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Leonora posted:

I have a feeling something terrible will happen at the New Year's Eve party at Times Square.  

No way!

You ever try entering any of those zones, might as well you stay home. it takes close to an hour to enter.

When I went to see the Pope it tool like 45 minutes or longer to clear security.

FATHER more those terrorists swines strike when you least expect.


Chief posted:
Leonora posted:

I have a feeling something terrible will happen at the New Year's Eve party at Times Square.  

No way!

You ever try entering any of those zones, might as well you stay home. it takes close to an hour to enter.

When I went to see the Pope it tool like 45 minutes or longer to clear security.

FATHER more those terrorists swines strike when you least expect.


Huh , you know where the Zones are and how long it takes, you advising the country man to stay home... them a watch yo 

yuji22 posted:

Where is Chief ?

His brothers are it again and he cannot justify this. He should be ashamed of what his brothers are doing.

Peace loving citizens of the world are celebrating the Birth of Jesus, the lord of peace while terrorist Muslims are slaughtering those celebrating the Birth of Christ.

Go figure.

Why chief dickhead? Do you apologize for all the wife murders in Indian or slacve labor etc?

ba$eman posted:

Islamic Terrorist strike.  Trump calls for the eradication of Islamic terrorists.  The world must stand together, Russia, EU, USA, India, China + + and fight Islamic terrorism on all fronts and by all means.

Trump's plan holds water!

Trump is an ass. ISIS is being defeated on the battle field. Defeating it ideologically means getting muslims to help to repudiate it. There is no defeating it otherwise. Most of those jihadist already think they are fighting crusaders. Enduring they cannot capitalize on that sentiment is a necessity. We are not fighting Islam but rogue Muslims. Those nations you mentioned are already committed to fighting jihadists. Trump has no plan...just a big mouth as usual.

Danyael posted:
ba$eman posted:

Islamic Terrorist strike.  Trump calls for the eradication of Islamic terrorists.  The world must stand together, Russia, EU, USA, India, China + + and fight Islamic terrorism on all fronts and by all means.

Trump's plan holds water!

Trump is an ass. ISIS is being defeated on the battle field. Defeating it ideologically means getting muslims to help to repudiate it. There is no defeating it otherwise. Most of those jihadist already think they are fighting crusaders. Enduring they cannot capitalize on that sentiment is a necessity. We are not fighting Islam but rogue Muslims. Those nations you mentioned are already committed to fighting jihadists. Trump has no plan...just a big mouth as usual.

Well, we will just have to wait and see, wont we.  Maybe you are correct, but then again, you have been saying that for a while, and you were proven WRONG!  Your day might come when you can say, I told you so!!

We are not fighting all Islam true, but also we are not fighting rogue Muslims either.  Many Muslims do tacitly support, more-so or less-so, the ideals of these terrorists, though not the terrorists themselves.  And it is true, we do need moderate Muslims to assist in identifying and preventing attacks.  Thus far this has not been as forthcoming.

I still do not believe many Muslims accept the ways of the Christian West.  Global Islamism is not just a pipe dream to many Muslims!  For some, and not just a few, the black flag over Brussels and the black flag over the White House is the ultimate dream!

We are approaching a tipping point, armageddon and as time goes by, the battle will move more to the homeland!  There is no way this will stop without decisive push back!

Danyael posted:
yuji22 posted:

Where is Chief ?

His brothers are it again and he cannot justify this. He should be ashamed of what his brothers are doing.

Peace loving citizens of the world are celebrating the Birth of Jesus, the lord of peace while terrorist Muslims are slaughtering those celebrating the Birth of Christ.

Go figure.

Why chief dickhead? Do you apologize for all the wife murders in Indian or slacve labor etc?

Though not justifying, I never heard any of this done in the name of religion.  Did you ever apologize for filleting and BBQing your Arawak brothers?

ba$eman posted:

Well, we will just have to wait and see, wont we.  Maybe you are correct, but then again, you have been saying that for a while, and you were proven WRONG!  Your day might come when you can say, I told you so!!

We are not fighting all Islam true, but also we are not fighting rogue Muslims either.  Many Muslims do tacitly support, more-so or less-so, the ideals of these terrorists, though not the terrorists themselves.  And it is true, we do need moderate Muslims to assist in identifying and preventing attacks.  Thus far this has not been as forthcoming.

I still do not believe many Muslims accept the ways of the Christian West.  Global Islamism is not just a pipe dream to many Muslims!  For some, and not just a few, the black flag over Brussels and the black flag over the White House is the ultimate dream!

We are approaching a tipping point, armageddon and as time goes by, the battle will move more to the homeland!  There is no way this will stop without decisive push back!

You can wait. Any waiting I am doing is for 4 years to come to an end. This man is completely unfit. He thinks the world is to be  operated as is framed in his head and the rest be dammed.

