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Kari posted:

Where did Moses go running his mouth about controlling the coalition?/ When you say things caribny at least let credibility be present. Logic says you must pat the lion when you have your hands in his mouth. So wjhy the hell should Moses go stirring up the coalition in those infant days? Even if I were from Mars and don't know the Moses or the AFC from a hole in the wall oI would have to question the premise of the lie you just put forth.

When Moses was telling people that he could end the coalition because he controlled 40% of the MPs, that is saying that he can control the coalition. Clearly withdrawing those MPs would force an election, therefore leading to an influence way beyond his contribution to the votes.

Granger and Trotman ensured that he would be blocked from doing this. 

That was a bad move by Moses, and I said this at the time. You as usual, under estimating the paranoia that blacks had, and have about Indian domination, laughed at it.  Well now the AFC cannot exist outside of the coalition.

Last edited by Former Member
caribny posted:
Kari posted:

Where did Moses go running his mouth about controlling the coalition?/ When you say things caribny at least let credibility be present. Logic says you must pat the lion when you have your hands in his mouth. So wjhy the hell should Moses go stirring up the coalition in those infant days? Even if I were from Mars and don't know the Moses or the AFC from a hole in the wall oI would have to question the premise of the lie you just put forth.

When Moses was telling people that he could end the coalition because he controlled 40% of the MPs, that is saying that he can control the coalition. Clearly withdrawing those MPs would force an election, therefore leading to an influence way beyond his contribution to the votes.

Granger and Trotman ensured that he would be blocked from doing this. 

That was a bad move by Moses, and I said this at the time. You as usual, under estimating the paranoia that blacks had, and have about Indian domination, laughed at it.  Well now the AFC cannot exist outside of the coalition.

U stop worrying about the AFC  and think about trump when he win he bringing back the Kkk  them bais with the white bed sheet

baseman posted:
caribny posted:
Kari posted:

Where did Moses go running his mouth about controlling the coalition?/ When you say things caribny at least let credibility be present. Logic says you must pat the lion when you have your hands in his mouth. So wjhy the hell should Moses go stirring up the coalition in those infant days? Even if I were from Mars and don't know the Moses or the AFC from a hole in the wall oI would have to question the premise of the lie you just put forth.

Granger and Trotman ensured that he would be blocked from doing this. 

Well, tell we something new nah!!

Katahars were/are too damn stupid!!  But then again, it may be they had their very own [job] interest at heart!!

Both of them are better formally educated than you. Imagine if you had their academic provenance how arrogant you would be. The point is you are stymied from real profound thinking by your calcified racist mental traps. You are left attacking people than policies, seeing supposed natural attributes than process. You in short are mentally crippled.

baseman posted:
Stormborn posted:
baseman posted:
caribny posted:

Granger and Trotman ensured that he would be blocked from doing this. 

Well, tell we something new nah!!

Katahars were/are too damn stupid!!  But then again, it may be they had their very own [job] interest at heart!!

Both of them are better formally educated than you. Imagine if you had their academic provenance how arrogant you would be. The point is you are stymied from real profound thinking by your calcified racist mental traps. You are left attacking people than policies, seeing supposed natural attributes than process. You in short are mentally crippled.

Off point, but then again, we talking Storm.

I agree, they are certainly much more clever than the katahars who ran behind them for lil crumbs!!

Why am I off point...because you cannot keep one in focus? This thread started off as a lamentation of Bayney Karren being transferred. He was lucky he was not fired since he was the one who wrote to the OAS about PNC supposed terrorism. Note also, the PPP on entering office removed every foreign service personnel of the PNC. They did not even re hired one black person until their last year in office and that was in the minuscule post in Suriname. Remember, they hired a refrigerator repairman for the important post in Canada so expertise for the task was not seen as essential to them. And here you are extolling excellence on grounds that it cannot be possessed by those who actually have it. Both Granger and Trotman has a history. The latter also a top ten school in the US. But I guess they are not Indian!


baseman posted:

Trump will be great for Blacks.  He will have them building gizmos and gadgets in the inner-city and he will lead a national rebuilding effort  employing large swathes of working-class, including Blacks.  He will also lead a prison reform initiative, likely headed up by Newt G, and expunging many non-violent one-time criminal records!!  Blacks will benefit the most!!

