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@lil boy posted:

Here is an example of your ingrained racism and venom. The PPP/C has been in power for about 5 months. You have not stated anything positive that they have done, like removing taxes on goods, like distributing house lots to all races, like trying to get a better deal for rice and bauxite, like re-opening and hiring people in the estates etc. But you state 'They are immersed in corruption of a magnitude that is truly shocking.' Really, in five months? So tell us who is thiefing the money, show us the figures, we want to see them. Thank you.            

Have you read the recommended article?  It is on another thread on this forum.  You need to read it and let me know if it is OK for the president to be taking gifts from a gold/drug smuggler.  A fish rots from the head down. 

@VishMahabir posted:

I dont think UG has this capacity to train these type of people. UG is not a higher institution of recognition.

UWI can do a better job. I believe they have a campus in Trinidad, which has experience with training people for the oil and gas economy.

You are spouting propaganda.

Come on school boy, you should know better than what you post.

So you feel a government should dump their university and promote the university of another country ? When this happens, how de rass will UG ever get better and compete with other universities ?

What was Jagan idea of a Guyana university in the 1960s ?  To build and improve it, or allow another country's university to override it ?  How de rass will UG ever get better when a dum ass Ali ignoring their improvement and allow another country's university to do what UG should be improved to do. These asses continue to sell Guyana for their personal profit. Is this a payback to UWI for Ali's fake degree ?

The PPP is treating UG like they do to their voters, including screwing Guyana.  Rass, after they lose an election most take off to their families and assets overseas. Is this a PPP commitment for improving Guyana ?

Your college should allow a university in California to override it and force you to study on the West coast, with added expenses. UWI is doing the same thing to students at UG, because the government is denying UG improvement.     

Last edited by Tola
@VishMahabir posted:

I dont think UG has this capacity to train these type of people. UG is not a higher institution of recognition.

UWI can do a better job. I believe they have a campus in Trinidad, which has experience with training people for the oil and gas economy.

You are spouting propaganda.

A high school drop out like you is not qualified to make such statements.


Little boy, a sure indication that corruption will start is the appointment (by self?) of Jagdeo as VP! He could have been just an advisor to party and government as Secretary of the PPP and past President, but no, that's not good enough for him! He must be able to run the government for Ali, a figurehead President! Be warned Jagdeo! The US is keeping Noriega's cell waiting for you! Ali's too!


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