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Originally Posted by alex:

I was offered 3 acres of seaside land on the Corentyne coast and it borders a nice stretch of 'Guyana beach.' I have the cash to buy the land, but what do I do with if I purchase? Is it a worthwhile investment? I am in my early 30's and live in Georgetown. Any ideas?




Buy am and use am fuh smuggle drugs like everyone else

Originally Posted by alex:

I was offered 3 acres of seaside land on the Corentyne coast and it borders a nice stretch of 'Guyana beach.' I have the cash to buy the land, but what do I do with if I purchase? Is it a worthwhile investment? I am in my early 30's and live in Georgetown. Any ideas?



There are not many beaches in the Corentyne and 3 acres next to the ocean is a rarity. Most of the ocean front is soft sticky mucky mosquito infested mudflats. Beach front only exist upper corentyne and I would go and see it first before. Most of the good lands are taken.

Originally Posted by Mr.T:

You must be think that I am a black man of some sort. If I was in the US and you accused me of being PNC and my daddy is black I would block you head off in front of your wife and kids.

Mr T

what getting you upset.

Is it because you are from Linden(FSB) or is Mackenzie.

could it be because he mention Surninamese hoes.


Originally Posted by Freaky:
Starbuck he's buying 3 miles of 63 beach Alex, buy it and build a hoetel & casino Import Surninamese hoes to work

The Russians wanted the land at 63 beach. I guess they did not think it was workable. Surinam do not usually export *****s. Guyanese actually filled those jobs in suriname.

Originally Posted by Freaky:
That's because yuh daddy Forbes cut down all de mangrove trees Baracus

FOrbes did not cut down the mangrove. He actually forbade it and instituted policies to conserve the trees. Indians used courda and the other hardwoods of these swamps as firewood. When I was a kid I used to see them hauling long trains of these woods out of the swamp in rainy weather. My father prohibited them from using our canals but not because he saw the worth in preserving these trees but because he wanted to preserve his dams and canals which are eroded by these long trains of logs.

Originally Posted by Mr.T:

You must be think that I am a black man of some sort. If I was in the US and you accused me of being PNC and my daddy is black I would block you head off in front of your wife and kids.

You apparently woke up on the wrong side of the bed or did you catch that big dick young dude you once spoke of banging your babe again? No need to get so angry to think evil thoughts on such a little thing!

Originally Posted by alex:

I was offered 3 acres of seaside land on the Corentyne coast and it borders a nice stretch of 'Guyana beach.' I have the cash to buy the land, but what do I do with if I purchase? Is it a worthwhile investment? I am in my early 30's and live in Georgetown. Any ideas?



Open a Mandir....Very Profitable.

Originally Posted by Jungle Girl:
Originally Posted by alex:

but what do I do with if I purchase? Is it a worthwhile investment? I am in my early 30's and live in Georgetown. Any ideas?

Really alex? Why're you asking this question of people who can't recall the last time they set foot in the country? How would they know? 

Thank you. Was wondering the same thing. Corentyne is at most an hour and a half from GT.

Originally Posted by antabanta:
Originally Posted by Jungle Girl:
Originally Posted by alex:

but what do I do with if I purchase? Is it a worthwhile investment? I am in my early 30's and live in Georgetown. Any ideas?

Really alex? Why're you asking this question of people who can't recall the last time they set foot in the country? How would they know? 

Thank you. Was wondering the same thing. Corentyne is at most an hour and a half from GT.

Corentyne begins at east lothian and there is no  beach front property until you get beyond 50. If this person was buying and he does not know what to do with it then he is silly. He can buy at crab island these days and build up from the mud flat and claim beach front if he wants to do business ( and he may be successful)  but there is no beach front to be gotten  unless you are some 45 mins outside New Amsterdam.


