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VishMahabir posted:

Since you are the resident expert on the PPP, perhaps you can help clarify this:

On another blog, a coalition supporter said that a PPP parliamentarian (supporter??) named Peter Ramsarup was sitting behind Charandass, egging him on, threatening him and making sure he voted for NC. Any truth to this???

Vish, why asked Bibi for the truth when you can put your common sense to work... the space between Peter seat and Charandaas seat  is wider, everyone could have seen  people walking by freely. 

How could Peter egging Charandaas or threaten him and no AFC or APNU ministers saw this. 

Common Vish, you are a very smart person. 


VishMahabir posted:

Since you are the resident expert on the PPP, perhaps you can help clarify this:

On another blog, a coalition supporter said that a PPP parliamentarian (supporter??) named Peter Ramsarup was sitting behind Charandass, egging him on, threatening him and making sure he voted for NC. Any truth to this???

Peter Ramsaroop is currently a PPP person. He had to have a lot of forgiving in his heart. They attacked all his businesses by refusing permits etc until he had to close down. Finally he was accused of harassing a young woman, videotaping her in her home ( she rented from him) etc . She was a  friend of jagdeo. He disappeared from the scene for a bit. When he came back he was a complete PPP man.

I did t see him behind Charandass. He only spoke a couple of times but It was not to Charandass since there was a path way between them .There is  also a picture of the two of them leaving Parliament amicably. 

Dave posted:
VishMahabir posted:

Since you are the resident expert on the PPP, perhaps you can help clarify this:

On another blog, a coalition supporter said that a PPP parliamentarian (supporter??) named Peter Ramsarup was sitting behind Charandass, egging him on, threatening him and making sure he voted for NC. Any truth to this???

Vish, why asked Bibi for the truth when you can put your common sense to work... the space between Peter seat and Charandaas seat  is wider, everyone could have seen  people walking by freely. 

How could Peter egging Charandaas or threaten him and no AFC or APNU ministers saw this. 

Common Vish, you are a very smart person. 


Unless I am reading too much into this.....the Peter guy seem to be whispering something to Charandass (Is it coincidence that he is sitting right behind Charandass?)...

If this is the case, there may have been some collusion between the PPP and Charandass long before the vote took place and he may have been sitting near Charandass to provide "moral" support....Guyana is a small society and no one is immune from anything.....

Charandass seem to be lying about Figuera hitting him "so often" in the stomach (unless there is another tape showing this), I did not see this.

Dis fuzzy MATH with Charandass not clearly adding up....If we are placing the HERO label on dis guy, I need to be comfortable accepting his words as to why he did what he did...

jes saying


D2 posted:
VishMahabir posted:

Since you are the resident expert on the PPP, perhaps you can help clarify this:

On another blog, a coalition supporter said that a PPP parliamentarian (supporter??) named Peter Ramsarup was sitting behind Charandass, egging him on, threatening him and making sure he voted for NC. Any truth to this???

Peter Ramsaroop is currently a PPP person. He had to have a lot of forgiving in his heart. They attacked all his businesses by refusing permits etc until he had to close down. Finally he was accused of harassing a young woman, videotaping her in her home ( she rented from him) etc . She was a  friend of jagdeo. He disappeared from the scene for a bit. When he came back he was a complete PPP man.

I did t see him behind Charandass. He only spoke a couple of times but It was not to Charandass since there was a path way between them .There is  also a picture of the two of them leaving Parliament amicably. 

Damn....whats wrong with these people???

VishMahabir posted:
Dave posted:
VishMahabir posted:

Since you are the resident expert on the PPP, perhaps you can help clarify this:

On another blog, a coalition supporter said that a PPP parliamentarian (supporter??) named Peter Ramsarup was sitting behind Charandass, egging him on, threatening him and making sure he voted for NC. Any truth to this???

Vish, why asked Bibi for the truth when you can put your common sense to work... the space between Peter seat and Charandaas seat  is wider, everyone could have seen  people walking by freely. 

