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VishMahabir posted:
Prince posted:

I am ready to peppa coolie men poke from Skeldon_man down to Baseman. I am no longer a nice guy on GNI. Amral/Ray can suspend me afterward. 

Why Princess?

You planning on wearing your new pink mini skirt for Friday's rumble???

Dee wan an' only GNI Princess wid shee mini skirt ...

skeldon_man posted:
Prince posted:

I am ready to peppa coolie men poke from Skeldon_man down to Baseman. I am no longer a nice guy on GNI. Amral/Ray can suspend me afterward. 

Wah you nah tek soap and clean you stink cunny good fuh once since you got waste time fuh talk shit hey?

You guys need to ease up on this vulgarity.  We have females who read this site!!

Baseman posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Prince posted:

I am ready to peppa coolie men poke from Skeldon_man down to Baseman. I am no longer a nice guy on GNI. Amral/Ray can suspend me afterward. 

Wah you nah tek soap and clean you stink cunny good fuh once since you got waste time fuh talk shit hey?

You guys need to ease up on this vulgarity.  We have females who read this site!!

Not you guys, it's Skeldon_Dutty_mouth_ man using vulgarity soon morning. BTW, I will be back at 2 pm to start a clean, dirty war between coolies. I have to put Skeldon_mouth_man in his place. Baseman is known to jab and run. This time I want you to stand up and take blows like a man (if you slip up). 

Baseman posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Prince posted:

I am ready to peppa coolie men poke from Skeldon_man down to Baseman. I am no longer a nice guy on GNI. Amral/Ray can suspend me afterward. 

Wah you nah tek soap and clean you stink cunny good fuh once since you got waste time fuh talk shit hey?

You guys need to ease up on this vulgarity.  We have females who read this site!!

Dem Females Skont ah CUSS more than you and me. Dem ah cuss laka Fish Market women!!!!!!!!!!!!

Prince posted:
Baseman posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Prince posted:

I am ready to peppa coolie men poke from Skeldon_man down to Baseman. I am no longer a nice guy on GNI. Amral/Ray can suspend me afterward. 

Wah you nah tek soap and clean you stink cunny good fuh once since you got waste time fuh talk shit hey?

You guys need to ease up on this vulgarity.  We have females who read this site!!

Not you guys, it's Skeldon_Dutty_mouth_ man using vulgarity soon morning. BTW, I will be back at 2 pm to start a clean, dirty war between coolies. I have to put Skeldon_mouth_man in his place. Baseman is known to jab and run. This time I want you to stand up and take blows like a man (if you slip up). 

Prince posted:
Baseman posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Prince posted:

I am ready to peppa coolie men poke from Skeldon_man down to Baseman. I am no longer a nice guy on GNI. Amral/Ray can suspend me afterward. 

Wah you nah tek soap and clean you stink cunny good fuh once since you got waste time fuh talk shit hey?

You guys need to ease up on this vulgarity.  We have females who read this site!!

Not you guys, it's Skeldon_Dutty_mouth_ man using vulgarity soon morning. BTW, I will be back at 2 pm to start a clean, dirty war between coolies. I have to put Skeldon_mouth_man in his place. Baseman is known to jab and run. This time I want you to stand up and take blows like a man (if you slip up). 

When you come back, make sure you wear your Borat special swimsuit.blobid0


Nehru posted:
Baseman posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Prince posted:

I am ready to peppa coolie men poke from Skeldon_man down to Baseman. I am no longer a nice guy on GNI. Amral/Ray can suspend me afterward. 

Wah you nah tek soap and clean you stink cunny good fuh once since you got waste time fuh talk shit hey?

You guys need to ease up on this vulgarity.  We have females who read this site!!

Dem Females Skont ah CUSS more than you and me. Dem ah cuss laka Fish Market women!!!!!!!!!!!!

Baseman should stop defending women on GNI. He is NOT qualified to do so. He ponce on me for Miss DM, which I hold deeply troubling. He treats this woman like a VIP and thinks less of us who know this woman and her racist scheme in Guyana when she was aligned with Mark Benschop against the PPP. I don't have enemies or friends on GNI and anyone who registered on GNI and read this forum is fair play. My participation on GNI is to bring out the frigging truth about our dirty, coolie bitches and bastards. 

Last edited by Former Member
Prince posted:
Baseman posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Prince posted:

I am ready to peppa coolie men poke from Skeldon_man down to Baseman. I am no longer a nice guy on GNI. Amral/Ray can suspend me afterward. 

Wah you nah tek soap and clean you stink cunny good fuh once since you got waste time fuh talk shit hey?

