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Black faces in the Ali administration are disdained as house servants

Dear Editor,

I read the media coverage of President Ali speaking of this country’s unity in the face of its border controversy, and in the glow of the ICJ’s ruling about jurisdiction. On this business about unity, the president does not glow, but waxes rather dully, because he comes across as a greater pretender than that all-time Great Pretender, Tony Williams, and his famed Platters.

The first thing that His Excellency needs to be real on in this country is that there is little unity. Political fallout aside, he must be frank and admit to that truth, which he may not be capable of, given his own strengths and predispositions. Cotton Tree revealed the raging disunity and punctured all related hypocrisies and deceptions regarding any spurious claims about unity. To be blunt, presidential self-congratulation about unity over border controversy is a bag of garbage and the president knows this all too well to be allowed to get away with that patented piece of propaganda. It has no foundation, no merit, no standing, no following.

This has long historical and cultural roots, and is also directly due to the still festering elections and the hatreds and toxins that flourished to such a widespread extent from that cultural depravity. Those are not going anywhere, merely intensifying in more muted fashion and underground. The president may be happy to fool himself, which is his business. But he is respectfully advised to cease and desist from putting that nonsense out before the sharply divided public of Guyana.

Further, the cause of unity, and the claim of unity, was further weakened and dampened by the now longstanding treatment of so-called ‘political appointees’ in high pitched elections aftermaths. This last was incontestably the worst pre- and post-elections sicknesses and madness that have visited here in a long time. It does not matter that ‘political appointees’ are subject to such insulting dispatch after all elections. What matters is that the handling of this last batch has angered and been leveraged for gain, and which is freshest in the mind. It matters little who did what to whom before. This is what counts today, when interpreted as racial firings and believed ethnic cleansing. Under no circumstances were the opposition and its supporters going to allow the PPP government to escape unscathed with what it had done. From my perspective, some of the firings were justified (but not all); while I happen to endorse some of the opposition’s positions that racial purging occurred. This is the poisoned chalice of Guyana that no group seems ready to detoxify, but relish privately, while pretending to be otherwise in the public space. All of this is rather transparent and contributes heavily not to unity but deep disunity.

I go further still and point to the disparaging treatment meted out by the new PPP government to the new opposition in a number of areas. Though the opposition’s machinations have contributed to numerous questions and concerns about its presence, its authenticity, and its purpose, the group did garner an almost equal share of the votes tendered in the last Dantean electoral nightmare, and for that alone it is due recognition and not condemnation to the margins. I say this even as I ponder over its silence and impotence on several burning issues of the Guyanese day, and its present viability. Notwithstanding all of this, its supporters look on and listen and seethe as to how not so much as the opposition is treated as a political group, but how they (the voter and citizen) are disrespected and dismissed. This does not lend itself to much of anything related to the unity of which President Ali speaks so blandly about. That is, unless he speaks of the village along the East Coast.

While the Ali Administration can boast a bunch of black names and faces newly put in positions, or recalled, the fact is that they are disdained as house servants or worse still Uncle something. This means nothing and does not qualify for inclusion in the unity column. As much as I would like to join with His Excellency in saying that there is unity in this society, most regrettably, I can’t.

Yours truly,
GHK Lall


Replies sorted oldest to newest

The first thing that His Excellency needs to be real on in this country is that there is little unity. Political fallout aside, he must be frank and admit to that truth, which he may not be capable of, given his own strengths and predispositions. Cotton Tree revealed the raging disunity and punctured all related hypocrisies and deceptions regarding any spurious claims about unity. To be blunt, presidential self-congratulation about unity over border controversy is a bag of garbage and the president knows this all too well to be allowed to get away with that patented piece of propaganda. It has no foundation, no merit, no standing, no following.

@Tola posted:

What else can be expected from a president  who graduated from a non existent place of learning.

well, but he got a PhD from a well established regional institution...where did you get your bush doctorate from???

@Mitwah posted:

Ali seems to forget or he is ignoring the fact that the Coalition gathered as much votes in the last election, except for 1%. The Ethnic cleansing has just begun.


There you go again like a runaway train.

You are quoting a guy (I think he might be a re-migrant) who was batting for the coalition, then jumbed off the gravy train when he realize they are losing and were rigging the election. This is like you supporting Ramjattan and the AFC in Canada despite them being "dead meat".

Lall is an idiot, seeking his daily 15 minutes of fame and he keeps writing trash daily in the KN, where he now has a column....fools like you (and Tolaram) who dont know better give him credibility.

@VishMahabir posted:

well, but he got a PhD from a well established regional institution...where did you get your bush doctorate from???