How could Peter egging Charandaas or threaten him and no AFC or APNU ministers saw this. 

Common Vish, you are a very smart person. 


Unless I am reading too much into this.....the Peter guy seem to be whispering something to Charandass (Is it coincidence that he is sitting right behind Charandass?)...

If this is the case, there may have been some collusion between the PPP and Charandass long before the vote took place and he may have been sitting near Charandass to provide "moral" support....Guyana is a small society and no one is immune from anything.....

Charandass seem to be lying about Figuera hitting him "so often" in the stomach (unless there is another tape showing this), I did not see this.

Dis fuzzy MATH with Charandass not clearly adding up....If we are placing the HERO label on dis guy, I need to be comfortable accepting his words as to why he did what he did...

jes saying


It is deductive that the PPP would not call a vote unless they knew they had an inside man. That they call it this time is also providential. Note they wanted to exclude Nagamotto procedurally from sitting in the parliament while acting as president. They knew they had a trojan in the house. 


With all the nonsense going on with the government, good and decent black folks in parliament are certainly happy for the government to end. Dey see their kith and kin punishing and the criminals stop discriminating, whoever have money is a victim.

Charrandass is a Guyanese foremost and he voted as a Guyanese. Those who wish for the country to remain polarized will see him as an Indian against a black lead government.  



Dave posted:
VishMahabir posted:

Since you are the resident expert on the PPP, perhaps you can help clarify this:

On another blog, a coalition supporter said that a PPP parliamentarian (supporter??) named Peter Ramsarup was sitting behind Charandass, egging him on, threatening him and making sure he voted for NC. Any truth to this???

Vish, why asked Bibi for the truth when you can put your common sense to work... the space between Peter seat and Charandaas seat  is wider, everyone could have seen  people walking by freely. 

How could Peter egging Charandaas or threaten him and no AFC or APNU ministers saw this. 

Common Vish, you are a very smart person. 


Anything to make the man efforts tainted. I wonder if homebased Guyanese have such theories. 

seignet posted:

With all the nonsense going on with the government, good and decent black folks in parliament are certainly happy for the government to end. Dey see their kith and kin punishing and the criminals stop discriminating, whoever have money is a victim.

Charrandass is a Guyanese foremost and he voted as a Guyanese. Those who wish for the country to remain polarized will see him as an Indian against a black lead government.   

The PNC has fanned out and started to mobilize their base.  Over the holidays they visited many Afro dominated churches and motivating them to go out and vote. 

VishMahabir posted:
Dave posted:
VishMahabir posted:

Since you are the resident expert on the PPP, perhaps you can help clarify this:

On another blog, a coalition supporter said that a PPP parliamentarian (supporter??) named Peter Ramsarup was sitting behind Charandass, egging him on, threatening him and making sure he voted for NC. Any truth to this???

Vish, why asked Bibi for the truth when you can put your common sense to work... the space between Peter seat and Charandaas seat  is wider, everyone could have seen  people walking by freely. 

How could Peter egging Charandaas or threaten him and no AFC or APNU ministers saw this. 

Common Vish, you are a very smart person. 


Unless I am reading too much into this.....the Peter guy seem to be whispering something to Charandass (Is it coincidence that he is sitting right behind Charandass?)...

If this is the case, there may have been some collusion between the PPP and Charandass long before the vote took place and he may have been sitting near Charandass to provide "moral" support....Guyana is a small society and no one is immune from anything.....

Charandass seem to be lying about Figuera hitting him "so often" in the stomach (unless there is another tape showing this), I did not see this.

Dis fuzzy MATH with Charandass not clearly adding up....If we are placing the HERO label on dis guy, I need to be comfortable accepting his words as to why he did what he did...

jes saying


Of course there was collusion between Charran D Ass and the PPP. Ramsaroop was there to provide security for the Judas after the deed was done. Ramsaroop is ex US military and was strategically chosen and placed for this job. After Judas left parliament, Ramsaroop escorted him to their vehicle that was waiting.



