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Home > TOP STORY > Jagdeo predicts… Rude awakening awaits AFC come Nomination Day –says Ramotar should have kicked some ‘opposition ass’

Former President Bharrat Jagdeo
Former President Bharrat Jagdeo

Jagdeo predicts… Rude awakening awaits AFC come Nomination Day –says Ramotar should have kicked some ‘opposition ass’

THE Alliance For Change (AFC) has run out of leverage in its negotiations with A Partnership for National Unity (APNU), and come Nominations Day, the Party is in for a rude awakening.This is but one of the 2015 Election’s prophesies of former President, Bharrat Jagdeo, who for the first time since demitting office three years ago, took to a public podium yesterday and berated the Political Opposition ahead of the upcoming General Elections.

He suggested, too, that Head of State, Donald Ramotar, should have taken a firmer stance in his dealings with the hardline Political Opposition.

Jagdeo was at the time addressing the annual memorial gathering at the Babu John cremation site of the late Party Founders, Dr Cheddi Jagan and his wife, Janet.
Taking the AFC to task over its decision to partner with APNU, which he insists is simply the Peoples National Congress Reform (PNCR) in disguise, Jagdeo pointed out that the two, APNU+AFC, will have to submit one list, with one leader of the list.
The former president predicts that Opposition Leader, Brigadier (rtd) David Granger will be the one selected as Leader of the List, which position determines who goes to Parliament.
According to Jagdeo, it had to be either naivete or desperation on the part of AFC to link up with APNU, after having misled those people “who believed Ramjattan and Nagamootoo really cared for them.”
The former president suggested instead that all the leading AFC members cared about was themselves. “They have secured the Vice-President and Prime Minister position for themselves,” he said.
Jagdeo, in rallying his troops, said: “Let me tell you something, they are so naÏve…When they choose a Leader of the list, and I suspect it’s going to be Granger… Remember, they contesting as one Party, so the Leader of the List decides who goes to Parliament.”
According to the Former President, “They (AFC) are going to be in for a rude awakening; a rude awakening.”
Jagdeo recalled that the United Force “had it in the past, and they (AFC) will get it, because they don’t have any leverage anymore.”
According to Jagdeo, there will be no more AFC after Nomination Day. “There is no AFC; there is a PNC; one ticket they have to go with,” Jagdeo said as he sought to edify his party’s supporters.
The former President urged party supporters to not be fooled by the names AFC+APNU. “It’s only to fool people; there is only one list of Candidates they can put up,” he said.
He reminded that there can only be one Leader of the List. “And Granger, I predict, will be the head of that list,” he said.
In this situation, Jagdeo posits, should any member of the AFC be kicked out of Parliament then there is nothing any of them can do about it.
“They have no leverage,” said Jagdeo. “There is no AFC, there is no AFC Parliamentarian; there is nothing…It’s naivety or blind ambition that caused them to even ignore sensibility,” the former president asserted.
He made it clear that all will witness this as “we warned in the past elections that this is going to happen, they are going to collaborate and people didn’t believe us and now you are seeing it happen.”
According to Jagdeo, “It’s going to get even worse for them.”

Berating the Opposition notion that it preaches change, the former President questioned how this could be.
“(Khemraj) Ramjattan been around for donkey years, (Moses) Nagamootoo been around, (Carl) Greenidge been around, (David) Granger been around, (Lance) Carberry been around, Oscar Clarke been around, the whole bunch…Sharma been around,” said Jagdeo.
Jagdeo stressed that the only thing that has changed is the opposition’s name and chronicled that in in the 1992 Elections, the opposition bloc contested as the PNC, in 1997 the name changed to PNCR, in 2001 it was PNCR/1 Guyana and in 2011 it was APNU.
“Now the APNU+AFC, they’ve been changing their names,” said Jagdeo who added that such a cosmetic change does not address the substance of the political Opposition.
“Change has to be a real thing,” according to Jagdeo, “not a rhetorical gaff.”
Jagdeo used his address to the gathering to also surmise that given the opposition stances, “the past three years must have been a nightmare for Ramotar.”
He noted that “every plan that the Government has put forward they have tried to stymie. It was at this stage the former president in turning to address his successor said “Donald you are a democratic man, sometimes we need to administer something else and kick some asses too.”

