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Former Member

Berbice vents outrage over violent crime


Waving placards and burning tyres, residents of Number 45 Village, Corentyne, Berbice, yesterday voiced their outrage over the recent spate of violent robberies in their community, and which escalated Thursday with the killing of cash crop farmer Pamela Kendall.
During the approximately hour-long demonstration, residents dumped tyres, utility poles and tree trunks onto the main road. They also set some of the debris alight.
Some semblance of calm only returned to the community after police ranks arrived and spoke to the residents, some of whom threatened to return.
“No more cheap talk, we are not fools,” one placard read. “We need protection now,” read another.
The protesters gathered at around 15:30 hrs, with many having some story to tell about the crime that has overwhelmed the community.
“We don’t need no police, leh we live in war”, one protester shouted. Another resident said that the situation has become overbearing and very little action is being taken to curb the situation. According to one man, “bandits have been causing havoc in their community, with innocent people losing their lives at the hands of these fearless perpetrators”. He questioned why the perpetrators are targeting their community regularly.
Among the protesters were the Sookchand family, whose relative (Pamela Kendall) was shot dead by an intruder.
“This is sad, this is overbearing,” one family member said, while stressing that they are hardworking people who are mainly rice farmers, and livestock and cash crop farmers.
Another resident cried out “me is a member in this community here and is every night, every night something happening. This nah right at all, we fed up, “every night abee deh in fear hay.”
The residents claim that the bandits used the backlands as an escape route in all of the recent robberies. They are questioning whether the authorities would take any action to bring them relief.
Pamela Kendall’s husband yesterday said that his wife’s killer came close to spotting him hiding in a dark bathroom, as his wife lay outside with a bullet to the face.
The husband, NDC employee Deoram Sookchand, recounted his close escape even as police continued to search for the gunman who killed his wife.
While Mr. Sookchand says that he is certain that the gunman had planned to rob them and shot his wife after she screamed, police yesterday said that they are looking at a number of motives, other than robbery.
Sookchand said he was having a bath downstairs and his wife was about to close the back door when he heard a single gunshot, and his wife’s screams.
According to Sookchand, he began to scream to alert the neighbours while one of the bandits, armed with a gun, ran upstairs. Within minutes the intruder returned downstairs and he, along with his accomplice, fled into the backlands.
Sookchand said that he ran outside to assist his wife, but she had managed to run to her brother’s residence, approximately 100 yards away.
She was immediately rushed to the Skeldon Public Hospital where she was pronounced dead on arrival. She bore a gunshot wound to the left side of her face.
Meanwhile, the dead woman’s husband stated that nothing was stolen from the home.
Kendall’s murder pushed the murder rate to 100. It is just one of several senseless and brutal robberies to have occurred this year.
On April 4, Linden businesswoman, Shevon Gordon was shot dead on April 4 by robbers a stone’s throw from her home. Her 23-year-old son, Devon, was shot to the right leg after he ran to her rescue.
In June, rice farmer Hardat Kissoon was robbed and shot dead after returning from a city bank.
A few days later, Regent Multiplex Mall owner Ganesh ‘Boyo’ Ramlall was riddled with bullets and stripped of jewellery in his home at La Jalousie, West Coast Demerara.
On August 1, Danrasie ‘Carmen’ Ganesh, 77, was battered to death in her home at Montrose, East Coast Demerara. She was the third elderly woman, who lived alone, to be murdered this year.
The others are 67-year-old Ramdai Mohabir, called ‘Aunty Elsie’, who was raped and strangled on February 9 in her Lot 665 Topo, Albion, Corentyne, Berbice, and Suroogpattie Ramlakan, 73, called Auntie Carmen, of Richmond Village, Essequibo.
She was found lying on the floor of her two-bedroom home. Her night dress was pulled above her knees and her neck bore lacerations.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

"During the approximately hour-long demonstration, residents dumped tyres, utility poles and tree trunks onto the main road. They also set some of the debris alight.
Some semblance of calm only returned to the community after police ranks arrived and spoke to the residents, some of whom threatened to return.
“No more cheap talk, we are not fools,” one placard read. “We need protection now,” read another."

