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AFC is a slumber party

AFC is a slumber party


IT never ceases to amaze me how a few pro-AFC letter writers kept asking about what the PPP/C Government has done for this country in terms of social and economic development. Even Rip Van Winkle woke up eventually, but it seems to me that these people are in a state of eternal slumber when it comes to the achievement of this Government.

The AFC should ask itself what it has done since the 2011 General Election to support national development in this country. The AFC has become so fixated in its objective to destabilise the PPP/C government that it has moved from budget cuts to non-support of the AML/CFT Bill to the calling of a ‘no confidence’ vote against the government.

This is not unlike the UF backing of the PNC during the 1961-64 period. The AFC is replicating that period again, to the advantage of the PNC. History has a way of repeating itself, but can Guyanese allow this to happen?

These AFC letter writers seem to be oblivious of the fact that the budget cuts the AFC supported are very much against what the AFC itself has in their own Action Plan.

The AFC believes that they will put those plans into action when they form the next government; but the question must be asked: When will this ever be? The prognostication says never!

Therefore, if the AFC wants to promote the social and economic development of this country they must support the government of the day and that is the PPP/C government.
The AFC letter writers are also oblivious of the fact that the support base of the AFC has declined to such an extent due to its blind support of APNU that the AFC will never again be able to split the votes in Berbice. The AFC was meant to be a Third Force, not to become indistinguishable with the PNC. Berbicians and right-minded Guyanese know for a fact that AFC’s support for APNU will never be able to allow the progress of this nation to continue. It is quite clear that the AFC and APNU are only interested in acquiring power at any and all cost. At the last PNC Biennial Congress a stark reminder of the PNC’s notorious past became manifest with the rigging and thuggery. In addition, the Rodney COI has allowed our young voters to become acquainted with the real PNC and its capabilities.
These AFC letter writers should know that it takes a very strong President to continue to run this country despite the many devious destabilising tactics used by both the AFC and APNU and Guyanese will continue to support President Donald Ramotar and he will get the majority of votes in the next election. At no period in the history of this country has any president been tested so much and history bear testimony to his honesty, strength, dedication and resilience in the face of severe adversity.
At the AFC’s last conference in 2012, I moved a motion with regards to accountability of funds within the AFC and that motion received the unanimous support of all the AFC delegates including the now Presidential candidate and the Prime Ministerial candidate – Messrs Nagamootoo and Hughes. This motion was as a result of Ramaya’s spurious claims of being owed $4.5 million. Monies which he was not authorised to spend and had no documents to support those expenditures. But what came as a shocking revelation was that those measures were never put in place and certain executive members continue to mismanage those funds for their personal benefits. It was at that conference that I became the mortal enemy of Nagamoottoo. I should have kept quiet about his friend, the herbal charlatan. Now these same gentlemen want to hold the highest offices of this land but blatantly refuse to have accountability measures within their own party.
I want the AFC letter writers to know that Berbicians have moved a ‘no confidence’ motion against the AFC. The next election will prove this beyond any shadow of a doubt.

AFC Councillor Region 6

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:

- Stabroek News - -

The no-confidence motion

Posted By Staff Writer On September 1, 2014 @ 5:01 am In Daily,Features,What the People Say | No Comments

This week we asked members of the public to comment on the motion of no-confidence which is to be moved by the opposition in Parliament against the government. If successful, the government would have to resign and new general elections would have to be held.

Interviews and photos  by Desilon Daniels

20140901albert pedroAlbert Pedro, vendor: `In my opinion, the parliament as it is of right now can’t work. The hung parliament cannot work; it’s better for the country to go to a new national poll. I’m for the no-confidence motion; I support it. The recess period for the parliament is on right now but the government can call an election date; they don’t have to wait for the motion to pass. I think it’s best for the country to go back to the polls. We need national and regional elections in Guyana. Our government as it is right now is not functioning; it’s in limbo and in confusion. We need the chance to decide who is the winner and who is the loser.’

20140901adrian wiltshireAdrian Wiltshire, unemployed: `I have no confidence in this government because they are not in control of themselves as individuals, and as such cannot lead this country. They showcase their inadequacies daily and instead of trying to improve, they attack anyone who points out their flaws. They do not accept criticism because they “know all”. These pitiful men seem to think themselves gods. If this no confidence motion is passed in parliament it would shake their bubble a little; but I doubt it will happen. Nothing passes in parliament unless the (minority) government assents. Their flagrant disregard for the rights of the Guyanese people as established by the constitution is an issue that needs to be addressed. Where are the international bodies created to address the abuse of citizens by their government? The PPP/C working in collusion with the APNU are leading this country into slavery and I have no confidence in that. Come elections, I will be returning my ballot blank; indicating my belief that no party is worthy for the Governance. If Guyanese people really want change then they should learn their rights and use them. Real government or none at all!’

