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A family of five has avoided feeling the pain at the pumps - by swapping their Land Rover for a horse and cart.


Lisa Wilde became so frustrated at the cost of petrol that she now leaves the car in the garage and instead uses her trusty horse and cart for everything from the school run to trips to the shops, and even the local pub.


The mother-of-three, 37, and partner Dean Wiles, 38, of Feering, Essex, say the change has already saved the family hundreds of pounds.

Cheaper - and popular with the locals: Lisa and Dean Wilde take their son Ben [left), and his friends Nathan and Lana Willis-Gill off to school

Cheaper - and popular with the locals: Lisa and Dean Wilde take their son Ben (left) and his friends Nathan and Lana Willis-Gill off to school

Well, every little helps: the family use the horses when they pop to Tesco - and even to the local pub if they feel a little horse

Well, every little helps: the family use the horses when they pop to Tesco - and even to the local pub if they feel a little hoarse


Everyday sees them complete a seven-mile round trip to their children’s schools - saving them a small fortune.

The carriage is pulled by a mix of their four white and grey Lipizzaners - Charlie, 12, Boycie, 12, Chinnie, 10, and Steffi, 10,

They are bred specifically as carriage horses but can also be used for dressage and showjumping.


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Originally Posted by TI:
Take it from me. It is more expensive to upkeep a horse and carriage in NY. And more work with all that shoveling! Bad idea!

But TI, shovelling = exercise = workout. This is a win win situation. 

The last time I visited NY, I saw enough grass along the roads and some homes to feed hundreds of horses.


Just buy an empty barrel and recycle the dropping and make manure for the garden that you grow in the summer time. In fact, you can use the fresh horse dropping and set up your own recycling depot to create butane gas for cooking.


You can also grow some grass in the garden to feed the horses. Win Win again.


The savings far exceed your expenses and you can walk around with a six pack abs.



Originally Posted by Miraver:

Yuji, you must be new on this board! You'll get to know our TI- he's homeless, but lives comfortably in a high tech cardboard box. Ask him about his apple devices! He doesn't have the inclination to do any work or workout because he already boasts a 'six pack'.


TI, please don't chase after me with your shovel!!!

LOL, very funny. 


I might get rid of the Blackberry Playbook soon and get an iPad 3, I can "drop off" the Playbook to TI. I will recognize him with his "six pack" abs.


Shovel ? Does he work part time for the city drainage department ? Now that might conflict with his current status.

Originally Posted by chameli:

gas price going up 4.5cents per litre this eve.

Again ? We pay a lot more for gas here in Canada. I feel like moving to a rural area and get one of those horse driven carts and save on gas for the car and cooking since I would get butane from the horse dropping.


Are we allowed to import donkeys from Guyana. We have lots of them running around in Berbice with no work. They can be used here in NA, or is it to cold ?


If people would stop listening to the BS being peddled we would probably be better off.

I'm hearing on the news that prices would hit $1.50 a litre by the summer here, how do they know this? Is this not speculation? Is speculation legal?


As soon as we hear an announcement about gas prices rising, the gas pumps are packed, people sit in line ups for half an hour to buy gas cheaper.

They are forced into throwing out their money.

How the heck can they really say this is a savings?


Just don't bother rushing to the pumps, or if gas is needed just make a small purchase and if everyone does this, those thieves would have no other alternative but to leave prices as is or lower it.


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