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Mars posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Dave posted:
VishMahabir posted:

Since you are the resident expert on the PPP, perhaps you can help clarify this:

On another blog, a coalition supporter said that a PPP parliamentarian (supporter??) named Peter Ramsarup was sitting behind Charandass, egging him on, threatening him and making sure he voted for NC. Any truth to this???

Vish, why asked Bibi for the truth when you can put your common sense to work... the space between Peter seat and Charandaas seat  is wider, everyone could have seen  people walking by freely. 

How could Peter egging Charandaas or threaten him and no AFC or APNU ministers saw this. 

Common Vish, you are a very smart person. 


Unless I am reading too much into this.....the Peter guy seem to be whispering something to Charandass (Is it coincidence that he is sitting right behind Charandass?)...

If this is the case, there may have been some collusion between the PPP and Charandass long before the vote took place and he may have been sitting near Charandass to provide "moral" support....Guyana is a small society and no one is immune from anything.....

Charandass seem to be lying about Figuera hitting him "so often" in the stomach (unless there is another tape showing this), I did not see this.

Dis fuzzy MATH with Charandass not clearly adding up....If we are placing the HERO label on dis guy, I need to be comfortable accepting his words as to why he did what he did...

jes saying


Of course there was collusion between Charran D Ass and the PPP. Ramsaroop was there to provide security for the Judas after the deed was done. Ramsaroop is ex US military and was strategically chosen and placed for this job. After Judas left parliament, Ramsaroop escorted him to their vehicle that was waiting.


Nothing wrong with a friend helping a friend. That's what friends are there for.


The only known egging on that night was the Coalition folks led by Rajkoomarie's "Charandas noooooooooooooooo" seeking to get Charandas to change his vote. The motion was carried. Time for new elections. The Coalition supporters here have been saying the past few years that the PPP would remain in the opposition for decades. Why all the nervousness now?

Baseman posted:
seignet posted:

With all the nonsense going on with the government, good and decent black folks in parliament are certainly happy for the government to end. Dey see their kith and kin punishing and the criminals stop discriminating, whoever have money is a victim.

Charrandass is a Guyanese foremost and he voted as a Guyanese. Those who wish for the country to remain polarized will see him as an Indian against a black lead government.   

The PNC has fanned out and started to mobilize their base.  Over the holidays they visited many Afro dominated churches and motivating them to go out and vote. 

Didn't the PNC already tell you to shut you mouth and stop talking out dem story?  You will get kick out like what happened in the AFC.  Stop running you mouth.

Bibi Haniffa
skeldon_man posted:
Mars posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Dave posted:
VishMahabir posted:

Since you are the resident expert on the PPP, perhaps you can help clarify this:

On another blog, a coalition supporter said that a PPP parliamentarian (supporter??) named Peter Ramsarup was sitting behind Charandass, egging him on, threatening him and making sure he voted for NC. Any truth to this???

Vish, why asked Bibi for the truth when you can put your common sense to work... the space between Peter seat and Charandaas seat  is wider, everyone could have seen  people walking by freely. 

How could Peter egging Charandaas or threaten him and no AFC or APNU ministers saw this. 

Common Vish, you are a very smart person. 


Unless I am reading too much into this.....the Peter guy seem to be whispering something to Charandass (Is it coincidence that he is sitting right behind Charandass?)...

If this is the case, there may have been some collusion between the PPP and Charandass long before the vote took place and he may have been sitting near Charandass to provide "moral" support....Guyana is a small society and no one is immune from anything.....

Charandass seem to be lying about Figuera hitting him "so often" in the stomach (unless there is another tape showing this), I did not see this.

Dis fuzzy MATH with Charandass not clearly adding up....If we are placing the HERO label on dis guy, I need to be comfortable accepting his words as to why he did what he did...

jes saying


Of course there was collusion between Charran D Ass and the PPP. Ramsaroop was there to provide security for the Judas after the deed was done. Ramsaroop is ex US military and was strategically chosen and placed for this job. After Judas left parliament, Ramsaroop escorted him to their vehicle that was waiting.