Originally Posted by yuji22:

"During the approximately hour-long demonstration, residents dumped tyres, utility poles and tree trunks onto the main road. They also set some of the debris alight.
Some semblance of calm only returned to the community after police ranks arrived and spoke to the residents, some of whom threatened to return.
“No more cheap talk, we are not fools,” one placard read. “We need protection now,” read another."

Ow man, look at antiman Yugi bigging up he chest and smelling he sweat! Celebrating the protest [justifiable given the residents' experiences of late]. Oh great brahman Yugi, if black man in Linden had blocked roads and started fires in a protest, you would call them savages and thugs worthy of death.


But oh wait, THAT DID HAPPEN, and your PPP shot those protesters DEAD!!!

Originally Posted by Itaname:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

"During the approximately hour-long demonstration, residents dumped tyres, utility poles and tree trunks onto the main road. They also set some of the debris alight.
Some semblance of calm only returned to the community after police ranks arrived and spoke to the residents, some of whom threatened to return.
“No more cheap talk, we are not fools,” one placard read. “We need protection now,” read another."

Ow man, look at antiman Yugi bigging up he chest and smelling he sweat! Celebrating the protest [justifiable given the residents' experiences of late]. Oh great brahman Yugi, if black man in Linden had blocked roads and started fires in a protest, you would call them savages and thugs worthy of death.


But oh wait, THAT DID HAPPEN, and your PPP shot those protesters DEAD!!!

In 2012, police opened fire on protesters in Linden, killing  Shemroy Bouyea, 24, Ron Somerset, 17, and Ivan Lewis, 46, all of Wisroc, Linden. The shooting also left several persons nursing injuries.


Ramjattan's police are not trigger-happy like Rohee's police. The coalition government respects citizens' right to protest and has directed the police to restrain themselves, not to pull down protesters' pants as they did to Naith Ram in Essequibo Coast last year.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Itaname:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

"During the approximately hour-long demonstration, residents dumped tyres, utility poles and tree trunks onto the main road. They also set some of the debris alight.
Some semblance of calm only returned to the community after police ranks arrived and spoke to the residents, some of whom threatened to return.
“No more cheap talk, we are not fools,” one placard read. “We need protection now,” read another."

Ow man, look at antiman Yugi bigging up he chest and smelling he sweat! Celebrating the protest [justifiable given the residents' experiences of late]. Oh great brahman Yugi, if black man in Linden had blocked roads and started fires in a protest, you would call them savages and thugs worthy of death.


But oh wait, THAT DID HAPPEN, and your PPP shot those protesters DEAD!!!

In 2012, police opened fire on protesters in Linden, killing  Shemroy Bouyea, 24, Ron Somerset, 17, and Ivan Lewis, 46, all of Wisroc, Linden. The shooting also left several persons nursing injuries.


Ramjattan's police are not trigger-happy like Rohee's police. The coalition government respects citizens' right to protest and has directed the police to restrain themselves, not to pull down protesters' pants as they did to Naith Ram in Essequibo Coast last year.

NO, they only plan to protect the residents of Georgetown, by placing cameras. In the rural areas where the Indians live, there is no security. Let's face the fact, the government has no plans, they got caught with their pants down. This is a gov't in training, the PPP can teach them a thing or two how to manage and control crime. I give them a couple of months, if no change, I will close my business in G/T and live happy in N/A.

It's about time Berbicians rise against the government. They must be encouraged to keep up the pressure. Indians need to do the same as what the PNC thugs did in Agricola.

They should send a police in body bag as a message to Ramjattan.

For the two posters above me.
Neither of you are addressing the people's concerns. It appears you have your own agenda.
Originally Posted by Cobra:
It's about time Berbicians rise against the government. They must be encouraged to keep up the pressure. Indians need to do the same as what the PNC thugs did in Agricola.

They should send a police in body bag as a message to Ramjattan.

For the two posters above me.
Neither of you are addressing the people's concerns. It appears you have your own agenda.

Cobra's open call for the murder of Guyanese policemen is noted. Your agenda is for riots, mayhem and destabilization of the govt [you called for the burning of Georgetown].