(By Gary Eleazar)

Replies sorted oldest to newest

As Mullah Kari points out so astutely, we ain't your daddy's coolies. We're our grandfather's coolies.


When the PNC gets outta hand, we demand some asses be kicked and if necessary some decapitated heads be rolled at the Botanical Gardens.


Meanwhile at the Georgetown Club, the PNC and it's homeless Jaganites are busy sharin out Vice Presidencies and not doin shyte to address the physical security dilemma of Indians.


There is a noticeable shift at play here....the PPP appears to have moved towards embracing its "Indianness" to a significant degree. This trend ironically began because the PNC instigated race riots and the Buxton Insurgency.


Clear this dunce Jagdeow does not read -  please send him a copy of the Cummingsburg Accord.  It speaks directly to this question and informs that the Leader of the List shall be a member of civil society who is not a member of the AFC or APNU.


But this is trade, LIES and more LIES.  This snake cannot change.

Originally Posted by KishanB:

Clear this dunce Jagdeow does not read -  please send him a copy of the Cummingsburg Accord.  It speaks directly to this question and informs that the Leader of the List shall be a member of civil society who is not a member of the AFC or APNU.


But this is trade, LIES and more LIES.  This snake cannot change.


So who you think them coolie people more inclined to listen to?


Jagdeo who wants to kick PNC ass? Or Nagamootoo who wants a nice pat on his head for bein a good bai from the PNC?


Those who want to perpetuate the politics of race in Guyana are free to do so. The politics of race has put Guyanese nowhere as a people since the 1957 elections.

However, the politics of race is not carved in stone. People make history, and many Guyanese want to end racial politics. They want to change the basic racial premise governing local politics. They want to move forward as one people.

Those who want to end racial politics have to start somewhere, and there is no better time than now. It is time.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Those who want to perpetuate the politics of race in Guyana are free to do so. The politics of race has put Guyanese nowhere as a people since the 1957 elections.

However, the politics of race is not carved in stone. People make history, and many Guyanese want to end racial politics. They want to change the basic racial premise governing local politics. They want to move forward as one people.

Those who want to end racial politics have to start somewhere, and there is no better time than now. It is time.


Fundamental mistake of oversimplifying Guyanese Indos chap.


Many Indos (including yours truly) want an end to our inter-ethnic conflict. The problem is that this Coalition of some coolie Vice Presidents ain't it.


You people have not and refuse to address the underlying causes of the Indian security dilemma. Until such time as you all are ready to address Indian security concerns we'll stick with our armed drug dealers and their PPP collaborators. Unilateral disarmament makes zero sense whatever.


Except to idiot Jaganites of course who believe in blind faith at all costs where politics is concerned. Ayuh try wid duh!

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Those who want to perpetuate the politics of race in Guyana are free to do so. The politics of race has put Guyanese nowhere as a people since the 1957 elections.

However, the politics of race is not carved in stone. People make history, and many Guyanese want to end racial politics. They want to change the basic racial premise governing local politics. They want to move forward as one people.

Those who want to end racial politics have to start somewhere, and there is no better time than now. It is time.


Fundamental mistake of oversimplifying Guyanese Indos chap.


Many Indos (including yours truly) want an end to our inter-ethnic conflict. The problem is that this Coalition of some coolie Vice Presidents ain't it.


You people have not and refuse to address the underlying causes of the Indian security dilemma. Until such time as you all are ready to address Indian security concerns we'll stick with our armed drug dealers and their PPP collaborators. Unilateral disarmament makes zero sense whatever.


Except to idiot Jaganites of course who believe in blind faith at all costs where politics is concerned. Ayuh try wid duh!

The campaign has just begun. It's early days yet. The so-called "Indian security dilemma" will be addressed soon. Patience.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Those who want to perpetuate the politics of race in Guyana are free to do so. The politics of race has put Guyanese nowhere as a people since the 1957 elections.

However, the politics of race is not carved in stone. People make history, and many Guyanese want to end racial politics. They want to change the basic racial premise governing local politics. They want to move forward as one people.

Those who want to end racial politics have to start somewhere, and there is no better time than now. It is time.


Fundamental mistake of oversimplifying Guyanese Indos chap.


