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April 12 ,2021


Kaieteur News Oil will come and go. But if a country truly intends to capitalize on this resource in the long term, its best bet would be to invest its earnings from the new resource, in the nation’s traditional agriculture sector.
This is according to Dr. Terrence Blackman, Associate Professor of Mathematics at the Medgar Evers College, New York, USA during a recent interview with Kaieteur Radio’s, Guyana’s Oil and You moderator, Kiana Wilburg.
She was at the time enquiring into Professor Blackman’s views on the matter of diversification of the country’s earnings base using its newfound oil and gas wealth.

Associate Professor, Terrence Blackman

Professor Blackman noted, that while he thinks agriculture is an important Sector, it has not always been an appealing prospect for very many people in the country.
Be that as it may, the US-based Guyanese said it must be recognized that the food import bill for the region alone, represents an enormous opportunity for the country. Professor Blackman recalled that at the time he addressed his mind to the matter of Guyana’s spending of its oil resources, the regional food import bill was some US$4B.
He posited that were Guyana to tap into just 10 percent of that, it would mean earning some US$400M annually and that this, “is the opportunity we have as a nation at this moment; we have this money but this money is not going to last.”
Professor Blackman qualified his position by underscoring that when the oil operators in the Stabroek Block have depleted the reserves, it would not be replenished.
“Once they take the oil, we can’t replace it,” he said, then following by explaining that, “it’s taken millions of years for this oil to be there so once you use it, that’s it; now you have these pieces of paper (money) in a federal reserve bank.”
With this in mind, Professor Blackman suggested, “the bet we have to make is on agriculture and if we can do agriculture right, then I think we can really, we can beat the resource curse.”
Further cementing his argument and calling for a clear plan to be developed with regards to how the country intends to spend its oil and gas earnings, Professor Blackman underscored the size of the nation’s arable land that is available for agriculture, in addition to the fact that, “we are not a very densely populated place.”
He also pointed to questions of climate change and renewable energy that have to be factored into any long term spending plan to be implemented.
Underscoring the world’s shift towards cleaner energy sources, he posited “We are at this moment where it’s tipping; we have to take this money and use it as an opportunity to pivot to something else.”
According to Professor Blackman, any decision taken for pivoting to something else will ultimately have to be lived with by the Guyanese populace but, “for me I see agriculture as the way.”

Replies sorted oldest to newest

@Prashad posted:

This man smart bad. Ethiopia bet on agriculture. You fellas make sure that you send them some food the next time the drought hit.

You are being sarcastic because he is Blackman by name and nature.

Take a look at Texas where you reside. One out of every seven Texans works in agriculture related jobs. Even you are counted since you peeled Aloo in the Army. Cattle, dairy products and cotton are exported across the  other states and the world.

Guyana can become the bread basket of the world if the GOG invest the oil money into agriculture, except sugar cane.

Agriculture has key role in Govt’s diversification plan

Agriculture has key role in Govt’s diversification plan

(Guyana Times)

Finance Minister, Dr Ashni Singh has said that Government is transforming Guyana into a highly-diversified economy, and agriculture is one of the key areas of focus in meeting this goal.

During a recent interview with DPI, the Finance Minister said many investors have signalled their interest in doing business here and he is confident that some of these ventures will benefit farmers. He cited the establishment of hotels, which would need fresh meats and produce, supplied on a large scale.
“Here again you have this vast amount of economic activity that is multiplying itself over and over in the economy. So, it’s not just that you are building a hotel and a thousand people staying there, you are literally creating jobs for the Guyanese people and by doing this, they are going to be spending that money, the visitors themselves will be spending money in the economy,” Dr Singh said.
He added that it is important to look at the wider, longer-term benefits from investments like hotels as they create employment across several sectors.
“Do not make the mistake to think the construction of a hotel only means job in tourism. These people have to eat, the food comes from the farmers and so the more international visitors we have in Guyana, the better our market vendors will do, the better our agricultural wholesalers will do, the better the transport sector will do, the people who load up the trucks to sell their fruits and vegetables. The more demand there is for foods in restaurants the more these people do business.”
Further, the Minister pointed out that Government has found that the cost of energy is the single biggest hurdle to competitive agro-processing and the manufacturing sector. As such, it would continue to take steps to expand and transform the energy grid to provide cheap and reliable electricity. He noted that prior to 2015, the then PPP/C Government had taken a robust approach to this matter and it had taken steps to start harnessing hydroelectricity through the Amaila Falls. However, the coalition Government blocked this project, stymieing development.
“We intend to move swiftly to bring down the cost of energy and so you would have been hearing about the gas-to-shore project which is being aggressively pursued. Once the gas-to-shore project happens, you are going to see, first of all, our capacity to generate electricity more affordably significantly ramped up; we will be investing heavily in electricity generation as well to ensure that current and future demand of the country will be met through an affordable source.”
Once this is achieved, the Finance Minister said, the agro-processing sector will take off as it will become more affordable, profitable and competitive internationally.

Last edited by Django
@Mitwah posted:

You were doing OK for a while. Now you are being a Kunt.

No more than you are.  Get off the drugs bukko. You are trying to divert the conversation.  That's what you do when you are beaten.

Last edited by Ramakant-P
@Ramakant-P posted:

No more than you are.  Get off the drugs bukko. You are trying to divert the conversation.  That's what you do when you are beaten.

I was never beaten. At least not by a Kunt like you. Jackass, the discussion is about Agriculture. Tell us how can it be sustained without Energy, which is a known crisis in Guyana? Get out from your Basement apartment in Brampton and come to Black Bush Polder stop posting shit from your handlers at Freedumb House.

Last edited by Mitwah


Foreign owned hotels buy their food in bulk from Florida and have it shipped. Everything is shipped from wharehouses in Florida, furniture and all. Local fruits seldom served in big hotel chains. One will find pineapples, watermelon, cantelope, apples and graves ripened in storage. And spray with a wax to look appealing.

And any name brand hotel with Guynaese ownership has to purchase from their listed vendors.

The diaspora has the purchasing potential. Suh, Ashni yuh should be gearing up on transport, like now. Doan worry bout gas to shore, probably never happens wid Jagdeo controlling that development. Think of Skeldon.

@Mitwah posted:

You are being sarcastic because he is Blackman by name and nature.

