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Canadian gold firm to invest $370M in Guyana


THE Ministry of Natural Resources has announced that the world’s largest gold-mining company – Barrick Gold Corporation – is partnering with StrataGold Guyana Inc. to fund the exploration of the Arakaka Gold Project in Guyana. A statement from the ministry noted that Barrick Gold is a Canadian entity with operations in several continents. It was noted that since early 2013, StrataGold Guyana has consistently progressed exploration activity of the Arakaka Gold Project with the aim of defining economically viable gold resources suitable for large-scale mining operations.
“The investment by Barrick allows for StrataGold Guyana to enhance this activity, and for further staged advancement of the Arakaka Gold Project over a period of up to four years,” the statement revealed.
It was further noted that the earn-in agreement will ensure that drilling begins as soon as practicable, with Barrick required to spend a minimum of approximately GYD$370 million (USD$1.8 million) in 2016.
“While StrataGold Guyana will continue to be the operator of the project, the ministry considers it a positive comment on the investment potential in Guyana by having a global company like Barrick Gold Corporation partner in the country’s exploration, and looks forward to a long and mutually rewarding relationship between the investors and the people of Guyana,” the statement concluded.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

This speaks volumes of foreign investors confidence in the APNU+AFC Coalition Govt.

It was noted that since early 2013, StrataGold Guyana has consistently progressed exploration activity of the Arakaka Gold Project with the aim of defining economically viable gold resources suitable for large-scale mining operations.


Spending money to pillage virgin forest is not investment. The horrible moonscape these people leaves is distressing. They kill even the bacteria in the soil and leave large pools of toxic pools  every where. Gold mining is one of the most vile use of lands anywhere on the planet.

Drugb posted:

Predators raping the natural resources and destroying the forest? This is investment?

Had this happened during the Jagdeo era you would have been overcome with glee.

Word to you.  There was a massive increase in gold production, during the PPP era, because gold prices soared.

So cease your sour grapes because this expansion continues.

Stormborn posted:

Spending money to pillage virgin forest is not investment. The horrible moonscape these people leaves is distressing. They kill even the bacteria in the soil and leave large pools of toxic pools  every where. Gold mining is one of the most vile use of lands anywhere on the planet.

Companies like this one can and should be held responsible for rehabilitating the environment once they leave.

As of now Guyanese need the gold money.


April 22, 2016 Source

Local port operator Muneshwers Limited is developing a modern port facility at Houston, East Bank Demerara in a multi-billion dollar investment as the company aims to capitalise on Guyana’s developing oil and gas industry.

Muneshwers’ Country Manager Robin Muneshwer [left), in talks with Minister of Natural Resources Raphael Trotman [right) and Minister of Business Dominic Gaskin yesterday.
Muneshwers’ Country Manager Robin Muneshwer (left), in talks with Minister of Natural Resources Raphael Trotman (right) and Minister of Business Dominic Gaskin yesterday.

“Essentially, what we want to be is a one-stop shop for the supply vessel. When the vessel comes from the rig and it comes here, it must be able to satisfy all its needs, get its pipes, its fuel, its oil, its water, the powder plant, the mud plant, you know they come here, they get everything done and they go back,” Robin Muneshwer, the company’s Country Manager told Stabroek News during a tour of the facility yesterday. “That could be the holy grail for us in terms of the oil industry support,” he said.

Muneshwers purchased the 28-acre property from timber company, Caribbean Resources Limited in 2014 for US$20 million. Since then, it has spent approximately US$10 million to develop the property and aims to become operational in July. Phase Two will see further investment as only a small portion has been developed in Phase One. “We’re only developing I would say maybe 15% of it so far, this is the first phase of development,” Muneshwer said. He said that there are a few more acres to reclaim which would make the property on the eastern bank of the Demerara River about 32 acres.

 An official of Tiger Tanks [left) speaks about the company’s work in Guyana during a tour of Muneshwers new port facility at Houston yesterday.
An official of Tiger Tanks (left) speaks about the company’s work in Guyana during a tour of Muneshwers new port facility at Houston yesterday.

“This project we think is of national importance and significance. We are a private company and we’re investing heavily in this project. We have all our bets on the future of Guyana in a time when business is slow for various reasons. We are fully invested in this project and in the success of Guyana,” he asserted.

When completed, it would be the biggest active port facility in the country, Muneshwer said while adding that most of the major wharves in Georgetown would fit in the compound. Due to the size, the company can offer many services that other port facilities in the city cannot, he said.