20140901leslyn isaacsLeslyn Isaacs, self-employed: `I think it’s about time that we have a new government; see if our society will run better with a new government. I would go and vote if there’s a snap election. I just really want to see development in Guyana. Youths mustn’t be forced to crime because we don’t have enough jobs here.’

20140901gordon marshallGordon Marshall, businessman: `The motion is a pretty new one because no government before in our history has ever been visited by a no-confidence motion. I think it is a bargaining chip for the president and the opposition; the president needs to have the finance minister accountable. If he does that then I think the opposition will back off. The finance minister has done us wrong and he needs to take responsibility for his actions. If he does, then both parties will end up in a win-win situation and we can enjoy the next three years better. I think the no-confidence motion spun out from the Ashni Singh situation.’

20140901terry van de grootTerry Van De Groot, security guard:`Everybody knows what’s going on in this city but nobody wants to speak up. The government and the opposition have to come together and do something about the country. If we had elections next month, I would vote. We need a change here.’

20140901raymond bartonRaymond Barton, money changer: `Really and truly I think the motion against the present regime is good. We have a parliament where the opposition has the majority and certain bills that are added, it’s clear that the president doesn’t want to assent. We can’t have a parliament where the opposition is the majority, the government is the minority and the government is not complying when bills come. This motion happened because Minister Ashni Singh is going forward with monies that had been cut from the budget. He abused his privileges and, yes, I agree that we had to have the no-confidence motion. The political opposition also needs to look at the constitution because out of that we have these problems.’

20140901ferdinand bacchusFerdinand Bacchus, councilor, City Hall: `In regards to the no-confidence motion I strongly support it against the government. I think it’s too long the government wants to have its way in everything. Every government should have some times when it has to look at the response of the people and think about how people feel. However, the government sometimes think that because they are in there they can do anything that they feel and I think it’s time that we have an elections so that they will understand how people are feeling and the people’s reactions will tell through the ballot. I would want to think that it would have a similar dispensation of the parliament; I can see the government losing more seats in the next elections. The government has made mistakes; we are spending US$1M more on a Rodney Inquiry and that doesn’t make sense to me. Look at how many people are suffering in Guyana; the hierarchy of Guyana doesn’t know the suffering of the people and they need to know that. We can’t even have a reasonable minimum wage. Especially for the young people, they are the ones that are going to vote and they don’t even know anything about Walter Rodney!’

20140901arthur james knightArthur James Knight, customer care agent: `I don’t necessarily support the no-confidence motion but I support whatever it may take to enact a positive change in the Guyanese society. The APNU and AFC may not even be the best for the job but the present government has constantly embarrassed themselves and the country. They can’t take criticism, there is no transparency, and they act like a bunch of rich, out of control teenagers. This has extended beyond them and the police are out of control, City Hall looks like a bunch of fools, our university is getting worse and people are getting away with murder. One minister even caused an accident while another ruined a departing ambassador’s party and we can’t forget to mention that this government has gone against the constitution. We have built white elephants and useless things and have forgotten to invest in ourselves properly. If the government can’t change then they shouldn’t be surprised when other people want a change of face. The job in the PPP hands isn’t the best and appears to be getting worse for two decades to the point where people want to see some or just any kind of change in who’s running things. The APNU and AFC have at least made significant changes internally. This is more than just a no-confidence from the opposition; it’s a ‘No Faith’ from the people.’

20140901keeona mckayKeeona McKay, student: `First of all, not a lot of people even know what this no-confidence motion is or the consequences of it being passed. At the end of the day, to many persons it doesn’t matter who is in power; there will always be persons who feel disenfranchised in a country. It’s just a matter of waiting to see what will happen. If and when the motion is passed we’ll see if it has really solved our problems or if we’ll find ourselves in a deeper mess.’

20140901marlon fredericksMarlon Fredericks, vendor: `I think it’s a biased option and they need to work together and make it a collective effort instead of a bashing campaign. If they did that, our parliament would have much better results.’

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Originally Posted by yuji22:
Home > LETTERS > AFC is a slumber party

AFC is a slumber party

IT never ceases to amaze me how a few pro-AFC letter writers kept asking about what the PPP/C Government has done for this country in terms of social and economic development. Even Rip Van Winkle woke up eventually, but it seems to me that these people are in a state of eternal slumber when it comes to the achievement of this Government.
The AFC should ask itself what it has done since the 2011 General Election to support national development in this country. The AFC has become so fixated in its objective to destabilise the PPP/C government that it has moved from budget cuts to non-support of the AML/CFT Bill to the calling of a ‘no confidence’ vote against the government.