Take a look at Texas where you reside. One out of every seven Texans works in agriculture related jobs. Even you are counted since you peeled Aloo in the Army. Cattle, dairy products and cotton are exported across the  other states and the world.

Guyana can become the bread basket of the world if the GOG invest the oil money into agriculture, except sugar cane.

Mits you ever see the size of those Texas farms and the small number of people working on those farms. Guyana don't have the land mass, level of technology, quantity of soil or supply of cheap Latin illegal labor to keep those farms working. Let him try that on a Guyanese. You will hear ' That black man who name blackman a sit a America University wearing fancy shoes and tie want broke me back here with hard work in Guyana, Me want fo go America like him'

Last edited by Prashad
@Mitwah posted:

I was never beaten. At least not by a Kunt like you. Jackass, the discussion is about Agriculture. Tell us how can it be sustained without Energy, which is a known crisis in Guyana? Get out from your Basement apartment in Brampton and come to Black Bush Polder stop posting shit from your handlers at Freedumb House.

Now, who is posting shit?  You get riled up when you are beaten. You used depleted words and throw tantrums all the time. The discussion is about agriculture. Show me where you posted anything about agriculture

What the heck is this? Get out from your Basement apartment in Brampton and come to Black Bush Polder stop posting shit from your handlers at Freedumb House.

@Mitwah posted:

You are being sarcastic because he is Blackman by name and nature.

Take a look at Texas where you reside. One out of every seven Texans works in agriculture related jobs. Even you are counted since you peeled Aloo in the Army. Cattle, dairy products and cotton are exported across the  other states and the world.

Guyana can become the bread basket of the world if the GOG invest the oil money into agriculture, except sugar cane.

I went to school with Dr. Blackman in Guyana and he's intelligent and well spoken. His doctorate is real.


@Ramakant-P, look at the exploitation under your PPP's watch.

Region One family evicted by miner from area they farmed since 2004

-help sought from ministry

Keith Smith, second from left, and his family.

A Region 1(Barima-Waini) family is pleading with the Ministry of Amerindian Affairs to intervene after their cottage and crops and fruit trees were demolished by a gold miner who has laid claim to the area.

“We have lived here since 2004 and my family before that. It is not a big area we were on; it is like a Georgetown house lot but we plant it up with fruit trees and crops we need to eat; mangoes, pears (avocado), whitie, peach, cashews, lemons, lime…then they came and said it had gold, and before we could blink the excavator start destroy everything,” Ianna villager Keith Smith lamented to Stabroek News via the phone of a shop owner on Saturday.


@Prashad posted:

This man smart bad. Ethiopia bet on agriculture. You fellas make sure that you send them some food the next time the drought hit.

Prash, we, like the Ethiopians, still have to eat! Right here in this forum, I posted we should concentrate.on agriculture, thinking of.the oil as a.windfall! We.neither. found it, produce nor market it.and are leavings of those who do! Do we need a Professor of.Maths to tell us this?

Who can predict droughts? Jagdeo?

Last edited by Former Member
@Prashad posted:

This man smart bad. Ethiopia bet on agriculture. You fellas make sure that you send them some food the next time the drought hit.

I know it's hard but try to repress your ignorance. Guyana was once the breadbasket of the Caribbean. We don't face the same potential problems as Ethiopia.

@Mitwah posted:

@Ramakant-P, look at the exploitation under your PPP's watch.

Region One family evicted by miner from area they farmed since 2004

-help sought from ministry

Keith Smith, second from left, and his family.

A Region 1(Barima-Waini) family is pleading with the Ministry of Amerindian Affairs to intervene after their cottage and crops and fruit trees were demolished by a gold miner who has laid claim to the area.

“We have lived here since 2004 and my family before that. It is not a big area we were on; it is like a Georgetown house lot but we plant it up with fruit trees and crops we need to eat; mangoes, pears (avocado), whitie, peach, cashews, lemons, lime…then they came and said it had gold, and before we could blink the excavator start destroy everything,” Ianna villager Keith Smith lamented to Stabroek News via the phone of a shop owner on Saturday.


Rama, what is your PPP doing to protect the poor people from those who are exploiting the wealth of their ancestral land?

@Mitwah posted:

@Ramakant-P, look at the exploitation under your PPP's watch.

Region One family evicted by miner from area they farmed since 2004

-help sought from ministry

Keith Smith, second from left, and his family.

A Region 1(Barima-Waini) family is pleading with the Ministry of Amerindian Affairs to intervene after their cottage and crops and fruit trees were demolished by a gold miner who has laid claim to the area.

“We have lived here since 2004 and my family before that. It is not a big area we were on; it is like a Georgetown house lot but we plant it up with fruit trees and crops we need to eat; mangoes, pears (avocado), whitie, peach, cashews, lemons, lime…then they came and said it had gold, and before we could blink the excavator start destroy everything,” Ianna villager Keith Smith lamented to Stabroek News via the phone of a shop owner on Saturday.


@Mitwah posted:

@Ramakant-P, look at the exploitation under your PPP's watch.

Region One family evicted by miner from area they farmed since 2004

-help sought from ministry

Keith Smith, second from left, and his family.

A Region 1(Barima-Waini) family is pleading with the Ministry of Amerindian Affairs to intervene after their cottage and crops and fruit trees were demolished by a gold miner who has laid claim to the area.

“We have lived here since 2004 and my family before that. It is not a big area we were on; it is like a Georgetown house lot but we plant it up with fruit trees and crops we need to eat; mangoes, pears (avocado), whitie, peach, cashews, lemons, lime…then they came and said it had gold, and before we could blink the excavator start destroy everything,” Ianna villager Keith Smith lamented to Stabroek News via the phone of a shop owner on Saturday.


Whoever is that gold miner should be arrested and given a public wiping in Georgetown.

@seignet posted:


Foreign owned hotels buy their food in bulk from Florida and have it shipped. Everything is shipped from wharehouses in Florida, furniture and all. Local fruits seldom served in big hotel chains. One will find pineapples, watermelon, cantelope, apples and graves ripened in storage. And spray with a wax to look appealing.

And any name brand hotel with Guynaese ownership has to purchase from their listed vendors.

The diaspora has the purchasing potential. Suh, Ashni yuh should be gearing up on transport, like now. Doan worry bout gas to shore, probably never happens wid Jagdeo controlling that development. Think of Skeldon.