Muneshwers General Manager Curt Taylor said that the new facility would be fully equipped to handle any type of cargo, vessel, or operation including those in the oil and gas industry. He also highlighted the ease of access to outlying areas without all the congestion that exist from the other ports in Georgetown.


Muneshwers officials and Minister of Natural Resources Raphael Trotman and Minister of Business Dominic Gaskin discuss the company’s multi-billion project at Houston yesterday.
Muneshwers officials and Minister of Natural Resources Raphael Trotman and Minister of Business Dominic Gaskin discuss the company’s multi-billion project at Houston yesterday.

Minister of Natural Resources Raphael Trotman and Minister of Business Dominic Gaskin who toured the facility yesterday lauded the project. Noting one of the aims of the company is to offer facilities for services that support the oil and gas industry, Trotman pointed out that US oil company ExxonMobil which discovered large quantities of oil offshore Guyana last year, is the main player now.

“I am hoping that they could see this as a facility that they can use. I know that as you ramp up your exploration into production, you will need larger space, you might even, more than likely need more than this but at least…Guyana and by Guyana I mean both the country and local entrepreneurs can provide services as needed,” he asserted.

He said that Muneshwers has been advancing their thinking and with Guyana on its way to becoming an oil and gas producer, “… the economy is going to transform and the requirements, services, is also going to transform.”

Trotman said that scores of companies are showing an interest in providing oil and gas industry support services in Guyana and he had a meeting with at least two persons in this regard yesterday including the head of the Energy Chamber of Trinidad Dr Dax Driver. “The whole idea is to start looking at how we can partner local businesses with foreign businesses because while we welcome expatriates, we want to make sure that Guyanese are able to share and to learn,” Trotman said.

Gaskin pointed out that the project is a major investment by a local investor. “We are very impressed by his foresight and by the facility that we have seen here, he certainly has the space that is required to take us through the next few years, so all in all, with the little that we have seen, we are happy, we are impressed and we are glad to see that our local companies are responding to a future that they perceive is likely to be a bright one and bring about an expanded economy,” he said.

Muneshwer told Stabroek News that the first phase involves developing the facility so that it can handle a shipping line and containers. A pier and container yard has been built and construction of the shipping office which would house Guyana Revenue Authority and Customs officers as well as the shipping agency and other personnel, is ongoing. “We’re hoping to complete the first phase by July of this year at which point we’d be ready for business,” he said.

It was noted that Tiger Tanks, a Trinidadian company that deals with disposal of hazardous waste, has already established a base on site and is providing services to ExxonMobil.


With about four acres of container yard space already established, Phase Two would see further expansion of the container yard and the area next to the pier to make the land contiguous with the pier. “That would greatly enhance our staging area,” Muneshwer said.

“We are targeting not just the container but of course the oil and gas industry as well…for that second phase,” he emphasised.

The businessman said that the requirements for the oil and gas industry include a lot of space but not so much heavy infrastructure as is required by containers. He said the completion of the project would be based on the revenue generated from each phase which would be pumped back into the facility. He estimated that the project would take about 10 years to be fully completed but said that it is dependent on the revenue stream and if there is significant revenue, the development can be expedited.

Muneshwer related that the company is in talks with other firms interested in utilizing the facilities. Interest has been expressed by various sectors inclusive of shipping, oil and gas, seafood processing, cement processing, and rice handling, he said. At this point, the businessman said, it would be difficult to say how the facility is going to be fully utilised as some industries are more lucrative than others. While focus would be on the lucrative sectors, ideally there should be a good mix in the facility so that it is diversified and any risk is spread around rather than investing in one single industry or company, he said.

“We’ve had many interests, we’ve had some multinational companies come to us who want to lease the facility so they could use it for their own purposes, we are entertaining offers but at the same time it’s a very difficult game…you don’t want to commit yourself on a long term strategy and you lose out,” Muneshwer emphasised. He said that they are also trying to focus a lot on what they can do themselves, and in this case, they will be able to hire local people mostly, unlike foreign companies.

By the end of the first phase between 70 to 100 people including construction, security, and other workers would have been employed, he said while noting that construction will continue in the other phases.

Muneshwer disclosed that officials from ExxonMobil have visited the new facility repeatedly and have shown great interest.  He recalled that Muneshwers had bid for an Exxon project to support current operations but was not successful because at the time, the facility was not complete. During their visit, Exxon officials have noted that the site has the size to handle multiple well operations, the businessman disclosed. “Multiple wells is when they go into production mode,” he explained.

