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Django posted:


Which picture is fake here, when Peter was noticed behind Charandass, i pointed out, you brushed it off. More will surface later, the political mafia at work. The greedy fellas want their hands on the flow of black gold.

Got a video from a message, which is circling on the internet, Charandass wishing the people Christmas Greetings, and explained why he voted yes for the NC.Have to record will post later.

Everything will come out. I'm waiting to get the last laugh.  

Django posted:
Dave posted:
Leonora posted:

I'm sticking close to Mars because he has the info. and pictures to back up what he says. The whole thing looks like a Mafia assignment. 

Until reputable media houses carry those pictures ( and I don’t see why they would not want to plaster them on their front page ) , then I am convinced they are legit . As of now it’s FAKE. 





Which picture is fake here, when Peter was noticed behind Charandass, i pointed out, you brushed it off. More will surface later, the political mafia at work. The greedy fellas want their hands on the flow of black gold.

Got a video from a message, which is circling on the internet, Charandass wishing the people Christmas Greetings, and explained why he voted yes for the NC.Have to record will post later.

Bro I did not brush you off, I now understand  what you were saying.. kudos to you.

i had pointed out PPP know if Charandass supports and Jagdeo hints of this in a video I posted. 

I heard Charandass left from Ogle with Peter as security to his car. He left on a LIAT flight to Barbados then to Canada.

Leonora posted:
Django posted:


Which picture is fake here, when Peter was noticed behind Charandass, i pointed out, you brushed it off. More will surface later, the political mafia at work. The greedy fellas want their hands on the flow of black gold.

Got a video from a message, which is circling on the internet, Charandass wishing the people Christmas Greetings, and explained why he voted yes for the NC.Have to record will post later.

Everything will come out. I'm waiting to get the last laugh.  

The last laugh was done by loyal PPP supporters last Friday . Join us in the celebration for democracy .

D2 posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Dave posted:
VishMahabir posted:

Since you are the resident expert on the PPP, perhaps you can help clarify this:

On another blog, a coalition supporter said that a PPP parliamentarian (supporter??) named Peter Ramsarup was sitting behind Charandass, egging him on, threatening him and making sure he voted for NC. Any truth to this???

Vish, why asked Bibi for the truth when you can put your common sense to work... the space between Peter seat and Charandaas seat  is wider, everyone could have seen  people walking by freely. 

How could Peter egging Charandaas or threaten him and no AFC or APNU ministers saw this. 

Common Vish, you are a very smart person. 


Unless I am reading too much into this.....the Peter guy seem to be whispering something to Charandass (Is it coincidence that he is sitting right behind Charandass?)...

If this is the case, there may have been some collusion between the PPP and Charandass long before the vote took place and he may have been sitting near Charandass to provide "moral" support....Guyana is a small society and no one is immune from anything.....

Charandass seem to be lying about Figuera hitting him "so often" in the stomach (unless there is another tape showing this), I did not see this.

Dis fuzzy MATH with Charandass not clearly adding up....If we are placing the HERO label on dis guy, I need to be comfortable accepting his words as to why he did what he did...

jes saying


It is deductive that the PPP would not call a vote unless they knew they had an inside man. That they call it this time is also providential. Note they wantedn to exclude Nagamotto procedurally from sitting in the parliament while acting as president. They knew they had a trojan in the house. 

I find it strange that this same 'inside man' is now planning to form his own Political party. IF he does, he will be contesting against the very people who according to some, paid him a wheelbarrow full of money to vote 'yes' in their favor. This just doesn't make sense, and Jagdeo is definitely not stupid. Further, he will not only incur the wrath of the APNU/AFC which he has, but the PPP as well.  So far, I'm taking Charrandas to his word. What u think?

Sheik101 posted:

I find it strange that this same 'inside man' is now planning to form his own Political party. IF he does, he will be contesting against the very people who according to some, paid him a wheelbarrow full of money to vote 'yes' in their favor. This just doesn't make sense, and Jagdeo is definitely not stupid. Further, he will not only incur the wrath of the APNU/AFC which he has, but the PPP as well.  So far, I'm taking Charrandas to his word. What u think?

I don't know that he was paid. Inferentially he had to have coordinated with the PPP or someone of high rank in the party. They would not call a no confidence vote without a strategy to bring it about. All the external evidence indicate cohesiveness of the coalition hence their confidence that this was just jagdeo being annoying. If they knew there was a trojan, procedures to expel him before the vote would have been enacted or other means to prolong the government for at least another 9 months. The APNU was caught with their pants down by a well timed bushwhacking. 