Those Florida farmers are buying millions of dollars of equipment to work on their farms so that they do not have to hire farm labour.

@Prashad posted:

Whoever is that gold miner should be arrested and given a public wiping in Georgetown.

Is this "wiping" after a dump?

The law is (In Canada, don't know if the same elsewhere) the land belongs to the owner but not what's under it. If it is somehow proven there are precious, oil etc in the ground, the government would offer over market price for the land, to tempt the owner to sell without much complaints.

This family should be compensated even if it wasn't their property. At least find them a proper place to live.

Last edited by cain
@Prashad posted:

Whoever is that gold miner should be arrested and given a public wiping in Georgetown.

Region One has a government. They should know something about the situation. The Gold miner must have had a license to operate or else he cannot have done that.

@cain posted:

Is this "wiping" after a dump?

The law is (In Canada, don't know if the same elsewhere) the land belongs to the owner but not what's under it. If it is somehow proven there are precious, oil etc in the ground, the government would offer over market price for the land, to tempt the owner to sell without much complaints.

This family should be compensated even if it wasn't their property. At least find them a proper place to live.

I was just wondering the same. As dem chaps here does seh, chupidness nah gat cure.

@GTAngler posted:

I know it's hard but try to repress your ignorance. Guyana was once the breadbasket of the Caribbean. We don't face the same potential problems as Ethiopia.

No? Drought is under your portfolio, huh? You.dumb fk!

@Ramakant-P posted:

Region One has a government. They should know something about the situation. The Gold miner must have had a license to operate or else he cannot have done that.

He can't just walk in and evict people he knew were living there for.some time, if even he owned the land! There are procedures he.must follow! Amerindians are Guyanese citizens, too! Shuman, where the

@Former Member posted:

He can't just walk in and evict people he knew were living there for.some time, if even he owned the land! There are procedures he.must follow! Amerindians are Guyanese citizens, too! Shuman, where the

Shuman is only visible at election time.

@Former Member posted:

No? Drought is under your portfolio, huh? You.dumb fk!

What the hell is wrong with you man? You are one grouchy ole rass every dam day, cussing out everybody. This fkin place must really need your shit to keep it going...and that is really fkin sad.

Last edited by cain
@cain posted:

What the hell is wrong with you man? You are one grouchy ole rass every dam day, cussing out everybody. This fkin place must really need your shit to keep it going...and that is really fkin sad.

YOU piss me off, cain, you fraud!

@Django posted:

Shallyv ,ease up with the cussing ,I know you can avoid such.

Okay, jango! But first prove me fing or fk is in any dictionary and not in your vivid imagination!

But OK, I'll desist!

@cain posted:

What the hell is wrong with you man? You are one grouchy ole rass every dam day, cussing out everybody. This fkin place must really need your shit to keep it going...and that is really fkin sad.

Such polite words he uses, this fraud!

@Former Member posted:

No? Drought is under your portfolio, huh? You.dumb fk!

Maybe if your father had stuck around he might have seen that you were educated past lil abc. I am not going to suggest you do any research because you won't know what you're reading.

@Django posted:

Shallyv ,ease up with the cussing ,I know you can avoid such.

Leave him/her alone. By now everyone knows "it" is incapable of anything but obscenities. Product of limited education and questionable upbringing. No class and most comfortable in the gutter.

@Former Member posted:

YOU piss me off, cain, you fraud!

HAHAAAAAA fraud!  You are the biggest one yet coming here and cussing up people about their ethnicity then pissed off because other social media disallow you to post your drivel on their sites. Looks good on you..FRAUDMEISTER.

@cain posted:

HAHAAAAAA fraud!  You are the biggest one yet coming here and cussing up people about their ethnicity then pissed off because other social media disallow you to post your drivel on their sites. Looks good on you..FRAUDMEISTER.


@GTAngler posted:

Leave him/her alone. By now everyone knows "it" is incapable of anything but obscenities. Product of limited education and questionable upbringing. No class and most comfortable in the gutter.

Better a gutter snipe be than a stupid dalit who thinks ethnicity is the same as parentage! The ignorant can learn but the stupid are limited in their learning!

Last edited by Former Member
@GTAngler posted:

Leave him/her alone. By now everyone knows "it" is incapable of anything but obscenities. Product of limited education and questionable upbringing. No class and most comfortable in the gutter.

Show me one cuss word I've used, stupid, and make a poor Administrator of.Django or DG! And when will you ever criticize.cain? 'White privilege', huh? Servility becomes you, dalit! Well, it's wasted! He aint white!

Last edited by Former Member
@Former Member posted:

Better a gutter snipe be than a stupid dalit who thinks ethnicity is the same as parentage! The ignorant can learn but the stupid are limited in their learning!

That's the first step. Recognizing and accepting your limitations and your station in life. I never said anything about ethnicity being the same as parentage. You get your ethnicity from your parents. Again you prove reading isn't your forte. Do carry on with your feeble attempts to mask your stupidity.

@Former Member posted:

Show me one cuss word I've used, stupid, and make a poor Administrator of.Django or DG! And when will you ever criticize.cain? 'White privilege', huh? Servility becomes you, dalit! Well, it's wasted! He aint white!

I don't see superiority or inferiority in race. Then again I was brought up with morals and class and not in the gutter like you.

@Former Member posted:

You and the fisherman are so pathetically weak in your retorts, I'll pass!

Retort. Your vocabulary is improving. Glad I was able to teach you something. By the way, "Vocabulary" is a range of words in a particular language.

@GTAngler posted:

That's the first step. Recognizing and accepting your limitations and your station in life. I never said anything about ethnicity being the same as parentage. You get your ethnicity from your parents. Again you prove reading isn't your forte. Do carry on with your feeble attempts to mask your stupidity.

It's in another forum! I won't bother looking for it! Sufficient.that there will be other times when your outstanding stupidity will be displayed again!

Watch out!

Last edited by Former Member
@Former Member posted:

Show me one cuss word I've used, stupid, and make a poor Administrator of.Django or DG! And when will you ever criticize.cain? 'White privilege', huh? Servility becomes you, dalit! Well, it's wasted! He aint white!