Right on !!   A Phd in favour to train 20,000 Guyanese on the government payroll, while UG is dumped in the mud drain. Jagan must be turning in his grave, regarding  the crooked Jagdeo PPP.   

Rass bhai, stay longer in school to learn how crooked some government presidents can become, for personal profit. 

@VishMahabir posted:


There you go again like a runaway train.

You are quoting a guy (I think he might be a re-migrant) who was batting for the coalition, then jumbed off the gravy train when he realize they are losing and were rigging the election. This is like you supporting Ramjattan and the AFC in Canada despite them being "dead meat".

Lall is an idiot, seeking his daily 15 minutes of fame and he keeps writing trash daily in the KN, where he now has a column....fools like you (and Tolaram) who dont know better give him credibility.

Knucklehead, must be yuh mumma man. A high school drop out like you is not qualified to call Lall  an idiot. GFY

@VishMahabir posted:

well, but he got a PhD from a well established regional institution...where did you get your bush doctorate from???

How many times must you be told that Ali's so called doctorate from UWI was bought?  He is most definitely not Ph.D. material.  Do some research--look at the the requirements for a Ph.D. from UWI, look at Ali's previous qualifications, look at the Faculty that granted him the degree etc. and decide if the process was legit.  I have a good idea about what happened and the Principal of the St. Augustine campus knows what happened. 

@Totaram posted:

How many times must you be told that Ali's so called doctorate from UWI was bought?  He is most definitely not Ph.D. material.  Do some research--look at the the requirements for a Ph.D. from UWI, look at Ali's previous qualifications, look at the Faculty that granted him the degree etc. and decide if the process was legit.  I have a good idea about what happened and the Principal of the St. Augustine campus knows what happened. man got a first degree from a fake West Dem school.

But who are you to say that the PhD was bought? The institution that granted him the degree has not say so and they are the only people who can made that assessment. Until then, this is an opinion.

@Mitwah posted:

Knucklehead, must be yuh mumma man. A high school drop out like you is not qualified to call Lall  an idiot. GFY

You need to think for yourself, instead of letting Tola and Totaram do your thinking for you.

Where was I wrong about Lalll?

@Tola posted:

Right on !!   A Phd in favour to train 20,000 Guyanese on the government payroll, while UG is dumped in the mud drain. Jagan must be turning in his grave, regarding  the crooked Jagdeo PPP.   

Rass bhai, stay longer in school to learn how crooked some government presidents can become, for personal profit.

I dont think UG has this capacity to train these type of people. UG is not a higher institution of recognition.

UWI can do a better job. I believe they have a campus in Trinidad, which has experience with training people for the oil and gas economy.

You are spouting propaganda.

@Mitwah posted:

Ali seems to forget or he is ignoring the fact that the Coalition gathered as much votes in the last election, except for 1%. The Ethnic cleansing has just begun.

Do fuh do Nah obeah, you know  Guyana politics is like, I give you wood today, next time you take wood.

@VishMahabir posted: man got a first degree from a fake West Dem school.

But who are you to say that the PhD was bought? The institution that granted him the degree has not say so and they are the only people who can made that assessment. Until then, this is an opinion.

I know it was bought.  Mine is an informed opinion.  I have done the research and know how it came about.  I believe if you do the research you'll come to same conclusion.  In the meanwhile, I note that you recognize that the first degree was from a fake school.  Forget the Ph.D. and UWI , wasn't that enough to disqualify him from being the PPP's candidate?  What kind of people elect an academic fraudster as their president? As the leader of their tribe? 

@VishMahabir posted:

You need to think for yourself, instead of letting Tola and Totaram do your thinking for you.

Where was I wrong about Lalll?

You are a nonentity compared to Mr. Lall. When will you finish your Grade 3 High School Education?

@Totaram posted:

I know it was bought.  Mine is an informed opinion.  I have done the research and know how it came about.  I believe if you do the research you'll come to same conclusion.  In the meanwhile, I note that you recognize that the first degree was from a fake school.  Forget the Ph.D. and UWI , wasn't that enough to disqualify him from being the PPP's candidate?  What kind of people elect an academic fraudster as their president? As the leader of their tribe?

Cretins like Vish.


Claudette Singh, Black,

Lowenfield, Black

Roxanne Myers, Black

Their deputies, Black

GECOM machinery, Black

Oh, and Patterson, Black. He was unconstitutionally appointed.

Where was GK Lall to write about this? Where was any of you all to write about this blackness? Post it and let's see it, or keep quiet.    


@lil boy posted:

Claudette Singh, Black,

Lowenfield, Black

Roxanne Myers, Black

Their deputies, Black

GECOM machinery, Black

Oh, and Patterson, Black. He was unconstitutionally appointed.

