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India is world’s sixth largest economy at $2.6 trillion, says IMF

India is now the world’s sixth largest economy, displacing France. The five economies ahead are the United States, China, Japan, Germany and United Kingdom.

business Updated: Apr 19, 2018 10:40 IST
Yashwant Raj
Yashwant Raj
Hindustan Times, Washington
The International Monetary Fund kept its forecast of India’s growth unchanged at 7.4% in 2018 and 7.8% in 2019. India displaced France to take the sixth spot, though the European nation is expected to close the gap with a narrow margin.
The International Monetary Fund kept its forecast of India’s growth unchanged at 7.4% in 2018 and 7.8% in 2019. India displaced France to take the sixth spot, though the European nation is expected to close the gap with a narrow margin.(Bloomberg)


India’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP), the worth of the economy, clocked in at $2.6 trillion for 2017, according to the database of the International Monetary Fund’s World Economic Outlook (WEO) for April 2018.

That is well over the $2.5 trillion milestone th


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Nehru posted:

One thing at a time. The economy will drive the rest. Not that a PNCITE will know such basics. OUCH

All I know is that an 8yr old was brutally raped over and over and over by some hard back imbeciles

Riff posted:
Nehru posted:

One thing at a time. The economy will drive the rest. Not that a PNCITE will know such basics. OUCH

All I know is that an 8yr old was brutally raped over and over and over by some hard back imbeciles

Rape in India is like what armed robbery is in Guyana.  Solution is same = execution!

Nehru posted:


India is world’s sixth largest economy at $2.6 trillion, says IMF

India is now the world’s sixth largest economy, displacing France. The five economies ahead are the United States, China, Japan, Germany and United Kingdom.

business Updated: Apr 19, 2018 10:40 IST
Yashwant Raj
Yashwant Raj
Hindustan Times, Washington
The International Monetary Fund kept its forecast of India’s growth unchanged at 7.4% in 2018 and 7.8% in 2019. India displaced France to take the sixth spot, though the European nation is expected to close the gap with a narrow margin.
The International Monetary Fund kept its forecast of India’s growth unchanged at 7.4% in 2018 and 7.8% in 2019. India displaced France to take the sixth spot, though the European nation is expected to close the gap with a narrow margin.(Bloomberg)


India’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP), the worth of the economy, clocked in at $2.6 trillion for 2017, according to the database of the International Monetary Fund’s World Economic Outlook (WEO) for April 2018.

That is well over the $2.5 trillion milestone th


This will not improve the situation in India.   This is equivalent to Japan with 11 crore people when India has 110 crore. 

India needs double digit growth sustained for a decade to make any meaningful impact!

Nehru posted:

Rome was not built in  a Day. One of India's problem is CORRUPTION and too many are not given the opportunity to uplift their situation. Much more is needed in Rural Development!!

Damn! The PNC really reach far.

Nehru posted:

Rome was not built in  a Day. One of India's problem is CORRUPTION and too many are not given the opportunity to uplift their situation. Much more is needed in Rural Development!!

The biggest problem in India is cumbersome domestic labor and trade rules which complicate and stymie business.  The states all run at their own pace so change is slow and uneven.  This breeds corruption.

When I lived there, an Indian businessman I knew with 600 employees was moving his entire operations to Mombasa, Kenya because of better worker ethics and less cumbersome govt rules.  


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