Nothing wrong with a friend helping a friend. That's what friends are there for.

Peter Ramsaroop is an army guy with connections in Guyana with black ppl. Who else to trust other than him to get out of the country.

This picture shows that Ramjattan lied when he claimed to offer protection for Charrandas to leave the country.

Are we to expect Peter Ramsaroop to be killed for being seen with Charrandass. We will see.

Freddie wrote that he knew well in advance that Charrandass will vote yes. And he shared the knowledge. I think if Peter Ramsaroop knew in advance, then Jagdeo will know well in advance. Stragetically seated behind Charrandass to make a speedy escape from what may be impending death. It is not collusion. The political perimeter in Guyana is very small and the circle comprises of just a few. I have constantly complained that re-cycling of ppl is bad for the country. Have new faces and new ideas by putting old ones to pasture.

Charrandass put to end a regime who said one thing and did contrary deeds.

I sat infront of Granger at a breakfast in Toronto listened to the man. Later all lies he told. As for Ngamootoo, the opportunist who just hang on to CBJ and Janet knew he was empty, which now is fully exposed.

Granger made the biggest mistake of his life, fooling the electorate with positions of a prayerful man, honouring criminals with the nations treasures and paying homage to a man who took Black ppl into obeah undoing centuries of Christian work among the emancipated.

Not surprised at the outcome, all togther. The wicked replaced by the wicked. 

The ppl of Guyana has the solutions. They vote for the joy that cometh each day or the miseries that follows with a PPP win and  PNC rampage.

Doan let ignorance prevail.   

Leonora posted:

I'm sticking close to Mars because he has the info. and pictures to back up what he says. The whole thing looks like a Mafia assignment. 

Until reputable media houses carry those pictures ( and I don’t see why they would not want to plaster them on their front page ) , then I am convinced they are legit . As of now it’s FAKE. 


Dave posted:
Leonora posted:

I'm sticking close to Mars because he has the info. and pictures to back up what he says. The whole thing looks like a Mafia assignment. 

Until reputable media houses carry those pictures ( and I don’t see why they would not want to plaster them on their front page ) , then I am convinced they are legit . As of now it’s FAKE. 


This picture is photo shop, their is another person behind Peter Ramsarup. 7C088B01-C520-43A8-9D25-7E26EBF16FF6


Images (1)
  • 7C088B01-C520-43A8-9D25-7E26EBF16FF6
seignet posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Mars posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Dave posted:
VishMahabir posted:

Since you are the resident expert on the PPP, perhaps you can help clarify this:

On another blog, a coalition supporter said that a PPP parliamentarian (supporter??) named Peter Ramsarup was sitting behind Charandass, egging him on, threatening him and making sure he voted for NC. Any truth to this???

Vish, why asked Bibi for the truth when you can put your common sense to work... the space between Peter seat and Charandaas seat  is wider, everyone could have seen  people walking by freely. 

How could Peter egging Charandaas or threaten him and no AFC or APNU ministers saw this. 

Common Vish, you are a very smart person. 


Unless I am reading too much into this.....the Peter guy seem to be whispering something to Charandass (Is it coincidence that he is sitting right behind Charandass?)...

If this is the case, there may have been some collusion between the PPP and Charandass long before the vote took place and he may have been sitting near Charandass to provide "moral" support....Guyana is a small society and no one is immune from anything.....

Charandass seem to be lying about Figuera hitting him "so often" in the stomach (unless there is another tape showing this), I did not see this.

Dis fuzzy MATH with Charandass not clearly adding up....If we are placing the HERO label on dis guy, I need to be comfortable accepting his words as to why he did what he did...

jes saying


Of course there was collusion between Charran D Ass and the PPP. Ramsaroop was there to provide security for the Judas after the deed was done. Ramsaroop is ex US military and was strategically chosen and placed for this job. After Judas left parliament, Ramsaroop escorted him to their vehicle that was waiting.