This is not unlike the UF backing of the PNC during the 1961-64 period. The AFC is replicating that period again, to the advantage of the PNC. History has a way of repeating itself, but can Guyanese allow this to happen?

These AFC letter writers seem to be oblivious of the fact that the budget cuts the AFC supported are very much against what the AFC itself has in their own Action Plan.

The AFC believes that they will put those plans into action when they form the next government; but the question must be asked: When will this ever be? The prognostication says never!

Therefore, if the AFC wants to promote the social and economic development of this country they must support the government of the day and that is the PPP/C government.

The AFC letter writers are also oblivious of the fact that the support base of the AFC has declined to such an extent due to its blind support of APNU that the AFC will never again be able to split the votes in Berbice. The AFC was meant to be a Third Force, not to become indistinguishable with the PNC. Berbicians and right-minded Guyanese know for a fact that AFC’s support for APNU will never be able to allow the progress of this nation to continue. It is quite clear that the AFC and APNU are only interested in acquiring power at any and all cost.

At the last PNC Biennial Congress a stark reminder of the PNC’s notorious past became manifest with the rigging and thuggery. In addition, the Rodney COI has allowed our young voters to become acquainted with the real PNC and its capabilities.

These AFC letter writers should know that it takes a very strong President to continue to run this country despite the many devious destabilising tactics used by both the AFC and APNU and Guyanese will continue to support President Donald Ramotar and he will get the majority of votes in the next election. At no period in the history of this country has any president been tested so much and history bear testimony to his honesty, strength, dedication and resilience in the face of severe adversity.

At the AFC’s last conference in 2012, I moved a motion with regards to accountability of funds within the AFC and that motion received the unanimous support of all the AFC delegates including the now Presidential candidate and the Prime Ministerial candidate – Messrs Nagamootoo and Hughes. This motion was as a result of Ramaya’s spurious claims of being owed $4.5 million. Monies which he was not authorised to spend and had no documents to support those expenditures. But what came as a shocking revelation was that those measures were never put in place and certain executive members continue to mismanage those funds for their personal benefits. It was at that conference that I became the mortal enemy of Nagamoottoo. I should have kept quiet about his friend, the herbal charlatan. Now these same gentlemen want to hold the highest offices of this land but blatantly refuse to have accountability measures within their own party.
I want the AFC letter writers to know that Berbicians have moved a ‘no confidence’ motion against the AFC. The next election will prove this beyond any shadow of a doubt.
AFC Councillor Region 6

HHere we are again listening to a dog whistler and a fifth column plant of the PPP banging on his drums! It may be the kind of harmonies that is nice to a PPP ears but to the rest of the world who can disassociate the mind for a moment to the objective realm, it is a  cacophony whining plain and simple.

What the AFC has done is but a hydraulic brake system on the PPP steam roller of corrupt practices across the broad spectrum of PPP corrupt economic practices. Their unfettered friends and family enrichment schemes with the nation's assets as their bank is their development strategy.

The lame or rather toxic leveraging of racist messages to tar and feather the PNC and omitting the prevailing contrition of runaway corruption in the PPP is pathetic. Most people with a brain would be wise to the lies that the PPP is demonstrably a better choice than the PNC. Even if we were choosing among the most adroit of crooks; the PPP industrial scale corrupt practices trumps all others in scope and magnitude.

This piddling fool is still quarreling about discrepancies about "bigan money" while missing his duty to address the obscene rise to patrician status of all of the PPP cast of office holders! I guess it is a case of the penny wise idiot.

This fool to know that he cannot speak for Berbicians. He speaks for himself and those of his ilk in the PPP who are contented to have those crooks in office with unfettered access to ply their trade on account of their racist beliefs.  Actually, we only need 10 thousand smart Berbicians to stand up and say not on my name shall the PPP ever get again get the opportunity to practice their vile craft of plundering the nation with no bother about being accountable.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Home > LETTERS > AFC is a slumber party
AFC is a slumber party

AFC is a slumber party


IT never ceases to


AFC Councillor Region 6

Is Yusuf the voice of the PPP now?  Gosh man, they can do better than this.  Once upon a time men like Ralph Ramkarran spoke for the PPP.


How far has they fallen?

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

AFC has a bunch of crooks.

Not sure I would broad brush, but yes some, remember Robin Hood (flour) bwoi.

You think Yusuf has been reading the posts on GNI?

Originally Posted by comrade:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

AFC has a bunch of crooks.

What would you call Jagdeo,Manniram,Kwawme, Ossie, Robert, Irfan, Lumumba ?


A bunch of fairies ?

They are all COMRADES. Do you belong in this group?

