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This is the type which Black people celebrate as heroes. Blacks in Guyana are no different.

I agree with the lady, most blacks who end up in police situations giving rise to abuse are career criminal. And it’s not about race, Black cops are guilty and also whites fall victim to police brutality. 

However, one cannot condone police brutality regardless who the victim is.  But make no mistake, blacks harbor deep racist thoughts.


Supporting George Floyd's cause about police brutality is expected from the black community. They have every right to express their dissatisfaction with the police. I do not see how they can justify burning and looting businesses in all parts of the country. These are the businesses that employ their people and provide financial support for minority social programs. It's shameless and uncivilized. They have put thousands of families at peril.

@Former Member posted:

Supporting George Floyd's cause about police brutality is expected from the black community. They have every right to express their dissatisfaction with the police. I do not see how they can justify burning and looting businesses in all parts of the country. These are the businesses that employ their people and provide financial support for minority social programs. It's shameless and uncivilized. They have put thousands of families at peril.

This stupidity is no different from an incident during Guyana fight for independence. At Albion, behind Belvedere North government school was a water pump used to remove water to the ocean, during floods. The water pump was there solely to prevent flooding at Nigg, Belvedere, Hampshire and Williamsburg. 

In addition to bombing the Enmore manager's children school bus  and other violence in Guyana, the Belvedere water pump was bombed and it destroyed the engine. This caused a huge problem with flooding, when the water cannot be removed any other way, during  heavy rainfall. The flood killed poultry and damaged vegetable gardens, causing  the residents to suffer a lot more.     


The Mayor of DC is a fool to be painting the yellow sign and changing the street name. Dem stupid ppl definitely show how they can build a country, doing meaningless things. The sign can be seen way out in space. Is the mayor hoping to get her message suh God can see it.

If these fools get a chance they remove all monuments, they more crazy than those who blew up the Afghan Buddahs.

Instead of moving on and work towards changes they do this shit of pulling down statues and painting huge signs. 

Many cities have black mayors and yet they have major problems. Like blacks are governed by blacks.

@Ramakant-P posted:

They were not cussing white men.  They were protesting Police brutality. They thought that there would have been some free Cool-Aid.

Somehow black people think that all these white people were protesting for them. They still haven’t figured out that BLM was used by one white supremacist group against another.  George Floyd wasn’t a murder, it was a sacrifice to incite black people to rise up.

Bibi Haniffa
@Tola posted:

Who kicked coolie asses, when hundreds of Indians left Guyana during the PPP government. You sound like a racist coolie, supported by the black KKK.  

Light weight response. Many continued due to the long visa process and broken families. So they followed through to be reunited. 

It was under the PPP rule the US relaxed visa restrictions as Guyanese were no longer overstaying their holiday visas and becoming illegals.


Somehow black people think that all these white people were protesting for them. They still haven’t figured out that BLM was used by one white supremacist group against another.  George Floyd wasn’t a murder, it was a sacrifice to incite black people to rise up.

How did you get your human psychology degree ? 

@seignet posted:

The Mayor of DC is a fool to be painting the yellow sign and changing the street name. Dem stupid ppl definitely show how they can build a country, doing meaningless things. The sign can be seen way out in space. Is the mayor hoping to get her message suh God can see it.

If these fools get a chance they remove all monuments, they more crazy than those who blew up the Afghan Buddahs.

Instead of moving on and work towards changes they do this shit of pulling down statues and painting huge signs. 

Many cities have black mayors and yet they have major problems. Like blacks are governed by blacks.

The mayor of Buffalo, a Black, said the police was correct in handling the 75 y/o white protesters.

@Former Member posted:

Light weight response. Many continued due to the long visa process and broken families. So they followed through to be reunited. 

It was under the PPP rule the US relaxed visa restrictions as Guyanese were no longer overstaying their holiday visas and becoming illegals.

Your fabrication as usual. Why were illegals caught and deported during the PPP government.  

@Former Member posted:

I don’t agree with what the police did, but Kong Floyd was a career criminal.

Utterly or extremely asinine statement. For the first time, thousands have gathered in my City to march and chant " Black Lives Matter". The majority are not non whites. Just hope one day you don't have to squeak " Meh kyant breathe".

@Tola posted:

Your fabrication as usual. Why were illegals caught and deported during the PPP government.  

Do you have those stats?  When the arrived, etc!

But is it not true the USG relaxed visa restrictions on Guyanese coming for holiday?  Why would they do that if visa violations were high risk?

This is a documented fact. So why did they?  That sums it up.

@Mitwah posted:

Utterly or extremely asinine statement. For the first time, thousands have gathered in my City to march and chant " Black Lives Matter". The majority are not non whites. Just hope one day you don't have to squeak " Meh kyant breathe".

You ain’t more Black than Candice Owens.  Go listen to her speak on the earlier post. 


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