Nothing wrong with a friend helping a friend. That's what friends are there for.

Peter Ramsaroop is an army guy with connections in Guyana with black ppl. Who else to trust other than him to get out of the country.

This picture shows that Ramjattan lied when he claimed to offer protection for Charrandas to leave the country.

Are we to expect Peter Ramsaroop to be killed for being seen with Charrandass. We will see.

Freddie wrote that he knew well in advance that Charrandass will vote yes. And he shared the knowledge. I think if Peter Ramsaroop knew in advance, then Jagdeo will know well in advance. Stragetically seated behind Charrandass to make a speedy escape from what may be impending death. It is not collusion. The political perimeter in Guyana is very small and the circle comprises of just a few. I have constantly complained that re-cycling of ppl is bad for the country. Have new faces and new ideas by putting old ones to pasture.

Charrandass put to end a regime who said one thing and did contrary deeds.

I sat infront of Granger at a breakfast in Toronto listened to the man. Later all lies he told. As for Ngamootoo, the opportunist who just hang on to CBJ and Janet knew he was empty, which now is fully exposed.

Granger made the biggest mistake of his life, fooling the electorate with positions of a prayerful man, honouring criminals with the nations treasures and paying homage to a man who took Black ppl into obeah undoing centuries of Christian work among the emancipated.

Not surprised at the outcome, all togther. The wicked replaced by the wicked. 

The ppl of Guyana has the solutions. They vote for the joy that cometh each day or the miseries that follows with a PPP win and  PNC rampage.

Doan let ignorance prevail.   

I said all along that Jagdeo knew of Charandass' disappointment with the AFC. He had an inside mole and now we know it was Peter and not Judas.


VishM needs to watch the replay. Peter Ramsaroop did not open his mouth for one second. Charandaas said it clearly on Social Media- he is tired of sitting on his ass for 3 years and saying YES to APNU’s ideas.  He cannot voice his opinion on any issues.   Who the hell operates like this in modern times. The man can go back to his private practice of being a lawyer and make more money than sitting in Parliament to say yes to these APNU dunces.  So all you disgruntled GNI’ers STHU.

Dave posted:
Dave posted:
Leonora posted:

I'm sticking close to Mars because he has the info. and pictures to back up what he says. The whole thing looks like a Mafia assignment. 

Until reputable media houses carry those pictures ( and I don’t see why they would not want to plaster them on their front page ) , then I am convinced they are legit . As of now it’s FAKE. 


This picture is photo shop, their is another person behind Peter Ramsarup. 7C088B01-C520-43A8-9D25-7E26EBF16FF6

Security Detail.

alena06 posted:

VishM needs to watch the replay. Peter Ramsaroop did not open his mouth for one second. Charandaas said it clearly on Social Media- he is tired of sitting on his ass for 3 years and saying YES to APNU’s ideas.  He cannot voice his opinion on any issues.   Who the hell operates like this in modern times. The man can go back to his private practice of being a lawyer and make more money than sitting in Parliament to say yes to these APNU dunces.  So all you disgruntled GNI’ers STHU.

The constitution operated that way since its inception. The PPP used the same closed lists and when Naga and Ramjattan left sought to expel them on the same rules.

The idea is the President is king and the parliamentarians are his helpers. They do not change anything because they are from a list  and the president is the one with the constituency voting for  him.

This is a terrible system. It is one that give us 23 years of the PPP and their crookedness. I agree with Charandass to be independent .  That is how it should be. I also agree that Peter did not say anything to him during the vote. 

And what makes you authoritative to tell others to shut the hell up? 

Last edited by Former Member
Nehru posted:

Alena, these people are so accustomed to lying scoundrels that a  NOBLE MAN LIKE CHARANDAAS IS SOMETHING THEY CANNOT COMPREHEND.