With Tiger Tanks already on site, the businessman said that they hope to attract other companies that provide support services to the oil and gas industry such as spare parts for the rigs so that it becomes a one-stop shop.

He noted that the oil and gas industry require many support services and a lot of it is conducted right now in Trinidad. Exxon or any other oil company would prefer to have these services provided locally due to costs and other factors but Guyana does not have the infrastructure and technology among other things to provide such support “which is why we are trying to jumpstart this process like this facility here,” Muneshwer explained.


Lets hear what Godey_Walla will say now

Last edited by Former Member
Drugb posted:

Oil exploration iniatated under the ppp should not be credited to the thieving pnc.

How big was your Goodey when "Home Oil of Canada" was drilling for oil in Guyana in the 70's.

Drugb posted:

Oil exploration iniatated under the ppp should not be credited to the thieving pnc.

Given that no new industries started under the PPP then they shouldn't get credit for anything, using your logic.

caribny posted:
Drugb posted:

Predators raping the natural resources and destroying the forest? This is investment?

Had this happened during the Jagdeo era you would have been overcome with glee.

Word to you.  There was a massive increase in gold production, during the PPP era, because gold prices soared.

So cease your sour grapes because this expansion continues.

What was wrong during the Jagdeo era remains wrong now. These companies are not coming here to lay down roots. They will pillage the land and packs their bags and move on to the next goldfield in the next country once the land is depleted of its ore. This is the progress that you bragged about under the PNC? Where are the new ideas, where are the value added products?  These idiots are selling the future of Guyana for immediate gain to sport and whine down. 

Drugb posted:

Predators raping the natural resources and destroying the forest? This is investment?

Canadian gold firm to invest $370M in Guyana


Walla are U saying


This Major Investment is not Creating Jobs and moving Guyana forward.


What yuh want.... some one to Invest in yuh Godey Project....

and when it Grow call that Development.


Look at PPP Investment...

Drug enforcement officers on Thursday intercepted a large quantity of cocaine concealed in plywood and destined for Florida [GRA photo)

Drug enforcement officers on Thursday intercepted a large quantity of cocaine concealed in plywood and destined for Florida (GRA photo)

Three held for cocaine in plywood


A LARGE quantity of cocaine was intercepted yesterday when members of the drug enforcement arm of the Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA) unearthed the substance during the examination of a consignment of plywood destined for the United States. In a statement, the GRA said that members of its Drug Enforcement and Goods Examination Units along with the Port Control Unit (PCU) were in the process of examining a consignment of 5/8 inch plywood destined for Florida in the United States of America (USA), when upon closer examination anomalies were detected within the consignment. Further examination and testing revealed a quantity of cocaine concealed between the approximately 320 sheets of plywood.
As such, the Customs Anti-Narcotics Unit (CANU) and the Guyana Police Force (GPF) were informed and officials of both agencies arrived on the scene to provide support and carry out further investigations. The plywood’s consignee was listed as a business located on the Soesdyke-Linden Highway with the consignment’s prospective recipient being a hardware establishment in Florida. GRA officials had become even more suspicious of the contents of the consignment based on the suspicious behaviour displayed by the consignee’s representatives during the examination process. Three persons have since been detained as the investigation continues.

Last edited by Former Member

I'd be interested to see the disbursements of the US$182 million and US$154 million investments in 2014 and 2015 respectively. I presume these are foreign capital and that a portion of these totals or most of it wads actually SPENT and not just announced. Given that these amounts represent about 7% of Guyana's recent GDP they would be foreign investments of note and we would have heard about changes in the production or service sectors, wouldn't we?

I'd like to know also what technology transfers are involved (was a smartphone assembly plant in Ruimveldt part of these investments?) and how much jobs were created. We have to tout such investment numbers with some qualitative context, right? That would lead to a substantive discussion. And Barrick Gold Wallha's approximately GYD$370 million (USD$1.8 million) investment spending in 2016 is exactly that -US$1.8 million - chump change for some of Richmond Hill's most notorious Realtors and Mortgage Financiers. So let's keep it real, people.


Invest $154 million.  Take home $500 million.  It's called business!!!!  All you commie cursing people should be happy.  This is how capitalism works.  How do you think America got rich?  And in a few years Exxon will teach you all an even bigger lesson in capitalism.  So get used to it!

