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‘Barber shop’ company gets $300 MILLION computer contracts

Digital Technology, the company which was handed two Government contracts valued at a $293 million to supply computers and related equipment to schools, has been found to have as its head office what is now a Brooklyn, USA barber shop, in a case that bears a striking resemblance to Fip Motilall. Motilall pocketed a US$15.4 contract to build access roads to the Amaila Falls Hydro Electric Project, but investigations by this newspaper revealed his US address to be but a sari and puja shop in Florida.

54 Public Rd. Grove E.B.D., the company’s head office in Guyana

Now, investigations by this newspaper have unearthed facts about Digital Technology that could mirror the startling revelations about Fip Motilall and his company. On July 13, Digital Technology Group of Companies (as it was registered in Guyana) was awarded a contract valued at $223 million for the supply of 1,400 desktop computers to 70 schools across the country. On Monday last, the Education Ministry awarded a further $70 million to the same company to provide more computers, plus servers and overhead projectors. Digital Technology in Guyana is in fact listed as the Caribbean and Latin America Office of a company that goes by the name Digital Waves Technology Inc., which has as its Head Office this address: 3154 Fulton Street, Brooklyn, NY 11208.

Three months ago, checks by this newspaper revealed that this address housed a company called Assets Realty Inc. Today, the property has been remodeled and renamed “Antonio and Martin Barber Shop” as further checks revealed, yesterday. Upstairs of the building serves as rented apartments. For that Head Office address, the company lists its contact information as the mobile number: 347-410-9772. Calls to that number result in the voicemail: “Hello, you’ve reached Cliff David. Please leave a message after the tone and I’ll get back to you shortly. Thank you for calling.” In Guyana, the company’s local address is 54 Grove Public Road, East Bank Demerara. This address is part of a business complex at Grove, which did not have a single computer to sell recently when a Kaieteur News reporter researching bidders for the government’s One Laptop Per Family project visited. The reporter was directed to the company’s office in Sandy Babb Street, Kitty, and the result was no different. Digital Technology in Guyana was one of the companies which put in a bid to supply the government 27,000 laptops under a US$9 millon project. However, the company’s bid, along with the two other bidders, was not successful and the project went to a re-tender.

Krishendat Sukhu

Pulandar Kandhi

Minister Shaik Baksh

When Kaieteur News contacted the company to speak with its Chief Executive Officer, Krishendat ‘Terrence’ Sukhu, the person answering the phone said he was not in the office. Further calls yielded the same results, and messages for Sukhu to return calls for clarification went unanswered. On Monday, this newspaper was told that Sukhu was out of the country and would possibly return in two weeks.

At the contract signing on July 13, Education Minister Shaik Baksh, said that Sukhu had already procured some of the computers and that he was expected to complete delivery by the end of the first term. Mr Sukhu explained that the computers would be Dell made, and acquired through its Central American agency. They would have the standard USB ports and 250-gigabyte hard drives. Initially, there were queries about the ability of the company to actually procure the computers before it had signed the contract, but a source close to the company said that from the time the tenders were open and Mr Sukhu learnt that he had won the tender with the lowest bid, he set about procuring the computers.

Digital Technology boasts of being a world-class management team with direct knowledge of the industry, extensive research experience, and unique administration skills. The company claims to deliver Computer Hardware, Software, Surveillance Systems, Training, VOIP and Networking, Computer and related equipment servicing to customers, and commenced integration and Support of Wireless Internet from February 2006. The company was in fact incorporated in Guyana in June 2, 2009. It also states on its website that it currently hosts approximately 10 websites and has five collocated servers. The company does not list the name of these websites it hosts.

On Monday, when asked about the programme of due diligence performed by the Ministry of Education, Permanent Secretary Pulandar Kandhi, said that the various contractors were subjected to a rigorous examination by the Central Tender Board and by the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB), which is funding one of the computer programmes by the Ministry. However, Digital Technology was not subjected to such scrutiny since its project was outside the scope of the CDB.


Replies sorted oldest to newest

this is such a farce...basically, the company working with someone in the Govt to get the contract. They don't have to show that they can deliver, just get the contract, present it to Dell, then Dell will process the order.