Ever the victim. It's the RCMP. The Jinns. The Jumbie. The Bacoo. The government. The sidewalk. Gravity. The koala bears. The zionists. the christians. Cain. Django. DG. An irresponsible brat turn mentally deficient bum. Ever blaming his life's failure on others. SMFH

@Former Member posted:

Hello Lipdecuss! How's the Lip-o-

Maybe you can have a seance and arrange for one of your female old higue relatives to return and suck the fat out of the giant bags under your eyes. Maybe then you'll see reality.

Gives you a chance to "commiserate" too and tell them how hard they made your life. weeeeep weep weep....oh the horror....

Last edited by Former Member
@GTAngler posted:

I don't see superiority or inferiority in race. Then again I was brought up with morals and class and not in the gutter like you.

I cannot understand the insults. I do not see the need for it?

@seignet posted:

I cannot understand the insults. I do not see the need for it?

Really? You don't see when he speaks of "white privilege" or "dalit servility"? I don't start the insults. I respond to his.

Last edited by GTAngler
@GTAngler posted:

Really? You don't see when he speaks of "white privilege" or "dalit servility"? I don't start the insults. I respond to his.

Angler? I say, boy, is that a genuine dalit name?

Apparently, you don't see the fraudulent 'white' cain's insults, either! You blindly join in them! Servility?  Anyone wanting some? The line starts right at the fisherman's stall! Bring grass for payment!

Last edited by Former Member
@Former Member posted:

Angler? I say, boy, is that a genuine dalit name?

How about your name? Is it a genuine Rajput name or one taken from the black man who took your naked, hungry ass into his home and fed you while your wastrel father abandoned you?

@Former Member posted:

Angler? I say, boy, is that a genuine dalit name?

Apparently, you don't see the fraudulent 'white' cain's insults, either! You blindly join in them! Servility?  Anyone wanting some? The line starts right at the fisherman's stall! Bring grass for payment!

You must be really proud of your ignorance. You constantly keep showing it off. The word "angler" means someone who fishes with a hook and line and I am from the Georgetown area hence the GT. There you go, I just improved your vocabulary again.

Last edited by GTAngler
@GTAngler posted:

You must be really proud of your ignorance. You constantly keep showing it off. The word "angler" means someone who fishes with a hook and line and I am from the Georgetown area hence the GT. There you go, I just improved your vocabulary again.

You ignore the fact that I've already called you fisherman! Why? Mental retardation? Slow to understand? What? Angler is just a deliberate misuse, cretin!


Shelly you DIPSHIT why don't you go trip yourself up outside and fall on your mouth a few times? I'm sure your neighbours would stand around and applaud your new found pastime sport.

Last edited by cain
@cain posted:

Shelly you DIPSHIT why don't you go trip yourself up outside and fall on your mouth a few times? I'm sure your neighbours would stand around and applaud your new found pastime sport.

Your N part giving you trouble, cain?.It must be yearning to be free of pretension and come out of 'whitey's' closet! Hahahahahaha...

Whatever will mulatto mama think? That you've joined forces.with.people your papa would beat.with whips? Horrors of horrors! The unthinkable has befallen the family!

See whuh yuh Gaan an.doo? Yuh dun gaan an leh dem Ns fuhget dem plase! De battam uv de toylet!

Naow dem guh waant mih fuh entuhtain howse! Nebbah cain, nebbah!

Last edited by Former Member
@Former Member posted:

Members, Members, Members ...

Tone down the unrelated dialogues and concentrate on the subject.

Demerara_Guy = Moderator

I'm okay with that! He started it, as you can obviously see!

@Former Member posted:

Agriculture has to be part of a big coordinated package. It cannot work in a bubble.

Who says it doesn't have to be, KW? That's taken for granted under Agriculture!


Chinese taking over while we debating and quarreling.

The whole world, apparently.and why not? While the US and others fight unnecessary wars, China has been investing, loaning, scheming, spying, stealing! China's foreign debt is like petty cash to China!

Last edited by Former Member
@Former Member posted:

I'm okay with that! He started it, as you can obviously see!

Look at dis friken wimpy DIPSHIT complaining like a lil gyal.."is he start it.. is he start it" DIPSHIT.

Last edited by cain
@cain posted:

Look at dis friken wimpy DIPSHIT complaining like a lil gyal.."is he start it.. is he start it" DIPSHIT.

LOL...once a man twice a child! I'm starting to feel sorry for him now. Wait until the N key on his keyboard gets stuck from overuse. You'll hear of this grand conspiracy by the RCMP, his cretin, a mermaid, 2 koala bears, the Martians, Ole Higue and Bacoos to prevent him from using his N key LMFAO!

Last edited by Former Member
@cain posted:

Look at dis friken wimpy DIPSHIT complaining like a lil gyal.."is he start it.. is he start it" DIPSHIT.

cain, are you losing your mind! Do what my harassers are afraid to do! Come kill me! You started this, you finish it! Your primitive 'white' part has a history of killing, beating, whipping, chopping off parts and all things that are good for teaching a lesson! Don't rant and rave! Come! Of course, I'll have to defend my  worthless  self! Better.still, beg them! Tell them you'll give them anything they want! Even your *******! This way you can't be charged with anything!

I, a spirit, never die!

Last edited by Former Member

Me start "it" wtf are you speaking about you WOS?  I have been on this board since'99 and had a few blowups with a few posters. You came on this board a few months ago,since then you fought with everyone and continue to do so until now. You are one miserable arsehole, period..The rest of your babble about I is a spirit will never die, well you might not but I'm sure you always smell as though you died a few months ago.

Last edited by cain
@Former Member posted:

Don't rant and rave! Come! Of course, I'll have to defend my  worthless self!

Yes. Tell he deh! Don't tek dat from he. Pelt he wid yuh goat shit pellets when he come.


Django, DG, please provide my initial posts and responses to and fro! I've never in my life lied on anyone! Or attacked anyone unless attacked first! Let's put this canard to rest!

@Former Member posted:

LOL...once a man twice a child! I'm starting to feel sorry for him now. Wait until the N key on his keyboard gets stuck from overuse. You'll hear of this grand conspiracy by the RCMP, his cretin, a mermaid, 2 koala bears, the Martians, Ole Higue and Bacoos to prevent him from using his N key LMFAO!


