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Former Member

As many are aware, the youth arm of the PPP, the PYO has unleashed a massive campaign in Berbice for the upcoming elections.


According to a member, three important concerns for Berbicians have been expressed:


1. AFC support for the PNC. Berbicians see a vote for AFC as a vote for the PNC.


2.  Nigel, most Berbicians have expressed anger that Nigel is still the head of of AFC.


3. MISTRUST for the PNC.


Berbicians will turn out in massive numbers to prevent the PNC from governing. The AFC will become the victim of the Mistrust Berbicians have for the PNC.


The Mantra: A Vote for the AFC = A vote for the PNC.


This is bad new for the AFC.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by JoKer:

You're obviously not a Berbician. Berbicians are sick and tired of the PPP.


Call elections and stop *****footing around.


Thanks for your contribution to this thread. Yuji respectfully disagrees.


The Berbicians I talk to are sick and tired of ALL political parties and will just stay home in progressively larger numbers.


Do you know how insulting it is to hear you non-Berbicians presume to articulate our political opinions as though we're incapable of doing so on our own?

Originally Posted by yuji22:

As many are aware, the youth arm of the PPP, the PYO has unleashed a massive campaign in Berbice for the upcoming elections.


According to a member, three important concerns for Berbicians have been expressed:


1. AFC support for the PNC. Berbicians see a vote for AFC as a vote for the PNC.


2.  Nigel, most Berbicians have expressed anger that Nigel is still the head of of AFC.


3. MISTRUST for the PNC.


Berbicians will turn out in massive numbers to prevent the PNC from governing. The AFC will become the victim of the Mistrust Berbicians have for the PNC.


The Mantra: A Vote for the AFC = A vote for the PNC.


This is bad new for the AFC.

I agree the PYO has been using state resources to peddle GINA propaganda. 


Well the people using them, we want new road build am and theny the finish building the road, the people will vote AFC.



Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

A lot more Indians will show up at the polls to vote in the next election than the last one. Reason? They do not want this beautiful country to fall into the hands of the PNC. Those PPP supporters who voted AFC are now very bitter with the course the party has taken and its unholy alliance with the PNC. The 

Where you will manufacture them from, they all living in Richmond Hill and Toronto, Trinidad and Suriname.  LOL.  But all the East Indian girl using the black balata and producing children with CURLY hair and none of them voting for the PPP.

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

A lot more Indians will show up at the polls to vote in the next election than the last one. Reason? They do not want this beautiful country to fall into the hands of the PNC. Those PPP supporters who voted AFC are now very bitter with the course the party has taken and its unholy alliance with the PNC. The 

I don't think you live in Guyana, nor have you visited recently. Where are you going find these Indians?

Last edited by Mitwah
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

The PNC will remain in the opposition after the next elections. People have gotten to know Donald better and the AFC has been big disappointment. I predicted the AFC will get 2 to 3 seats in the next elections.  Moses will not be part of the AFC's parliamentary team. There will a big fallout when this happens. Granger will cry fraud.