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by comrade:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

AFC has a bunch of crooks.

What would you call Jagdeo,Manniram,Kwawme, Ossie, Robert, Irfan, Lumumba ?


A bunch of fairies ?

They are all COMRADES. Do you belong in this group?

 No !


Do You ?

Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Home > LETTERS > AFC is a slumber party
AFC is a slumber party

AFC is a slumber party


IT never ceases to


AFC Councillor Region 6

Is Yusuf the voice of the PPP now?  Gosh man, they can do better than this.  Once upon a time men like Ralph Ramkarran spoke for the PPP.


How far has they fallen?

Let us get to the cheese.....

Yusuf cannot compare himself

to people with huge grassroot support like...

Nagamootoo, Ramkarran & Ramjattan....

who walked away from

de Corrupt Jagdeo & Ramotar Cabal.


The only Berbicians

who will listen or follow yusuf...

are the very few who

Support, Promote & Practice Buggerism....

and Love Kwame & De Black House of Israel Thugs...

and Defend Jagdeo & Ramotar Inclusion

of Lamumba, Bynoe, Hamilton,

McClean, Nascimento,Kwame,

into the Leadership of the PPP.


Yusuf and the Promotion of Buggerism....

has no support in Berbice.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
I want the AFC letter writers to know that Berbicians have moved a ‘no confidence’ motion against the AFC. The next election will prove this beyond any shadow of a doubt.

AFC Councillor Region 6






I returned last week from the Corentyne where I saw much neglect of the social intra structure there. Many youths are idle with no work.  Many people in Black Bush polder have given up farming . The cabal's lies about the AFC will not be believed by the people.

Originally Posted by comrade:

I returned last week from the Corentyne where I saw much neglect of the social intra structure there. Many youths are idle with no work.  Many people in Black Bush polder have given up farming . The cabal's lies about the AFC will not be believed by the people.

You are telling a blatant lie. Where in Corentyne did you visit, Orealla? Siparuta? Couldn't have been Moleson Creek either. Oh, maybe the New River Triangle!!!
You are full of stale sh*it.


Migration from Berbice 


Interviews and photos by The last census report has pointed to a reduction in the population due to migration, especially in Region Six. This week on What the People Say we asked persons to share their views as to what may have contributed to this. Here are their comments:

Interviews and photos by Shabna Ullah

20140804azeezAzeez Khan, vendor,

‘Many persons from this Region Six are leaving because the country is hard. These are rough times for a lot of people. There are no proper jobs for the people so they have to go and seek betterment in other countries. Some persons who have jobs are living from pay day to pay day. They abandon their homes and the little that they achieve here in search of better living conditions. I think a lot of people would prefer to remain if the government opens up industries to create employment.’








20140804radhaRadha Sewnauth, vendor,

‘The reason for so many people leaving this region is because there are no jobs especially for young people who have done well at CXC. The cost of living is too high and people are suffering. They have no one to support them and they don’t know what else to do so they try to migrate to another country to seek a better life. There are also too many bandits kicking down doors and robbing and killing people innocently. If I get an opportunity I would run away from this country too. I live at 3rd Street Bush Dam, Fyrish and the street is no good at all. There is a pool of water; almost like a trench and vehicles cannot use it. I am glad if the government can look into it. I fell on the street the other day and I sprained my knee. All of that cause people to want to fly away from this country. Right now there is stagnant water in the area. It has been there for over two weeks since a heavy rainfall.’








20140804sanita Sanita Narine, vendor,

‘The cost of living is too high in the country and you have to work very hard for just a little money. Sometimes you work for the whole day and don’t earn anything. Some people cannot even save. When others achieve a little after struggling for years, bandits would come and kill them for it. Life is too hard here. Many people who migrated are doing well in other countries and are coming back to help their poor relatives. If they didn’t get a chance to go away they would have remained poor like them too.’








20140804parbattie Parbattie Bickram, housewife,

‘People must run away from this country because life is hard, even for the bandits. When they break into your house and cannot get the amount of money they want they would kill you. They believe that they work for it and give you and then they come back for it. When the bandits attack, the police don’t come right away. When they finally come, instead of looking for the bandits, they sit and take statements for hours and delay the time. The police need to do their job better. Bandits went into our house at Albion last Wednesday and chop my grandmother like a fish. My grandfather took it on and he collapsed and died. I buy a little shrimp and sell it in the market and I make a couple cents. That is barely enough for me and my school-aged children to eat out of.’