@cain posted:

No Shelley don't worry, I have not forgotten you are a DIPSHIT.

cain, your showing! Your pretend life is over! You can come out of the 'whitey' closet now! Don't be afraid! Your.hands won't be lopped was more civilized Congo!


Members, Members ...

Advice was provided to adhere to the topic ...

"Bet on agriculture to beat resource curse — Prof. Terrence Blackman"

Actions will be taken should unrelated statements continue.

Demerara_Guy = Moderator

@Former Member posted:

cain, your showing! Your pretend life is over! You can come out of the 'whitey' closet now! Don't be afraid! Your.hands won't be lopped was more civilized Congo!

According to his DNA Prashad has Western Congolese genes in him but he is not into chopping off anyone hands.

@Prashad posted:

According to his DNA Prashad has Western Congolese genes in him but he is not into chopping off anyone hands.

Prash, the chopping off of hands was done by the subjects of King Leopold of Belgium to frighten Congolese people into slaving for the Belgians! Very civilized people, these Europeans! Why, many of them to this day believe in witchcraft!

Power of the gun! That's why China is bent on world domination! They are the ones who started playing with gunpowder, but only.for fireworks! A world gone mad with killing!

There is NO death! Jesus lives in the world of energy, called spirit, or Heaven where you no longer have to work to support the body you discarded!

Last edited by Former Member
@Prashad posted:

There was a warlord from Sierra Leone named Foday Sankoh. Hek use to chop off hands of enemies also.

Dese iggerunt Ns! Well, mih tell yuh sumting gat fuh doo bowt dem! Mih tinkin bowt sumting lyk ah insekteeside lyk Flit dat wuz uze fuh moskeetah! Aftah.awl, dem duz breed.lyk moskeetah, nuh?

Ovah tuh yu, Django! Ah hoap dis pass yuh bigut tess!

Last edited by Former Member
@Former Member posted:

Dese iggerunt Ns! Well, mih tell yuh sumting gat fuh doo bowt dem! Mih tinkin bowt sumting lyk ah insekteeside lyk Flit dat wuz uze fuh moskeetah!

Aftah.awl,dem duz breed.lyk moskeetah, nuh?

Ovah tuh yu, Django! Ah hoap dis pass yuh bigut tess!

You'll does push the button ,pelting mud on the other side to hide ayuh own doings.

@Django posted:

You'll does push the button ,pelting mud on the other side to hide ayuh own doings.

What other doings, jango? Like my.rage and grief over the obvious PNC ordered killing of the Henry boys by the GDF? Like my admiration of Candace Evans who supported Trump mocked by.D ***king G? What other doings, like my contempt for the bird shit man who thinks the whole world is against him because he.can't.change his colour and other physical his hair and imagined thick, thick lips! I give up! There's.NO getting past black suspicions! It's fing useless to try! So *** and lives that don't matter to me from now on! Note well my.reneging on my promise to.refrain from the use.of imagined swear words.lile fing.and fk! De kunt! ***king and ***k is better! Now *** ban me from.posting! I.don't and.never gave a ***king.shit-***k!

@Former Member posted:

Prash, the chopping off of hands was done by the subjects of King Leopold of Belgium to frighten Congolese people into slaving for the Belgians! Very civilized people, these Europeans! Why, many of them to this day believe in witchcraft!

Power of the gun! That's why China is bent on world domination! They are the ones who started playing with gunpowder, but only.for fireworks! A world gone mad with killing!

There is NO death! Jesus lives in the world of energy, called spirit, or Heaven where you no longer have to work to support the body you discarded!

The world has always been killing. Just looking back in milleniums one can observe the continous pre-occupations of killing. Now, that we have histories of nations on YouTube, I am astonished at the gross killings, everywhere on the Earth. Enoch said, "God looked down on the Earth and he was sad". I say, the Angels muss have said to God,"We tod you not to make man, dem is terrible on the face of the Earth." Ahrite said God, "I will send meh only begotten son to redeem dem."

@seignet posted:

The world has always been killing. Just looking back in milleniums one can observe the continous pre-occupations of killing. Now, that we have histories of nations on YouTube, I am astonished at the gross killings, everywhere on the Earth. Enoch said, "God looked down on the Earth and he was sad". I say, the Angels muss have said to God,"We tod you not to make man, dem is terrible on the face of the Earth." Ahrite said God, "I will send meh only begotten son to redeem dem."

Nancy story.

@Former Member posted:

You ignore the fact that I've already called you fisherman! Why? Mental retardation? Slow to understand? What? Angler is just a deliberate misuse, cretin!

Yet you asked earlier if it was a Dalit name. Losing your memory. By the way, angler and fisherman are two different things. An angler specifically uses a hook and line. A fisherman uses various methods of catching fish.

Last edited by GTAngler
@GTAngler posted:

Yet you asked earlier if it was a Dalit name. Losing your memory. By the way, angler and fisherman are two different things. An angler specifically uses a hook and line. A fisherman uses various methods of catching fish.

Uh, you are to be ignored because of your density, fool!


seiggy, what kind god is this who angels  advise?

There is NO death! What you call  killing is just "Get the ***k out of my way, fool!"

Last edited by Former Member
@Ramakant-P posted:

Where is this debate going? It has nothing to do with Agriculture. I can't say that I am not enjoying it. There are over 1500 visitors to this forum every day. What are they saying?

***k you, kunt!

@Former Member posted:

What other doings, jango? Like my.rage and grief over the obvious PNC ordered killing of the Henry boys by the GDF? Like my admiration of Candace Evans who supported Trump mocked by.D ***king G? What other doings, like my contempt for the bird shit man who thinks the whole world is against him because he.can't.change his colour and other physical his hair and imagined thick, thick lips! I give up! There's.NO getting past black suspicions! It's fing useless to try! So *** and lives that don't matter to me from now on! Note well my.reneging on my promise to.refrain from the use.of imagined swear words.lile fing.and fk! De kunt! ***king and ***k is better! Now *** ban me from.posting! I.don't and.never gave a ***king.shit-***k!

Hate is cancerous eats away the sense of reasoning ,there is space for all to exist and live their lives .I was brought up in a mixed village ,where everyone respect each other .When migrated choose to live among and invest in a town of earlier American Immigrants ,I don't see color , never consider anyone as superior nor i am superior .I am the only Guyanese among the business class ,there are always assistance from professionals customers and my neighbors when needed.