You guys need to ease up on this vulgarity.  We have females who read this site!!

Not you guys, it's Skeldon_Dutty_mouth_ man using vulgarity soon morning. BTW, I will be back at 2 pm to start a clean, dirty war between coolies. I have to put Skeldon_mouth_man in his place. Baseman is known to jab and run. This time I want you to stand up and take blows like a man (if you slip up). 

What would you know about being a man? You're the first one to make threats and then when confronted you run and hide. I know your next question will be how I got into this "discussion". I am a coolie so whenever you pelt a comment at coolies, I'll throw it back with more force.

Prince posted:
Nehru posted:
Baseman posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Prince posted:

I am ready to peppa coolie men poke from Skeldon_man down to Baseman. I am no longer a nice guy on GNI. Amral/Ray can suspend me afterward. 

Wah you nah tek soap and clean you stink cunny good fuh once since you got waste time fuh talk shit hey?

You guys need to ease up on this vulgarity.  We have females who read this site!!

Dem Females Skont ah CUSS more than you and me. Dem ah cuss laka Fish Market women!!!!!!!!!!!!

Baseman should stop defending women on GNI. He is NOT qualified to do so. He ponce on me for Miss DM, which I hold deeply troubling. He treats this woman like a VIP and thinks less of us who know this woman and her racist scheme in Guyana when she was aligned with Mark Benschop against the PPP. I don't have enemies or friends on GNI and anyone who registered on GNI and read this forum is fair play. My participation on GNI is to bring out the frigging truth about our dirty, coolie bitches and bastards. 

Hey you lil patacake, she read your post and replied through me as she is not a poster. 

And I was not defending women, I was Just asking for consideration!

Now guh play wid yuhself!!

GTAngler posted:
Prince posted:
Baseman posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Prince posted:

I am ready to peppa coolie men poke from Skeldon_man down to Baseman. I am no longer a nice guy on GNI. Amral/Ray can suspend me afterward. 

Wah you nah tek soap and clean you stink cunny good fuh once since you got waste time fuh talk shit hey?

You guys need to ease up on this vulgarity.  We have females who read this site!!

Not you guys, it's Skeldon_Dutty_mouth_ man using vulgarity soon morning. BTW, I will be back at 2 pm to start a clean, dirty war between coolies. I have to put Skeldon_mouth_man in his place. Baseman is known to jab and run. This time I want you to stand up and take blows like a man (if you slip up). 

What would you know about being a man? You're the first one to make threats and then when confronted you run and hide. I know your next question will be how I got into this "discussion". I am a coolie so whenever you pelt a comment at coolies, I'll throw it back with more force.

Like he rass suffering from PMS or he’s a setting hen!!

Baseman posted:
Prince posted:
Nehru posted:
Baseman posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Prince posted:

I am ready to peppa coolie men poke from Skeldon_man down to Baseman. I am no longer a nice guy on GNI. Amral/Ray can suspend me afterward. 

Wah you nah tek soap and clean you stink cunny good fuh once since you got waste time fuh talk shit hey?

You guys need to ease up on this vulgarity.  We have females who read this site!!

Dem Females Skont ah CUSS more than you and me. Dem ah cuss laka Fish Market women!!!!!!!!!!!!

Baseman should stop defending women on GNI. He is NOT qualified to do so. He ponce on me for Miss DM, which I hold deeply troubling. He treats this woman like a VIP and thinks less of us who know this woman and her racist scheme in Guyana when she was aligned with Mark Benschop against the PPP. I don't have enemies or friends on GNI and anyone who registered on GNI and read this forum is fair play. My participation on GNI is to bring out the frigging truth about our dirty, coolie bitches and bastards. 

Hey you lil patacake, she read your post and replied through me as she is not a poster. 

And I was not defending women, I was Just asking for consideration!

Now guh play wid yuhself!!

So you tun dhall boy to bring message? Today is no day for any consideration for women. You don't even get the ballz to address Skeldon_man directly about his vulgarity. Ah coming back soon.  

Prince posted:
Nehru posted:
Baseman posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Prince posted:

I am ready to peppa coolie men poke from Skeldon_man down to Baseman. I am no longer a nice guy on GNI. Amral/Ray can suspend me afterward. 

Wah you nah tek soap and clean you stink cunny good fuh once since you got waste time fuh talk shit hey?

You guys need to ease up on this vulgarity.  We have females who read this site!!

Dem Females Skont ah CUSS more than you and me. Dem ah cuss laka Fish Market women!!!!!!!!!!!!

