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Chief posted:
Nehru posted:

Riff, are there Imams that preach HATE and INTOLERANCE?? LIke Infidels and other derogatory terms for we non Muslims???

The word infidel is mentioned in the Quran.

And your teachings penalize anyone for being an Infidel and an Infidel is a non-Quranic believer.  The terrorists follow this principle!  So we can conclude that Islamic teachings espouse terroristic attitudes!

ba$eman posted:
Chief posted:
Nehru posted:

Riff, are there Imams that preach HATE and INTOLERANCE?? LIke Infidels and other derogatory terms for we non Muslims???

The word infidel is mentioned in the Quran.

And your teachings penalize anyone for being an Infidel and an Infidel is a non-Quranic believer.  The terrorists follow this principle!  So we can conclude that Islamic teachings espouse terroristic attitudes!

What is the terrorist reason for killing so many Muslims? As you well know, Muslims have been killed by terrorists more than any other religion



If a Hindu killed a Hindu, is that a problem for Muslims? Terrorists sacrifice Muslim lives whenever they are carrying out their mission, by blowing up mosques, killing woman and children without any remorse. Their priority seems higher than the lives of other Muslims. Whatever the reason is, they are damn confused sets of people. 

Chief posted:

All you having a good time.

Chief, take it easy. These guys are here to harass you because you take them on too seriously. It's the same with Yuji and D2. Yuji baits D2 and he goes berserk. You cannot be held responsible for the actions of some misguided religious idiots.

Last edited by Former Member
skeldon_man posted:
Chief posted:

All you having a good time.

Chief, take it easy. These guys are here to harass you because you take them on too seriously. It's the same with Yuji and D2. Yuji baits D2 and he goes berserk. You cannot be held responsible for the actions of some misguided religious idiots.

Skelly, please be specific with your statement. I am NOT here to harass chief or anyone. Chief reserved the right to respond in any manner that pleases him. This is a discussion site, not a swell mouth site.

skeldon_man posted:
Chief posted:

All you having a good time.

Chief, take it easy. These guys are here to harass you because you take them on too seriously. It's the same with Yuji and D2. Yuji baits D2 and he goes berserk. You cannot be held responsible for the actions of some misguided religious idiots.

When D2 responds to Yugi, he does get vex an complain to Admin

Nehru posted:

Prince, shut yuh Baxside me and Riff Gaffing.

I am a contributing member of GNI, which means that I can give my views and opinions on any topic at anytime without reservation, as long as I don't (intentionally) offend anyone. Now take you bare batty Santa out of my face, please.   BTW, remind me when this site becomes a personal chat box for two people.  

Last edited by Former Member
skeldon_man posted:
Chief posted:

All you having a good time.

Chief, take it easy. These guys are here to harass you because you take them on too seriously. It's the same with Yuji and D2. Yuji baits D2 and he goes berserk. You cannot be held responsible for the actions of some misguided religious idiots.


Trust me Yugi and Imran are too dunce to bait me.

Yugi is a come and go person, old Guyanese will use a term" udar edar seh". Translates to "  any which way he will go".

In other words he ain't know where de fouck he stands.


RiffRaff posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Chief posted:

All you having a good time.

Chief, take it easy. These guys are here to harass you because you take them on too seriously. It's the same with Yuji and D2. Yuji baits D2 and he goes berserk. You cannot be held responsible for the actions of some misguided religious idiots.

When D2 responds to Yugi, he does get vex an complain to Admin

You are part of Admin, why disclose who complain ... this is unacceptable from you.  

You jump to defend your brothers in Islam, you have display  the full a man mentality.  

Last edited by Former Member
Chief posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Chief posted:

All you having a good time.

Chief, take it easy. These guys are here to harass you because you take them on too seriously. It's the same with Yuji and D2. Yuji baits D2 and he goes berserk. You cannot be held responsible for the actions of some misguided religious idiots.


Trust me Yugi and Imran are too dunce to bait me.

Yugi is a come and go person, old Guyanese will use a term" udar edar seh". Translates to "  any which way he will go".

In other words he ain't know where de fouck he stands.


This old Fart Chief is 59.. take it easy you rass.  

Chief posted:


You are beating your drum and dancing at the same time.

You are saying that every Muslim is a radical.

How many times must I repeat the same thing, Islam does not teach it's followers to attack and kill innocents.

The people who are doing this are wackos and have no place in society.

By attacking me in this manner you are of the same frame mind as the terrorists.