Many Indos (including yours truly) want an end to our inter-ethnic conflict. The problem is that this Coalition of some coolie Vice Presidents ain't it.


You people have not and refuse to address the underlying causes of the Indian security dilemma. Until such time as you all are ready to address Indian security concerns we'll stick with our armed drug dealers and their PPP collaborators. Unilateral disarmament makes zero sense whatever.


Except to idiot Jaganites of course who believe in blind faith at all costs where politics is concerned. Ayuh try wid duh!

The campaign has just begun. It's early days yet. The so-called "Indian security dilemma" will be addressed soon. Patience.


That you use the term of derision "so-called"  when speaking of the "Indian security dilemma" speaks volumes that you people just don't get it and probably are incapable of getting it.


You Jaganites can never ever be trusted with the security of the Indian people. Period!

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Those who want to perpetuate the politics of race in Guyana are free to do so. The politics of race has put Guyanese nowhere as a people since the 1957 elections.

However, the politics of race is not carved in stone. People make history, and many Guyanese want to end racial politics. They want to change the basic racial premise governing local politics. They want to move forward as one people.

Those who want to end racial politics have to start somewhere, and there is no better time than now. It is time.


Fundamental mistake of oversimplifying Guyanese Indos chap.


Many Indos (including yours truly) want an end to our inter-ethnic conflict. The problem is that this Coalition of some coolie Vice Presidents ain't it.


You people have not and refuse to address the underlying causes of the Indian security dilemma. Until such time as you all are ready to address Indian security concerns we'll stick with our armed drug dealers and their PPP collaborators. Unilateral disarmament makes zero sense whatever.


Except to idiot Jaganites of course who believe in blind faith at all costs where politics is concerned. Ayuh try wid duh!

The campaign has just begun. It's early days yet. The so-called "Indian security dilemma" will be addressed soon. Patience.


That you use the term of derision "so-called"  when speaking of the "Indian security dilemma" speaks volumes that you people just don't get it and probably are incapable of getting it.


You Jaganites can never ever be trusted with the security of the Indian people. Period!

In case you haven't noticed, security for Indians and all Guyanese has deteriorated since Jagdeo became president. This was expected since he promoted the shipment of drugs as a main export.
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
 . . . Until such time as you all are ready to address Indian security concerns we'll stick with our armed drug dealers and their PPP collaborators.

it's funny that people like u would be on the front line beating down the doors of the State Department to do something if perchance the armed rebellion you so ignorantly court leads to overthrow of constitutional order in Guyana


i seriously doubt that 'ex-military' cowards like u would be found anywhere near the "action"

Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Those who want to perpetuate the politics of race in Guyana are free to do so. The politics of race has put Guyanese nowhere as a people since the 1957 elections.

However, the politics of race is not carved in stone. People make history, and many Guyanese want to end racial politics. They want to change the basic racial premise governing local politics. They want to move forward as one people.

Those who want to end racial politics have to start somewhere, and there is no better time than now. It is time.


Fundamental mistake of oversimplifying Guyanese Indos chap.


Many Indos (including yours truly) want an end to our inter-ethnic conflict. The problem is that this Coalition of some coolie Vice Presidents ain't it.


You people have not and refuse to address the underlying causes of the Indian security dilemma. Until such time as you all are ready to address Indian security concerns we'll stick with our armed drug dealers and their PPP collaborators. Unilateral disarmament makes zero sense whatever.


Except to idiot Jaganites of course who believe in blind faith at all costs where politics is concerned. Ayuh try wid duh!

The campaign has just begun. It's early days yet. The so-called "Indian security dilemma" will be addressed soon. Patience.


That you use the term of derision "so-called"  when speaking of the "Indian security dilemma" speaks volumes that you people just don't get it and probably are incapable of getting it.


You Jaganites can never ever be trusted with the security of the Indian people. Period!

In case you haven't noticed, security for Indians and all Guyanese has deteriorated since Jagdeo became president. This was expected since he promoted the shipment of drugs as a main export.


Yes it has deteriorated since the PNC decided to launch its Buxton Freedom Fighting dogs on Indos.