The KKK and Black-lives-matter will be weakened and the white bed sheet will transformed into a white flag of surrender as White and Black male youths will be too busy working and building their lives!!

Lion and Hyena will live together in greater harmony like Zebras in a herd!!

I asked you before. What is Trump's record in hiring blacks in non menial positions?  Clearly this will indicate whether he will be "good for blacks".

Surely telling his goons to beat up blacks isn't a good indication.  Being cute and not denouncing white supremacy in as strident a voice as he condemns Muslims and undocumented Mexican migrants, isn't a good indication either.


I also suggest that you learn American history. You will learn that same angry white male, who so fervently support Trump, and who so aggressively assaulted blacks, do their best to defend their economic position by denying access to blacks.

Trump will NOT be good for blacks.  This isn't to say that any of the candidates will be, but I do know that Trump and Cruz will be a disaster!

Last edited by Former Member
baseman posted:
warrior posted:
caribny posted:

When Moses was telling people that he could end the coalition because he controlled 40% of the MPs, that is saying that he can control the coalition. Clearly withdrawing those MPs would force an election, therefore leading to an influence way beyond his contribution to the votes.

Granger and Trotman ensured that he would be blocked from doing this. 

That was a bad move by Moses, and I said this at the time. You as usual, under estimating the paranoia that blacks had, and have about Indian domination, laughed at it.  Well now the AFC cannot exist outside of the coalition.

U stop worrying about the AFC  and think about trump when he win he bringing back the Kkk  them bais with the white bed sheet

Trump will be great for Blacks.  He will have them building gizmos and gadgets in the inner-city and he will lead a national rebuilding effort  employing large swathes of working-class, including Blacks.  He will also lead a prison reform initiative, likely headed up by Newt G, and expunging many non-violent one-time criminal records!!  Blacks will benefit the most!!

The KKK and Black-lives-matter will be weakened and the white bed sheet will transformed into a white flag of surrender as White and Black male youths will be too busy working and building their lives!!

Lion and Hyena will live together in greater harmony like Zebras in a herd!!

Why do you think black lives matter need to be weakened? They are not a precisest group but a social justice group. Their focus is on prison reform, police reform, and a new look at the institutions of the state with respect to black people. Why is it that the benefits accrued by black people in their collective struggle against discrimination and which benefactions you enjoy yet are so much seen as a negative for you? Racism is truly a curse.

baseman posted:
caribny posted:
baseman posted:

Trump will be great for Blacks.  He will have them building gizmos and gadgets in the inner-city and he will lead a national rebuilding effort  employing large swathes of working-class, including Blacks.  He will also lead a prison reform initiative, likely headed up by Newt G, and expunging many non-violent one-time criminal records!!  Blacks will benefit the most!!

The KKK and Black-lives-matter will be weakened and the white bed sheet will transformed into a white flag of surrender as White and Black male youths will be too busy working and building their lives!!

Lion and Hyena will live together in greater harmony like Zebras in a herd!!

I asked you before. What is Trump's record in hiring blacks in non menial positions?  Clearly this will indicate whether he will be "good for blacks".

Surely telling his goons to beat up blacks isn't a good indication.  Being cute and not denouncing white supremacy in as strident a voice as he condemns Muslims and undocumented Mexican migrants, isn't a good indication either.


I also suggest that you learn American history. You will learn that same angry white male, who so fervently support Trump, and who so aggressively assaulted blacks, do their best to defend their economic position by denying access to blacks.

Trump will NOT be good for blacks.  This isn't to say that any of the candidates will be, but I do know that Trump and Cruz will be a disaster!

I don't know Trumps hiring record (nor do you) and that does not matter!

He will not be the one hiring Blacks, but rather the booming economy fueled by big national reconstruction projects and the manufacturers who will need the workforce.  However, they will need to sharpen and learn marketable skills!!

You really think Obama's "hand-out" economy help's Blacks?

Of course the one trillion dollars to bail out Wall street and save the economic death spiral was a hand out that aided blacks alone. Get real you racist bigot. Welfare in the US is vastly reduced and very little benefits gets to poor people and it is a grating shame. Note also white people are the largest recipients of welfare and they reside in those red states and are those who constitute the majority of the Trump voter.