20140804davidDavid Rodney, foot salesman,

‘The people are migrating because the dollar is very low. If you have $1,000 it is as though you have nothing. As soon as you break the $1,000 it finish, and then to make it worse, they have $5,000 bill now. It means that the money devalue so the people decide to migrate more. If you are in a foreign country, like America and you have a $20, you could buy a household ration and still some change left back to buy a shoes, clothes and other things. Now in Guyana, you cannot even buy a weekly ration with $5,000. The people are living under their standards; they are getting paid less for what they are working so they must migrate. People would sell out their houses and migrate. Others would just abandon theirs and go and live in small apartments. But in a short time they can work and have a better standard of living than here. At one time Singapore had the same amount of people like Guyana but today that country has over five million people while the population in Guyana has reduced. For me though, I am a diehard Guyanese and I prefer to live right here and be with my children. In order to make it in life you have to work really hard, like I am doing. I don’t live in Region Six, I live in Region 10 but I came here to sell. I can’t get a job in Linden and survive.’








20140804mustaphaMustapha Ally, businessman,

‘It is generally observed that in the Port Mourant community a lot of the old people who are the original owners of the properties, have all migrated because of the fact that they had families who were living overseas for a very long time and had sponsored them. As a result we see most of the people receiving permanent visas. Some owners would put people to live in their houses and when they are away for so many years the homes would be vandalized. Even at our masjid, we had a membership of over 150 people, now we barely have 60 people. Then a lot of young people have migrated through marriages. We call it a brain drain. It is a reality where everybody is getting an opportunity to go. The US embassy has been giving visa and a lot of people are going. Some are coming back and some are not. Everybody is looking for a better way of life and the notion is that going to North America or even the islands give them that life.’








20140804kristyKristy Mangar, farmer,

‘I think the economic pressure and crisis as well as the crime situation has resulted in the high rate of migration from this region. These are factors that would force people out of this country because they want to live with ease. Sometimes bandits come into your homes in high daytime and kill you for nothing. Another factor is the lack of job opportunities. A lot of young people came out of school with good grades and cannot get proper jobs. Some of them cannot afford to go to university right away because of poverty and they cannot even get to work and save towards it. In other countries, there are lots of opportunities so people are making use of it to go and further their education, explore life and achieve their goals. People who migrate and work in another country can return in two or three years and build a property. But some people live their whole lives here and cannot even afford to buy a bicycle.’







20140804nikita Nikita Williams, teacher,

‘The economic situation is definitely why so many people are migrating. It is also because of the crime rate; people do not feel safe in their homes. I think the authorities should ensure that our neighbourhood is safer. I also think the police need to do more in ensuring proper security for the people. The lack of job opportunities is also another reason why young people leave this region. You find too that many would leave and go to Georgetown just to seek employment. In the case of teachers, we don’t earn much as compared to the teachers in the islands; they work for far more. To me this region is highly political when it comes to getting jobs. I don’t blame the people for migrating in search of a better life. I am even thinking of leaving as well although I am a trained teacher.’








20140804feliciaFelicia Arthur, food vendor,

‘When it comes to the money that we earn it is not much in Berbice so that is why the young people are leaving, even if it is just to go away to Georgetown. In terms of leaving the country, if I get a visa I would go too because life is tough; money is not stirring this way. There is no spending power. We work very hard and we don’t even see our profit. Our life is not moving up. Sometimes I make food items to sell and the majority would leave back so I would end up losing. Crime is also contributing to the high rate of migration. I also think some businesspersons are biased when they are hiring people. When certain persons go to some of the shops for jobs, the owners would pick and choose. For example, one of my cousins went for a job at a shop as a salesgirl the owner turned her down. But when the Indian young lady went he accepted her and that was bad.’








20140804rossMichael Ross, ex-security,

‘So many people are leaving this region because they want to do better and perhaps they like to see places. It is also because they want to help out their families. People also like to know that when they work they must get value for their money but that is not happening here. If persons have big families and they cannot work for a certain amount of money, then life would be really difficult. Some people have to work almost their whole lifetime to achieve certain basic requirements. Since I was younger, a lot of people went away and never came back to their homes. Most of the people went with residency while a few went through the backtrack route. The crime situation is also one of the reasons that cause people to migrate. People are hardly earning but yet they would be killed by bandits for the little that they have.’

Originally Posted by comrade:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

AFC has a bunch of crooks.

What would you call Jagdeo,Manniram,Kwawme, Ossie, Robert, Irfan, Lumumba ?


A bunch of fairies ?

Comrade, why yuh leff out Joe Hamilton and head honcho Rohee?

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by comrade:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

AFC has a bunch of crooks.

What would you call Jagdeo,Manniram,Kwawme, Ossie, Robert, Irfan, Lumumba ?


A bunch of fairies ?

Comrade, why yuh leff out Joe Hamilton and head honcho Rohee?

Gilly, like you student messing up.

