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Problems with the Blackberry smartphone system appear have to spread to the United States.

Users began to report loss of services on Wednesday, with many turning to Twitter to complain about their lack of email.

The latest development follows two days of sporadic blackouts across Europe, the Middle East and Africa.

Blackberry's owner, RIM, said that the earlier problem was caused by core and back-up switch failures.

As news of the failure in the US spread, one user tweeted: "What is the status here in the USA? I am in New York and there seems to be no email service."

Another, who lives in Texas, wrote: "My #blackberry is not working! I can dial out that's it. What's up?".

'Data backlog'

Blackberry had earlier declared services to be "operating normally", only to be contradicted by frustrated users.

Many called on the phone firm to "sort out" the problems and get the network running again.

RIM acknowledged that it was still experiencing problems and apologised for the inconvenience.

"The messaging and browsing delays... in Europe, the Middle East, Africa, India, Brazil, Chile and Argentina were caused by a core switch failure within RIM's infrastructure," a company statement said.

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