Bibi Haniffa
Last edited by Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Invest $154 million.  Take home $500 million.  It's called business!!!!  All you commie cursing people should be happy.  This is how capitalism works.  How do you think America got rich?  And in a few years Exxon will teach you all an even bigger lesson in capitalism.  So get used to it!

Oii Bibi are you commie???

Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Invest $154 million.  Take home $500 million.  It's called business!!!!  All you commie cursing people should be happy.  This is how capitalism works.  How do you think America got rich?  And in a few years Exxon will teach you all an even bigger lesson in capitalism.  So get used to it!

Oii Bibi are you commie???

I am a realist.  I never believe in political ideologies.  Each country should govern based on their resources, population, and qualification. Capitalism succeeded in America.  Communism succeeded in China.  To each his own.

Bibi Haniffa
Last edited by Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Invest $154 million.  Take home $500 million.  It's called business!!!!  All you commie cursing people should be happy.  This is how capitalism works.  How do you think America got rich?  And in a few years Exxon will teach you all an even bigger lesson in capitalism.  So get used to it!

Oii Bibi are you commie???

I am a realist.  I never believe in political ideologies.  Each country should govern based on their resources, population, and qualification. Capitalism succeeded in America.  Communism succeeded in China.  To each his own.

OK! You are a commie. Thanks for letting us know.

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Invest $154 million.  Take home $500 million.  It's called business!!!!  All you commie cursing people should be happy.  This is how capitalism works.  How do you think America got rich?  And in a few years Exxon will teach you all an even bigger lesson in capitalism.  So get used to it!

Oii Bibi are you commie???

I am a realist.  I never believe in political ideologies.  Each country should govern based on their resources, population, and qualification. Capitalism succeeded in America.  Communism succeeded in China.  To each his own.

Communism had nothing to do with China's success. They were dirt poor while they were following Communist principles. It was only after they adopted free market policies in the late 1970's and received large inflows of US and other Western FDI that the economy started to expand. Their per capita income is still below the world average since they were way down at the bottom while they were adopting a closed centrally planned Communist system. 

Bibi Haniffa posted:

Invest $154 million.  Take home $500 million.  It's called business!!!!  All you commie cursing people should be happy.  This is how capitalism works.  How do you think America got rich?  And in a few years Exxon will teach you all an even bigger lesson in capitalism.  So get used to it!

you are definitely dancing to looney tunes. We do not have to get accustomed to unfair practices that harm our people or our environment. It is our civic duty to complain. That is a benefit of capitalism.


BTW where in capitalism is it said that taking an unfair share is the norm? Even Adam Smith noticed it is the enlightened self interest of the brewer the baker, the butcher and even the cabinet maker that makes the system fair.

While this is a naive conception of what moves capital, the inherent appeal is a providential ie invisible hand at work. God is not supposed to be unfair. Adam smith is not advocating an unfair system.

We have the entire history of economic since Adam Smith, Malthus and David Ricardo to Marx to the Austrians and then Marshall and Keynes all seeking to mediate what you insist is "normal". Even today that is the difference between Hillary and Bernie; means to mediate social inequality and maximize social justice.

I think you are a very shallow lady

Last edited by Former Member
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Invest $154 million.  Take home $500 million.  It's called business!!!!  All you commie cursing people should be happy.  This is how capitalism works.  How do you think America got rich?  And in a few years Exxon will teach you all an even bigger lesson in capitalism.  So get used to it!

Oii Bibi are you commie???

I am a realist.  I never believe in political ideologies.  Each country should govern based on their resources, population, and qualification. Capitalism succeeded in America.  Communism succeeded in China.  To each his own.

Django last week BB was using a tragedy to tell GNI "BB is a Special Person"..... she believe if Rat and Kwame say so it is so.

BB reminds us of Walla.

Danyael posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Invest $154 million.  Take home $500 million.  It's called business!!!!  All you commie cursing people should be happy.  This is how capitalism works.  How do you think America got rich?  And in a few years Exxon will teach you all an even bigger lesson in capitalism.  So get used to it!

you are definitely dancing to looney tunes. We do not have to get accustomed to unfair practices that harm our people or our environment. It is our civic duty to complain. That is a benefit of capitalism.


BTW where in capitalism is it said that taking an unfair share is the norm? Even Adam Smith noticed it is the enlightened self interest of the brewer the baker, the butcher and even the cabinet maker that makes the system fair.