This is corruption at it's best!
I dont understand why the Govt cant purchase directly from Dell or even China or India and give the Contract for installing and servicing to a local. I have to say something is NOT kosher here.
Originally posted by Nehru:
I dont understand why the Govt cant purchase directly from Dell or even China or India and give the Contract for installing and servicing to a local. I have to say something is NOT kosher here.

shucks, they can even go to Dell, and ask them who are their partners in SOuth America and the Caribbean. They can send send the bids to Dell's partners.

This is joke and just not right.

I am not saying that the company will not deliver, but this is not transparent at all...kickback city!
Originally posted by raymond:
direct knowledge of the industry, extensive research experience, and unique administration skills

all of us on GNi can say this
lol Indeed, ray.
Originally posted by raymond:
this is such a farce...basically, the company working with someone in the Govt to get the contract. They don't have to show that they can deliver, just get the contract, present it to Dell, then Dell will process the order.

This is corruption at it's best!
I know them and I am sure you know them and they know as much about computers as the guy in the bodega up the street. This is naked crookedness. I bet if you applied to supply these machines it would not matter your experience you would not even be remotely considered
Originally posted by raymond:
I am also sure that much of this money is paid up front
They now steal with no regard for who consider them thieves. This is like the Burnham era. They do not give a damn who say anything they will pilfer wherever they can and as often as they can.
Ayu shut ayu rass. Abe coolie na care how much dem thief as lang de black man na rule abe.

Long live the working class party. Long live socialism.

Comrade Bookman, please give my regards to your family who won this contract.
Originally posted by raymond:
I am also sure that much of this money is paid up front

"Transportation cost" which is the code for kickbacks is now up to 30%.

I am surprised that the computer company that a well known retired Guyana Consular started up was not invited to bid.
JABR: Ayu shut ayu rass. Abe coolie na care how much dem thief as lang de black man na rule abe.

Long live the working class party. Long live socialism.

Comrade Bookman, please give my regards to your family who won this contract.

Big Grin Big Grin
Originally posted by Nehru:
I dont understand why the Govt cant purchase directly from Dell or even China or India and give the Contract for installing and servicing to a local. I have to say something is NOT kosher here.

Nehru, plain and simple, to make it simple and transparent, baksish cannot slip by. Adding a few middle-men, especially guys overseas, the waters get muddy, very muddy. But believe me, the guys running the show in Guyana got their hands on the pulse. They ain't losing out on the action. The GoG has graduated well beyond corruption 101 and 201, they into graduate level corruption. The very top has signed off on these runnings.
Originally posted by Brodaman:
I guess dem shame! How can they explain this? Who can explain this? Really?

I challenge someone from the PPP bench to explain how this can happen?

You saw, even Nehru barfed and ran to the out-house.
Originally posted by Brodaman:
I believe this was the last straw. Dem boys just dropped the PPP.

You really underestimate how racist coolies can be. They will endorse barefaced thieving if undertaken by a coolie government.
You really underestimate how racist coolies can be. They will endorse barefaced thieving if undertaken by a coolie government.[/QUOTE]

You are right! they will be back tomorrow bare face as ever!
Originally posted by ksazma:
Doesn't seem to be too much profit in procuring computer at under 300 bucks a pop. Now if they pull a Fip Motilall Houdini stunt, they can be home free. Smile

True deh bai, true!!
Bar Rat call Nehru and ask he if he know anyone in New York that can supply laptops. Nehru was a lil bit "sweet" and he thought he heard Bar Rat ask fuh flat tops so he sen he to de barber shop Big Grin
Ah hear dat BJ and he cohorts in New Yark used to have Lap Dance in de same building in Brooklyn.

Lap Top, Lap Dance wha de difference, de running laps around de Guyanese people, an de people so stupidee de sit back and tek it
Originally posted by baseman:
Originally posted by Nehru:
I dont understand why the Govt cant purchase directly from Dell or even China or India and give the Contract for installing and servicing to a local. I have to say something is NOT kosher here.

Nehru, plain and simple, to make it simple and transparent, baksish cannot slip by. Adding a few middle-men, especially guys overseas, the waters get muddy, very muddy. But believe me, the guys running the show in Guyana got their hands on the pulse. They ain't losing out on the action. The GoG has graduated well beyond corruption 101 and 201, they into graduate level corruption. The very top has signed off on these runnings.