Everyone sees through the PNC's destabilizing of the country to the level of "ungovernable" and then pointing to the PPP as being responsible for this state of "ungovernability"

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
 . . . Until such time as you all are ready to address Indian security concerns we'll stick with our armed drug dealers and their PPP collaborators.

it's funny that people like u would be on the front line beating down the doors of the State Department to do something if perchance the armed rebellion you so ignorantly court leads to overthrow of constitutional order in Guyana


i seriously doubt that 'ex-military' cowards like u would be found anywhere near the "action"


That we even have to have an exchange on the possibility of armed rebellion is proof sufficient that the PNC ain't been house broken yet.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

Meanwhile at the Georgetown Club, the PNC and it's homeless Jaganites are busy sharin out Vice Presidencies and not doin shyte to address the physical security dilemma of Indians.


There is a noticeable shift at play here....the PPP appears to have moved towards embracing its "Indianness" to a significant degree. This trend ironically began because the PNC instigated race riots and the Buxton Insurgency.

The PPP was forced to turn to Ravi Dev.....

today they are being Powered by the same principle

they rejected a few years ago.


I guess after Ravi boys forced President Jagdeo

to Crawl thru the toilet in Richmond Hill

they have weighed all options and decide

"Only Coolie Racism can help them now".


Wha Jagdeo know about Kicking Ass....


Jagdeo know how to creep on the Toilet Floor...

Ask TK


Jagdeo know how to team-up with Drug Lords....

Ask RK


Jagdeo know how fuh move Money

& and be involved in other Runnings 

with a Private Presidential Jet and EZ Jet.....

Ask Sonny & Lall


Jagdeo know how fuh Partner

with he Family & Friend and

become sole supplier for all de Drugs in Guyana,

Thief Sanata Textile Mill and 

tek Radio & TV Station operating Licence......

and making ee self right before leaving office.....

Ask Bobby & Robert Persaud.



Jagdeo know how fuh change de Law

to collect " Big Pension & Mansion".....

Ask Seeraj & Komal



Jagdeo know how fuh be

a Parasite on the 

"Indian Workers in the Sugar & Rice Industry".....





Jagdeo know how fuh kill a Comrade

and Why...and... who murder  

  " Minister Sash Swah ".....

Ask Sash Family




Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

Meanwhile at the Georgetown Club, the PNC and it's homeless Jaganites are busy sharin out Vice Presidencies and not doin shyte to address the physical security dilemma of Indians.


There is a noticeable shift at play here....the PPP appears to have moved towards embracing its "Indianness" to a significant degree. This trend ironically began because the PNC instigated race riots and the Buxton Insurgency.


Shaitaan Bhai


I have been reading your posts with great delight as you dish out reality to the political amateurs on GNI.


It has been a pleasure reading your posts as you take them apart and as you call a spade a spade. 


Your curent observations are 100 percent accurate. The PNC does not have a clue what as to will hit them at the upcoming elections and as for Moses and Rumjhaat, they will become Guyana's laughing stock.


Guyanese are fed up hearing the same old nancy story from Moses and Rumjhaat.


This is fun to watch.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

Home > TOP STORY > Jagdeo predicts… Rude awakening awaits AFC come Nomination Day –says Ramotar should have kicked some ‘opposition ass’

Former President Bharrat Jagdeo
Former President Bharrat Jagdeo

Jagdeo predicts… Rude awakening awaits AFC come Nomination Day –says Ramotar should have kicked some ‘opposition ass’

THE Alliance For Change (AFC) has run out of leverage in its negotiations with A Partnership for National Unity (APNU), and come Nominations Day, the Party is in for a rude awakening.This is but one of the 2015 Election’s prophesies of former President, Bharrat Jagdeo, who for the first time since demitting office three years ago, took to a public podium yesterday and berated the Political Opposition ahead of the upcoming General Elections.

He suggested, too, that Head of State, Donald Ramotar, should have taken a firmer stance in his dealings with the hardline Political Opposition.