Why is anyone lying? Check this site and one can see you raging against Naga and Ramjattan when The Ramotar tenure was forced into calling new elections. You still call th em nimakaram for that act. You cannot have it both ways. Our politics is race driven so when an indian causes the collapse of a regime there will be suspicions. That is the reality.

D2 posted:
alena06 posted:

VishM needs to watch the replay. Peter Ramsaroop did not open his mouth for one second. Charandaas said it clearly on Social Media- he is tired of sitting on his ass for 3 years and saying YES to APNU’s ideas.  He cannot voice his opinion on any issues.   Who the hell operates like this in modern times. The man can go back to his private practice of being a lawyer and make more money than sitting in Parliament to say yes to these APNU dunces.  So all you disgruntled GNI’ers STHU.

The constitution operated that way since its inception. The PPP used the same closed lists and when Naga and Ramjattan left sought to expel them on the same rules.

The idea is the President is king and the parliamentarians are his helpers. They do not change anything because they are from a list  and the president is the one with the constituency voting for  him.

This is a terrible system. It is one that give us 23 years of the PPP and their crookedness. I agree with Charandass to be independent .  That is how it should be. 

And what makes you authoritative to tell others to shut the hell up? 

Your cohorts who are fabricating stories that the man was paid need to shut the hell up!

D2 posted:
alena06 posted:

VishM needs to watch the replay. Peter Ramsaroop did not open his mouth for one second. Charandaas said it clearly on Social Media- he is tired of sitting on his ass for 3 years and saying YES to APNU’s ideas.  He cannot voice his opinion on any issues.   Who the hell operates like this in modern times. The man can go back to his private practice of being a lawyer and make more money than sitting in Parliament to say yes to these APNU dunces.  So all you disgruntled GNI’ers STHU.

The constitution operated that way since its inception. The PPP used the same closed lists and when Naga and Ramjattan left sought to expel them on the same rules.

The idea is the President is king and the parliamentarians are his helpers. They do not change anything because they are from a list  and the president is the one with the constituency voting for  him.

This is a terrible system. It is one that give us 23 years of the PPP and their crookedness. I agree with Charandass to be independent .  That is how it should be. I also agree that Peter did not say anything to him during the vote. 

And what makes you authoritative to tell others to shut the hell up? 

Listen to this jackass standing in a hailstorm. He speaks of the crookedness of the PPP but turns a blind eye to the 28 years of the atrocities of his beloved PNC.

D2 posted:
Nehru posted:

Alena, these people are so accustomed to lying scoundrels that a  NOBLE MAN LIKE CHARANDAAS IS SOMETHING THEY CANNOT COMPREHEND.

Why is anyone lying? Check this site and one can see you raging against Naga and Ramjattan when The Ramotar tenure was forced into calling new elections. You still call th em nimakaram for that act. You cannot have it both ways. Our politics is race driven so when an indian causes the collapse of a regime there will be suspicions. That is the reality.

So you are saying siding with the DEVIL, is your kind of thing!!

D2 posted:
alena06 posted:

VishM needs to watch the replay. Peter Ramsaroop did not open his mouth for one second. Charandaas said it clearly on Social Media- he is tired of sitting on his ass for 3 years and saying YES to APNU’s ideas.  He cannot voice his opinion on any issues.   Who the hell operates like this in modern times. The man can go back to his private practice of being a lawyer and make more money than sitting in Parliament to say yes to these APNU dunces.  So all you disgruntled GNI’ers STHU.

This is a terrible system. It is one that give us 23 years of the PPP and their crookedness. I agree with Charandass to be independent .  That is how it should be. 


The constitution was not only to PPP benefit of 23 years but a combined 54 years from all political parties. 

we must also address the 23 years of PPP government which was cut short by rioting and burning by PNC hooligans. 

