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Originally Posted by TK:

We need the 2012 population data to make such a projection. The PPP is hiding the numbers. The only reason they're doing that is because the Indian population declined below 40%. If true how can they get a majority in light of all the wrongs since 2012?

If you think that only Indians are leaving the country, then think again.

The afro population also shrinks. Only the Amerindians increased in population.

Originally Posted by Django:
Originally Posted by TK:

We need the 2012 population data to make such a projection. The PPP is hiding the numbers. The only reason they're doing that is because the Indian population declined below 40%. If true how can they get a majority in light of all the wrongs since 2012?

This boggles my mind,how will the voters vote

for a party that squandered and wasted so

much money.

As illogical as it sounds it is something called "fear" - fear of the PNC wrapped in an APNU alliance with the AFC as a junior partner.


It's Fear, Stupid!

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Django:
Originally Posted by TK:

We need the 2012 population data to make such a projection. The PPP is hiding the numbers. The only reason they're doing that is because the Indian population declined below 40%. If true how can they get a majority in light of all the wrongs since 2012?

This boggles my mind,how will the voters vote

for a party that squandered and wasted so

much money.


Voters have simpler concerns and fears. They are not really motivated by corruption because the State still runs somewhat ok and they don't spend time pontificating about liberal democracy. That is a middle class hobby of the diaspora.

Voters.......they don't spend time pontificating about liberal democracy. That is a middle class hobby of the diaspora.


This is so numbingly true.

Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Django:
Originally Posted by TK:

We need the 2012 population data to make such a projection. The PPP is hiding the numbers. The only reason they're doing that is because the Indian population declined below 40%. If true how can they get a majority in light of all the wrongs since 2012?

This boggles my mind,how will the voters vote

for a party that squandered and wasted so

much money.


Voters have simpler concerns and fears. They are not really motivated by corruption because the State still runs somewhat ok and they don't spend time pontificating about liberal democracy. That is a middle class hobby of the diaspora.

Voters.......they don't spend time pontificating about liberal democracy. That is a middle class hobby of the diaspora.


This is so numbingly true.


I don't know why the overseas Indian and Black middle class always think they share the same magically complex and nuanced worldview of the ordinary Guyanese. Especially for the Indians for whom the choice of PPP vs. PNC is not at all complex and I would even venture to say "rational" in a Guyanese context.


Let's appropriate Howard Bloom's Luciferian Principle and apply it to Guyanese politics.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

I further expect the AFC-APNU Coalition to post a similar net loss of 1 to 3 seats for 30, 31, or 32 seats total.


National Independent Party led by Mark Benschop may bleed 1 or 2 traditional PNC seats from APNU-AFC further driving them down to as low as 28-29.



Accurate observation. 


The assumption that the AFC will bring a majority to APNU is inaccurate. This is the most accurate and honest prediction. 


I owe you some kind of apology chap. Once in a blue moon in politics, one can just haul numbers out of thin air and the stars will align so that they become justified by facts yet to be of course we known them


I always try to be as fair and honest as I can be in my prognostications.


P.S....the AFC could have brought a majority to APNU but only with Nagamootoo as the Presidential Candidate. Nothing less was gonna be good enough to argue the matter on the Corentyne etc.



I have to agree with you. Moses as Presidential Candidate meant trouble for the PPP.


The PPP was handed the Presidency and a Majority as a result of AFC's merger with APNU and Moses as Prime Ministerial Candidate. AFC made a huge political blunder.


Politics as usual in Guyana. Indo Guyanese will now flock to Mommy PPP.


Just enjoying my World Cup Cricket right now. No need to a argue about Guyana's election. We all know what the final result will look like.



I disagree with you that the AFC made a big blunder- By joining the PNC the AFC is avoiding the inevitable shame and humiliation at the poll. PPP 55 percentâ€Ķâ€Ķ

Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by Django:
Originally Posted by TK:

We need the 2012 population data to make such a projection. The PPP is hiding the numbers. The only reason they're doing that is because the Indian population declined below 40%. If true how can they get a majority in light of all the wrongs since 2012?