Ramotar needs to define his own vision

December 8, 2013 | By | Filed Under Editorial 



The second anniversary of the swearing-in of President Donald Ramotar passed almost unnoticed earlier this week. Indeed there was not even an acknowledgment of the anniversary from the President himself who was present and spoke at one major national event. The Constitution of Guyana allows for presidential elections every five years and re-election only once after. President Ramotar is in now in his third year of a first term. Even one of the most fervent supporters of the PPP/C, pollster Vishnu Bisram, has been sounding fears that the PPP/C can lose the plurality and therefore President Ramotar may not enjoy a second term, assuming that he would wish re-election at the next elections, whenever they are called. This paper does not wish to engage in such speculation at this stage; there are far too many variables that would require extensive analysis. What we wish to do is examine the Ramotar Presidency to date and how it has defined the man himself, and as a precursor of his legacy, whenever that time comes. The fairest way of doing so is to assess him by the standards and promises which he and his PPP/C promised in the 2011 Manifesto. The next PPP/Civic Government, the manifesto boasted, aims to achieve a modern Guyana, where rights and freedoms are enhanced, where individual and national wellbeing is secured. In reality, security for everyone one, whether in the home or on the streets, has deteriorated, as has the judicial system to the extent that a man is caught on camera shooting at another and walks free. Too many of our youths,  products of a dysfunctional social and educational system, are being killed in highly questionable circumstances; too many guns are at large, a consequence of a corrupt licensing system and the suspected smuggling of guns into the country. We were promised a nation that is united in spirit and in purpose, and a nation whose long heralded potential is fulfilled.Instead the wishes of the electorate have been translated into gridlock where nothing gets done and stalemate is the order of the day. The Constitution whose continuing flaws were so grimly exposed by Ramotar’s malevolent predecessor remains untouched and continues to be violated, albeit in a less vulgar manner. The Manifesto promised to β€œensure, within one year of the 2011 general elections, that local government elections are held.” Two years on, this fundamental value of the Constitution, remains as elusive as ever. We are left with many of the local organs of democracy without a functioning governing body, even as the capital city wallows in filth. Fortunately, the economy has remained buoyant, helped in no small measure by high gold prices and the Petrocaribe Agreement with Venezuela. Our exchange rate has remained stable and the rate of inflation modest. But the spectre of blacklisting of the country for its failure to have internationally approved money-laundering prevention legislation hangs like a darkening shadow over the immediate future of the country. But perhaps President Ramotar’s biggest failure was to embrace, blindly, the prestige projects of Jagdeo which were conceived to enrich the few at the expense of the rest of the people. The demise of the disastrous Amaila Falls Hydroelectricity Project was sealed by an act of God after the deception of the Privatisation Unit. The NIS is another fiasco which no amount of band aid will cure. Instead of putting money into the education system, the Administration sold the very profitable shares in GT&T to invest in a Casino and Hotel with a private partner whose identity has yet not been disclosed. This newspaper does not believe that Mr. Ramotar’s presidency is doomed. He can redeem himself if he acts and acts decisively. We remind him of the words he used at his inauguration when he said that it was now time to β€œcast aside the partisan cloak” and β€œput on national garb”. He β€œinvited Guyanese from all our political parties and all or civic and religious groups” to engage in the further development of the country over the next five years. He needs to start by defining and articulating his own vision for Guyana, not Jagdeo’s. He needs to embrace an economic policy for the country as a whole not the few plutocrats. He needs to deal with the corruption within his own party and government rather than hurl abuse at those who point out corruption. He needs to surround himself with persons of integrity and competence, not sycophants. And he needs to start now.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

Remember this number YUJI  - 40 %.






We will see the results on election night. This is what matters. The rest is all talk and Talk is Cheap.

Yugi, I agree with you. Ramotar is at it again. He is a great talker.


Donald Ramotar’s worn out game

January 28, 2014 | By | Filed Under Features / Columnists, Freddie Kissoon 

There are many things that Donald Ramotar wants. But behind all these wants is a game. It is an old stratagem. In the end the ancient trick ends up embarrassing the game-inventor who thinks that he has invented something marvelously subtle and creative. Mr. Ramotar’s game is essentially made of words. Sadly for Mr. Ramotar none of his advisors have warned him that if a leader keeps talking, keeps promising and doesn’t deliver, he ends looking foolish in the eyes of all. It would appear Mr. Ramotar learnt nothing from his hypocritical outburst at a speech he gave at an event to observe the 50th anniversary of UG. He told his audience that the different ideas that the PPP and the opposition have should not serve to divide the nation because all we have to do is try the ideas and see if they work. If they don’t at least they were tried. The highlight of that pretence was when he raised his voice and shouted, β€œBut for Christ’s sake, don’t let the different ideas paralyze us.” The man has not tried any idea from any quarter outside of the PPP since he made that exclamation. Since then Guyana is still in paralysis over the failure of the Ramotar presidency to acknowledge any idea from any opposition group, from any governmental critic much less attempt to implement any such idea. Not deterred by his double standards, Ramotar is at it again.



Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

Remember this number YUJI  - 40 %.






We will see the results on election night. This is what matters. The rest is all talk and Talk is Cheap.

Yugi, I agree with you. Ramotar is at it again. He is a great talker.


Donald Ramotar’s worn out game

January 28, 2014 | By | Filed Under Features / Columnists, Freddie Kissoon 

There are many things that Donald Ramotar wants. But behind all these wants is a game. It is an old stratagem. In the end the ancient trick ends up embarrassing the game-inventor who thinks that he has invented something marvelously subtle and creative. Mr. Ramotar’s game is essentially made of words. Sadly for Mr. Ramotar none of his advisors have warned him that if a leader keeps talking, keeps promising and doesn’t deliver, he ends looking foolish in the eyes of all. It would appear Mr. Ramotar learnt nothing from his hypocritical outburst at a speech he gave at an event to observe the 50th anniversary of UG. He told his audience that the different ideas that the PPP and the opposition have should not serve to divide the nation because all we have to do is try the ideas and see if they work. If they don’t at least they were tried. The highlight of that pretence was when he raised his voice and shouted, β€œBut for Christ’s sake, don’t let the different ideas paralyze us.” The man has not tried any idea from any quarter outside of the PPP since he made that exclamation. Since then Guyana is still in paralysis over the failure of the Ramotar presidency to acknowledge any idea from any opposition group, from any governmental critic much less attempt to implement any such idea. Not deterred by his double standards, Ramotar is at it again.






The results will be there for all to see at election night. Until then, Talk is Cheap.