When looking at Guyana ethnic problems ,we need solutions not the constant harping who have the given right to rule and who are smarter ,both major political parties don't have the solutions ,if it continues ,Guyana will always be a back water country .The wealth should spread across the country for all to benefit .I believe in rotational government not elected dictatorship ,that has always been my position. There are some politicians who are interested in filling their friends, families and their pockets ,they need to be rooted out. Look around today how agencies are packed due to cronyism ,many are silent.


So, jango, I hate, huh? I detest but you call it hate! What about the bird shit 'man', who do you think.he hates, besides himself? There's me, my mother, my father and anyone else I could possibly care to mention! Except you, of course, because you.have the power to ban, suspend or whatever you can do! You encourage! How can't accuse me of hating Mitwah, Tota, Prash or even you or DG? From now on it is ***k BLM! My own self Matters more!

Last edited by Former Member

Just the.bird shit 'man's' reaction to the letter N! He prefers to look at it negatively! As I expected! It drives him crazy! His slurs on my parentage only amuse and as I know they are untrue! But N ***ks up his 'mind'! Hahahahahaha...!

Mebbe yurz, too, huh? Hahahahaha...!

I.seldom give a ***k!

Last edited by Former Member
@Former Member posted:

So, jango, I hate, huh? I detest but you call it hate! What about the bird shit 'man', who do you think.he hates, besides himself? There's me, my mother, my father and anyone else I could possibly care to mention! Except you, of course, because you.have the power to ban, suspend or whatever you can do! You encourage! How can't accuse me of hating Mitwah, Tota, Prash or even you or DG? From now on it is ***k BLM! My own self Matters more!

Iguana isn't a bad guy ,he speaks his mind and have the right to rebuke any one who  insults his ethnicity. For that matter it's wrong to be prejudicial .

@Django posted:

Iguana isn't a bad guy ,he speaks his mind and have the right to rebuke any one who  insults his ethnicity. For that matter it's wrong to be prejudicial .

Yeah? You a mind reader now? Or Orwell's thought-police? (F off, white n.igger trash! Go interrupt your mama's periods with your mouth)!

So, I'm a bad guy who shouldn't.speak his fing mind? Or even allowed to?

His ethnicity? He.wouldn't know that unless his slave forbears  were uglier than sin! Of which I have no.fing.doubt! Which depraved slave owner would want to look at an ugly slave while he fked her? Why else could he be so fked up?

Last edited by Former Member
@GTAngler posted:

@django. Is there any question as to the intent or meaning of this? Am sure the 1500 visitors Rama spoke of got the gist.

QC boy or the janitor's son who merely listened in and stole the textbooks later? Like his grandfather used to steal the students' gardening produce!

Last edited by Former Member
@GTAngler posted:

@django. Is there any question as to the intent or meaning of this? Am sure the 1500 visitors Rama spoke of got the gist.

They, unlike you, moron, would or should appreciate honesty!

Last edited by Former Member
@GTAngler posted:

@Ramakant-P. See where this is going? You ask a simple question not maliciously directed at anyone and that's the response. Any more questions?

Yeah! You or even more, moron! I'll give you answers or even try if I could understand or at least stand.your stupid questions!

Last edited by Former Member
@Former Member posted:

Yeah? You a mind reader now? Or Orwell's thought-police? (F off, white n.igger trash! Go interrupt your mama's periods with your mouth)!

So, I'm a bad guy who shouldn't.speak his fing mind? Or even allowed to?

His ethnicity? He.wouldn't know that unless his slave forbears  were uglier than sin! Of which I have no.fing.doubt! Which depraved slave owner would want to look at an ugly slave while he fked her? Why else could he be so fked up?

What really you up to ? you need time out to recuperate ? the last time I intervene and ask for your release out of compassion ,oh well here goes my kindness.


seiggy, the belief that death is the end.was.used to frighten people! Started with the Jewish Pentateuch.which more than half the world's population, if not all, has been falsely led to believe! When the misled people wake up to how they have been misled, used and abused, all hell is going to break loose! If those with greater killing power start 'killing' unbelievers in their Jewish shit, they had better be.prepared to be wiped out by.disease and new kinds of plague! Shit! They can't even handle this fing Covid now! Their pretensive medical con men haven't an fing clue!

Last edited by Former Member
@Django posted:

What really you up to ? you need time out to recuperate ? the last time I intervene and ask for your release out of compassion ,oh well here goes my kindness.

I seek TRUTH! YouI

I never care for compassion which reeks of condesencion, but thank you for your past kindness!

Now, ban!

Last edited by Former Member
@Former Member posted:

I seek TRUTH! YouI

I never care for compassion which reeks of condesencion, but thank you for your past kindness!

Now, ban!

The truth is out there seek you will find. Anyway cut out some of the harsh language.

Sure you want time out ?

@Django posted:

The truth is out there seek you will find. Anyway cut out some of the harsh language.

It clearly expresses my feelings without any doubts on anyone's part! But I don't like lying or pretense! And I loathe breaking promises unless there are very good, explainable reasons for the promisee! Promises are almost sacrosanct! I'll try harder to leash my anger which can be, no doubt, harsh!


There was a man said to have had the highest.IQ measured but who is now dead! He.took ordinary clerical jobs and led a solitary life! Maybe he.couldn' t get along with other people less endowed! Swift's " Gulliver's Travels" was, perhaps, pointing to this in the part on.Lilliput! One test of my.IQ had the line on the graph going upwards and off the graph! Another, required.for.a.job, had the psychologist that I had results only found among 98% of business executives tested! Although I had no training for business! Nothing to boast about for I didn't give myself the brain I have! It seems like a curse to me at times but then I remember there must be a reason I'm yet to determine! I make dumb mistakes like any other, so I don't consider myself infallible! But why am I telling you this? Perhaps to encourage mockery and laughter!

Last edited by Former Member
@Former Member posted:

QC boy or the janitor's son who merely listened in and stole the textbooks later? Like his grandfather used to steal the students' gardening produce!

My ancestors, who I actually know, never had to steal. I went to QC on a scholarship. The only ship you know is the alien one that abducted you.

@Former Member posted:

Although I had no training for business! Nothing to boast about for I didn't give myself the brain I have! It seems like a curse to me at times but then I remember there must be a reason I'm yet to determine!

