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Originally Posted by raymond:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by raymond:

btw...not winning is still losing, no matter at what level

But yuh gaffo admit that there are different levels of losers. Like losing in the second or first round or not even being able to lose in any round outside of the paid regular season round.

bai...focus on the HEat..imagine, they have the best player in the NBA, they have the BIG THREE, they are SUPPOSED to win championships...maybe 4 or 5...yet they will be one for three after they lose to the Spurs.

Other teams don't have what you have, you are supposed to win with what u can't measure others on your standards...remember LEFraud saud he going to South BEach to win Championshipsssss

suh dis is what de jealousie is all about? smh


Shazam and Bruddah....and Stngah (who muss be reading), it's simple. This is about the Miami Heat. The Spurs are the opposing team in the Finals and serve a purpose to measure the Heat.


So how or where my comments emanate from (whether I copy-n-paste, listen to TV and Radio, parrot others, etc., and never played the game and so on) do NOT matter.


Whether I have a team I root for (the Knicks) and when they exited the playoffs and how they put together their flawed team, and how lengthy I post are irrelevant.


Here are what matter:

1. The Heat is a microwaved team.

2. LeBron boasted championships on the order of his 10 digits (I think he trailed off at 7).


You know what - both of those (1.the Heat team was put together legitimately and LeBron does what any human would do - go for money and fame, and; 2.any athlete must boast -it's what they're made) are not things to knock, but when they do not measure up people have a right to point out these human flaws.


So admit you are all nervous; doubting your team; and that there is a measure of truth to what I've been saying......


I know like athletes or addicts this is difficult to admit, but you gotta admire the Spurs organization. And think if Hibbert was in for the last play in Game 1......


Anyhow I have the Heat to win 3 games, as the players on the Spurs are human and can make mistakes despite talent and great schemes. But don't be surprised if your 5-game series prediction is correct (with the Spurs getting 4 of them)......


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