Last edited by Former Member
Sheik101 posted:
D2 posted:

It is deductive that the PPP would not call a vote unless they knew they had an inside man. That they call it this time is also providential. Note they wantedn to exclude Nagamotto procedurally from sitting in the parliament while acting as president. They knew they had a trojan in the house. 

I find it strange that this same 'inside man' is now planning to form his own Political party. IF he does, he will be contesting against the very people who according to some, paid him a wheelbarrow full of money to vote 'yes' in their favor. This just doesn't make sense, and Jagdeo is definitely not stupid. Further, he will not only incur the wrath of the APNU/AFC which he has, but the PPP as well.  So far, I'm taking Charrandas to his word. What u think?

The only thing that makes no sense is the Coalition seeking to hide their shame by suggesting without any evidence that the man was paid for his vote. These were the same people who that they the Coalition will be in government for decades to come. Now they are having heartbreaks. I don't mean you D2.

ksazma posted:
alena06 posted:

VishM needs to watch the replay. Peter Ramsaroop did not open his mouth for one second. Charandaas said it clearly on Social Media- he is tired of sitting on his ass for 3 years and saying YES to APNU’s ideas.  He cannot voice his opinion on any issues.   Who the hell operates like this in modern times. The man can go back to his private practice of being a lawyer and make more money than sitting in Parliament to say yes to these APNU dunces.  So all you disgruntled GNI’ers STHU.

My dear, I would advise you from comments like STFU. It does not reflect well on you.

I would make only one other correction from you comments above. I don't think that Charandas was tired of saying YES to APNU ideas because there were no significant APNU presence in that Coalition. The ideas seemed to be primarily put forward by the PNC and all others were expected to concur.

Haha I said shut the hell up.. big difference. 😀 Exactly we are saying the same thing, he was tired of saying yes e.g He voted against his conscience for Hamilton Green’s pension.

D2 posted:
Sheik101 posted:

I find it strange that this same 'inside man' is now planning to form his own Political party. IF he does, he will be contesting against the very people who according to some, paid him a wheelbarrow full of money to vote 'yes' in their favor. This just doesn't make sense, and Jagdeo is definitely not stupid. Further, he will not only incur the wrath of the APNU/AFC which he has, but the PPP as well.  So far, I'm taking Charrandas to his word. What u think?

I don't know that he was paid. Inferentially he had to have coordinated with the PPP or someone of high rank in the party. They would not call a no confidence vote without a strategy to bring it about. All the external evidence indicate cohesiveness of the coalition hence their confidence that this was just jagdeo being annoying. If they knew there was a trojan, procedures to expel him before the vote would have been enacted or other means to prolong the government for at least another 9 months. The APNU was caught with their pants down by a well timed bushwhacking. 

That is the difference between the PPP and the hapless Coalition. The PPP had a method to bring the vote about. The hapless Coalition cannot multitask. Their minds were still on the concluded LGE results. The suggestion that APNU was caught with their pants down is not completely accurate if you consider the report that Charandas was not trustworthy. But maybe the PNC thought that Lawrence's death threat would be sufficient to put Charandas in line with the PNC agenda.  

alena06 posted:
ksazma posted:
alena06 posted:

VishM needs to watch the replay. Peter Ramsaroop did not open his mouth for one second. Charandaas said it clearly on Social Media- he is tired of sitting on his ass for 3 years and saying YES to APNU’s ideas.  He cannot voice his opinion on any issues.   Who the hell operates like this in modern times. The man can go back to his private practice of being a lawyer and make more money than sitting in Parliament to say yes to these APNU dunces.  So all you disgruntled GNI’ers STHU.

My dear, I would advise you from comments like STFU. It does not reflect well on you.

I would make only one other correction from you comments above. I don't think that Charandas was tired of saying YES to APNU ideas because there were no significant APNU presence in that Coalition. The ideas seemed to be primarily put forward by the PNC and all others were expected to concur.

Haha I said shut the hell up.. big difference. 😀 Exactly we are saying the same thing, he was tired of saying yes e.g He voted against his conscience for Hamilton Green’s pension.

My bad Leeni. I guess I had way too many coronas last night. Sorry. 


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