Chief your are such a bare faced liar. I NEVER said that every muslim is a radical.

Anyway, you are yet to condemn these horrific acts. There is a code of silence which radicals follow.

Last edited by Former Member
RiffRaff posted:

I am sure there are Imams who preach hate just like there are priests who bugger boys. SHould we judge Islam and Chritianity by the actions of these despicable people?

I guess because priest buggah boys, the logic is for non muslim to shamefully accept the hateful teachings of some imams. I know of Guyanese muslims who stood up in mosques and condemn Middle_Eastern Imams for the prejudices against non-muslims. Ofcourse, they never ceased the hateful rhetoric. The one and two who objected had no influence on the other muslim Guyanese who embraced the version of Islam foreign to them. They were told, their beliefs were not Islamic and their first act was deny association with the infidels. And many just followed the teachings of the Arabs who unlearn them and relearn them the values of pious islam. 

Imran posted:
RiffRaff posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Chief posted:

All you having a good time.


When D2 responds to Yugi, he does get vex an complain to Admin

You are part of Admin, why disclose who complain ... this is unacceptable from you.  

You jump to defend your brothers in Islam, you have display  the full a man mentality.  

Banna...Yuji does air his complaints shut yuh cakehole if yuh don't know nothing..

In terms of who I defend, is none of your shut it

Last edited by Former Member
RiffRaff posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Chief posted:

All you having a good time.

Chief, take it easy. These guys are here to harass you because you take them on too seriously. It's the same with Yuji and D2. Yuji baits D2 and he goes berserk. You cannot be held responsible for the actions of some misguided religious idiots.

When D2 responds to Yugi, he does get vex an complain to Admin


Let me put you on the spot here.

Post when was the last time Yuji made a complain to admin towards any member on GNI ? I challenge you to post that date and time. Right here and now !

If I have a displeasure or air it publicly.

Many moons ago, I felt it was necessary to to contact admin but have desisted from doing so since a very long time ago. I fight toe to toe with anyone if necessary on this forum and it ends ring there.

I desist from going to admin to complain.

Looks like you are becoming like Chief.

Last edited by Former Member
seignet posted:
RiffRaff posted:

I am sure there are Imams who preach hate just like there are priests who bugger boys. SHould we judge Islam and Chritianity by the actions of these despicable people?

I guess because priest buggah boys, the logic is for non muslim to shamefully accept the hateful teachings of some imams. I know of Guyanese muslims who stood up in mosques and condemn Middle_Eastern Imams for the prejudices against non-muslims. Ofcourse, they never ceased the hateful rhetoric. The one and two who objected had no influence on the other muslim Guyanese who embraced the version of Islam foreign to them. They were told, their beliefs were not Islamic and their first act was deny association with the infidels. And many just followed the teachings of the Arabs who unlearn them and relearn them the values of pious islam. 

Now, where did I suggest non muslims should accept hateful teachings of Imams? Actually, muslims and non muslims should not accept hateful teachings of any religion...unless you just upset because you think buggering lil boys is ok


yuji, with all due respect, why chief is the chosen one to condemn terrorism? Don't you think if chief can persuade these unholy acts from happening, would there be any killing across the globe from idiots? Or, would you feel satisfy if chief goes on his knees and beg forgiveness for every bad Muslim? Your call on Chief is weightless, yuji. 

yuji22 posted:
RiffRaff posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Chief posted:

All you having a good time.


When D2 responds to Yugi, he does get vex an complain to Admin


Let me put you on the spot here.

Post when was the last time Yuji made a complain to admin towards any member on GNI ? I challenge you to post that date and time. Right here and now !

Looks like you are becoming like Chief.

You want some more

yuji22 posted:

That was 2014.

Looks like you are standing up for a brother. recently you have been taking sides instead of being impartial.

what sides?

All I ask if why call on CHief if there is a terrorist attack? 

I don't think it's right making it sound like other posters terrorists or terrorist sympathizers...unless you know this for a fact

Last edited by Former Member
RiffRaff posted:
yuji22 posted:

That was 2014.

Looks like you are standing up for a brother. recently you have been taking sides instead of being impartial.

what sides?

All I ask if why call on CHief if there is a terrorist attack? 

I don't think it's right making it should like other posters terrorists or terrorist sympathizers...unless you know this for a fact

It is my right to interact with any member.

You have no right whatsoever to prevent me from interacting with anyone as long as I do not break any GNI rules.

If Chief does not like my posts he can use the forum block feature. 

Keep defending your brother.


Last edited by Former Member

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