The first sign that he is wrong is we cannot socially engineer society and have good outcomes. The marxists, the Nazis the fascists have all had a go of it and we know how they turned out. He is a reincarnation of the latter two and will inevitably fail. Even  his own supporters who are expecting social movement in the american continuum as emerged these past half a century, do not want strong man racism but deliberative democracy.

Islam is as western as Christianity. I was infact the preserver and custodian of the western literary cannon after the sacking of Rome. Because of them what constitute the western tradition was preserved through a thousand years of the dark ages and emerged to save our asses when we needed it.

Their polemical arguments are in the traditions of Plato and Socrates and easily grasped by any. In that it is  no different from the tradition we see in the writings of Augustine,  or Aquinas. Whether you like it or not they are of the western tradition.

What has been happening over the past century in Islam is a combination of reactionary philosophies we are well aware of as we have seen it in the calamitous struggles within christian tradition. As with Christianity they need a consensus on theology and a movement that deifies it as we have had in the christian reformation and enlightenment. Note that neither the reformation of the enlightenment ( some scholars call it the race contract) did much for all people until the beginning of the middle of the last century. It was just a view preserved and enforced within and on behalf of a ruling class.

When Trump says he will make "America great" he is not relying on the wisdom of the great traditions and social movements that purged this place of its nastiness  and where all of us can say we are equal. It is not the place where we  feel secure because there is broad based consensus as to that the conditions of that secure philosophical foundation is. It is one he designed in his  head where America is is to become the sword of Michael. He is too stupid, too narcissistic, too nasty minded too loathsome to be the father of any movement for good.

Last edited by Former Member
Danyael posted:
ba$eman posted:

Well, we will just have to wait and see, wont we.  Maybe you are correct, but then again, you have been saying that for a while, and you were proven WRONG!  Your day might come when you can say, I told you so!!

We are not fighting all Islam true, but also we are not fighting rogue Muslims either.  Many Muslims do tacitly support, more-so or less-so, the ideals of these terrorists, though not the terrorists themselves.  And it is true, we do need moderate Muslims to assist in identifying and preventing attacks.  Thus far this has not been as forthcoming.

I still do not believe many Muslims accept the ways of the Christian West.  Global Islamism is not just a pipe dream to many Muslims!  For some, and not just a few, the black flag over Brussels and the black flag over the White House is the ultimate dream!

We are approaching a tipping point, armageddon and as time goes by, the battle will move more to the homeland!  There is no way this will stop without decisive push back!

You can wait. Any waiting I am doing is for 4 years to come to an end. This man is completely unfit. ....

The first sign that he is wrong is we cannot socially engineer society and have good outcomes....

When Trump says he will make "America great" he is not relying on the wisdom of the great traditions....

Well surely that is your prerogative, let's hope your are not sitting it out for eight years.

Social engineering is what Obama has been doing for eight years!

Making America Great he is relying on the traditions and 62 mil Americans agree with him!


Well surely that is your prerogative, let's hope your are not sitting it out for eight years.

Social engineering is what Obama has been doing for eight years!

Making America Great he is relying on the traditions and 62 mil Americans agree with him!

When the racist backbiters have exhausted themselves they will realize Obama in office was a salutary tenure.

How about the majority that disagreed with Mr Trump?  He won by a mere 70 K votes on average across 4 states. Felony disenfranchisement kept some 1 million black folks from the polls in those areas...a curse of the GOP anti crime strategy that selected young black men for jail and which he wants to renew.

He has no mandate to be an ass. He should be introspective and accept he stands on tenuous support and his disconcerting antics only put him behind the goal line.

ba$eman posted:
Danyael posted:
yuji22 posted:

Where is Chief ?

His brothers are it again and he cannot justify this. He should be ashamed of what his brothers are doing.

Peace loving citizens of the world are celebrating the Birth of Jesus, the lord of peace while terrorist Muslims are slaughtering those celebrating the Birth of Christ.

Go figure.

Why chief dickhead? Do you apologize for all the wife murders in Indian or slacve labor etc?

Though not justifying, I never heard any of this done in the name of religion.  Did you ever apologize for filleting and BBQing your Arawak brothers?

what do you think coerces the macabre sense of entitlement to women across India and the Islamic world if not religion? Do you have proof that caribs ever ate anyone except as told by the conqurors because it served to dehumanized their butcher of some 40 million people?  I suggest you examine the literature and forensics  for its soundness.

yuji22 posted:

I respectfully do not need your opinion. 

You are either admin or a poster. You need to separate your positions. 

I need to know so that I can respond accordingly.

Yuji, you meck meh hand fall. You are too considerate with your opponent. When someone come pun me wrang side, I does fling meh cutlass pun hurry wrang to Harry right. I don't care if he is a bottom feeder or the king rass. 


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