60% of the computers will be delivered. However, the signature confirming delivery will claim 100% were delivered. In addition, the hardware specifications detailed in the tender will be downgraded.
Originally posted by raymond:
this is such a farce...basically, the company working with someone in the Govt to get the contract. They don't have to show that they can deliver, just get the contract, present it to Dell, then Dell will process the order.

This is corruption at it's best!

shut it..yu vex you didn't get he contract.
This is a clean deal and it went to the lowest bidder, yall is a pack of scamps, only thinking about scampish things. I am happy that the bid was completed and that soon the computers will be available to our kids.Yall can kiss mee ass now ...bunch of haters...To outsource a contract like this is standard procedure in all governments... take for example Blackwater Security...or Halliburton..shut yall mouff and say thanks to the good investments the PPP is providing for our kids...good job Dr Jagdeo
Originally posted by SuperMike:
This is a clean deal and it went to the lowest bidder, yall is a pack of scamps, only thinking about scampish things. I am happy that the bid was completed and that soon the computers will be available to our kids.Yall can kiss mee ass now ...bunch of haters...To outsource a contract like this is standard procedure in all governments... take for example Blackwater Security...or Halliburton..shut yall mouff and say thanks to the good investments the PPP is providing for our kids...good job Dr Jagdeo

"Islamic" business ethics Supa?

Dell does sell directly to governments with local Dell authorized service agents providing service and support.
Originally posted by Rahmah bin Jabr:
Ayu shut ayu rass. Abe coolie na care how much dem thief as lang de black man na rule abe.

Long live the working class party. Long live socialism.

Comrade Bookman, please give my regards to your family who won this contract.

Ayatollah bin Jabr, haul yuh rass. Bookman family outa da ting, eh.
Originally posted by Rahmah bin Jabr:
Ayu shut ayu rass. Abe coolie na care how much dem thief as lang de black man na rule abe.

Long live the working class party. Long live socialism.

Comrade Bookman, please give my regards to your family who won this contract.

Yes I can well imagine the PPP saying this. Pity the poor little negroes like kwame who have such low self esteem that they are happy with this.
Originally posted by Bookman:
Originally posted by Rahmah bin Jabr:
Ayu shut ayu rass. Abe coolie na care how much dem thief as lang de black man na rule abe.

Long live the working class party. Long live socialism.

Comrade Bookman, please give my regards to your family who won this contract.

Ayatollah bin Jabr, haul yuh rass. Bookman family outa da ting, eh.

Big Grin
Originally posted by Rahmah bin Jabr:
Originally posted by SuperMike:
This is a clean deal and it went to the lowest bidder, yall is a pack of scamps, only thinking about scampish things. I am happy that the bid was completed and that soon the computers will be available to our kids.Yall can kiss mee ass now ...bunch of haters...To outsource a contract like this is standard procedure in all governments... take for example Blackwater Security...or Halliburton..shut yall mouff and say thanks to the good investments the PPP is providing for our kids...good job Dr Jagdeo

"Islamic" business ethics Supa?

Dell does sell directly to governments with local Dell authorized service agents providing service and support.

