10 a.m. hold a first hearing in the case filed in the High Court seeking to block a declaration of the results of the national vote recount.

The political parties which contested the elections are all expected to turn up in Court to get the Chief Justice to throw out the case because it flies in the face of very clear directions already set out by the Caribbean Court of Justice (CCJ).

The case was filed in the High Court just before the 2 p.m. deadline by which the Chief Elections Officer Keith Lowenfield, was slated to comply with a directive he has been given to produce a report based on the results of the national vote recount.

The Caribbean Court of Justice (CCJ) had last Wednesday ruled very clearly that the results from the national vote recount cannot be set aside and must be used to declare the winner of the March 02 elections.

“Unless and until an election court decides otherwise, the votes already counted by the recount process as valid votes are incapable of being declared invalid by any person or authority,” Justice Adrian Saunders, President of the Court, said in a ruling.

The Court then said what should happen when it stated: “It is for GECOM to ensure the CEO submits a report in accordance with its direction of June 16 in order to proceed along the path directed by the laws of Guyana.”

That June 16 direction, which has now been given twice, is for the Chief Elections Officer to prepare a report based on the results of the recount.

Justice Claudette Singh, Chair of the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) had on Monday set aside all decelerations made before the national vote recount started. It means the only valid figures on record are those from the recount.

Accordingly, the chair instructed Lowenfield for the third time to submit a report which will be used to declare the results.

However, someone named Misenga Jones, in an application filed by attorney Mayo Robertson, has moved to the court seeking a declaration that that the chair and the Commission have not complied with the constitutionally stated process as outlined in Article 177(2)(b) of the Constitution.

That part of the Constitution says the party with more votes wins the elections and that the chair of the GECOM will declare the results based on the advice of the Chief Elections Officer.

The applicant seeks to have the chair has failed to declare the results of the elections in accordance with the advice given by Lowenfield. In the two reports he submitted so far, Lowenfield acted unlawfully, the CCJ found, by dumping 115,000 votes.

The CCJ also said the only results that are valid at this time are those from the recount. But in his second report, Lowenfield did not use those recount figures and instead used figures which included the exact figures from a March 13 declaration in District Four that was largely dismissed as being fraudulent.

Jones is contending that GECOM has no authority to declare any person as President except in accordance with the advice of the Chief Election Officer tended in his report pursuant to Section 96(1) of the Representation Act. Justice Roxane George

@Rochelle posted:

I will tell you again if you haven't already realized this: PPP/C is NOT getting into power.

First, this was all about blocking Irfaan and Jagdeo. Now, the PNC realized they can get away with everything and anything. Before the week is out, President Granger will be President Granger AGAIN.

Stupid PPP men and women think that the vote will give them the opportunity to disrespect atleast 50% of the population. Dem stubborn to present ppl with men of questionable past upon the black ppl. And dem bruddahs answered and is answering. Perhaps, until thy kingdom come.  

@Abu Jihad posted:

Today meeting still a go it looks like.

By the end of the day information will be available on the issues at the meeting.

One item on the agenda is the report needed from Keith Lowenfield on the results from the Statements of Recount - SORs.

@Rochelle posted:

I will tell you again if you haven't already realized this: PPP/C is NOT getting into power.

I don’t know Rochelle. I was all in on the Rocket Rochelle. However, I am having second thoughts. You said that the COA decision could not be appealed. But the CCJ begged to differ. Then you said Claudette Singh had no choice but to accept the advice of the CEO. Claudette Singh begged to differ. In between you said there was a recording of individuals being compromised, that died after Claudette Singh denied its authenticity. Then you said Claudette Singh was in the hospital, that now appears to have not been true. Then you said that Jagdeo was in legal trouble in another country. That has not been verified by any independent news service so its looking like it is trending fake news. You better get the next one right otherwise I am going to have to pull the chute on Rocket Rochelle.

@Abu Jihad posted:

LoLo refused ot respond if he had prepared the report.