The constitution was amended in 2007 and signed by Jagdeo some presidential powers was reduced 

Last edited by Former Member
skeldon_man posted:
D2 posted:
alena06 posted:

VishM needs to watch the replay. Peter Ramsaroop did not open his mouth for one second. Charandaas said it clearly on Social Media- he is tired of sitting on his ass for 3 years and saying YES to APNU’s ideas.  He cannot voice his opinion on any issues.   Who the hell operates like this in modern times. The man can go back to his private practice of being a lawyer and make more money than sitting in Parliament to say yes to these APNU dunces.  So all you disgruntled GNI’ers STHU.

The constitution operated that way since its inception. The PPP used the same closed lists and when Naga and Ramjattan left sought to expel them on the same rules.

The idea is the President is king and the parliamentarians are his helpers. They do not change anything because they are from a list  and the president is the one with the constituency voting for  him.

This is a terrible system. It is one that give us 23 years of the PPP and their crookedness. I agree with Charandass to be independent .  That is how it should be. I also agree that Peter did not say anything to him during the vote. 

And what makes you authoritative to tell others to shut the hell up? 

Listen to this jackass standing in a hailstorm. He speaks of the crookedness of the PPP but turns a blind eye to the 28 years of the atrocities of his beloved PNC.

He does it so often. 

skeldon_man posted:
seignet posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Mars posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Dave posted:
VishMahabir posted:

Since you are the resident expert on the PPP, perhaps you can help clarify this:

On another blog, a coalition supporter said that a PPP parliamentarian (supporter??) named Peter Ramsarup was sitting behind Charandass, egging him on, threatening him and making sure he voted for NC. Any truth to this???

Vish, why asked Bibi for the truth when you can put your common sense to work... the space between Peter seat and Charandaas seat  is wider, everyone could have seen  people walking by freely. 

How could Peter egging Charandaas or threaten him and no AFC or APNU ministers saw this. 

Common Vish, you are a very smart person. 


Unless I am reading too much into this.....the Peter guy seem to be whispering something to Charandass (Is it coincidence that he is sitting right behind Charandass?)...

If this is the case, there may have been some collusion between the PPP and Charandass long before the vote took place and he may have been sitting near Charandass to provide "moral" support....Guyana is a small society and no one is immune from anything.....

Charandass seem to be lying about Figuera hitting him "so often" in the stomach (unless there is another tape showing this), I did not see this.

Dis fuzzy MATH with Charandass not clearly adding up....If we are placing the HERO label on dis guy, I need to be comfortable accepting his words as to why he did what he did...

jes saying


Of course there was collusion between Charran D Ass and the PPP. Ramsaroop was there to provide security for the Judas after the deed was done. Ramsaroop is ex US military and was strategically chosen and placed for this job. After Judas left parliament, Ramsaroop escorted him to their vehicle that was waiting.


Nothing wrong with a friend helping a friend. That's what friends are there for.

Peter Ramsaroop is an army guy with connections in Guyana with black ppl. Who else to trust other than him to get out of the country.

This picture shows that Ramjattan lied when he claimed to offer protection for Charrandas to leave the country.

Are we to expect Peter Ramsaroop to be killed for being seen with Charrandass. We will see.

Freddie wrote that he knew well in advance that Charrandass will vote yes. And he shared the knowledge. I think if Peter Ramsaroop knew in advance, then Jagdeo will know well in advance. Stragetically seated behind Charrandass to make a speedy escape from what may be impending death. It is not collusion. The political perimeter in Guyana is very small and the circle comprises of just a few. I have constantly complained that re-cycling of ppl is bad for the country. Have new faces and new ideas by putting old ones to pasture.

Charrandass put to end a regime who said one thing and did contrary deeds.

I sat infront of Granger at a breakfast in Toronto listened to the man. Later all lies he told. As for Ngamootoo, the opportunist who just hang on to CBJ and Janet knew he was empty, which now is fully exposed.

Granger made the biggest mistake of his life, fooling the electorate with positions of a prayerful man, honouring criminals with the nations treasures and paying homage to a man who took Black ppl into obeah undoing centuries of Christian work among the emancipated.

