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Queens District Leader Surrenders on Corruption Charges

<address class="byline author vcard">By WILLIAM K. RASHBAUM</address>
Albert J. Baldeo in 2005Ozier Muhammad/The New York Times Albert J. Baldeo in 2005

Updated, 11:27 a.m. | A Queens district leader and two-time candidate for the City Council surrendered to federal authorities Wednesday morning to face corruption charges.

The district leader, Albert J. Baldeo, a Democrat, is accused of using phantom donors to funnel illegal campaign contributions to his unsuccessful 2010 campaign for the City Council, to fraudulently increase the amount of matching funds provided by the city, federal prosecutors said. He is being charged with conspiracy to commit mail fraud, attempted mail fraud, conspiracy to commit obstruction of justice and obstruction of justice.

Mr. Baldeo surrendered at the headquarters of the Federal Bureau of Investigation at Federal Plaza shortly after 9 a.m. He is expected to be arraigned Wednesday in Federal District Court in Manhattan.

Mary Galligan, who heads the New York office of the F.B.I., said Mr. Baldeo had received six dollars in matching funds for every dollar he reportedly raised.

“These were nothing more than funds drawn from his own bank account, disguised as donations from others,” she said. “When F.B.I. agents began to uncover his deceitful scheme, Mr. Baldeo told straw donors to lie to our agents and in some cases threatened and intimidated others in a vain attempt to derail the F.B.I.’s investigation.”

Mr. Baldeo, a lawyer whose district includes Richmond Hill and Ozone Park and who also ran unsuccessfully for the City Council in 2005 and for the State Senate in 2006, could not be reached for comment.

His lawyer, Henry E. Mazurek of Clayman & Rosenberg, said in a prepared statement that Mr. Baldeo had devoted himself to public service, and had been singled out in unfair treatment.

“The government crusade against Mr. Baldeo is particularly vindictive and discriminatory given that past history reveals that more sinister conduct alleged against establishment candidates often resulted in civil administrative proceedings — and not criminal cases,” he said. “We intend to vindicate Mr. Baldeo’s good name and commendable civil service. We regret, however, that the government will force this well-intentioned community servant to suffer the emotional and financial costs that criminal litigation entails.”

A district leader, also known as a state committeeperson, is an unpaid, part-time elected official who serves a two-year term. The leader’s duties include endorsing candidates and helping to select the county party’s leader.

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Ozier Muhammad/The New York Times Albert J. Baldeo in 2005

Updated, 11:27 a.m. | A district leader and former City Council candidate in Queens, Albert J. Baldeo, surrendered to federal authorities Wednesday morning to face corruption charges, according to a person briefed on the matter.

Mr. Baldeo is accused of using phantom donors to funnel illegal campaign contributions to his unsuccessful 2010 campaign for City Council in order to fraudulently increase the amount of matching funds provided by the city, federal prosecutors said. He is being charged with conspiracy to commit mail fraud, attempted mail fraud, conspiracy to commit obstruction of justice and obstruction of justice, officials said.

Mr. Baldeo surrendered at the F.B.I.’s headquarters at federal plaza shortly after 9 a.m. and is expected to be arraigned Wednesday in federal court in Manhattan.

Mr. Baldeo whose district includes Richmond Hill and Ozone Park and who also ran unsuccessfully for City Council in 2005 and for State Senate in 2006, could not be reached for comment and it was not immediately clear whether he had retained a lawyer. He himself is a lawyer.

A district leader, otherwise known as state committeeperson, is an unpaid, part-time elected official who serves a two-year term. The leader’s duties include endorsing candidates and helping select the county party’s leader.


It's sad, but those who are in the know would not be surprised about this. Three people whom I know well have had such brushes Trevor, Ed and now Albert. The latter two I know were adversaries of Vish, but I know he's not gloating.


There may be more prominent Liberty Ave personalities who we may be writing about soon. Nothing to be proud of but it's reality

It's sad, but those who are in the know would not be surprised about this. Three people whom I know well have had such brushes Trevor, Ed and now Albert. The latter two I know were adversaries of Vish, but I know he's not gloating.

There may be more prominent Liberty Ave personalities who we may be writing about soon. Nothing to be proud of but it's reality

This is a sad state of affairs when over 200K Guyanese in NY have no political representation and the few guys who run for office are tarnished with corruption.
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

I missed the debate on this corruption.

was in the old archive. There were a number threads starting with one Created on the beating of Lil Birdie.  Farouk detailed what he said was Baldeo's campaign corruption here also.



 These were all boys who started out with big ambitions and to see they created thier own demise in such humilating manner is indeed sad.


D2, Farouk may have exposed Baldeo but trust me he is in the same wicked league as these scamps. 


Originally Posted by Sunil:
It's sad, but those who are in the know would not be surprised about this. Three people whom I know well have had such brushes Trevor, Ed and now Albert. The latter two I know were adversaries of Vish, but I know he's not gloating.

There may be more prominent Liberty Ave personalities who we may be writing about soon. Nothing to be proud of but it's reality

This is a sad state of affairs when over 200K Guyanese in NY have no political representation and the few guys who run for office are tarnished with corruption.

Very much on point Sunil. The quiet professionals who do valuable work don't get mentioned. I happen to straddle the noisy and the quiet ones on Liberty Ave, and your point resonates with me. It's why I try to elevate the level of discourse among us.

Originally Posted by warrior:

THIS MAN IS nehru family,what the hell wrong with you collie people in NY,you guys trying to full up the jails or you guys trying to get into the ppp party

Nehru for the most part is fair brother. 