Jagdeo was at the time addressing the annual memorial gathering at the Babu John cremation site of the late Party Founders, Dr Cheddi Jagan and his wife, Janet.
Taking the AFC to task over its decision to partner with APNU, which he insists is simply the Peoples National Congress Reform (PNCR) in disguise, Jagdeo pointed out that the two, APNU+AFC, will have to submit one list, with one leader of the list.
The former president predicts that Opposition Leader, Brigadier (rtd) David Granger will be the one selected as Leader of the List, which position determines who goes to Parliament.
According to Jagdeo, it had to be either naivete or desperation on the part of AFC to link up with APNU, after having misled those people “who believed Ramjattan and Nagamootoo really cared for them.”
The former president suggested instead that all the leading AFC members cared about was themselves. “They have secured the Vice-President and Prime Minister position for themselves,” he said.
Jagdeo, in rallying his troops, said: “Let me tell you something, they are so naïve…When they choose a Leader of the list, and I suspect it’s going to be Granger… Remember, they contesting as one Party, so the Leader of the List decides who goes to Parliament.”
According to the Former President, “They (AFC) are going to be in for a rude awakening; a rude awakening.”
Jagdeo recalled that the United Force “had it in the past, and they (AFC) will get it, because they don’t have any leverage anymore.”
According to Jagdeo, there will be no more AFC after Nomination Day. “There is no AFC; there is a PNC; one ticket they have to go with,” Jagdeo said as he sought to edify his party’s supporters.
The former President urged party supporters to not be fooled by the names AFC+APNU. “It’s only to fool people; there is only one list of Candidates they can put up,” he said.
He reminded that there can only be one Leader of the List. “And Granger, I predict, will be the head of that list,” he said.
In this situation, Jagdeo posits, should any member of the AFC be kicked out of Parliament then there is nothing any of them can do about it.
“They have no leverage,” said Jagdeo. “There is no AFC, there is no AFC Parliamentarian; there is nothing…It’s naivety or blind ambition that caused them to even ignore sensibility,” the former president asserted.
He made it clear that all will witness this as “we warned in the past elections that this is going to happen, they are going to collaborate and people didn’t believe us and now you are seeing it happen.”
According to Jagdeo, “It’s going to get even worse for them.”

Berating the Opposition notion that it preaches change, the former President questioned how this could be.
“(Khemraj) Ramjattan been around for donkey years, (Moses) Nagamootoo been around, (Carl) Greenidge been around, (David) Granger been around, (Lance) Carberry been around, Oscar Clarke been around, the whole bunch…Sharma been around,” said Jagdeo.
Jagdeo stressed that the only thing that has changed is the opposition’s name and chronicled that in in the 1992 Elections, the opposition bloc contested as the PNC, in 1997 the name changed to PNCR, in 2001 it was PNCR/1 Guyana and in 2011 it was APNU.
“Now the APNU+AFC, they’ve been changing their names,” said Jagdeo who added that such a cosmetic change does not address the substance of the political Opposition.
“Change has to be a real thing,” according to Jagdeo, “not a rhetorical gaff.”
Jagdeo used his address to the gathering to also surmise that given the opposition stances, “the past three years must have been a nightmare for Ramotar.”
He noted that “every plan that the Government has put forward they have tried to stymie. It was at this stage the former president in turning to address his successor said “Donald you are a democratic man, sometimes we need to administer something else and kick some asses too.”

(By Gary Eleazar)


Kudos to our hero Bharat.


Time to kick as*.


Time to kick the as* of those split away faction Jaganites who tried to break, split up and sell out our people.


Cameras, Lights and Action ! Bring it on !

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

Meanwhile at the Georgetown Club, the PNC and it's homeless Jaganites are busy sharin out Vice Presidencies and not doin shyte to address the physical security dilemma of Indians.


There is a noticeable shift at play here....the PPP appears to have moved towards embracing its "Indianness" to a significant degree. This trend ironically began because the PNC instigated race riots and the Buxton Insurgency.


Shaitaan Bhai


I have been reading your posts with great delight as you dish out reality to the political amateurs on GNI.


It has been a pleasure reading your posts as you take them apart and as you call a spade a spade. 


Your curent observations are 100 percent accurate. The PNC does not have a clue what as to will hit them at the upcoming elections and as for Moses and Rumjhaat, they will become Guyana's laughing stock.


Guyanese are fed up hearing the same old nancy story from Moses and Rumjhaat.


This is fun to watch.

Oh rass Shaitan......

Look UG want Kiss yuh now....