the PPP did nothing wrong me where there is any wrong doing??? if you bin get dis contract bet yu rass wood ah shut yu mouth and give the people dem computers quick..quick rass Big Grin
Kaieteur News caught lying again
Written by Wendella Davidson
Friday, 22 July 2011
THE Guyana Government yesterday flayed a Kaieteur News front page article headlined ‘Barber shop’ company gets $300 Million computer contracts’, which, through ‘the language’ used, falsely portrayed an impression that the process was not transparent, and due diligence was not exercised in the award of the contracts concerned. Minister of Finance, Dr Ashni Singh, and Minister of Education, Mr. Shaik Baksh, under whose ministry the contract was awarded, yesterday hosted a news conference at NCN television studios, to make the record “quite clear”.
Minister Baksh expressed regret that even though the processes and procedures leading up to the award of the contract were detailed at the signing ceremony, the media appeared not to have understood.
Both ministers questioned the rationale behind the article. Minister Baksh said he is at a loss to decipher the “ulterior motive” and reason for the “cheap publicity” given in the Kaieteur News article, and Minister Singh pointed to the language used in the article as clear evidence of the author's intent to distort and misrepresent.
And, on linking of the contract to that of one awarded to Fip Motilall, who was awarded a contract to build roads to the Amaila Falls, the Finance Minister said it is an “ulterior and wicked motive of the author” of the article, since the Amaila contract was awarded through a similarly transparent process.
Minister Singh argued that such distortions add credence to the view that the Kaieteur News is the new New Nation, adding that these actions have caused that newspaper to be viewed as the mouth piece of the opposition.
The company in question is a locally-registered company, Digital Technology, which was recently awarded two separate contracts, valued at $70,841,185 and $222,947, 632.
The first is in relation to the enhancement of technical and vocational education and training project funded jointly by the GOG and the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB) for the supply, delivery and installation of office equipment for Technical Institutes located in Regions Three (West Demerara/Essequibo Islands) & Region Five (Mahaica/Berbice), while the second contract is for the supply and delivery of accessories to the secondary schools computerization project.
Both contracts, Minister Baksh said, attracted four bidders, with Digital Technology submitting the lowest bid in each case.
The tender was subject to a “national competitive bidding process”, which he stated, was followed in all respects, with the Ministry of Education placing advertisements, opening of the tenders at the office of the National Procurement Board (NPB), and subsequent evaluation and review of the bids by a committee appointed by the Board.
The committee then submitted a report, along with its recommendation, to the Board, which, after its own perusal, forwarded a recommendation to Cabinet which gave its “no objection” to the award of the contract.

Minister Baksh alluded to the final paragraph in the article which read, “However, Digital Technology was not subjected to such scrutiny, since its project was outside the scope of the CDB,” nailing this as a lie in the case of one of the contracts.
Minister Baksh, describing the statement by the media house entity as `carte blanche’, said at the signing of the contract, he “was at pains to point out that the CDB reviewed the processes, reviewed the bid documents and pronounced, by way of giving a ‘no objection’, the document which he displayed.
The fact that the CDB gave its `no objection’ is evidence that it is satisfied with the integrity and transparency of the process, the minister posited.
Alluding to the KN article with an accompanying photograph which is the company’s overseas headquarters, Minister Baksh said the Kaieteur newspaper is wrong to say that it is a barber shop.
Minister Baksh said Digital Technology is a registered company in Guyana.
“We are not concerned about operations in the United States and Canada, and Europe and any other country; it is registered and it is a recognized company in Guyana.”
Minister Baksh categorically stated that the contract requirements specify that contract awardee must lodge a 10 per cent security bond and Digital Technology has complied by lodging the sum of $7M and $22M respectively, in relation to the two contracts. This, he said, demonstrates the financial capability of the company, adding that they will have to deliver a quality product complete with specifications as set out in the contract documents before receiving payment.
Additionally, another safeguard as set out in the contract, the minister explained, is “ the computers and accessories will have to be supplied to the Ministry of Education before any payment is made”. The minister further stated that even before this is done, the Ministry of Education will have to be satisfied with the quality of the products before the final payments are made.
These computers, the brand of which is ‘Dell’, and ‘HP’ for the printers, are to be sourced from a reputable company and not any “wishy-washy” one, also that both of the contracts carry a three-year warranty attached, for which the 10 per cent bond will be held to ensure compliance .
The Education Minister reiterated that what is important is that the supplier actually delivers what it is contracted to deliver to the Ministry of Education which will subsequently have its technical personnel assess the quality of the products delivered.
Both Ministers Singh and Baksh have urged Kaieteur News and other media houses to pay greater attention to facts.
Meanwhile, representatives of the KN – at yesterday’s news conference - sought to justify their article by questioning whether due diligence was carried out in the awarding of the contract, but the ministers maintained that, to the best of their knowledge, the integrity of the tender process was intact.
Source: Guyana Chronicle
Three months ago, checks by this newspaper revealed that this address housed a company called Assets Realty Inc. Today, the property has been remodeled and renamed “Antonio and Martin Barber Shop” as further checks revealed, yesterday. Upstairs of the building serves as rented apartments. For that Head Office address, the company lists its contact information as the mobile number: 347-410-9772. Calls to that number result in the voicemail: “Hello, you’ve reached Cliff David. Please leave a message after the tone and I’ll get back to you shortly. Thank you for calling.”

Bookman or someone in NY pleaseaatry and duplicate the calling of the above number. I tried but no success. dunno

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