However when it comes to the PPP and their thieving Nehru is  like a donkey with blinders!!

Originally Posted by Amral:

he threatened to sue GNI a few years ago


I remebered when his name was linked to the cutting of Vishnu hair how he was nervous. He also set up one of Vishu ex attorney and nearly got the man name smeared for life.


Justice  has a way of catching up with evil people.


Is something to do with some of us Indians. A Doctor in Lusignan taking Advantage of the POOR. A man dying on his bed, family asked him to go chechk him out, he told them 20,000 to go to the House but if you bring him in is 4000. People like that should never have gone in the Medical Field. And for all you know he is a Cuban Trained DR which means he never spend a dime for his Training.

Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

As Baldeo is the District Leader he becomes an embarassment to the Democrats. Is there a prison time associated with this offence?

No its not an embarrassment to the Democrats.  This area is solidly Democratic and very corrupt.  Thats why Baldeo thought that he could get away with it.

Originally Posted by Kari:

Gotta agree with CaribJ on this one - the South-East Queens Democratic party is corrupt to the bone. I have to admit that at the local level the Democrats stick.

Not just SE Queens.  The Bronx and Brooklyn are just as bad.  Look at that clown who took tax payers money to pay off some women who he was molesting and he then appointed his replacement as head of the Brooklyn Democratic party.


What Baldeo didnt understand was that he was a peon and so didnt have the privilege of being corrupt and getting away with it.


February 15, 2010


Hon. Odeen Ishmael and Mr. Safraz Ishmael

Mr. Amral Khan

Quinta Roraima

Prados del Este




Re: Incessant defamatory publications against myself and family on your GNI Forum web sites by Farouk Samaroo and others, alias “JoKer” and other posters


Dear Sirs:


With reference to the above matter, please be advised that I have retained legal counsel.


On several occasions, despite warnings to discontinue, Mr. Farouk Samaroo has published, false, vicious and defamatory statements about myself and my family, on your forums. This unlawful conduct, sometimes done in conspiracy and collusion with other third parties, has caused me to lose several clients and business, my reputation and standing in my profession and in my community, and I have suffered other damages otherwise.


Despite my appeals to Mr. Khan, my complaints and friendly warnings were summarily dismissed, erroneously claiming that his indemnity agreement with such posters somehow exempts himself and the owners of this forum from liability.  Further, our confidential communications to him were publicly disclosed and published, which has been deemed a lack of good faith by my legal representatives.


Moreover, these false and harassing publications constitute defamation, per se, and also constitute harassment, the infliction of emotional distress and other causes of action as myself and family may be advised, against both posters and publishers-jointly and severally.


Demand is hereby made that you immediately discontinue such unlawful acts, and that adequate and reasonable compensation be made to me for your actions stated above earliest.






Failure to do so will result in legal proceedings being instituted against you and all those concerned without further notice, and the enforcement of such judgments as may be awarded against you in your respective jurisdictions. Publication of this demand on your forum or elsewhere will be taken as a continued breach of good faith.


Please be guided accordingly.


Very truly yours,


Albert Baldeo

Albert Baldeo, Esq.


Originally Posted by Amral:

Please be guided accordingly.


Very truly yours,


Albert Baldeo

Albert Baldeo, Esq.

Don't mess with KARMA--what goes around, comes around---do good and good comes back to you---do evil and evil comes back to you---wrongfully threaten others--and those threats come back and bitchslap you. Looks like Karma has decided to pay Baldeo a visit--he will pay dearly for his wicked deeds--Karma!




I would suggest some of you here read up about "Operation Primitive Man" ( also called "Operation Fruehmenschen") that was carried out by that body of racial equality called the FBI.


Vish, I know what this means for your tribulations since 2000. It also represents some measure of vindication for Mahendra who was put through the ringers and whose life would have been different today.

Originally Posted by Kari:

Vish, I know what this means for your tribulations since 2000. It also represents some measure of vindication for Mahendra who was put through the ringers and whose life would have been different today.

Albert put Mahendra through hell.

As everyone is saying its karma.

Not one person can say something good about Baldeo.


This is a release from Albert


 Press Statement on Behalf of Albert Baldeo

We regret the decision of the United States Attorney's Office to file a criminal complaint against Mr. Baldeo. Albert Baldeo has devoted himself to public service in his Queens neighborhood as a district leader and has built a career as a lawyer representing the most needy in the Guyanese and other immigrant communities in which he serves. The government has expended tremendous resources to harass and target him for a city council campaign in which he received no public funds. The government's crusade against Mr. Baldeo is particularly vindictive and discriminatory given that past history reveals that more sinister conduct alleged against establishment candidates often resulted in civil administrative proceedings -- and not criminal cases.

This case represents another example of overreaching by prosecutors. We intend to vindicate Mr. Baldeo's good name and commendable civil service. We regret, however, that the government will force this well-intentioned community servant to suffer the emotional and financial costs and family hardships that criminal litigation entails.


For additional comments or inquiries, please contact:

Henry E. Mazurek, Esq.

Clayman & Rosenberg LLP

305 Madison Ave., Suite 1301

New York, New York 10165

(212) 922-1080

Attorneys for Albert Baldeo

Originally Posted by Nehru:

A lot of People says he is a pampous man. His brother the DR is another Pampous and money Hungry RH Resident. I has an experience with the Dr Office I will never forget.

The man is a Dr. not a miracle worker. He can't cure stupiidity.


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