Tough tough talk considering you're a weasly lil sissy man who hasn't been to Guyana in decades. Yuh consumed by hatred for black man, even the black ones like Ravi Samaroo, your own family member.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by kp:

NO, they only plan to protect the residents of Georgetown, by placing cameras. In the rural areas where the Indians live, there is no security. Let's face the fact, the government has no plans, they got caught with their pants down. This is a gov't in training, the PPP can teach them a thing or two how to manage and control crime. I give them a couple of months, if no change, I will close my business in G/T and live happy in N/A.

a. there was never any security in rural areas where primarily indians live after 50+ years of independence, 23 years of PPP rule. It is needed. But what caused you to rise form your slumber now?


b. Please state what the PPP can teach re crime fighting bearing in mind under PPP rule:

  • drug kingpins appeared and flourished with impunity
  • narco trafficking appeared and flourished
  • guns and weapons proliferated Guyanese society
  • death squads to the tune of 400 people murdered
  • junkies in every town and village with associated impact on the social fabric (see junkie Mervin robbing the man who took him to school)

Suh tell we KP bai, what solid PPP crime fighting skills yuh want abee fuh use?

Originally Posted by yuji22:

"During the approximately hour-long demonstration, residents dumped tyres, utility poles and tree trunks onto the main road. They also set some of the debris alight.
Some semblance of calm only returned to the community after police ranks arrived and spoke to the residents, some of whom threatened to return.
“No more cheap talk, we are not fools,” one placard read. “We need protection now,” read another."

Note that when black people did this under PPP rule, they met a hail of bullets.


APNU isn't so savage.

Originally Posted by Itaname:
 Oh great brahman Yugi, if black man in Linden had blocked roads and started fires in a protest, you would call them savages and thugs worthy of death.


But oh wait, THAT DID HAPPEN, and your PPP shot those protesters DEAD!!!

Yes he was loud in his screams that Lindeners were lazy black savages who should be shot on sight.

Originally Posted by kp:


NO, they only plan to protect the residents of Georgetown, by placing cameras. In the rural areas where the Indians live,

And here I was thinking that with 60K Indian inhabitants, a sizeable % of Indians do live in G/town.  Here was a thinking that the number was even larger when one counts those who work in G/town, but live elsewhere, and those who go to G/town for other purposes.


50% of the crime in Guyana occurs in an around G/town, and many of the victims are people who live in rural areas, but who work or do business in G/town.


Better to demand that your ex PPPite Ramjattan, admits that he doesn't have a clue, and let Felix take over, to your screams of "Indo Holocaust".

Originally Posted by Cobra:
Indians must burn and kill for justice. That's no longer a right for Blackman only.

Now suppose that blacks did this under PPP rule.   You would scream that they should be shot in sight.

Originally Posted by Cobra:
Indians must burn and kill for justice. That's no longer a right for Blackman only.

You can go to Guyana and lead the charge of Indians. Rub councie pun yuh butt ugly face as warpaint!

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Itaname:
Originally Posted by Cobra:
Indians must burn and kill for justice. That's no longer a right for Blackman only.

You can go to Guyana and lead the charge of Indians. Rub councie pun yuh butt ugly face as warpaint!

Yes, easy to make war talk from the safety of NY. 


Ironically this from a man who was terrified of big PNC FEMALES withsupercyats. He whined that these women can "skin up dey cyat" and piss on people, and that there is nothing that he could have done about it.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Itaname:
Originally Posted by Cobra:
Indians must burn and kill for justice. That's no longer a right for Blackman only.

You can go to Guyana and lead the charge of Indians. Rub councie pun yuh butt ugly face as warpaint!

Yes, easy to make war talk from the safety of NY. 


Ironically this from a man who was terrified of big PNC FEMALES withsupercyats. He wined that these women can "skin up dey cyat" and piss on people, and that there is nothing that he could have done about it.

He got nuff nuff fat talk from behind he computer. Even dem Peruvian women skin dem kyat pon he and he rass run to divorce court. p.ussy that he is.

Originally Posted by Itaname:

He got nuff nuff fat talk from behind he computer. Even dem Peruvian women skin dem kyat pon he and he rass run to divorce court. p.ussy that he is.