Originally Posted by comrade:

I returned last week from the Corentyne where I saw much neglect of the social intra structure there. Many youths are idle with no work.  Many people in Black Bush polder have given up farming . The cabal's lies about the AFC will not be believed by the people.

Comrade, yuji22 says the PPP has plenty "boots on the ground" in Berbice.

Clearly, those "boots" are there to kick the AFC and not to attend to pressing problems Berbicians are facing.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by comrade:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

AFC has a bunch of crooks.

What would you call Jagdeo,Manniram,Kwawme, Ossie, Robert, Irfan, Lumumba ?


A bunch of fairies ?

Comrade, why yuh leff out Joe Hamilton and head honcho Rohee?

Gilly, like you student messing up.

Skelly, FYI, Comrade is my senior. He can teach you a lot about PPP history. Humble yourself and learn from him.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by comrade:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

AFC has a bunch of crooks.

What would you call Jagdeo,Manniram,Kwawme, Ossie, Robert, Irfan, Lumumba ?


A bunch of fairies ?

Comrade, why yuh leff out Joe Hamilton and head honcho Rohee?

Gilly, like you student messing up.

Skelly, FYI, Comrade is my senior. He can teach you a lot about PPP history. Humble yourself and learn from him.

Me sarry hafica.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by comrade:

I returned last week from the Corentyne where I saw much neglect of the social intra structure there. Many youths are idle with no work.  Many people in Black Bush polder have given up farming . The cabal's lies about the AFC will not be believed by the people.

Comrade, yuji22 says the PPP has plenty "boots on the ground" in Berbice.

Clearly, those "boots" are there to kick the AFC and not to attend to pressing problems Berbicians are facing.

Those are paid boot that have minimum returns.  Once upon a time Burnham has 10,000 boots on the ground, but they could not help him win elections.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:



20140804davidDavid Rodney, foot salesman,

‘The people are migrating because the dollar is very low. If you have $1,000 it is as though you have nothing. As soon as you break the $1,000 it finish, and then to make it worse, they have $5,000 bill now. It means that the money devalue so the people decide to migrate more. If you are in a foreign country, like America and you have a $20, you could buy a household ration and still some change left back to buy a shoes, clothes and other things. Now in Guyana, you cannot even buy a weekly ration with $5,000. The people are living under their standards; they are getting paid less for what they are working so they must migrate. People would sell out their houses and migrate. Others would just abandon theirs and go and live in small apartments. But in a short time they can work and have a better standard of living than here. At one time Singapore had the same amount of people like Guyana but today that country has over five million people while the population in Guyana has reduced. For me though, I am a diehard Guyanese and I prefer to live right here and be with my children. In order to make it in life you have to work really hard, like I am doing. I don’t live in Region Six, I live in Region 10 but I came here to sell. I can’t get a job in Linden and survive.’




What derass is a "foot-salesman?"


Last edited by cain
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Skelly, FYI, Comrade is my senior. He can teach you a lot about PPP history. Humble yourself and learn from him.



* Anyway, Moses and the AFC will be getting 5% in the upcoming election.



Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:



20140804davidDavid Rodney, foot salesman,

‘The people are migrating because the dollar is very low. If you have $1,000 it is as though you have nothing. As soon as you break the $1,000 it finish, and then to make it worse, they have $5,000 bill now. It means that the money devalue so the people decide to migrate more. If you are in a foreign country, like America and you have a $20, you could buy a household ration and still some change left back to buy a shoes, clothes and other things. Now in Guyana, you cannot even buy a weekly ration with $5,000. The people are living under their standards; they are getting paid less for what they are working so they must migrate. People would sell out their houses and migrate. Others would just abandon theirs and go and live in small apartments. But in a short time they can work and have a better standard of living than here. At one time Singapore had the same amount of people like Guyana but today that country has over five million people while the population in Guyana has reduced. For me though, I am a diehard Guyanese and I prefer to live right here and be with my children. In order to make it in life you have to work really hard, like I am doing. I don’t live in Region Six, I live in Region 10 but I came here to sell. I can’t get a job in Linden and survive.’




So, what the heck is a "foot-salesman?"


Nice catch.  The devils error - FOOD salesman.


YUSUF SAYS: "...if the AFC wants to promote the social and economic development of this country they must support the government of the day and that is the PPP/C government."


Wheh de yuji gone and hide? He must tell dat pesky sandfly Yusuf dat no way the AFC will support his utterly corrupt PPP/C government.

The duty of the Opposition is to oppose, expose and depose the venal PPP vermins.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

YUSUF SAYS: "...if the AFC wants to promote the social and economic development of this country they must support the government of the day and that is the PPP/C government."