This boggles my mind,how will the voters vote

for a party that squandered and wasted so

much money.

As illogical as it sounds it is something called "fear" - fear of the PNC wrapped in an APNU alliance with the AFC as a junior partner.


It's Fear, Stupid!

The new party has to show they are not as the PPP shows them to old party from donkey years ago...just as the PPP is not the same party as donkey years ago.


If I was django I'd come over deh and beat yo rass up for calling big man names, yeh.

Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by Django:
Originally Posted by TK:

We need the 2012 population data to make such a projection. The PPP is hiding the numbers. The only reason they're doing that is because the Indian population declined below 40%. If true how can they get a majority in light of all the wrongs since 2012?

This boggles my mind,how will the voters vote

for a party that squandered and wasted so

much money.

As illogical as it sounds it is something called "fear" - fear of the PNC wrapped in an APNU alliance with the AFC as a junior partner.


It's Fear, Stupid!

The new party has to show they are not as the PPP shows them to old party from donkey years ago...just as the PPP is not the same party as donkey years ago.


If I was django I'd come over deh and beat yo rass up for calling big man names, yeh. a smart boy "Fear" is Stupid!

Originally Posted by Django:
Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by Django:
Originally Posted by TK:

We need the 2012 population data to make such a projection. The PPP is hiding the numbers. The only reason they're doing that is because the Indian population declined below 40%. If true how can they get a majority in light of all the wrongs since 2012?

This boggles my mind,how will the voters vote

for a party that squandered and wasted so

much money.

As illogical as it sounds it is something called "fear" - fear of the PNC wrapped in an APNU alliance with the AFC as a junior partner.


It's Fear, Stupid!

The new party has to show they are not as the PPP shows them to old party from donkey years ago...just as the PPP is not the same party as donkey years ago.


If I was django I'd come over deh and beat yo rass up for calling big man names, yeh. a smart boy "Fear" is Stupid!

Like when Bill Clinton said - it's the Economy, Stupid. The "Stupid" is an exhortation to himself. Was he the one to have coined that phrase?

Originally Posted by Churchill:

 The AFC-APNU ticket will be a very hard sell  especially in the traditional PPP areas....but it is possible to make significant inroads if the campaign would focus on mismanagement especially in the sugar industry, corruption involving close friends of Jagdeo and Ramouthar, and racist approach to the awarding of government contracts.....  

What you will have to do is to suggest that a PNC government is going to handle the sugar industry better.  I don't think people would care about corrupt crony capitalism if they felt economically secure, so don't think that you can over come 54 years of fear/hatred towards the PNC with that.


Those are tactics that would have worked with an independent AFC.


Nagamootoo has to prove


1.  Granger is a nice man, like a demon like most rural Indians think of the PNC.


2. Nagamootoo will play a pivotal role enabling him to protect them against the more hard line PNC activists.


This is what its all about.  The rest is chatter for the intellectual class.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Can Ramouthtar better this valentine deal?


1.  AFC presently has 7 seats. The agreement gives AFC12 seats win, lose or draw.
2. AFC gets Head of the presidential secretariat, who is secretary to cabinet
and secretary of the Defence Board.
3. AFC gets Prime minister with increase power. The prime minister will now
chair cabinet, is responsible for identifying ministers and structuring the
4. AFC gets 40 percent of all ministerial positions.
5. AFC gets the ministries of Agriculture, Natural Resources, Home Affairs and Tourism.
6. Civil society is promised to be Leader of the List of Representatives and
Speaker of the National Assembly.
7. APNU gets the presidency with reduced powers.
8. AFC gets two Vice presidents.
9. APNU gets one Vice president.
10. APNU gets 60 percent of the cabinet which includes foreign affairs and
11. The parliamentary configuration of the APNU and AFC does not equal 60/40.
12. AFC went into the negotiation the smaller partner but came out holding all the critical power and has secured more seats, win lose or draw.

And all of this is subject to approval by Granger.   The AFC is responsible to recommend lots of things for review by Granger.  In addition mots cabinet positions will be APNU, as will be most MP slots.


APNU wasn't going to give away the house to the AFC and risk having people like Solomon and Kissoon riling up the masses.