No wonder the poor man decided that all he now wants is a big PNC blackman to be his man.

Originally Posted by Cobra:
Indians must burn and kill for justice. That's no longer a right for Blackman only.

Cybercrime legislation is coming soon. You will be accountable for posts like this. If the government makes it retroactive, you're in trouble for this one.

Mr. Gilbakka, with all due respect, when the cyber crime legislation is passed, let me deal with it squarely. I will not get into details on how brutal your government was/is, but there are more pressing issues that need urgent attention, rather to trample on freedom of expression and mussels the people from criticizing the government. That is undemocratic and the introduction of dictatorship.

The world you wish to live in is the one I am fighting to destroy. Please keep that in mind.

Thank you!
I have great respect for Mr. Gilbakka. He knows as I am that GNI is fair play for all. Nothing personal. I do appreciate he made several attempts to warn me of the pending cyber crime legislation and its consequences. No harm done.
Originally Posted by Cobra:
I have great respect for Mr. Gilbakka. He knows as I am that GNI is fair play for all. Nothing personal. I do appreciate he made several attempts to warn me of the pending cyber crime legislation and its consequences. No harm done.

Nice of you to say these things, Cobra. Indeed, I was warning you for your own good. I didn't want to say this now, but I received an unofficial request from someone in the government to prepare a memorandum containing my thoughts and suggestions on what should be included in the proposed cybercrime draft. Right now I'm looking at a few models and won't say more. Lest people get ideas, whatever I do is free of charge to the government.

How would this impact GNI posters content since its a Guyana site, but privately owned? Cyber crime can be monitored within your own country, but not  on a global scale. Your response, please.
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Cobra:
I have great respect for Mr. Gilbakka. He knows as I am that GNI is fair play for all. Nothing personal. I do appreciate he made several attempts to warn me of the pending cyber crime legislation and its consequences. No harm done.

Nice of you to say these things, Cobra. Indeed, I was warning you for your own good. I didn't want to say this now, but I received an unofficial request from someone in the government to prepare a memorandum containing my thoughts and suggestions on what should be included in the proposed cybercrime draft. Right now I'm looking at a few models and won't say more. Lest people get ideas, whatever I do is free of charge to the government.



You cannot criticize the PNC government. They will send you to jail.


Shame on Gil for endorsing intimidation and suppressing free speech. God will make you suffer for your disgusting actions.


Many have given their lives for free speech.


Shame on Gil and the PNC ! Shame on you !

Last edited by Former Member
This idea may not materialized. It can only stop criticism of the government from overseas, and monitored out going contents from Guyana. Anyway is government intrusion on privacy. Guyana may become like China and South Korea. The is one way the PNC is intended to secure their positions in 2020.
Originally Posted by Cobra:
This idea may not materialized. It can only criticism of the government from overseas, and monitored out going contents from Guyana. Anyway is government intrusion on privacy. Guyana may become like China and South Korea. The is one way the PNC is intended to secure their positions in 2020.


This is the first step by the PNC to use thugs to implement and attempt to suppress and drive fear into the minds of those who are opposed to the PNC.


This is a very, very dangerous trend. At his pace, Guyana will quickly turn into a brutal PNC dictatorship.

Originally Posted by Cobra:
How would this impact GNI posters content since its a Guyana site, but privately owned? Cyber crime can be monitored within your own country, but not  on a global scale. Your response, please.

I can give you my personal opinion which does not reflect the views of the coalition. First, let me say that while there is freedom of speech in any democracy, there are also limits or boundaries set by laws of libel, slander and sedition. The USA and Canada and the UK all have such laws.

Where the proposed cybercrime legislation in Guyana is concerned, I want to believe that it will incorporate certain elements of the laws of libel and slander and include such ideas as hate crime, incitement to kill, sedition, child pornography, intellectual property theft, etc.

Naturally, the cybercrime law will be enforceable within the Guyana jurisdiction only, in which case the owners/administration of GNI will not be sanctioned. But, for the sake of an explanation, let's say someone in Guyana repeats online the words you used yesterday ["Indians must burn and kill for justice"], that person could be charged with incitement to commit arson and murder. Right now, according to the extant law, to repeat a defamatory or inciting rumour or statement is to commit the defamation or incitement oneself.