Baseman should stop defending women on GNI. He is NOT qualified to do so. He ponce on me for Miss DM, which I hold deeply troubling. He treats this woman like a VIP and thinks less of us who know this woman and her racist scheme in Guyana when she was aligned with Mark Benschop against the PPP. I don't have enemies or friends on GNI and anyone who registered on GNI and read this forum is fair play. My participation on GNI is to bring out the frigging truth about our dirty, coolie bitches and bastards. 

Who is Mark Benschop?

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Prince posted:
Nehru posted:
Baseman posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Prince posted:

I am ready to peppa coolie men poke from Skeldon_man down to Baseman. I am no longer a nice guy on GNI. Amral/Ray can suspend me afterward. 

Wah you nah tek soap and clean you stink cunny good fuh once since you got waste time fuh talk shit hey?

You guys need to ease up on this vulgarity.  We have females who read this site!!

Dem Females Skont ah CUSS more than you and me. Dem ah cuss laka Fish Market women!!!!!!!!!!!!

Baseman should stop defending women on GNI. He is NOT qualified to do so. He ponce on me for Miss DM, which I hold deeply troubling. He treats this woman like a VIP and thinks less of us who know this woman and her racist scheme in Guyana when she was aligned with Mark Benschop against the PPP. I don't have enemies or friends on GNI and anyone who registered on GNI and read this forum is fair play. My participation on GNI is to bring out the frigging truth about our dirty, coolie bitches and bastards. 

Who is Mark Benschop?

The mouth man from Alness village. He was in jail and Jagdeo pardoned him. They called him the wanna be Al Sharpton of Guyana.

Prince posted:
Baseman posted:
Prince posted:
Nehru posted:

Hey you lil patacake, she read your post and replied through me as she is not a poster. 

And I was not defending women, I was Just asking for consideration!

Now guh play wid yuhself!!

So you tun dhall boy to bring message? Today is no day for any consideration for women. You don't even get the ballz to address Skeldon_man directly about his vulgarity. Ah coming back soon.  

I warned you that I was a cane cutter and I have all the mentality and language, vocabulary, and whatever else I need to cuss you down. Be careful, because when I start with you mentioning my name and challenging me when I am not in the board, I will come back with vengeance.


Prince posted:
Baseman posted:
Prince posted:
Nehru posted:
Baseman posted:

So you tun dhall boy to bring message? Today is no day for any consideration for women. You don't even get the ballz to address Skeldon_man directly about his vulgarity. Ah coming back soon.  

You like them dhall belly, tripe chin lungera haramee only know to cuss down people when their backs are turned. Nah run come here clad in you green buckta brandishing a cutlass. You tried that once and you got a fine cutrass with you own cutlass. Next time you might not be that lucky to be broadsided. Someone might leave some good distinguishing marks on you naked ass. Like they said, monkey know which limb ee ah jump pon.

Prince posted:
Baseman posted:
Prince posted:
Nehru posted:
Baseman posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Prince posted:

I am ready to peppa coolie men poke from Skeldon_man down to Baseman. I am no longer a nice guy on GNI. Amral/Ray can suspend me afterward. 

Wah you nah tek soap and clean you stink cunny good fuh once since you got waste time fuh talk shit hey?

You guys need to ease up on this vulgarity.  We have females who read this site!!

Dem Females Skont ah CUSS more than you and me. Dem ah cuss laka Fish Market women!!!!!!!!!!!!

Baseman should stop defending women on GNI. He is NOT qualified to do so. He ponce on me for Miss DM, which I hold deeply troubling. He treats this woman like a VIP and thinks less of us who know this woman and her racist scheme in Guyana when she was aligned with Mark Benschop against the PPP. I don't have enemies or friends on GNI and anyone who registered on GNI and read this forum is fair play. My participation on GNI is to bring out the frigging truth about our dirty, coolie bitches and bastards. 

Hey you lil patacake, she read your post and replied through me as she is not a poster. 

And I was not defending women, I was Just asking for consideration!

Now guh play wid yuhself!!

So you tun dhall boy to bring message? Today is no day for any consideration for women. You don't even get the ballz to address Skeldon_man directly about his vulgarity. Ah coming back soon.  

Don’t know wah duh fk you yapping about.  You rass write lies bout the gyaal, she read and lash yuh rass and yuh pointing finger!

Yes I was speaking to Sheldon_man wid his dutty mouth.  I address anyone directly!

Prince posted:
Nehru posted:
Prince posted:

Nehru, don't let any GNIer give you shit. Leave them to me. 

Padna, like yuh deh pun the warpath

Labba is a snake. I don't trust him. 

Btw, Vick died. Devo and Savi friend. He had bought over Addy business.  

Hey hey hey...Labba not snake. Labba is mammal...see meh pictcha na 


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