If yuh Lucky

yuh might get some Backside


Just like Kwame.....


Jaganites at the PNC-AFC Georgetown Club Negotiations:


"Cousin Granga, please fuh lil dhall, lil aloo, and lil sardine?"


Granger: "Nah. We keepin those fuh aweh people. Tek some Vice Presidencies yuh hungry daag"

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

Jaganites at the PNC-AFC Georgetown Club Negotiations:


"Cousin Granga, please fuh lil dhall, lil aloo, and lil sardine?"


Granger: "Nah. We keepin those fuh aweh people. Tek some Vice Presidencies yuh hungry daag"


Dem is a bunch of Maga Daags.

Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

Meanwhile at the Georgetown Club, the PNC and it's homeless Jaganites are busy sharin out Vice Presidencies and not doin shyte to address the physical security dilemma of Indians.


There is a noticeable shift at play here....the PPP appears to have moved towards embracing its "Indianness" to a significant degree. This trend ironically began because the PNC instigated race riots and the Buxton Insurgency.


Shaitaan Bhai


I have been reading your posts with great delight as you dish out reality to the political amateurs on GNI.


It has been a pleasure reading your posts as you take them apart and as you call a spade a spade. 


Your curent observations are 100 percent accurate. The PNC does not have a clue what as to will hit them at the upcoming elections and as for Moses and Rumjhaat, they will become Guyana's laughing stock.


Guyanese are fed up hearing the same old nancy story from Moses and Rumjhaat.


This is fun to watch.

Oh rass Shaitan......

Look UG want Kiss yuh now....


If yuh Lucky

yuh might get some Backside


Just like Kwame.....


Listen you antiman, get a life.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

Meanwhile at the Georgetown Club, the PNC and it's homeless Jaganites are busy sharin out Vice Presidencies and not doin shyte to address the physical security dilemma of Indians.


There is a noticeable shift at play here....the PPP appears to have moved towards embracing its "Indianness" to a significant degree. This trend ironically began because the PNC instigated race riots and the Buxton Insurgency.


Shaitaan Bhai


I have been reading your posts with great delight as you dish out reality to the political amateurs on GNI.


It has been a pleasure reading your posts as you take them apart and as you call a spade a spade. 


Your curent observations are 100 percent accurate. The PNC does not have a clue what as to will hit them at the upcoming elections and as for Moses and Rumjhaat, they will become Guyana's laughing stock.


Guyanese are fed up hearing the same old nancy story from Moses and Rumjhaat.


This is fun to watch.


I suspect many similarly odd and previously unthinkable Indo-Indo "family" reunions are taking place in every village in Guyana since these mad homeless Jaganites went and collated wid de PNC

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

Meanwhile at the Georgetown Club, the PNC and it's homeless Jaganites are busy sharin out Vice Presidencies and not doin shyte to address the physical security dilemma of Indians.


There is a noticeable shift at play here....the PPP appears to have moved towards embracing its "Indianness" to a significant degree. This trend ironically began because the PNC instigated race riots and the Buxton Insurgency.


Shaitaan Bhai


I have been reading your posts with great delight as you dish out reality to the political amateurs on GNI.


It has been a pleasure reading your posts as you take them apart and as you call a spade a spade. 


Your curent observations are 100 percent accurate. The PNC does not have a clue what as to will hit them at the upcoming elections and as for Moses and Rumjhaat, they will become Guyana's laughing stock.


Guyanese are fed up hearing the same old nancy story from Moses and Rumjhaat.


This is fun to watch.


I suspect many similarly odd and previously unthinkable Indo-Indo "family" reunions are taking place in every village in Guyana since these mad homeless Jaganites went and collated wid de PNC


Dat is true. The political amateurs (Homeless Jaganites) in the AFC played right into the hands of the PPP.


The homeless Jaganites are a bunch of idiots.

Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

Jagdeo will be the next Economic Mister.  TK eat your heart out.