PNC commissioners walked out of meeting.


Look, if your lolo refused to respond that is private matter for you and your partner. What kind of report is your lolo preparing?  It sounds like it's a malfunctioning report.    

@Locutus posted:

I don’t know Rochelle. I was all in on the Rocket Rochelle. However, I am having second thoughts. You said that the COA decision could not be appealed. But the CCJ begged to differ. Then you said Claudette Singh had no choice but to accept the advice of the CEO. Claudette Singh begged to differ. In between you said there was a recording of individuals being compromised, that died after Claudette Singh denied its authenticity. Then you said Claudette Singh was in the hospital, that now appears to have not been true. Then you said that Jagdeo was in legal trouble in another country. That has not been verified by any independent news service so its looking like it is trending fake news. You better get the next one right otherwise I am going to have to pull the chute on Rocket Rochelle.

I have always prefaced my statements with "alleged". 

One thing is certain: Claudette Singh must and can only declare on a report. But one thing she can never ever do is tell the CEO what to put in his report. 

You cannot accept the tabulated results of the recount, but ignore the observation reports of the recount.

You cannot run to court to fight Mingo's numbers, but when we fight the recount numbers tell us we have no right and that we are supporting fraud.

This ends in one of two ways:

1. APNUAFC win; or

2. New elections with a clean list. 

You are free to stay on the rocket ship before it long sails into its next destination: a second term for President Granger.



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Last edited by Rochelle
@Rochelle posted:

We are already present for the court hearing. Ah love meh people bad!

They are wasting their time. Justice Roxanne George Wiltshire is either going to throw this case out or listen to it and dismiss it. The Guyanese people are very patient, however, they are going to win. 

The other day you were looking for Dr. Jagdeo. He is in Guyana and will be having a press conference this afternoon.

If the PNC does not give up, they will be forced out by democratically thinking Guyanese and foreign forces. It’s their choice, concede peacefully or be forced out. By the way no new elections. Guyanese do award thieves.

Long Live Democracy.


Mingo's declaration was already turned down in court. That was why a recount took place. Most likely the Chief Justice will dismiss Ms Jones' case. APNU+AFC will proceed to the Court of Appeal. If the COA finds that the Chief Justice erred and therefore validates Mingo's declaration, the PPP/C will proceed to the CCJ. This is the kind of political yo-yo Guyanese are enduring. While Granger sanctimoniously claims GECOM is independent and he won't interfere, his supporters are stymieing GECOM every time the process doesn't go the APNU+AFC way.

Last edited by Former Member
@Rochelle posted:

I have always prefaced my statements with "alleged". 

One thing is certain: Claudette Singh must and can only declare on a report. But one thing she can never ever do is tell the CEO what to put in his report. 

You cannot accept the tabulated results of the recount, but ignore the observation reports of the recount.

You cannot run to court to fight Mingo's numbers, but when we fight the recount numbers tell us we have no right and that we are supporting fraud.

This ends in one of two ways:

1. APNUAFC win; or

2. New elections with a clean list. 

You are free to stay on the rocket ship before it long sails into its next destination: a second term for President Granger.


Is this a porn site.?

@Former Member posted:

typical lazy PNC people...liming all day

They were bused in town, offered boxed lunch{maybe cook-up rice} and free beer. Note their faces, they are trained to start fire and loot. I wonder if Rochelle knows any of them.

@Former Member posted:

Mingo's declaration was already turned down in court. That was why a recount took place. Most likely the Chief Justice will dismiss Ms Jones' case. APNU+AFC will proceed to the Court of Appeal. If the COA finds that the Chief Justice erred and therefore validates Mingo's declaration, the PPP/C will proceed to the CCJ. This is the kind of political yo-yo Guyanese are enduring. While Granger sanctimoniously claims GECOM is independent and he won't interfere, his supporters are stymieing GECOM every time the process doesn't go the APNU+AFC way.