Originally Posted by yuji22:



You keep posting the same picture over and over. You complain about racial Unity. The President is building racial Unity. LOL.





That picture is indeed a bad publicity stunt. The president made a very bad call, he did a Bharat Jagdeo.

Let me make it clear, that picture will cause the PPP to lose.  Every Hindu home will get one in colour the week before the elections to remind them what the PPP really is.


Printing 20,000 copies going out in the post.

Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by yuji22:



You keep posting the same picture over and over. You complain about racial Unity. The President is building racial Unity. LOL.





That picture is indeed a bad publicity stunt. The president made a very bad call, he did a Bharat Jagdeo.

Let me make it clear, that picture will cause the PPP to lose.  Every Hindu home will get one in colour the week before the elections to remind them what the PPP really is.


Printing 20,000 copies going out in the post.

Mr Postman, please be reminded what the PPP doing to you - back balling you.  It is my right to post it whenever I want.

Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by yuji22:



You keep posting the same picture over and over. You complain about racial Unity. The President is building racial Unity. LOL.





That picture is indeed a bad publicity stunt. The president made a very bad call, he did a Bharat Jagdeo.

Let me make it clear, that picture will cause the PPP to lose.  Every Hindu home will get one in colour the week before the elections to remind them what the PPP really is.


Printing 20,000 copies going out in the post.

Mr Postman, please be reminded what the PPP doing to you - back balling you.  It is my right to post it whenever I want.




The Postman is a PPP man. Make sure that they are registered. Politics is dirty business.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by yuji22:



You keep posting the same picture over and over. You complain about racial Unity. The President is building racial Unity. LOL.





That picture is indeed a bad publicity stunt. The president made a very bad call, he did a Bharat Jagdeo.

Let me make it clear, that picture will cause the PPP to lose.  Every Hindu home will get one in colour the week before the elections to remind them what the PPP really is.


Printing 20,000 copies going out in the post.

Mr Postman, please be reminded what the PPP doing to you - back balling you.  It is my right to post it whenever I want.




The Postman is a PPP man. Make sure that they are registered. Politics is dirty business.

I hear you Yuji, the PPP up to its old tricks  - RIGGING like what they did in Cane Grove in 2011.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

As many are aware, the youth arm of the PPP, the PYO has unleashed a massive campaign in Berbice for the upcoming elections.


According to a member, three important concerns for Berbicians have been expressed:


1. AFC support for the PNC. Berbicians see a vote for AFC as a vote for the PNC.


2.  Nigel, most Berbicians have expressed anger that Nigel is still the head of of AFC.


3. MISTRUST for the PNC.


Berbicians will turn out in massive numbers to prevent the PNC from governing. The AFC will become the victim of the Mistrust Berbicians have for the PNC.


The Mantra: A Vote for the AFC = A vote for the PNC.


This is bad new for the AFC.

do you think dog whistling about those horrible ne.groes will overcome the obscene thievery and corruption in the PPP? The people sees it, knows it, listened to empty promises and are the recipient of the burdens from incompetency and corruption. Simply whistling about the inevitable horrible character of the dastardly Negroes has lost its potency. Everyone wants change and change is not evident with the PPP except for their pocket books.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

Its not Surprising if Nigel Hughes bullied the AFC and cease the Presidential candidate post at the next elections.

bullied? cease? elections?

Malcom, how much are you being paid to write for Ramotar?

The way he writes, I hope not more than minimum wage. They're already robbing Guyanese by paying him with taxpayer dollars to spread PPP propaganda here. A salary in excess of minimum wage would be a bigger slap in the face of the Guyanese taxpayer. 

Originally Posted by JoKer:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

The AFC is afraid of Nigel

Why is that your concern?


Councie and the other PPPusses want to see the AFC split apart on racial lines so they can show the PPP as the only party for Indians.

The AFC is the only party that has an action plan to heal the great racial divide.


PPP-PYO mantra: A Vote for the AFC = A vote for the PNC.


All Guyana know the AFC holds the balance of power between the PPP and PNC.

The AFC's clout is a thorn under the PPP's derriere.

The PPP-PYO is therefore campaigning to scare Berbicians away from the AFC.

Truth is, the AFC is a proud independent force that nearly sank the PPP in the last elections.

Truth is Berbicians aren't scared of the PNC as the PPP-PYO want people to think.

When the PNC was in power countless Berbicians openly joined the PNC and many more secretly supported the PNC.

From Idris Deen to Mustapha Ally, from Joshua Chowritmootoo to the Majeed brothers, lots of East Indian Berbicians cast their lot with the PNC.

Berbicians should stand up and tell the PPP-PYO campaigners bluntly they don't care whatever is peddled about the AFC.

A vote for the AFC is a vote for the AFC in Berbice.

And if some Berbicians vote for the PNC, so what? Their world won't end.


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