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From left are Angel Clarke, Gulliver and Peaches Fraser outside of the CCJ’s headquarters

From left are Angel Clarke, Gulliver and Peaches Fraser outside of the CCJ’s headquarters

June 12 ,2021


The government is moving to strike out the “archaic” law against cross-dressing in order to give effect to an over two-year-old Caribbean Court of Justice (CCJ) ruling.

Attorney General Anil Nandlall on Thursday tabled a bill in the National Assembly to delete Section 153 (1) (xlvii) of the Summary Jurisdiction (Offences) Act to comply with the Order issued by the CCJ in November 2018.

“This amendment gives effect to the judgement of the [CCJ] in the case of Qunicy McEwan et al vs the Attorney General of Guyana [2018] CCJ 30 (AJ), and signals the government’s commitment to fulfilling the human rights of all Guyanese. The Government rightly acknowledges and agrees with the CCJ that this archaic law, which is inconsistent with the Constitution of Guyana,” has no social of legal purpose in a progressive society,” the bill’s explanatory memorandum states.

Section 153 (1) (xlvii), which provides that it is an offence for any person to appear in the attire of the opposite gender, in a public way or public place for any improper purpose, was challenged by a group of Guyanese transgender women who contended that the law prohibiting cross-dressing is unconstitutionally vague and contravenes their right to freedom of expression.

In 2009, several trans women were arrested and convicted under the 1893 Summary Jurisdiction (Offences) Act of the offence of being a “man” appearing in “female attire” in public for an “improper purpose.” They spent three nights in police detention in Georgetown after their arrest for the minor crime.

In 2010, Quincy McEwan, known as Gulliver, Seon Clarke, known as Angel Clarke, Joseph Fraser, also known as Peaches Fraser, and Seyon Persaud, also known as Isabella Persaud brought an action challenging the constitutionality of the law and their treatment during the legal process. The High Court of Guyana held that cross-dressing in and of itself is not a crime, but disagreed that the law was discriminatory or disproportionately impacted trans and gender non-conforming persons. This decision was appealed to the Guyana Court of Appeal, and finally to the CCJ.

Their main contention had been that the law, which prohibits cross-dressing “for an improper purpose,” was so vague that it does not define what constitutes an “improper purpose,” which ultimately leads to uncertainty.

In its ruling, which was read by CCJ President Justice Adrian Saunders, the court held that the law was unconstitutionally vague, violated the appellants’ right to protection of the law and was contrary to the rule of law.

On this point, the court upheld the appeal on the basis that the law resulted in transgendered and gender nonconforming persons being treated unfavourably by criminalising their gender expression and gender identity.

Agreeing with arguments advanced by the appellants, Justices Saunders, Maureen Rajnauth-Lee, Jacob Wit, Denys Barrow and Winston Anderson all held that at the heart to the right of equality and non-discrimination lies a recognition that a fundamental goal of any constitutional democracy is to develop a society in which all citizens are respected and regarded as equal.

Against this background, Justice Saunders referenced Article 149 (1) of Guyana’s Constitution, which provides for protection from discrimination.

That article provides, “subject to the provisions of this article, no law shall make any provision that is discriminatory either of itself or in its effect; and no person shall be treated in a discriminatory manner by any person acting by virtue of any written law or in the performance of the functions of any public office or any public authority.”

The court said the while it is true that cross-dressing is practised by persons of several types of sexual orientation, the law had a disproportionately adverse impact on transgender persons, “particularly those who identify with the female gender.”

Replies sorted oldest to newest

@Prashad posted:

Iguana can finally wear his dress in peace. Congratulations 👏 Iguana.

Seems I struck a nerve ever since I referred to your gay brother. You're following me around cussing etc. lol


Oi Prashadski while doing your potato peeling stunt in the army, did you wear outfits as those worn by Klinger from M.A.S.H? If you doan know who Klinger was, doan worry none, jus say yes.