Not surprised at the outcome, all togther. The wicked replaced by the wicked. 

The ppl of Guyana has the solutions. They vote for the joy that cometh each day or the miseries that follows with a PPP win and  PNC rampage.

Doan let ignorance prevail.   

I said all along that Jagdeo knew of Charandass' disappointment with the AFC. He had an inside mole and now we know it was Peter and not Judas.

That was very obvious, especially when the police seys u r a cooliie suh are ppp member and continue to harass u because u nah one of dem.

I was in Guyana a year ago and the police pulled the car over for hours. Whilst waiting nah one black person car was searched or asked to park at the parapit. 

Racism staring yuh in the face and cant even talk. 

alena06 posted:

VishM needs to watch the replay. Peter Ramsaroop did not open his mouth for one second. Charandaas said it clearly on Social Media- he is tired of sitting on his ass for 3 years and saying YES to APNU’s ideas.  He cannot voice his opinion on any issues.   Who the hell operates like this in modern times. The man can go back to his private practice of being a lawyer and make more money than sitting in Parliament to say yes to these APNU dunces.  So all you disgruntled GNI’ers STHU.

My dear, I would advise you from comments like STFU. It does not reflect well on you.

I would make only one other correction from you comments above. I don't think that Charandas was tired of saying YES to APNU ideas because there were no significant APNU presence in that Coalition. The ideas seemed to be primarily put forward by the PNC and all others were expected to concur.

skeldon_man posted:

Listen to this jackass standing in a hailstorm. He speaks of the crookedness of the PPP but turns a blind eye to the 28 years of the atrocities of his beloved PNC.

I have spoken to that often enough of t he PNC. The recent injury to Guyana is prescient since the same people want to be back in power. Plus the above is to illustrate the stability of the system even in light of naked corruption. 

I know I am on the right track when ignoramus like yoy calls me PNC. I have the PNC calling me PPP also. It is the way the standard modes of th inking has deformed your minds. 


Last edited by Former Member
seignet posted:
skeldon_man posted:

That was very obvious, especially when the police seys u r a cooliie suh are ppp member and continue to harass u because u nah one of dem.

I was in Guyana a year ago and the police pulled the car over for hours. Whilst waiting nah one black person car was searched or asked to park at the parapit. 

Racism staring yuh in the face and cant even talk. 

Very threatening especially when they have that AK47 pointing towards the car. It happened to me a couple of times. The driver had to get out, talked to the police, did whatever he had to do and we were let go. We were lucky not to spend more than 20-30 mins.

Dave posted:
Leonora posted:

I'm sticking close to Mars because he has the info. and pictures to back up what he says. The whole thing looks like a Mafia assignment. 

Until reputable media houses carry those pictures ( and I don’t see why they would not want to plaster them on their front page ) , then I am convinced they are legit . As of now it’s FAKE. 





Which picture is fake here, when Peter was noticed behind Charandass, i pointed out, you brushed it off. More will surface later, the political mafia at work. The greedy fellas want their hands on the flow of black gold.

Got a video from a message, which is circling on the internet, Charandass wishing the people Christmas Greetings, and explained why he voted yes for the NC.Have to record will post later.

Last edited by Django
D2 posted:
skeldon_man posted:

Listen to this jackass standing in a hailstorm. He speaks of the crookedness of the PPP but turns a blind eye to the 28 years of the atrocities of his beloved PNC.

I have spoken to that often enough of t he PNC. The recent injury to Guyana is prescient since the same people want to be back in power. Plus the above is to illustrate the stability of the system even in light of naked corruption. 

I know I am on the right track when ignoramus like yoy calls me PNC. I have the PNC calling me PPP also. It is the way the standard modes of th inking has deformed your minds. 


Every PPP supporter is an ignoramus here. You are the only sane and educated moron here. It's tough when years of disappointment caused you to hate Indians. I am sorry you could not get over this. My sympathies.


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