Let me help you find the reason. You're an Idiot Savant. Look it up fool.

@Former Member posted:

Who says it doesn't have to be, KW? That's taken for granted under Agriculture!

Not taken for granted, so said the evidence. If there were a deep coordination approach we would not have Skeldon today. I do not see any plan or discussion from the relevant authority regarding linking up all the loose ends.

@GTAngler posted:

My ancestors, who I actually know, never had to steal. I went to QC on a scholarship. The only ship you know is the alien one that abducted you.

That's how I went to.QC, fool! From.your postings it seems the standards had been relaxed to let cane cutters in!

@Former Member posted:

Not taken for granted, so said the evidence. If there were a deep coordination approach we would not have Skeldon today. I do not see any plan or discussion from the relevant authority regarding linking up all the loose ends.

OK! You have a good point!

Last edited by Former Member
@Former Member posted:

Nothing to boast about when associated idiot like you!

85 years on this earth and still not knowing the reason just about sums you up. Massive FAIL!

@Former Member posted:

85 years on this earth and still not knowing the reason just about sums you up. Massive FAIL!

Of coUrse yoU know! YoU're a winner! But win what? Do yoU know?

@ball posted:

I have not gone trough the whole trash pile to find the peanut, but without farm and framers there is no life

I wish I knew what peanut you' re talking about, Jughead?

Last edited by Former Member
@Former Member posted:

That's how I went to.QC, fool! From.your postings it seems the standards had been relaxed to let cane cutters in!

It was relaxed for some people. Those people did well in their exams.

@Ramakant-P posted:

It was relaxed for some people. Those people did well in their exams.

Yuh mean like GNI Queen and her sister? Anyway, it was still tough for you, writing it in your short pants and no underwear.

@Former Member posted:

That's how I went to.QC, fool! From.your postings it seems the standards had been relaxed to let cane cutters in!

Although no one in my family ever cut cane, there is nothing wrong with cane cutters. Some of the most honest and genuine people I knew growing up were cane cutters and laborers. They would give you their last enamel cup of water. You continue to show your lack of class.

@Ramakant-P posted:

It was relaxed for some people. Those people did well in their exams.

True. We had our share of people who got in through who they knew or were related to. I went to primary school with a kid who got in that primary school because his father was Burnham's driver.

@GTAngler posted:

True. We had our share of people who got in through who they knew or were related to. I went to primary school with a kid who got in that primary school because his father was Burnham's driver.

That's how it used to work in Guyana.  I got Burnham's Private Messenger his job. It only cost him 300 Guyana Dollars. The US exchange in those days was G$2.15 to US$1.00.

@GTAngler posted:

Although no one in my family ever cut cane, there is nothing wrong with cane cutters. Some of the most honest and genuine people I knew growing up were cane cutters and laborers. They would give you their last enamel cup of water. You continue to show your lack of class.

There is nothing more that can make you more determined to either drink plenty rum or educate yourself for a better job than the experience of cutting cane or planting rice. Both are back breaking jobs.

Last edited by Prashad
@GTAngler posted:

Although no one in my family ever cut cane, there is nothing wrong with cane cutters. Some of the most honest and genuine people I knew growing up were cane cutters and laborers. They would give you their last enamel cup of water. You continue to show your lack of class.

That's how and why your family.exploited them, huh?

@Prashad posted:

There is nothing more that can make you more determined to either drink plenty rum or educate yourself for a better job than the experience of cutting cane or planting rice. Both are back breaking jobs.

I can well imagine that, Prash!

@Ramakant-P posted:

That's how it used to work in Guyana.  I got Burnham's Private Messenger his job. It only cost him 300 Guyana Dollars. The US exchange in those days was G$2.15 to US$1.00.

Even then you were a crook! The PPP took over, you became a PPP soup-drinker!

@GTAngler posted:

Although no one in my family ever cut cane, there is nothing wrong with cane cutters. Some of the most honest and genuine people I knew growing up were cane cutters and laborers. They would give you their last enamel cup of water. You continue to show your lack of class.

While you show yours, at last!

Last edited by Former Member
@Ramakant-P posted:

It was relaxed for some people. Those people did well in their exams.

Like 1+ 1 = 2, not 11 as many were inclined to post until they copied from someone they thought smarter than they, I 'll bet!

@GTAngler posted:

True. We had our share of people who got in through who they knew or were related to. I went to primary school with a kid who got in that primary school because his father was Burnham's driver.

I thought primary schooling was free! Your parents were easily fooled, no doubt! Look at you,.their reputed son!

@Mitwah posted:

Yuh mean like GNI Queen and her sister? Anyway, it was still tough for you, writing it in your short pants and no underwear.

Is that how he used his pen..cil, Mits, for writing nonsense?

@Former Member posted:

I thought primary schooling was free! Your parents were easily fooled, no doubt! Look at you,.their reputed son!

Again I have to educate you. Prior to the government making primary and secondary education free, there were some private schools. You couldn't just come off the street or out of the gutter in your case and attend. My parentS made sure we got a good education. Where did your parenT send you?

@Former Member posted:

I asked! Your response defines you, ignoramus! You claim to have gone to QC! I doubt that! Exploiting the QC name now, huh?

It absolutely does. I had a good education and was raised with morals. You on the other hand can only sit and envy. Not my fault you were dragged up the way you were.

@GTAngler posted:

Again I have to educate you. Prior to the government making primary and secondary education free, there were some private schools. You couldn't just come off the street or out of the gutter in your case and attend. My parentS made sure we got a good education. Where did your parenT send you?

The government's County scholarship and my mother! To my regret! While both recognized my scholastic ability, I was wondering what all this shit was about and was good for! At least it was good for obtaining a government job when jobs were scarce!

But you were a good obedient, unthinking wimp, weren't you?! YOU educate ME? Surely you.jest, self-inflated buffoon!

Last edited by Former Member
@GTAngler posted:

It absolutely does. I had a good education and was raised with morals. You on the other hand can only sit and envy. Not my fault you were dragged up the way you were.

You only prove your inflexible stupidity, rectum! What absolutely does? Clarify!

Last edited by Former Member
@Former Member posted:

The government's County scholarship and my mother! To my regret! While both recognized my scholastic ability, I was wondering what all this shit was about and was good for! At least it was good for obtaining a government job when jobs were scarce!