You are a truly simple person if you think that if the alliance ends up with 28 seats, 26 from PNC strongholds, that they are going to cede almost half of them to the AFC.  You are dumb to think that APNU MPs are going to give up their seats to a little party which didn't deliver votes from the PPP strongholds.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:
You are a truly simple person if you think that if the alliance ends up with 28 seats, 26 from PNC strongholds, that they are going to cede almost half of them to the AFC.  You are dumb to think that APNU MPs are going to give up their seats to a little party which didn't deliver votes from the PPP strongholds.


I can't remember the last time I saw so much delusion in one political campaign.


To think that the AFC has just been "guaranteed" 12 seats borders on lunacy. The AFC is guaranteed only what can be attributed to it's efforts.


This is not even some promisory note. It's an "abbe guh see bai" to a wuk now/pay lata arrangement dependent on the Employer's goodwill.


I read what Granger said as reported in KN. He did NOT promise 12 seats win, lose or draw.  He promised 12 seats in the government, the implication being that the deal is only relevant should the coalition win.


In addition the PM will have the responsibility of recommending the selection Ministers and providing the organizational structures for approval by the President.  Other appointments will be "in consultation".


While Nagamootoo might be able to spin this in PPP strongholds, if he is aggressive enough, let us not fool ourselves that he will be a power independent of the President.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by caribny:
You are a truly simple person if you think that if the alliance ends up with 28 seats, 26 from PNC strongholds, that they are going to cede almost half of them to the AFC.  You are dumb to think that APNU MPs are going to give up their seats to a little party which didn't deliver votes from the PPP strongholds.


I can't remember the last time I saw so much delusion in one political campaign.


To think that the AFC has just been "guaranteed" 12 seats borders on lunacy. The AFC is guaranteed only what can be attributed to it's efforts.


This is not even some promisory note. It's an "abbe guh see bai" to a wuk now/pay lata arrangement dependent on the Employer's goodwill.

If the coalition wins the deal will hold, that is until APNU decides that it shouldn't.


The question for the AFC is what happens should the coalition lose.  Granger didn't address that in his comments to KN.



I don't expect to see Nagamootoo in G/town until May 12th.  He will have to walk all over regions 2-6, and also in regions 1, 8, and 9 to sell his message.

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Keep stirring your racist pile of shit there, hopefully you build a castle by the end of the day Carib.....

HM_Redux notable that you don't say a thing to Kari, Shaitaan and the many others who are convinced that this is a bad move.


Is it that you are engaging in your own RACIAL attack only because you know full well the high risk maneuver made by Nagamootoo will back fire.


You no what you are like a monkey flinging dung. At some point you just get boring.

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Keep stirring your racist pile of shit there, hopefully you build a castle by the end of the day Carib.....


Caribny is not stirring any piles of racist anything. He is offering a frank, clear, and lengthy explanation as to why many of us (Shaitaan included) think this is just a bad idea from almost any direction viewed.


I can even live with this abundantly flawed document vis a vis governance. However, this is still DOA because it is political nonstarter in Guyana in to reasonably ask Indian people to vote PNC in a general election. I just don't see how this can be successful. For the same reasons I wouldn't dream of asking Black people to vote PPP/C.


Dude, I would like to find a compelling argument to make to the Indians to vote against the PPP/C this year. I can't think of one now. My intellect has its limits. This agreement strains my capacity for political creativity/strategery while still remaining grounded in reality.


Some of you appear to have intellects which suffer no similar impairments.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Keep stirring your racist pile of shit there, hopefully you build a castle by the end of the day Carib.....


Caribny is not stirring any piles of racist anything. He is offering a frank, clear, and lengthy explanation as to why many of us (Shaitaan included) think this is just a bad idea from almost any direction viewed.


I can even live with this abundantly flawed document vis a vis governance. However, this is still DOA because it is political nonstarter in Guyana in to reasonably ask Indian people to vote PNC in a general election. I just don't see how this can be successful. For the same reasons I wouldn't dream of asking Black people to vote PPP/C.


