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@Django posted:

Understanding Pure Mathematics PDF Download - Knowdemia

Is it this ?

It seems like dem bannas doing some nice series convergence and limits. A hardhead banna name Labba who posted here and that sweeter-than-sumootoo man can't do dem kind maths. Sumoootoo man only know to cuss.

@Former Member posted:

It seems like dem bannas doing some nice series convergence and limits. A hardhead banna name Labba who posted here and that sweeter-than-sumootoo man can't do dem kind maths. Sumoootoo man only know to cuss.

Labba man was fat and lazy fuh true. lol.

@Former Member posted:

Labba is a good cane juice man. He cyant read and write but can count money .

Labba had wan bramin customer who took ownership interest in he cane juice stand. Ah wonda how dat story end.

Last edited by Former Member
@Former Member posted:

chatree meh ass. dat fat labba couldn't fit pon de bramin boat.

Banna, there was no Brahmin boat. They all changed their Sudrs names to Brahmin names so they can get some privileged treatment from the Bakrah man.

@Ramakant-P posted:

Banna, there was no Brahmin boat. They all changed their Sudrs names to Brahmin names so they can get some privileged treatment from the Bakrah man.

so i've heard Rama, so I've heard. Hindu friend in HS told me that they were not real bramins, but boat bramins, meaning they became bramins on the boat. I guess that's what I was trying to say.

@Ramakant-P posted:

Banna, there was no Brahmin boat. They all changed their Sudrs names to Brahmin names so they can get some privileged treatment from the Bakrah man.

Don't worry, Rama! The bird shit man is a mad n!

@Former Member posted:

so i've heard Rama, so I've heard. Hindu friend in HS told me that they were not real bramins, but boat bramins, meaning they became bramins on the boat. I guess that's what I was trying to say.


@Former Member posted:

so i've heard Rama, so I've heard. Hindu friend in HS told me that they were not real bramins, but boat bramins, meaning they became bramins on the boat. I guess that's what I was trying to say.

Do you mean balahoo Brahmin like our boy with 10 iPhones and lots of sushi?

@Former Member posted:

Do you mean balahoo Brahmin like our boy with 10 iPhones and lots of sushi? that what you call them? then I guess so. Never knew the meanin of balahoo. I heard your boy wants you to visit so he can bust your balls and "rub salt in it" lol

@Django posted:

Have to get a copy . Also read from old documents about Dr.J.B Singh.

Regarding JB Singh's daughter Rajkumari Singh, who was her husband and father of her children? I can't find it anywhere.

@Former Member posted:

Regarding JB Singh's daughter Rajkumari Singh, who was her husband and father of her children? I can't find it anywhere.

I'm pretty sure his name was Harnandan Singh and that he was a land surveyor. 


I have to agree with Iguana on this. No Brahmins or high chaste would want to come to cut cane in the unknown. It is similar to Jews where people change their names to Cohen and Levi when they came to the new world to live because those were the class of people who had roles in the temple.

Ali Khan Azad

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