They are attempting to frustrate the nation and wear them down. The Guyanese people are very patient. The will of the people will prevail in the end, one way or another. They are running around the country setting fires and soon they will be blaming the PPP/C. Their chances for a declaration in their favour is nil, nada, therefore they are attempting to set the conditions to declare a state of emergency. They will also fail in this endeavour.

Long Live Democracy.

Last edited by Django
@Rochelle posted:

This ends in one of two ways:

1. APNUAFC win; or

2. New elections with a clean list.

At the extreme best, defiant two - 2- statements noted above.

Declaration of the winning group is based on the Statement of Recount - SORs - the focused issue and process.


When Lowenfield cheated and robbed the PPP of 18857 votes and gave them to the PNC, the Chairman has the right to call him out and order him to do the right thing.  She cannot allow a false report to be made.  I ask you again what kind of a lawyer are you? The PNC has been stealing elections since 1968  and yet you cannot see the felonious act that they committed.

@BGMAN posted:

They are attempting to frustrate the nation and wear them down. The Guyanese people are very patient. The will of the people will prevail in the end, one way or another. They are running around the country setting fires and soon they will be blaming the PPP/C. Their chances for a declaration in their favour is nil, nada, therefore they are attempting to set the conditions to declare a state of emergency. They will also fail in this endeavour.

Long Live Democracy.

They're even frustrating Granger. Dave put up a video over by Ray's coconut plantation showing APNU supporters blocking Granger"s motorcade from leaving state house. One lady lying on tbe ground in front of his vehicle. Total chaos. Pity he couldn't post it here. Probably banned by the Commander in Ban -Jango. 😆

Those people were promised a good life. And they will stop at nothing to ensure such.

If PPP secures a win, Guyana got nuff problems ahead. These little fires u see being set is nothing in comparison to the towering inferno ahead.

My prediction 

Last edited by Django
@Former Member posted:

It looks like the PNC isn't bothered at all about being the laugh stock of the world.

They are digging in because they know some going to jail once the declaration is made

@Ace posted:

They are digging in because they know some going to jail once the declaration is made

I don't know how long they plan on digging in for. I suppose it's their right to head to the courts in an attempt to block the declaration being ask for by the chair. Nevertheless, if APNU knew that they won the elections they should just declare and get it over with. An article appearing in the K-news stated that Lowenfield In his usual defiance and his guys , walked out of the meeting. 

@Former Member posted:

It looks like the PNC isn't bothered at all about being the laugh stock of the world.

Not at all. And I can bet my bottom dollar that Granger is very irked by Barbados  PM Mia Mottlely whom he bestowed upon,  Guyana"s second highest award the Order of Roraima.

Then she turned around and bitch slapped him.

The truth hurts.

@Rochelle posted:

We are already present for the court hearing. Ah love meh people bad!

Are they threatening the Judges? That's what you people do best. The afros are hell-bent in preventing any kind of ruling that would make the PPP winners.  The recount votes gave the PPP a win by 15336 votes.

@Sheik101 posted:

I don't know how long they plan on digging in for. I suppose it's their right to head to the courts in an attempt to block the declaration being ask for by the chair. Nevertheless, if APNU knew that they won the elections they should just declare and get it over with. An article appearing in the K-news stated that Lowenfield In his usual defiance and his guys , walked out of the meeting. 

If APNU knew that they won the elections they should just declare and get it over with.  What about IF the PPP knew that they won? What should they do?


The PPP/C leaders are doing all the right things so far. They know that truth, facts and substantial local and international support are on their side. They're not responding to PNC-orchestrated provocation. They're demonstrating patience and restraint. They're maintaining vigilance and calling out PNC-inspired rascality as they arise. Only a matter of time before they assume their rightful place in government.

And even if Granger maneuvres himself back to the presidency, declares a state of emergency or whatever, his illegal regime won't survive long. Sanctions are not off the table. As they did in Venezuela with Juan Guaido the Western powers will recognize Dr Irfaan Ali as the real President of Guyana. CARICOM states may follow suit.


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