While this is a naive conception of what moves capital, the inherent appeal is a providential ie invisible hand at work. God is not supposed to be unfair. Adam smith is not advocating an unfair system.

We have the entire history of economic since Adam Smith, Malthus and David Ricardo to Marx to the Austrians and then Marshall and Keynes all seeking to mediate what you insist is "normal". Even today that is the difference between Hillary and Bernie; means to mediate social inequality and maximize social justice.

I think you are a very shallow lady

Funny hearing you talk big yet you live in the belly of the beast when it comes to resource consumption.  You live comfortably on the spoils of he natural resources of the US and where ever the US exploits.

If you are that concerned and true to your belief, then get your fat ass up and go there and get your masses to start hugging the trees.  Live in the world of deprivation then tell others how to do without.  You hypocrite.  Nuff talk, no walk.  Now go sip your piwari!!

Mars posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Invest $154 million.  Take home $500 million.  It's called business!!!!  All you commie cursing people should be happy.  This is how capitalism works.  How do you think America got rich?  And in a few years Exxon will teach you all an even bigger lesson in capitalism.  So get used to it!

Oii Bibi are you commie???

I am a realist.  I never believe in political ideologies.  Each country should govern based on their resources, population, and qualification. Capitalism succeeded in America.  Communism succeeded in China.  To each his own.

Communism had nothing to do with China's success. They were dirt poor while they were following Communist principles. It was only after they adopted free market policies in the late 1970's and received large inflows of US and other Western FDI that the economy started to expand. Their per capita income is still below the world average since they were way down at the bottom while they were adopting a closed centrally planned Communist system. 

It's the Communist party you decides all that happens in China.  China has its brand of communism and tap into the oportunities offered through outsourcing.  However, this is all done within the framework of the communist manifesto, China!

ba$eman posted:
Mars posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Invest $154 million.  Take home $500 million.  It's called business!!!!  All you commie cursing people should be happy.  This is how capitalism works.  How do you think America got rich?  And in a few years Exxon will teach you all an even bigger lesson in capitalism.  So get used to it!

Oii Bibi are you commie???

I am a realist.  I never believe in political ideologies.  Each country should govern based on their resources, population, and qualification. Capitalism succeeded in America.  Communism succeeded in China.  To each his own.

Communism had nothing to do with China's success. They were dirt poor while they were following Communist principles. It was only after they adopted free market policies in the late 1970's and received large inflows of US and other Western FDI that the economy started to expand. Their per capita income is still below the world average since they were way down at the bottom while they were adopting a closed centrally planned Communist system. 

It's the Communist party you decides all that happens in China.  China has its brand of communism and tap into the oportunities offered through outsourcing.  However, this is all done within the framework of the communist manifesto, China!

Sure it's the Communist party which makes the decisions in China but it was Western investment which transformed China, not Communist principles. 

ba$eman posted:
Danyael posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Invest $154 million.  Take home $500 million.  It's called business!!!!  All you commie cursing people should be happy.  This is how capitalism works.  How do you think America got rich?  And in a few years Exxon will teach you all an even bigger lesson in capitalism.  So get used to it!

you are definitely dancing to looney tunes. We do not have to get accustomed to unfair practices that harm our people or our environment. It is our civic duty to complain. That is a benefit of capitalism.


BTW where in capitalism is it said that taking an unfair share is the norm? Even Adam Smith noticed it is the enlightened self interest of the brewer the baker, the butcher and even the cabinet maker that makes the system fair.

While this is a naive conception of what moves capital, the inherent appeal is a providential ie invisible hand at work. God is not supposed to be unfair. Adam smith is not advocating an unfair system.

We have the entire history of economic since Adam Smith, Malthus and David Ricardo to Marx to the Austrians and then Marshall and Keynes all seeking to mediate what you insist is "normal". Even today that is the difference between Hillary and Bernie; means to mediate social inequality and maximize social justice.

I think you are a very shallow lady

Funny hearing you talk big yet you live in the belly of the beast when it comes to resource consumption.  You live comfortably on the spoils of he natural resources of the US and where ever the US exploits.

If you are that concerned and true to your belief, then get your fat ass up and go there and get your masses to start hugging the trees.  Live in the world of deprivation then tell others how to do without.  You hypocrite.  Nuff talk, no walk.  Now go sip your piwari!!