In TK's defense, he will continue to make an honest living with his real PhD teaching real economics at a real university. His heart may bleed a little for Guyana though.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
 . . . Until such time as you all are ready to address Indian security concerns we'll stick with our armed drug dealers and their PPP collaborators.

it's funny that people like u would be on the front line beating down the doors of the State Department to do something if perchance the armed rebellion you so ignorantly court leads to overthrow of constitutional order in Guyana


i seriously doubt that 'ex-military' cowards like u would be found anywhere near the "action"

 That we even have to have an exchange on the possibility of armed rebellion is proof sufficient that the PNC ain't been house broken yet.

if you believe running a country with armed drug dealers as security in a race polarized narco-state is not inviting justified armed rebellion, then u are worse than a lunatic


you are a deranged criminal


showering contempt on Black Guyanese as dogs needing to be "house broken" is a nice touch moving that loaded football along

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

Jagdeo will be the next Economic Mister.  TK eat your heart out.


In TK's defense, he will continue to make an honest living with his real PhD teaching real economics at a real university. His heart may bleed a little for Guyana though.

What is he  doing in Guyana kissing Granger's ASS.


Last edited by Ramakant-P
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Those who want to perpetuate the politics of race in Guyana are free to do so. The politics of race has put Guyanese nowhere as a people since the 1957 elections.

However, the politics of race is not carved in stone. People make history, and many Guyanese want to end racial politics. They want to change the basic racial premise governing local politics. They want to move forward as one people.

Those who want to end racial politics have to start somewhere, and there is no better time than now. It is time.


Fundamental mistake of oversimplifying Guyanese Indos chap.


Many Indos (including yours truly) want an end to our inter-ethnic conflict. The problem is that this Coalition of some coolie Vice Presidents ain't it.


You people have not and refuse to address the underlying causes of the Indian security dilemma. Until such time as you all are ready to address Indian security concerns we'll stick with our armed drug dealers and their PPP collaborators. Unilateral disarmament makes zero sense whatever.


Except to idiot Jaganites of course who believe in blind faith at all costs where politics is concerned. Ayuh try wid duh!

The campaign has just begun. It's early days yet. The so-called "Indian security dilemma" will be addressed soon. Patience.


That you use the term of derision "so-called"  when speaking of the "Indian security dilemma" speaks volumes that you people just don't get it and probably are incapable of getting it.


You Jaganites can never ever be trusted with the security of the Indian people. Period!

In case you haven't noticed, security for Indians and all Guyanese has deteriorated since Jagdeo became president. This was expected since he promoted the shipment of drugs as a main export.


Yes it has deteriorated since the PNC decided to launch its Buxton Freedom Fighting dogs on Indos.


Everyone sees through the PNC's destabilizing of the country to the level of "ungovernable" and then pointing to the PPP as being responsible for this state of "ungovernability"

You're contradicting yourself while running around aimlessly after your tail. First you claimed that Jagdeo was the savior of Indians as far as their security dilemma goes and now you're admitting that security is worse since Jagdeo became president. Well which one is it? Buxton Freedom Fighters was a minute part of the problem which has basically ceased to exist. The real problem is drug running which brought guns and other serious crime along with it. This was created by Jagdeo and your hero Roger Khan so while you are praising them you are sacrificing the lives of Indians and all other Guyanese who are victims of out of control crime. Your heroes are the cause of the current security dilemma which is affecting all Guyanese while Rohee, Rummouthar and Jagdeo are clueless in fighting crime.

It's the Police who are fighting crime and just like America they failed.

The PPP only make the law, they don't fight crime. It is the responsibility of the Police to do so.  If they can't  do the job then they should be removed. 

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

Meanwhile at the Georgetown Club, the PNC and it's homeless Jaganites are busy sharin out Vice Presidencies and not doin shyte to address the physical security dilemma of Indians.


There is a noticeable shift at play here....the PPP appears to have moved towards embracing its "Indianness" to a significant degree. This trend ironically began because the PNC instigated race riots and the Buxton Insurgency.


Shaitaan Bhai


I have been reading your posts with great delight as you dish out reality to the political amateurs on GNI.


It has been a pleasure reading your posts as you take them apart and as you call a spade a spade. 


Your curent observations are 100 percent accurate. The PNC does not have a clue what as to will hit them at the upcoming elections and as for Moses and Rumjhaat, they will become Guyana's laughing stock.


Guyanese are fed up hearing the same old nancy story from Moses and Rumjhaat.


This is fun to watch.