Wheh de yuji gone and hide? He must tell dat pesky sandfly Yusuf dat no way the AFC will support his utterly corrupt PPP/C government.

The duty of the Opposition is to oppose, expose and depose the venal PPP vermins.

Is this Yusuf guy an AFC black sheep? We constantly hear blistering negative accusations by the AFC against the PPP/C. Is he an outlier of the AFC?

Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Skelly, FYI, Comrade is my senior. He can teach you a lot about PPP history. Humble yourself and learn from him.





Gilbakka, ent ready fo you yet dis marning, youthman.

Yuh believe yuh gon stay forever young. Yuh smart arse ent know if yuh gon live to see 55. Keep on running down people older than you.

One thing I can tell you with absolute certainty: Nagamootoo is more intelligent than you by metaphorical miles.

The majority of Guyanese know that.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

One thing I can tell you with absolute certainty: Nagamootoo is more intelligent than you by metaphorical miles.


ha ha ha ha ha ha




* By the way, Rev is happy being a SIMPLE MAN.



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

One thing I can tell you with absolute certainty: Nagamootoo is more intelligent than you by metaphorical miles.


ha ha ha ha ha ha




* By the way, Rev is happy being a SIMPLE MAN.



You pretending Mr Dr REV. You say you is a big one with psychology? 

Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:



20140804davidDavid Rodney, foot salesman,

‘The people are migrating because the dollar is very low. If you have $1,000 it is as though you have nothing. As soon as you break the $1,000 it finish, and then to make it worse, they have $5,000 bill now. It means that the money devalue so the people decide to migrate more. If you are in a foreign country, like America and you have a $20, you could buy a household ration and still some change left back to buy a shoes, clothes and other things. Now in Guyana, you cannot even buy a weekly ration with $5,000. The people are living under their standards; they are getting paid less for what they are working so they must migrate. People would sell out their houses and migrate. Others would just abandon theirs and go and live in small apartments. But in a short time they can work and have a better standard of living than here. At one time Singapore had the same amount of people like Guyana but today that country has over five million people while the population in Guyana has reduced. For me though, I am a diehard Guyanese and I prefer to live right here and be with my children. In order to make it in life you have to work really hard, like I am doing. I don’t live in Region Six, I live in Region 10 but I came here to sell. I can’t get a job in Linden and survive.’




So, what the heck is a "foot-salesman?"


Nice catch.  The devils error - FOOD salesman.

 Or peddling merchandise by foot.

Originally Posted by Django:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:



20140804davidDavid Rodney, foot salesman,

‘The people are migrating because the dollar is very low. If you have $1,000 it is as though you have nothing. As soon as you break the $1,000 it finish, and then to make it worse, they have $5,000 bill now. It means that the money devalue so the people decide to migrate more. If you are in a foreign country, like America and you have a $20, you could buy a household ration and still some change left back to buy a shoes, clothes and other things. Now in Guyana, you cannot even buy a weekly ration with $5,000. The people are living under their standards; they are getting paid less for what they are working so they must migrate. People would sell out their houses and migrate. Others would just abandon theirs and go and live in small apartments. But in a short time they can work and have a better standard of living than here. At one time Singapore had the same amount of people like Guyana but today that country has over five million people while the population in Guyana has reduced. For me though, I am a diehard Guyanese and I prefer to live right here and be with my children. In order to make it in life you have to work really hard, like I am doing. I don’t live in Region Six, I live in Region 10 but I came here to sell. I can’t get a job in Linden and survive.’




So, what the heck is a "foot-salesman?"


Nice catch.  The devils error - FOOD salesman.

 Or peddling merchandise by foot.

Is he selling shoes, socks, nylons, shackles, etc.?

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Django:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:



20140804davidDavid Rodney, foot salesman,

‘The people are migrating because the dollar is very low. If you have $1,000 it is as though you have nothing. As soon as you break the $1,000 it finish, and then to make it worse, they have $5,000 bill now. It means that the money devalue so the people decide to migrate more. If you are in a foreign country, like America and you have a $20, you could buy a household ration and still some change left back to buy a shoes, clothes and other things. Now in Guyana, you cannot even buy a weekly ration with $5,000. The people are living under their standards; they are getting paid less for what they are working so they must migrate. People would sell out their houses and migrate. Others would just abandon theirs and go and live in small apartments. But in a short time they can work and have a better standard of living than here. At one time Singapore had the same amount of people like Guyana but today that country has over five million people while the population in Guyana has reduced. For me though, I am a diehard Guyanese and I prefer to live right here and be with my children. In order to make it in life you have to work really hard, like I am doing. I don’t live in Region Six, I live in Region 10 but I came here to sell. I can’t get a job in Linden and survive.’




So, what the heck is a "foot-salesman?"