But you were a good obedient, unthinking wimp, weren't you?! YOU educate ME? Surely you.jest, self-inflated buffoon!

You went to QC on a government scholarship? I remember that examination. I missed out writing it. Some Primary Schools in the colony recommended exceptional pupils to take the exams for a free place at Queen's College.

@Mitwah posted:

Yuh mean like GNI Queen and her sister? Anyway, it was still tough for you, writing it in your short pants and no underwear.

At least I had my pants on but you had no pants. We used to call that shirttail.

@GTAngler posted:

Listen to this rambling buffoon. I went from cane cutter to the exploiter.

Admitting doesn't help your argument, does it? Or is this a demonstration of your ignorance of English syntax?


Guyana is on the right track to beat the resource curse, having less economic growth, less democracy, or worse development outcomes than countries with fewer natural resources as the Governing body has frequently put it.

Great Progress has been made in the agricultural sector, Mining, oil and gas industry, electricity, land development, fisheries, and daily farming, Tourism, and Business Development, Education, and health, and rebuilding the infrastructure.

The PPP/C is committed to implementing the following policy measures:

The oil resource belongs to the people of Guyana. We will ensure that oil revenue works for all Guyanese, and is spent on improving people’s lives and in support of job creation. Some areas in which oil revenue will be directed are: The following are some of the measures which the PPP/C will implement: In addition to these measures, the PPP/C Government will initiate work on several transformative infrastructural projects. These will include ● Support for job creation. ● World-class education and healthcare for Guyanese. ● Social and economic infrastructure. ● A Targeted cash transfer to Guyanese particularly the elderly, children, the poor, and other vulnerable groups. ● Strong local content for Guyanese with legislative safeguards. ● Savings for future generations. ● Tax reduction for Guyanese businesses and individuals. ● Complete the Amaila Falls Hydro Project, moving towards a clean, reliable, affordable power supply. ● Produce in excess of 200 MW in the interim, from natural gas. ● Invest in solar and wind systems for off-grid areas. ● Expand the Hinterland Electrification Programme. ● Replace and upgrade solar panels in the hinterland. ● Take urgent action to improve and upgrade the national grid (transmission and distribution). ● Develop microgrids for large hinterland villages.

Last edited by Ramakant-P
@Former Member posted:

Which of these goals have been accomplished so far, kunt?

The PPP/C is committed to implementing the following policy measures: Read the above...

You guys on this GNI are all anti-PPP and Anti-productive.

An anti-productivity mindset is one that resists the idea that laziness is the opposite of productivity. Anti-productivity thinking considers that more output isn't always better than less. To be anti-productive is to recognize the value in standing still and the value of all that can't be easily quantified.

@Ramakant-P posted:

The PPP/C is committed to implementing the following policy measures: Read the above...

You guys on this GNI questionare all anti-PPP and Anti-productive.

An anti-productivity mindset is! one that resists the idea that laziness is the opposite of productivity. Anti-productivity thinking considers that more output isn't always better than less. To be anti-productive is to recognize the value in standing still and the value of all that can't be easily quantified.

Questionare, teach? Really?!! What nonsense are you braying now?

Which fool you copied that from? You haven't question!

Which goals have been.accomplished?

Last edited by Former Member
@Ramakant-P posted:

The PPP/C is committed to implementing the following policy measures: Read the above...

You guys on this GNI are all anti-PPP and Anti-productive.

An anti-productivity mindset is one that resists the idea that laziness is the opposite of productivity. Anti-productivity thinking considers that more output isn't always better than less. To be anti-productive is to recognize the value in standing still and the value of all that can't be easily quantified.

Promises hilighted mean diddly squat, getting it done "properly" mean a lot more.

@cain posted:

Promises hilighted mean diddly squat, getting it done "properly" mean a lot more.

This kunt is forever squatting here to deliver his load! Must think it's ol' Mumbai , eh.bai!

@GTAngler posted:

It absolutely does. I had a good education and was raised with morals. You on the other hand can only sit and envy. Not my fault you were dragged up the way you were.

I assume you are replying to our resident idiot savant, Goatshit babalaps a.k.a Loud Dingaling. I blocked him, so can't see.

Ignore him. This constipated fool comes here, shits like a goat and then rolls his goat shit from thread to thread, getting dirtier and dirtier by the minute with the obscenties.

Shameful shit. I blocked his dumb ass.

@Former Member posted:

I assume you are replying to our resident idiot savant, Goatshit babalaps a.k.a Loud Dingaling. I blocked him, so can't see.

Ignore him. This constipated fool comes here, shits like a goat and then rolls his goat shit from thread to thread, getting dirtier and dirtier by the minute with the obscenties.

Shameful shit. I blocked his dumb ass.

He can't even see how stupid he seems! Poor self-deluding n! Just an ol' mangy alley cat n! Scrambling to appear intelligent!

Last edited by Former Member
@Former Member posted:

There was a man said to have had the highest.IQ measured but who is now dead! He.took ordinary clerical jobs and led a solitary life! Maybe he.couldn' t get along with other people less endowed! Swift's " Gulliver's Travels" was, perhaps, pointing to this in the part on.Lilliput! One test of my.IQ had the line on the graph going upwards and off the graph! Another, required.for.a.job, had the psychologist that I had results only found among 98% of business executives tested! Although I had no training for business! Nothing to boast about for I didn't give myself the brain I have! It seems like a curse to me at times but then I remember there must be a reason I'm yet to determine! I make dumb mistakes like any other, so I don't consider myself infallible! But why am I telling you this? Perhaps to encourage mockery and laughter!

I should have stated 'only found. among 2% of business executives tested' ! See? I told you I'm not infallible! Now, I'll wait for the mockery and laughter from the usual morons! If they could untangle their two left feet from around their necks and stop gassing everyone in sight, that is!

Last edited by Former Member
@cain posted:

The block feature works except when the post is quoted.

I know but it minimizes what I see. Very few quote shitabatty shally a.k.a Loud Dingaling. Too much obscenity, vulgarity from this goat shit dispenser polluting every thread.

Tired of reading about the martians probing his ropey old ass, the little green men in his cranium, gay sex, sex with his dogs, sex with ghosts the sidewalk, etc. Evil old bytch.


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