Dude, I would like to find a compelling argument to make to the Indians to vote against the PPP/C this year. I can't think of one now. My intellect has its limits. This agreement strains my capacity for political creativity/strategery while still remaining grounded in reality.


Some of you appear to have intellects which suffer no similar impairments.

Where is this one suppose to Go?

World Cup fever! Clean bowled by Snakemootoo!

Originally Posted by Spontaneous emission:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Keep stirring your racist pile of shit there, hopefully you build a castle by the end of the day Carib.....


Caribny is not stirring any piles of racist anything. He is offering a frank, clear, and lengthy explanation as to why many of us (Shaitaan included) think this is just a bad idea from almost any direction viewed.


I can even live with this abundantly flawed document vis a vis governance. However, this is still DOA because it is political nonstarter in Guyana in to reasonably ask Indian people to vote PNC in a general election. I just don't see how this can be successful. For the same reasons I wouldn't dream of asking Black people to vote PPP/C.


Dude, I would like to find a compelling argument to make to the Indians to vote against the PPP/C this year. I can't think of one now. My intellect has its limits. This agreement strains my capacity for political creativity/strategery while still remaining grounded in reality.


Some of you appear to have intellects which suffer no similar impairments.

Where is this one suppose to Go?

World Cup fever! Clean bowled by Snakemootoo!

Not so fast, sponty. That's a no-ball.

Dr Rupert Roopnarine could be the next Minister of Education. He will do far better than Priya Manickchand.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Spontaneous emission:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Keep stirring your racist pile of shit there, hopefully you build a castle by the end of the day Carib.....


Caribny is not stirring any piles of racist anything. He is offering a frank, clear, and lengthy explanation as to why many of us (Shaitaan included) think this is just a bad idea from almost any direction viewed.


I can even live with this abundantly flawed document vis a vis governance. However, this is still DOA because it is political nonstarter in Guyana in to reasonably ask Indian people to vote PNC in a general election. I just don't see how this can be successful. For the same reasons I wouldn't dream of asking Black people to vote PPP/C.


Dude, I would like to find a compelling argument to make to the Indians to vote against the PPP/C this year. I can't think of one now. My intellect has its limits. This agreement strains my capacity for political creativity/strategery while still remaining grounded in reality.


Some of you appear to have intellects which suffer no similar impairments.

Where is this one suppose to Go?

World Cup fever! Clean bowled by Snakemootoo!

Not so fast, sponty. That's a no-ball.

Dr Rupert Roopnarine could be the next Minister of Education. He will do far better than Priya Manickchand.

Roopnarine allegedly played a very important role in APNU improving its position in 2011, because Granger isn't a good campaigner.


I will hope that he will play a role in this 25% probable APNU/AFC govt.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Spontaneous emission:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Keep stirring your racist pile of shit there, hopefully you build a castle by the end of the day Carib.....


Caribny is not stirring any piles of racist anything. He is offering a frank, clear, and lengthy explanation as to why many of us (Shaitaan included) think this is just a bad idea from almost any direction viewed.


I can even live with this abundantly flawed document vis a vis governance. However, this is still DOA because it is political nonstarter in Guyana in to reasonably ask Indian people to vote PNC in a general election. I just don't see how this can be successful. For the same reasons I wouldn't dream of asking Black people to vote PPP/C.


Dude, I would like to find a compelling argument to make to the Indians to vote against the PPP/C this year. I can't think of one now. My intellect has its limits. This agreement strains my capacity for political creativity/strategery while still remaining grounded in reality.


Some of you appear to have intellects which suffer no similar impairments.

Where is this one suppose to Go?

World Cup fever! Clean bowled by Snakemootoo!

Not so fast, sponty. That's a no-ball.

Dr Rupert Roopnarine could be the next Minister of Education. He will do far better than Priya Manickchand.

Roopnarine allegedly played a very important role in APNU improving its position in 2011, because Granger isn't a good campaigner.


I will hope that he will play a role in this 25% probable APNU/AFC govt.