Nice catch.  The devils error - FOOD salesman.

 Or peddling merchandise by foot.

Is he selling shoes, socks, nylons, shackles, etc.?

 Skelly...i remember people selling goods

 with carrier bicycle.

Originally Posted by Django:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Django:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:



20140804davidDavid Rodney, foot salesman,

‘The people are migrating because the dollar is very low. If you have $1,000 it is as though you have nothing. As soon as you break the $1,000 it finish, and then to make it worse, they have $5,000 bill now. It means that the money devalue so the people decide to migrate more. If you are in a foreign country, like America and you have a $20, you could buy a household ration and still some change left back to buy a shoes, clothes and other things. Now in Guyana, you cannot even buy a weekly ration with $5,000. The people are living under their standards; they are getting paid less for what they are working so they must migrate. People would sell out their houses and migrate. Others would just abandon theirs and go and live in small apartments. But in a short time they can work and have a better standard of living than here. At one time Singapore had the same amount of people like Guyana but today that country has over five million people while the population in Guyana has reduced. For me though, I am a diehard Guyanese and I prefer to live right here and be with my children. In order to make it in life you have to work really hard, like I am doing. I don’t live in Region Six, I live in Region 10 but I came here to sell. I can’t get a job in Linden and survive.’




So, what the heck is a "foot-salesman?"


Nice catch.  The devils error - FOOD salesman.

 Or peddling merchandise by foot.

Is he selling shoes, socks, nylons, shackles, etc.?

 Skelly...i remember people selling goods

 with carrier bicycle.

Django, I remember those days with a big carrier in front of the bicycle. Those bicycles were also used to deliver groceries from the grocer to the customer.

 ,Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by comrade:

I returned last week from the Corentyne where I saw much neglect of the social intra structure there. Many youths are idle with no work.  Many people in Black Bush polder have given up farming . The cabal's lies about the AFC will not be believed by the people.

You are telling a blatant lie. Where in Corentyne did you visit, Orealla? Siparuta? Couldn't have been Moleson Creek either. Oh, maybe the New River Triangle!!!
You are full of stale sh*it.

I stayed in Portuguese quarters in Port Mourant , the heart of Central Corantyne where many families are suffering as a result of the mismanagement and corruption of the cabal. I spoke with the old lady who was nearly run over by a car carrying Donald Ramouthar to a meeting just before the last elections. I had a beer with some old Jagan supporters , we had a laugh over the banner across the public road during the last elections  which stated that Ramouthar had a proven track record helping sugar workers!

Parents are worried about the future of their children. Many teachers are not qualified. Farmers are noit getting a fair price for their rice and other produces, and the crime rate is escalating . I attended the  cricket presentations I met many PPP supporters who told me that they have no confidence in Ramouthar and his govt. One old cane cutter friend mentioned " abee vote fo dem and dem na do nothing for abee ".


Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by comrade:

I returned last week from the Corentyne where I saw much neglect of the social intra structure there. Many youths are idle with no work.  Many people in Black Bush polder have given up farming . The cabal's lies about the AFC will not be believed by the people.

Comrade, yuji22 says the PPP has plenty "boots on the ground" in Berbice.

Clearly, those "boots" are there to kick the AFC and not to attend to pressing problems Berbicians are facing.

Those boots were given out to  the  people from stepping into the Sh** which is being spread by the cabal.




* The people who condemn the PPP are among that 51.4%




* The PPP will continue to win free elections in Guyana and will rule the country for generations to come.



Originally Posted by comrade:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by comrade:

I returned last week from the Corentyne where I saw much neglect of the social intra structure there. Many youths are idle with no work.  Many people in Black Bush polder have given up farming . The cabal's lies about the AFC will not be believed by the people.

Comrade, yuji22 says the PPP has plenty "boots on the ground" in Berbice.

Clearly, those "boots" are there to kick the AFC and not to attend to pressing problems Berbicians are facing.

Those boots were given out to  the  people from stepping into the Sh** which is being spread by the cabal.

Comrade, here is an article from your bible.


Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

YUSUF SAYS: "...if the AFC wants to promote the social and economic development of this country they must support the government of the day and that is the PPP/C government."


Wheh de yuji gone and hide? He must tell dat pesky sandfly Yusuf dat no way the AFC will support his utterly corrupt PPP/C government.

The duty of the Opposition is to oppose, expose and depose the venal PPP vermins.

Is this Yusuf guy an AFC black sheep? We constantly hear blistering negative accusations by the AFC against the PPP/C. Is he an outlier of the AFC?

Yusuf wanted a seat in parliament. He thought that he was entitled to one instead of  Ramaya. His actions are classic  " sour grapes " syndrome.


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