I must point out that one's nickname online does not protect one from being caught, as a lot of child pornographers have found out.

Hope this helps.

Originally Posted by Django:

[I must point out that one's nickname online does not protect one from being caught, as a lot of child pornographers have found out.] educating them bhai's today.

Just knowledge sharing, bai. I don't believe in being selfish with one's knowledge.


Parents in Berbice should wake up and take stock of the junkies living in their houses or congregating in crack houses in every neighborhoods. That is where the crime exists.


Indeed Ramjhattan should come under pressure because we should have some firings in the police and considerable assets placed at the disposal of law enforcement. We need intersecting patrols on an on going basis. At any time there should be t0 patrol cars, clearly marked and with flashing lights to announce their presence and a robust 911 system to support them.


There should be a revamping of evidence collection and processing and the next time a court docket gets missing some head should roll.

Yesterday, I said that Indians should make an example to capture two criminals and chop them to pieces then summons the police. If there is no law to protect you, you must take matters into your own hands.

2) Recently, Moses Nagamootoo called Jagdeo a "coolie bully"

3) Ramjattan labeled the PPP as thieves in the house of parliament without any evidence and promise them jail time if and when such evidence becomes available.

Sir, these three examples are important factors when we communicate in real time in cyber world. Cobra: encouraged killing of criminals. Moses: using racist slurs. Ramjattan: libel of character assassination.

Please explain how these examples will played out in the cyber crime legislation.
Originally Posted by Cobra:
Yesterday, I said that Indians should make an example to capture two criminals and chop them to pieces then summons the police. If there is no law to protect you, you must take matters into your own hands.

2) Recently, Moses Nagamootoo called Jagdeo a "coolie bully"

3) Ramjattan labeled the PPP as thieves in the house of parliament without any evidence and promise them jail time if and when such evidence becomes available.

Sir, these three examples are important factors when we communicate in real time in cyber world. Cobra: encouraged killing of criminals. Moses: using racist slurs. Ramjattan: libel of character assassination.

Please explain how these examples will played out in the cyber crime legislation.

I guh help out 2 and 3 there is a lot of grey area.


[I said that Indians should make an example to capture two criminals and chop them to pieces then summons the police]


This is serious think about your statement,you can be

charged for the crime of murder.

Last edited by Django
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Nice of you to say these things, Cobra. Indeed, I was warning you for your own good. I didn't want to say this now, but I received an unofficial request from someone in the government to prepare a memorandum containing my thoughts and suggestions on what should be included in the proposed cybercrime draft. Right now I'm looking at a few models and won't say more. Lest people get ideas, whatever I do is free of charge to the government.

In what capacity were you asked to prepare a memorandum of this proposed cybercrime draft? What is the scope of your involvement as it relates to GNI?

Originally Posted by Cobra:
Yesterday, I said that Indians should make an example to capture two criminals and chop them to pieces then summons the police. If there is no law to protect you, you must take matters into your own hands.

2) Recently, Moses Nagamootoo called Jagdeo a "coolie bully"

3) Ramjattan labeled the PPP as thieves in the house of parliament without any evidence and promise them jail time if and when such evidence becomes available.

Sir, these three examples are important factors when we communicate in real time in cyber world. Cobra: encouraged killing of criminals. Moses: using racist slurs. Ramjattan: libel of character assassination.

Please explain how these examples will played out in the cyber crime legislation.

Just a brief response. Cobra answered a part.

Parliamentarians have immunity against what they say in parliament, once the Speaker allows. I attended sittings of the National Assembly of Guyana and I witnessed PPP MPs calling certain PNC individuals "thieves." One time, Burnham told Maccie Hamid: "Go outside and repeat that now." Maccie Hamid knew that Burnham could do him nothing in the House, but if he stepped on to the corridor and told Burnham the same thing he would have been sued. So Maccie stayed inside the House.

Lots of outrageous things are said in parliament by both sides. For decades.


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