I know there are reefs along the way; the and Fraiser's  has a nice plot of sandy reef ( where they got lots of the sand to build the highway) at bolum that one can make a good "beach" front home but that land is not for sale. There are other points of sand along the coast ie behind number one to Rosehall but even though the ocean is near that is not beach front ...and then there is the crab grass and mud on both sides! It is the same thing all the way up the coast.


BTW I have not been there since 2004 and previous to that '98 and previous to that '95 but I dare anyone to tell me that because they were there they can pull the rug over me. The point is I have not been to Mars but I know what is there. My niece is coming in today after Christmas holidays ( she lives with us while going to school) and I am sure I will be updated on much ie  if Bougie Marie is seeing a man on the side now her husband is in NA. The point is we know lots even if we are not physically there because we are connected to the place in many ways.

Last edited by Former Member

BUY THE LAND,open a indian country and ban all black people from entering,make ramotar the head god there,skeltonman and nehru with some of these collie bai with finely come back to this little country,now shut you stupid collie rass about you getting land to buy,all you have to do is take the goddam land your parents leave it they for you like how the rest of the ppp is taking,ask bar--rat how its done

Originally Posted by warrior:

BUY THE LAND,open a indian country and ban all black people from entering,make ramotar the head god there,skeltonman and nehru with some of these collie bai with finely come back to this little country,now shut you stupid collie rass about you getting land to buy,all you have to do is take the goddam land your parents leave it they for you like how the rest of the ppp is taking,ask bar--rat how its done

It's too bad you are functionally illiterate. Nobody wants you, coolie-blackman.

I strongly believe that you were a PNC thug and you come on this board and pretend you once supported the PPP. You were part of the PNC kick down the door thug association. Dem black people had their time. Now ah dem coolie peeple time. Bear am, ah yu time na go come fuh a laaaang time. Nah in yu lifetime.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by warrior:

you dog,i was planning to ask ALEX TO make you the sherrif,and you cursing i guess i will be ban from your indian country

In my indian country, I would enjoy watching you thrown in boiling tar.

what a wonderful place your country and your people boiling tar pits do make for a memorable mental picture. It fits; the black tar, the aroma of sulfur tinged with burning flesh against the orange glow backdrop of hell fire is definitely your country.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
 The point is I have not been to Mars but I know what is there. 

You may have known what WAS there and what the trends WERE but that's outdated information. Things have changed. If this guy is serious he needs relevant information that he cannot get from sporadic visitors to Guyana.


You may not be on Mars but Earth is a big big place!!!

Originally Posted by Jungle Girl:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
 The point is I have not been to Mars but I know what is there. 

You may have known what WAS there and what the trends WERE but that's outdated information. Things have changed. If this guy is serious he needs relevant information that he cannot get from sporadic visitors to Guyana.


You may not be on Mars but Earth is a big big place!!!

You are just being plain silly. What is it I said was wrong? That is what you need to get your piddling mind around to comment on rather than these useless non informational generalization. There has been no new beach since I by absence and I am from the area so If this gentleman said where he bought the land I would know what he is talking about. Your stupid behind does not know a damn about the place. I have been on those sea dams up and down and can find my way from crab island to skeldon on the back routes so what the hell do you know about the place there that would be different from what I said? There is no trend in beach building. Go on the mud flats and you still need a bloody board to skid around our you are up to your neck in slime. Any person who lived there would know that. There is not a damn thing you for one can tell me of the place that I do not know. 


Now do you want to talk of mars? It would be a better subject for you to speak of since you would have  as good access to the date as I do.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Freaky:
Yuh jus wait till JG see your tirade Bucky lol

 She is an ass. What the hell does she know of the area that I do not? Further, that dude bought 3 acres. I just paid my cousin for her share of 500 acres in the area so it does not fall into hands our grandfather did not intend. My mom is there ( talk to her this morning) and I am sending my yanki born son there in a couple of months to bring his grandmother back if I cannot get the time so again, what the hell can she tell me? My Indian born daughters will soon know more of it than she does since they like the fact they own third world property.


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