Last edited by cain
@cain posted:

Oi Prashadski while doing your potato peeling stunt in the army, did you wear outfits as those worn by Klinger from M.A.S.H? If you doan know who Klinger was, doan worry none, jus say yes.

he's never been in any army. Actually he's very effeminate in real life. Wore a sari on occasion. He's just a big mouth man.

Last edited by Former Member

But being an ******* is a strict Guyanese tradition. The term itself is unique to Guyana. It should be preserved. I am in full support of the law being changed. Jagdeo should not be ashamed to be seen in a Prada dress in public.

@Mitwah posted:

Suh Prashadski's talk about Prashadistan is nothing but Crossdreaming?

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA......I saw what you did there! Yes, Cross dreaming, Crossing horizons, all kinda crossings. LOL.

That old sack of shit ain't going nowhere. Only shooting off his fat effeminate mouth. Going to Harlem and skinning he teeth wid all dem black man, friken no ass of them.

@Former Member posted:

That old sack of shit ain't going nowhere. Only shooting off his fat effeminate mouth. Going to Harlem and skinning he teeth wid all dem black man, friken no ass of them.

You saying he is into BBC? Wow!

@Mr.T posted:

You saying he is into BBC? Wow!

read his posts you'll see he's mostly in black areas. I find it puzzling given his hatred of blacks. Why does he go to black areas and hang out?


I would like Totaram to show me the post where I said that I hate blacks. East Indian people of Guyana must separate into their own independent sovereign country because they are a heartbeat away from a genocide, that is the only way that they can truly get the institutions of state to protect their human rights and it is the only way to safe guard the cultural existence of our people on the South American continent.

@Prashad posted:

I would like Totaram to show me the post where I said that I hate blacks. East Indian people of Guyana must separate into their own independent sovereign country because they are a heartbeat away from a genocide, that is the only way that they can truly get the institutions of state to protect their human rights and it is the only way to safe guard the cultural existence of our people on the South American continent.

Totaram didn't say you hate blacks, I did, you senile old bat. You already separated yourself and planted your old ass in the US decades ago after them fellas abused you in national service. You ain't going back nowhere for no "independent sovereign" shithole.

Banna use your last remaining decade wisely and stop wid yuh foolishness. All yuh ole Indian people duz carry on prappa chupid.

Last edited by Former Member

Iguana show me were I said that I hate blacks. This is the thing about some of these people. They are racist like hell on steroids and they hide their racism behind racism against against black people.

@Prashad posted:

Iguana show me were I said that I hate blacks. This is the thing about some of these people. They are racist like hell on steroids and they hide their racism behind racism against against black people.

I have to show you nothing, your odious stench of bigotry and anti black hatred permeates almost every thread here. Even other Indians have sanctioned you for your hate speech.

We blacks are soooooo offensive to you that you need to exclude us from your indian only society. Nah, you don't hate blacks. Banna, gwan suh wid yuh effeminate shakeabatty self.

Last edited by Former Member
@Prashad posted:

Go believe that Iguana I don't give a brown pimple on my backside.

No one gives a flying fk about your lil insignficant shakeabatty self. Not to worry, I won't tell folks in Harlem what a racist lil troll you are when you go there scrounging for business telling them "we minorities need to stick together". Lying, lecherous, traitorous, 2 faced bastard. Gwan suh wid yuh dutty self.

@Former Member posted:

No one gives a flying fk about your lil insignficant shakeabatty self. Not to worry, I won't tell folks in Harlem what a racist lil troll you are when you go there scrounging for business telling them "we minorities need to stick together". Lying, lecherous, traitorous, 2 faced bastard. Gwan suh wid yuh dutty self.

G/T choke and robber yuh still alive, thought covid/aids knock yuh.

I leave you in the good hands of Prashad, he gon put lash on your sore ass.


Guys, Guys, Guys ...