Where was GK Lall to write about this? Where was any of you all to write about this blackness? Post it and let's see it, or keep quiet.    


What's your point? 

@kp posted:

Says the Idiot on steroids.

I am your worst nightmare.  You and your ilk are hopelessly mired in support for a corrupt coolie cabal in Guyana.  It will do you no good and will eventually lead to disaster. 

@Totaram posted:

I am your worst nightmare.  You and your ilk are hopelessly mired in support for a corrupt coolie cabal in Guyana.  It will do you no good and will eventually lead to disaster.

Why?because you ugly. Put it in your pipe and smoke it, the Coolie Cabal will rule Guyana for a very long time, the people are happy only the Black Cabal is bitter and that includes you. Sit back and witness progress like you never seen before. Jah.

@kp posted:

Why?because you ugly. Put it in your pipe and smoke it, the Coolie Cabal will rule Guyana for a very long time, the people are happy only the Black Cabal is bitter and that includes you. Sit back and witness progress like you never seen before. Jah.

No, I am definitely not ugly, neither physically not intellectually.  It is the latter that is the source of your nightmares.  You revel in the hope of a corrupt coolie cabal ruling Guyana for a long time but that is wishful thinking.  The structure of Guyanese society will not permit that and the result will be ugly for people like you who support corruption. 

@lil boy posted:

He is no one's worst nightmare. You can feel the ingrained venom and racism that ooze from his posts. Such people must be re-educated.    

He is full with chupidness and don't have the cure.

@Totaram posted:

No, I am definitely not ugly, neither physically not intellectually.  It is the latter that is the source of your nightmares.  You revel in the hope of a corrupt coolie cabal ruling Guyana for a long time but that is wishful thinking.  The structure of Guyanese society will not permit that and the result will be ugly for people like you who support corruption.

'The structure of Guyanese society will not permit that..' So when GECOM was structured will all Blacks you did not utter a word. Why?  

@lil boy posted:

He is no one's worst nightmare. You can feel the ingrained venom and racism that ooze from his posts. Such people must be re-educated.    

lili bai What venom and racism are you talking about?  Are you IndoGuyanese?  If so, you are being taken for a ride by the PPP leaders.  They are immersed in corruption of a magnitude that is truly shocking.  Have you read the article on gold and drug smuggling on this forum?  How do feel about the criminal from Eldorado Gold donating an armored car to Irfaan Ali?  Don't worry about re-educating anyone just educate yourself .

@Totaram posted:

No, I am definitely not ugly, neither physically not intellectually.  It is the latter that is the source of your nightmares.  You revel in the hope of a corrupt coolie cabal ruling Guyana for a long time but that is wishful thinking.  The structure of Guyanese society will not permit that and the result will be ugly for people like you who support corruption.

I pity you , keep sulking. You live in a dark world.

@Totaram posted:

lili bai What venom and racism are you talking about?  Are you IndoGuyanese?  If so, you are being taken for a ride by the PPP leaders.  They are immersed in corruption of a magnitude that is truly shocking.  Have you read the article on gold and drug smuggling on this forum?  How do feel about the criminal from Eldorado Gold donating an armored car to Irfaan Ali?  Don't worry about re-educating anyone just educate yourself .

I leave you to figure out where Ramjattan escaped Russian is in Guyana. He doesn't know. Somebody smuggled him in the country. When you find the Russian let us know. We will keep reminding you.

@lil boy posted:

I leave you to figure out where Ramjattan escaped Russian is in Guyana. He doesn't know. Somebody smuggled him in the country. When you find the Russian let us know. We will keep reminding you.

@Totaram posted:

lili bai What venom and racism are you talking about?  Are you IndoGuyanese?  If so, you are being taken for a ride by the PPP leaders.  They are immersed in corruption of a magnitude that is truly shocking.  Have you read the article on gold and drug smuggling on this forum?  How do feel about the criminal from Eldorado Gold donating an armored car to Irfaan Ali?  Don't worry about re-educating anyone just educate yourself .

Here is an example of your ingrained racism and venom. The PPP/C has been in power for about 5 months. You have not stated anything positive that they have done, like removing taxes on goods, like distributing house lots to all races, like trying to get a better deal for rice and bauxite, like re-opening and hiring people in the estates etc. But you state 'They are immersed in corruption of a magnitude that is truly shocking.' Really, in five months? So tell us who is thiefing the money, show us the figures, we want to see them. Thank you.            

@kp posted:

I pity you , keep sulking. You live in a dark world.

My world is full of joy.  Don't pity me, pity your degenerate self, irretrievably sucked into support for evil. That's really not a good place to be.

Last edited by Totaram

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