I suspect many similarly odd and previously unthinkable Indo-Indo "family" reunions are taking place in every village in Guyana since these mad homeless Jaganites went and collated wid de PNC

Same Fraff come out Anil mouth



When former PNC Heavyweight Charles Ramson ....

Deliver De Knock-out Punch at De Everest Club....



And mek Anil Drink





Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

Yes!  The AFC in the alliance is playing into the hands of the PPP.  Once they accuse the Indians of racism, they will continue to band together.


Unfortunately callin every Indian "racist" gets tiresome after a while and the epithet loses its power.


Better a live racist than a dead coolie daag.

Last edited by Former Member

Oh rass Shaitan......

Look UG want Kiss yuh now....


If yuh Lucky

yuh might get some Backside


Just like Kwame.....


Listen you antiman, get a life.


Like Kwame piss in Yuji Mouth too

Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

It's the Police who are fighting crime and just like America they failed.
The PPP only make the law, they don't fight crime. It is the responsibility of the Police to do so.  If they can't  do the job then they should be removed.

Last time I checked Seelall a PPP Indian is the Commissioner of Police and he reports to Rohee and to Rummouthar. So which one of these clowns are you saying is running the show? They are responsible for the security of the nation (not only Indians) and they are doing a piss poor job at it. So should we get rid of all of these lame asses?
Last edited by Mars
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

Yes!  The AFC in the alliance is playing into the hands of the PPP.  Once they accuse the Indians of racism, they will continue to band together.


Unfortunately callin every Indian "racist" gets tiresome after a while and the epithet loses its power.


Better a live racist than a dead coolie daag.

straw man alert!!!!!

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

Yes!  The AFC in the alliance is playing into the hands of the PPP.  Once they accuse the Indians of racism, they will continue to band together.


Unfortunately callin every Indian "racist" gets tiresome after a while and the epithet loses its power.


Better a live racist than a dead coolie daag.

You get it wrong.  Coolie is crab and blackman is daag.

Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

Yes!  The AFC in the alliance is playing into the hands of the PPP.  Once they accuse the Indians of racism, they will continue to band together.


Unfortunately callin every Indian "racist" gets tiresome after a while and the epithet loses its power.


Better a live racist than a dead coolie daag.

You get it wrong.  Coolie is crab and blackman is daag.

straw man alert!!!!

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

Yes!  The AFC in the alliance is playing into the hands of the PPP.  Once they accuse the Indians of racism, they will continue to band together.


Unfortunately callin every Indian "racist" gets tiresome after a while and the epithet loses its power.


Better a live racist than a dead coolie daag.

You get it wrong.  Coolie is crab and blackman is daag.

straw man alert!!!!


Do you know that this Coalition has essentially smashed the anti-PPP Indian bloc throughout Guyana from the point of view of the Opposition friends I have on the ground in Guyana?

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

Yes!  The AFC in the alliance is playing into the hands of the PPP.  Once they accuse the Indians of racism, they will continue to band together.


Unfortunately callin every Indian "racist" gets tiresome after a while and the epithet loses its power.


Better a live racist than a dead coolie daag.

You get it wrong.  Coolie is crab and blackman is daag.

straw man alert!!!!

 Do you know that this Coalition has essentially smashed the anti-PPP Indian bloc throughout Guyana from the point of view of the Opposition friends I have on the ground in Guyana?

you're too modest . . . tek the credit nah


your 10 RSS wannabes on the ground in Guyana constituting that "bloc" wouldn't mind

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

Yes!  The AFC in the alliance is playing into the hands of the PPP.  Once they accuse the Indians of racism, they will continue to band together.


Unfortunately callin every Indian "racist" gets tiresome after a while and the epithet loses its power.


Better a live racist than a dead coolie daag.

You get it wrong.  Coolie is crab and blackman is daag.

straw man alert!!!!

 Do you know that this Coalition has essentially smashed the anti-PPP Indian bloc throughout Guyana from the point of view of the Opposition friends I have on the ground in Guyana?

you're too modest . . . tek the credit nah


your 10 RSS wannabes on the ground in Guyana constituting that "bloc" wouldn't mind


I've prided myself on my extraordinary modesty chap


Thank you for noticin


I hardly believe my Black friends on the ground in Guyana have any RSS sympathies.


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