Well said.

ba$eman posted:
Danyael posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Invest $154 million.  Take home $500 million.  It's called business!!!!  All you commie cursing people should be happy.  This is how capitalism works.  How do you think America got rich?  And in a few years Exxon will teach you all an even bigger lesson in capitalism.  So get used to it!

you are definitely dancing to looney tunes. We do not have to get accustomed to unfair practices that harm our people or our environment. It is our civic duty to complain. That is a benefit of capitalism.


BTW where in capitalism is it said that taking an unfair share is the norm? Even Adam Smith noticed it is the enlightened self interest of the brewer the baker, the butcher and even the cabinet maker that makes the system fair.

While this is a naive conception of what moves capital, the inherent appeal is a providential ie invisible hand at work. God is not supposed to be unfair. Adam smith is not advocating an unfair system.

We have the entire history of economic since Adam Smith, Malthus and David Ricardo to Marx to the Austrians and then Marshall and Keynes all seeking to mediate what you insist is "normal". Even today that is the difference between Hillary and Bernie; means to mediate social inequality and maximize social justice.

I think you are a very shallow lady

Funny hearing you talk big yet you live in the belly of the beast when it comes to resource consumption.  You live comfortably on the spoils of he natural resources of the US and where ever the US exploits.

If you are that concerned and true to your belief, then get your fat ass up and go there and get your masses to start hugging the trees.  Live in the world of deprivation then tell others how to do without.  You hypocrite.  Nuff talk, no walk.  Now go sip your piwari!!

When last did I remind you that you are a shallow, ignorant twit? I am sorry for the neglect. I remind you of it now.

The spoils I feast on is the same you gorge your self on with no thanks to the history or people who give it to you. The beauty of this place isthe build in  self correcting features that constantly reaches for what could be said the true north  to justice.  

You are also plainly stupid to believe that I must be in the trenches on every fight I pick in an effort  to bring intellectual clarity to our reality. Idiots like you with no sense of your history or no profundity to your thinking waste good people's time.

First of all, thinkers  fabricate the ideology and the methodology that produces the change. Voltaire was not in the streets of Paris chanting "liberté, égalité, fraternité" and I am sure Thoreau did not stand on the battle lines of a street fight for freedom. But Voltaire motivated a revolution that give us America  and Thoreau was instrumental in producing a Gandhi and a Dr King.

I do not claim to be of the caliber of any of these fellows but in my own way I rake the soil of reason so ideas can grow. Folks like you just talk shit and waste time. You are of the tribe of disconnected, disoriented husks of bitter, miserable, ignorant and plainly empty men.


Next thing d2 will claim is that he is a direct decedent of King and the American Indians. Meanwhile the rest of us have to pay the entitlement tab for leeches like these who live off welfare/section 8 and have all the time in the world for leisure and frivolous activities. 

Drugb posted:

Next thing d2 will claim is that he is a direct decedent of King and the American Indians. Meanwhile the rest of us have to pay the entitlement tab for leeches like these who live off welfare/section 8 and have all the time in the world for leisure and frivolous activities. 

Admin, why are allowing this kind of personal attacks?

cain posted:

DrugB is a bitter rass because the Govt is putting the squeeze on the drug trade.

Yeah!!!They confiscating all the drugs and selling them to the highest bidders. Fund Raising in full swing.

skeldon_man posted:
cain posted:

DrugB is a bitter rass because the Govt is putting the squeeze on the drug trade.

Yeah!!!They confiscating all the drugs and selling them to the highest bidders. Fund Raising in full swing.

Image result for auction paddle  What number is on your paddle 666?


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  • blobid0
Last edited by cain
Drugb posted:

Next thing d2 will claim is that he is a direct decedent of King and the American Indians. Meanwhile the rest of us have to pay the entitlement tab for leeches like these who live off welfare/section 8 and have all the time in the world for leisure and frivolous activities. 

Imagine that, you a programmer and your kintergarden teacher are trumps! I wonder why you persist in pretending I am on welfare. I think it makes you feel good since you live like shit most of your life and is now barely at middle class status and think that is the highlife. Well sorry, I you can imagine that all you want. It is your hell.

Danyael posted:
Drugb posted:

Next thing d2 will claim is that he is a direct decedent of King and the American Indians. Meanwhile the rest of us have to pay the entitlement tab for leeches like these who live off welfare/section 8 and have all the time in the world for leisure and frivolous activities. 