Carib, the PPPites tried divide-and-rule tactics to thwart the APNU-AFC unity talks. Now that a deal has been signed, PPPites are still feverishly fomenting discontent in the opposition ranks. I'm not aware that Dr Roopnarine has complained to anyone in the PPP that he is "clean bowled" as sponty wants people to believe.

Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Churchill:

 The AFC-APNU ticket will be a very hard sell  especially in the traditional PPP areas....but it is possible to make significant inroads if the campaign would focus on mismanagement especially in the sugar industry, corruption involving close friends of Jagdeo and Ramouthar, and racist approach to the awarding of government contracts.....  

Guyanese are not different from you and I. We were PPPites and rested our hopes that they willl manage justly. They turned out to be thieves and we no longer trust them. Similarly, in many areas the impact of mismanagement, cronyism and bribes for the smallest thing is severe. In the rice belt people are at their wits end with money. They are not sure if and when they will be paid.


I am sure you know who I am so you   know we rent almost 300 acres to small farmers and we do not get paid any rent because they cannot pay. By the time the get their money from the millers they already owe everybody the more than they get.  One miller rents from us and he also cries to pay so I suspect all of black bush is persuadable.


Again, they only need to persuade 7 to 10k indians to make a difference.

This is where constitutional reform provides the best solution. Where elected representatives can be held responsible for their actions. In my opinion, the merger of AFC with APNU reduces that element. Instead of three polices, now there are only two. 

I do not know why that influences the potential for change in a negative way. It is only these parties clamoring for change not the PPP. The problem of three different vision versus two means you have better nor lesser chance.

Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:
Originally Posted by TK:

We need the 2012 population data to make such a projection. The PPP is hiding the numbers. The only reason they're doing that is because the Indian population declined below 40%. If true how can they get a majority in light of all the wrongs since 2012?

If you think that only Indians are leaving the country, then think again.

The afro population also shrinks. Only the Amerindians increased in population.

This is supposedly the totals from the census. If it is then it is clear the PPP are up shit's creek. Indians no longer control the political space. Amerinds have also have a diminished role

At  2012       
Total population  747,884     
Afros  223,224 29.8%   
Amerindians  78,683 10.5%   
Indos  298,279 39.9%   
Mixed  141,166 18.9%   
Others  6,532 0.9%5123 chinese imported from China
Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by Django:
Originally Posted by TK:

We need the 2012 population data to make such a projection. The PPP is hiding the numbers. The only reason they're doing that is because the Indian population declined below 40%. If true how can they get a majority in light of all the wrongs since 2012?

This boggles my mind,how will the voters vote

for a party that squandered and wasted so

much money.

As illogical as it sounds it is something called "fear" - fear of the PNC wrapped in an APNU alliance with the AFC as a junior partner.


It's Fear, Stupid!

If we are speaking of mutual fears driving the electorates then there is a 49% of blacks plus self identified mixed who would be voting against the PPP with a split of the Amerindian votes. They PPP cannot win if they have to leech 14% from the other side. They have a larger potential for leakage since the young people may break ranks and they are not going to the PPP. This is a difficult one for the PPP to win from even the most favorable perspective to them.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:

I do not know why that influences the potential for change in a negative way. It is only these parties clamoring for change not the PPP. The problem of three different vision versus two means you have better nor lesser chance.

The question is if the voting population have matured to this position. If the AFC's showing in the last two elections tell us anything, it is that voters may be opened to change but does so very cautiously. The majority of the AFC votes came from the race of the presidential candidate. Now that the candidate is Granger are we to expect Indians to support the AFC like they did in 2011 or 2006?

Originally Posted by Stormborn:

If we are speaking of mutual fears driving the electorates then there is a 49% of blacks plus self identified mixed who would be voting against the PPP with a split of the Amerindian votes. They PPP cannot win if they have to leech 14% from the other side. They have a larger potential for leakage since the young people may break ranks and they are not going to the PPP. This is a difficult one for the PPP to win from even the most favorable perspective to them.

It would indeed be a breakthrough in Guyanese politics if it happens. That is for sure. 

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:
Originally Posted by TK:

We need the 2012 population data to make such a projection. The PPP is hiding the numbers. The only reason they're doing that is because the Indian population declined below 40%. If true how can they get a majority in light of all the wrongs since 2012?