More than enough has been posted to divert the topic ...

"Bill tabled to remove ‘archaic’ cross-dressing law"

Tone down the divergent dialogues.

Demerara_Guy -== Moderator


DG, could they still mention the words"shakabatty" an' "hating rass bitch"?  Please, Please, I like dem two.

Y'all buddy who does see gremlins an other shit would be in his glory right about now. If he reading he musbe salivatin' like rass.


I got mo words for you..hole on ah comin back.

DG, you guys businesses open now? I received pics of my son and his family on carnival rides in Callaway Alberta. Calgary had a wicked virus count going through the roof and here they are now enjoying life while in Ontario we are finally getting back to some semblance of normalcy with all sorts of stupid rules. Only five friends must hang round together. Is like I can see it now.   Five buddies hanging together enjoying a gyaff...noooo problemo. .soon as a sixth join the group BADDAM! Covid tarasss.

Oh you got a fin aral, is only ten people cyan hang round the deceased. One fren decide to make a surprise visit...BADDAM! Covid tarassss.

Last edited by cain
@Former Member posted:

Guys, Guys, Guys ...

More than enough has been posted to divert the topic ...

"Bill tabled to remove ‘archaic’ cross-dressing law"

Tone down the divergent dialogues.

Demerara_Guy -== Moderator

Permit me please, on the grounds I am being attacked by 2 cross dressers, thus relevance.

@cain posted:

Y'all buddy who does see gremlins an other shit would be in his glory right about now. If he reading he musbe salivatin' like rass.

He's busy getting a massage from the Jinns. Then there's a mermaid who fed him oatmeal and blueberries and he got pissed because it hurt his mouth and his false teeth fell out. The Koala bear has been fking with his ipad so that the dots keep reappearing. Otherwise he's doing fine.

@kp posted:

G/T choke and robber yuh still alive, thought covid/aids knock yuh.

I leave you in the good hands of Prashad, he gon put lash on your sore ass.

hahahahaa.....Kisser of Prashad appears. Banna you got some nerve calling me a choke and rob. You were a notorious PNC Indian accepting fry rice and shit laced duck curry as bribes in GT. Barefaced kavakamite!

Last edited by Former Member
@Prashad posted:

I am going  to beat the living daylights out of your racist antikoolie hating rass bitch when I catch you. You are a cheap racist antikoolie crabdog

I struck a nerve....again. Beat who? You can't even beat yuh own meat. Banna sit yuh ole ass down and STFU before I TRULY embarass you, arite?

Last edited by Former Member
@Former Member posted:

I struck a nerve....again. Beat who? You can't even beat yuh own meat. Banna sit yuh ole ass down and STFU before I TRULY embarass you, arite?

I ready for your skout you think this is Guyana you racist antikoolie crabdog crab louse sidewalk cheap bitch whore. I will cut off your balls and stuff them in your racist antikoolie shithole mouth.

@Prashad posted:

I ready for your skout you think this is Guyana you racist antikoolie crabdog crab louse sidewalk cheap bitch whore. I will cut off your balls and stuff them in your racist antikoolie shithole mouth.

Your instant gravitating to my big black balls is noted. No wonder you liked Hammy Green.

Conscious of your genes as was evident in yuh family, you now start with your empty fat talk to compensate for your lack of testosterone. Same lack which gives you the shakeabatty moves. Swish swish...Perfect example of the cross dresser.

Last edited by Former Member
@cain posted:

Hahahaaaa! Dah one too funny taranted.

Now for KP.   Oiii KP wuh kinea fry rice mostly, Chicken, beef, strimps?

This Klepto Public-servant took from he Indian mattie whatever he wanted else he would shut their business down. This he called "the good life". When confronted with his immoral behavior, he blamed it on the black PNC fellas he hung out with.

Sometimes he cross-dressed as a woman named Keisha, notorious for demanding hard liquor to sign off on these businesses.


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