Imagine that, you a programmer and your kintergarden teacher are trumps! I wonder why you persist in pretending I am on welfare. I think it makes you feel good since you live like shit most of your life and is now barely at middle class status and think that is the highlife. Well sorry, I you can imagine that all you want. It is your hell.

Anyone who gives up a career for duty behind a dollar store counter indicates a failure in their field of expertise.  There is nothing wrong with collecting welfare if it is deserving. In fact welfare coupled with a dollar store salary can be the first step out of poverty. Remember the workfare popularized by Nixon?

Drugb posted:

Anyone who gives up a career for duty behind a dollar store counter indicates a failure in their field of expertise.  There is nothing wrong with collecting welfare if it is deserving. In fact welfare coupled with a dollar store salary can be the first step out of poverty. Remember the workfare popularized by Nixon?

The mere fact that you try to pretend as if every one, who you disagree with, is some sort of welfare loser, shows me that you aren't too happy, or secure about your life.

I very much doubt that any one (aside from maybe Nehru) is on welfare.

Danyael posted:
ba$eman posted:
Danyael posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Invest $154 million.  Take home $500 million.  It's called business!!!!  All you commie cursing people should be happy.  This is how capitalism works.  How do you think America got rich?  And in a few years Exxon will teach you all an even bigger lesson in capitalism.  So get used to it!

you are definitely dancing to looney tunes. We do not have to get accustomed to unfair practices that harm our people or our environment. It is our civic duty to complain. That is a benefit of capitalism.


BTW where in capitalism is it said that taking an unfair share is the norm? Even Adam Smith noticed it is the enlightened self interest of the brewer the baker, the butcher and even the cabinet maker that makes the system fair.

While this is a naive conception of what moves capital, the inherent appeal is a providential ie invisible hand at work. God is not supposed to be unfair. Adam smith is not advocating an unfair system.

We have the entire history of economic since Adam Smith, Malthus and David Ricardo to Marx to the Austrians and then Marshall and Keynes all seeking to mediate what you insist is "normal". Even today that is the difference between Hillary and Bernie; means to mediate social inequality and maximize social justice.

I think you are a very shallow lady

Funny hearing you talk big yet you live in the belly of the beast when it comes to resource consumption.  You live comfortably on the spoils of he natural resources of the US and where ever the US exploits.

If you are that concerned and true to your belief, then get your fat ass up and go there and get your masses to start hugging the trees.  Live in the world of deprivation then tell others how to do without.  You hypocrite.  Nuff talk, no walk.  Now go sip your piwari!!

When last did I remind you that you are a shallow, ignorant twit? I am sorry for the neglect. I remind you of it now.

The spoils I feast on is the same you gorge your self on with no thanks to the history or people who give it to you. The beauty of this place isthe build in  self correcting features that constantly reaches for what could be said the true north  to justice.  

You are also plainly stupid to believe that I must be in the trenches on every fight I pick in an effort  to bring intellectual clarity to our reality. Idiots like you with no sense of your history or no profundity to your thinking waste good people's time.

First of all, thinkers  fabricate the ideology and the methodology that produces the change. Voltaire was not in the streets of Paris chanting "liberté, égalité, fraternité" and I am sure Thoreau did not stand on the battle lines of a street fight for freedom. But Voltaire motivated a revolution that give us America  and Thoreau was instrumental in producing a Gandhi and a Dr King.

I do not claim to be of the caliber of any of these fellows but in my own way I rake the soil of reason so ideas can grow. Folks like you just talk shit and waste time. You are of the tribe of disconnected, disoriented husks of bitter, miserable, ignorant and plainly empty men.

Well, just look at that!!   Displays of a "little man" filled with....................
......................masses of hot air!!!

caribny posted:
Drugb posted:

Anyone who gives up a career for duty behind a dollar store counter indicates a failure in their field of expertise.  There is nothing wrong with collecting welfare if it is deserving. In fact welfare coupled with a dollar store salary can be the first step out of poverty. Remember the workfare popularized by Nixon?

The mere fact that you try to pretend as if every one, who you disagree with, is some sort of welfare loser, shows me that you aren't too happy, or secure about your life.

I very much doubt that any one (aside from maybe Nehru) is on welfare.

Who the cap fit draw the string. I note that neither you nor the alleged Amerindian took steps to prove otherwise, hiding behind the anonymity of the internet. Maybe there is truth behind those insinuations. 


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