Where will america get the money to fuel the infrastructure rebuild proposed by Trump. Obama tried and got very little from a republican senate. The money to fund this has to come from growth and from taxation on the one percent. Growth will be problematic if trump will increase trade tariffs and trample of trade treaties. He will not tax the rich either. The fact we do not know what are his economic policies are a consequence of his windbag promises that are backed by...of course air.

baseman posted:

I don't know Trumps hiring record (nor do you) and that does not matter!

He will not be the one hiring Blacks, but rather the booming economy fueled by big national reconstruction projects and the manufacturers who will need the workforce.  However, they will need to sharpen and learn marketable skills!!

You really think Obama's "hand-out" economy help's Blacks?

Given that you don't know Trump's record on hiring blacks, then why do you think that he will be good for us?

A booming economy, which discriminates against blacks doesn't create opportunities for blacks, so unless he addresses the issue of employment based discrimination it doesn't help.

Numerous surveys have indicated that a black male with a college degree gets what a white male who only graduated college gets.  White men with criminal records and no college earn MORE than black men with no college and NO criminal records.

So when Trump sanctions that black women be beaten up at his events, he is sanctioning the continued racism against blacks.

Also if you don't want blacks to get food stamps, then increase the minimum wage to $15.

Note that LOW pay and not laziness is why people get welfare.

Note that WSJ is NOT a liberal media outlet!




baseman posted:

Not sure what you saying here:

Please publish evidence of Trumps "discriminatory" hiring practices!  Remember, Zimmermann was guilty until the evidence was provided and similarly, OJ was guilty until the evidence was presented.  !!

Now stop bring up nonsense and garbage to justify the unjustifiable!!

No Zimmerman was NOT considered guilty until he was released because of an incompetent prosecution.  A complaint was made and the local police REFUSED to take action against him.  Only when the "Black Lives Matter" activists began to make noises then was any attempt made to move against him.  Without this the man would have walked.

Note that after the MURDER of Martin, Zimmerman has had other encounters with the law, all involving a hot temper and threatening actions with a gun!

YOU claim that Trump will be good for blacks.  You cannot furnish evidence of this.  Given the fiasco about his massive support from white supremacists who support Trump, and NOT Cruz, NOT Kasich, NOT Rubio, why can we believe that Trump will be nice to blacks.

Why among all the candidates in the GOP does the KKK single out Trump to support.

Now we rejoice while Trump orders his goons to beat up black women, and then wonder why the vast majority think that he is a racist.

Look at the Trump crowds.  As white as at a KKK gathering! Why no blacks when Christie was able to win 20% of the NJ black vote in his first election.  Bloomberg was able to win 50% of the black vote in his second election.

If Trump is so good for blacks, why are blacks too scared to go to his events, unless they go as part of a group of protestors?

baseman posted:
warrior posted:
caribny posted:

When Moses was telling people that he could end the coalition because he controlled 40% of the MPs, that is saying that he can control the coalition. Clearly withdrawing those MPs would force an election, therefore leading to an influence way beyond his contribution to the votes.

Granger and Trotman ensured that he would be blocked from doing this. 

That was a bad move by Moses, and I said this at the time. You as usual, under estimating the paranoia that blacks had, and have about Indian domination, laughed at it.  Well now the AFC cannot exist outside of the coalition.

U stop worrying about the AFC  and think about trump when he win he bringing back the Kkk  them bais with the white bed sheet

Trump will be great for Blacks.  He will have them building gizmos and gadgets in the inner-city and he will lead a national rebuilding effort  employing large swathes of working-class, including Blacks.  He will also lead a prison reform initiative, likely headed up by Newt G, and expunging many non-violent one-time criminal records!!  Blacks will benefit the most!!

The KKK and Black-lives-matter will be weakened and the white bed sheet will transformed into a white flag of surrender as White and Black male youths will be too busy working and building their lives!!

Lion and Hyena will live together in greater harmony like Zebras in a herd!!

Baseman should be banned for derailing this tread.

Last edited by Mitwah

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