If you think that only Indians are leaving the country, then think again.

The afro population also shrinks. Only the Amerindians increased in population.

This is supposedly the totals from the census. If it is then it is clear the PPP are up shit's creek. Indians no longer control the political space. Amerinds have also have a diminished role

At  2012       
Total population  747,884     
Afros  223,224 29.8%   
Amerindians  78,683 10.5%   
Indos  298,279 39.9%   
Mixed  141,166 18.9%   
Others  6,532 0.9%5123 chinese imported from China

From the views of some political pundits,

indos population is around the same,PPP

will have a tough time to win this election.

Originally Posted by Django:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:
Originally Posted by TK:

We need the 2012 population data to make such a projection. The PPP is hiding the numbers. The only reason they're doing that is because the Indian population declined below 40%. If true how can they get a majority in light of all the wrongs since 2012?

If you think that only Indians are leaving the country, then think again.

The afro population also shrinks. Only the Amerindians increased in population.

This is supposedly the totals from the census. If it is then it is clear the PPP are up shit's creek. Indians no longer control the political space. Amerinds have also have a diminished role

At  2012       
Total population  747,884     
Afros  223,224 29.8%   
Amerindians  78,683 10.5%   
Indos  298,279 39.9%   
Mixed  141,166 18.9%   
Others  6,532 0.9%5123 chinese imported from China

From the views of some political pundits,

indos population is around the same,PPP

will have a tough time to win this election.

PPP will lose the elections. Period.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

PPP will lose the elections. Period.

Why? Because of all the 15 y/o mixed kids and unregistered Amerindians?


The Indian population is a good deal higher among the registered voters than it is among the population at large.


If they AFC and APNU fool themselves that a 60% non Indian identified population means an easy victory they are being very foolish, and deserve to lose.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

I do not know why that influences the potential for change in a negative way. It is only these parties clamoring for change not the PPP. The problem of three different vision versus two means you have better nor lesser chance.

The question is if the voting population have matured to this position. If the AFC's showing in the last two elections tell us anything, it is that voters may be opened to change but does so very cautiously. The majority of the AFC votes came from the race of the presidential candidate. Now that the candidate is Granger are we to expect Indians to support the AFC like they did in 2011 or 2006?

I did not take "maturity" into consideration. I am saying that the if each side votes race the PPP loses. If there is any rational decision making the PPP lose. It is a difficult one for them when their natural base  is also their ceiling and that base is now 39%

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:
Originally Posted by TK:

We need the 2012 population data to make such a projection. The PPP is hiding the numbers. The only reason they're doing that is because the Indian population declined below 40%. If true how can they get a majority in light of all the wrongs since 2012?

If you think that only Indians are leaving the country, then think again.

The afro population also shrinks. Only the Amerindians increased in population.

This is supposedly the totals from the census. If it is then it is clear the PPP are up shit's creek. Indians no longer control the political space. Amerinds have also have a diminished role

At  2012       
Total population  747,884     
Afros  223,224 29.8%   
Amerindians  78,683 10.5%   
Indos  298,279 39.9%   
Mixed  141,166 18.9%   
Others  6,532 0.9%5123 chinese imported from China

Stormy, there is no equivalence to general population census regarding racial composition and registered voters by race. Further there is no equivalence between registered voters by race and voting for race-based parties - meaning that while some Blacks and mixed may vote PPP, practically no Indians will vote APNU-AFC believing it to be PNC.

Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

If we are speaking of mutual fears driving the electorates then there is a 49% of blacks plus self identified mixed who would be voting against the PPP with a split of the Amerindian votes. They PPP cannot win if they have to leech 14% from the other side. They have a larger potential for leakage since the young people may break ranks and they are not going to the PPP. This is a difficult one for the PPP to win from even the most favorable perspective to them.

It would indeed be a breakthrough in Guyanese politics if it happens. That is for sure. 

The APNU/AFC have the backing of the ABC nations who have always been leery of the PPP given their stupidity in not voting present in specific issues but actually voting against issues crucial to the western community.


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