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Drugb posted:

Who the cap fit draw the string. I note that neither you nor the alleged Amerindian took steps to prove otherwise, hiding behind the anonymity of the internet. Maybe there is truth behind those insinuations. 

And he continues to make my point about his self esteem issues.

caribny posted:
Drugb posted:

Who the cap fit draw the string. I note that neither you nor the alleged Amerindian took steps to prove otherwise, hiding behind the anonymity of the internet. Maybe there is truth behind those insinuations. 

And he continues to make my point about his self esteem issues.

Simply list your profession and this will put the controversy to rest. 

ba$eman posted:
Danyael posted:
ba$eman posted:
Danyael posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Invest $154 million.  Take home $500 million.  It's called business!!!!  All you commie cursing people should be happy.  This is how capitalism works.  How do you think America got rich?  And in a few years Exxon will teach you all an even bigger lesson in capitalism.  So get used to it!

you are definitely dancing to looney tunes. We do not have to get accustomed to unfair practices that harm our people or our environment. It is our civic duty to complain. That is a benefit of capitalism.


BTW where in capitalism is it said that taking an unfair share is the norm? Even Adam Smith noticed it is the enlightened self interest of the brewer the baker, the butcher and even the cabinet maker that makes the system fair.

While this is a naive conception of what moves capital, the inherent appeal is a providential ie invisible hand at work. God is not supposed to be unfair. Adam smith is not advocating an unfair system.

We have the entire history of economic since Adam Smith, Malthus and David Ricardo to Marx to the Austrians and then Marshall and Keynes all seeking to mediate what you insist is "normal". Even today that is the difference between Hillary and Bernie; means to mediate social inequality and maximize social justice.

I think you are a very shallow lady

Funny hearing you talk big yet you live in the belly of the beast when it comes to resource consumption.  You live comfortably on the spoils of he natural resources of the US and where ever the US exploits.

If you are that concerned and true to your belief, then get your fat ass up and go there and get your masses to start hugging the trees.  Live in the world of deprivation then tell others how to do without.  You hypocrite.  Nuff talk, no walk.  Now go sip your piwari!!

When last did I remind you that you are a shallow, ignorant twit? I am sorry for the neglect. I remind you of it now.

The spoils I feast on is the same you gorge your self on with no thanks to the history or people who give it to you. The beauty of this place isthe build in  self correcting features that constantly reaches for what could be said the true north  to justice.  

You are also plainly stupid to believe that I must be in the trenches on every fight I pick in an effort  to bring intellectual clarity to our reality. Idiots like you with no sense of your history or no profundity to your thinking waste good people's time.

First of all, thinkers  fabricate the ideology and the methodology that produces the change. Voltaire was not in the streets of Paris chanting "liberté, égalité, fraternité" and I am sure Thoreau did not stand on the battle lines of a street fight for freedom. But Voltaire motivated a revolution that give us America  and Thoreau was instrumental in producing a Gandhi and a Dr King.

I do not claim to be of the caliber of any of these fellows but in my own way I rake the soil of reason so ideas can grow. Folks like you just talk shit and waste time. You are of the tribe of disconnected, disoriented husks of bitter, miserable, ignorant and plainly empty men.

Well, just look at that!!   Displays of a "little man" filled with....................
......................masses of hot air!!!

Look who is calling me a little man. I have a pic of your ugly ass somewhere. You forget I pay very keen attention.

It is hot air only because you are dump as a doorknob.

caribny posted:
Drugb posted:

Who the cap fit draw the string. I note that neither you nor the alleged Amerindian took steps to prove otherwise, hiding behind the anonymity of the internet. Maybe there is truth behind those insinuations. 

And he continues to make my point about his self esteem issues.

Why should any of us prove your thesis? You are indeed of scrounging upbringing so these ideas of worth that hinges on what you have would not be so magnified in all your commentary. I know who you are not because you told me but because you are stupid Mars found it out.

Drugb posted:
caribny posted:
Drugb posted:

Who the cap fit draw the string. I note that neither you nor the alleged Amerindian took steps to prove otherwise, hiding behind the anonymity of the internet. Maybe there is truth behind those insinuations. 

And he continues to make my point about his self esteem issues.

Simply list your profession and this will put the controversy to rest. 

I have nothing to prove to you.  Continue to wallow in your low self esteem.


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